aoisouken - あおい創建|aoisouken

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How Many Meetings Are Possible For A Custom-built House?

How many meetings are possible for a custom-built house?


How Many Meetings Are Possible For A Custom-built House?

Custom-built house building meeting

aoisouken_official@aoisouken_official←Click here for other useful housing information!

▶How many house building meetings are allowed?

In most cases, there is no limit to the number of meetings.

In most cases, there is no limit to the number of meetings. We will provide you with tips on how to have a smooth meeting!

We hope you will find this information useful. Please take a look at it for your own reference!

1There is no limit to the number of meetings for a custom-built house! There is generally no limit to the number of meetings for a custom-built home. The high degree of freedom is one of the appeals of custom-built homes, and you can consult with us as many times as you like until you are satisfied with the results. You can consult with us as many times as you like until you are satisfied.

2Preliminary Knowledge Prior knowledge is important in order to proceed efficiently with meetings. By understanding the basics of the floor plan and design in advance specific discussions will be possible.

3Possible break-up… Although there is no limit to the number of meetings, However, disagreements over financial conditions or design can lead to a breakup of the project. Advance preparation and mutual understanding are the keys to success.

4Exceptional cases Some housebuilders set a limit on the number of meetings. Such policies are rare, but must be confirmed in advance.

Tips for Effective Meetings To make the meeting effective, prepare a list of questions in advance and and clarifying important points in advance are effective. Proceed systematically.

Conclusion In a custom-built house, there is usually no limit to the number of meetings. Close communication between both parties will lead to the creation of an ideal home. This leads to the creation of the ideal home. Gathering and preparing information in advance is key.

We also provide other useful information for home building, We also provide other useful information on home building and case studies of our construction projects. ▶ From @aoisouken_official





スムーズな打ち合わせを進めるための コツなどをお届けします!

ぜひ皆様の家づくりの 参考にしてみてください

1注文住宅の打合せ回数は制限なし! 注文住宅の打合せに回数制限は一般的に設けられていません。 自由度の高さが注文住宅の魅力の一つであり、納得のいくまで 何度でも相談可能です。

2事前の予備知識 打ち合わせを効率的に進めるためには、予備知識が重要です。 事前に間取りやデザインの基本を理解しておくことで、より 具体的な議論が可能になります。

3破談の可能性も… 打ち合わせの回数に制限はありませんが、 財務状況や設計上の意見の食い違いにより破談になることも。 事前の準備と相互理解が成功の鍵です。

4例外的な事例 一部のハウスメーカーでは打合せ回数に制限を設けていることも。 このようなポリシーは珍しいですが、事前に確認が必要です。

効率的な打ち合わせのコツ 打ち合わせを有効に進めるためには、事前質問リストの準備や、 重要なポイントを明確にすることが効果的。 計画的に進めましょう。

まとめ 注文住宅では通常、打合せ回数に制限はありません。 お互いの密なコミュニケーションが理想的な住まいづくりに つながります。事前の情報収集と準備が鍵です。

他にも家づくりに役立つ情報や、 施工事例を紹介しています。 ▶ @aoisouken_officialから

  • aoisouken
    aoisouken liked this · 6 months ago

More Posts from Aoisouken

6 months ago

What is the difference between a house builder and a construction company?

What Is The Difference Between A House Builder And A Construction Company?

▶What is the difference between a house builder and a construction company?

It is not only house builders that build houses.

House builders, builders, and construction companies We will show you the advantages and differences between them!

Please take a look at it as a reference for your home building. Please take a look at it as a reference for your home building ✨.

Custom-built homes are not limited to house-builders Custom-built houses are not only built by house-builders, but also by builders and construction companies. In addition to house-builders, there are also builders and construction companies that work together. Each has its own characteristics and is capable of meeting a variety of needs. Each has its own characteristics and is ready to meet diverse needs. 2.

basic differences House-builders operate large chains and provide consistent quality and after-sales care, and provide consistent quality and after-sales care. Builders are locally based and provide customization with rich design. Construction companies are closer to their customers and can be more flexible.

selection criteria Selection criteria are different for each. House-builders focus on security and warranty, Builders will place more importance on design and regional characteristics, while construction companies cost performance and flexibility. 4.

Differences by sales representative The quality of each company's sales representatives also has a major impact on selection. The experience, knowledge, and responsiveness of the sales representative are important factors in determining the smoothness and satisfaction with the building process.

summary It is important to understand the differences between house builders, builders, and construction companies, and to choose the and choose the building company that best fits your needs and rough style. Choose the best partner for you.



ハウスメーカー、ビルダー、工務店 それぞれの良さや違いをお届けします!

ぜひ皆様の家づくりの 参考にしてみてください✨

1.注文住宅はハウスメーカーだけではない 注文住宅はハウスメーカー以外にも、ビルダーや 工務店が提携しています。 それぞれに特色があり、多様なニーズに応える体制が 整っています。

2.基本的な違い ハウスメーカーは大規模なチェーン展開を行い、 一貫した品質とアフターケアを提供。 ビルダーは地域密着型でデザイン性に富むカスタマイズを提供。 工務店は顧客との距離が近く、柔軟な対応が可能です。

3.選ぶ基準 選択基準はそれぞれ異なります。 ハウスメーカーは安心感や保証が重視され、 ビルダーはデザインと地域性、工務店はコストパフォーマンスと 対応の柔軟性を評価して選ぶと良いでしょう。

営業担当者による違い 各社の営業担当者の質も選択に大きな影響を与えます。 担当者の経験や知識、対応の良さは、建築家庭のスムーズさや 満足度を左右する重要な要素です。

まとめ ハウスメーカー、ビルダー、工務店の違いを理解し、自分の 要望やラフスタイルに合った建築会社を選ぶことが重要です。 自分にとって最適なパートナーを選びましょう。

他にも家づくりに役立つ情報や、 施工事例を紹介しています。 ▶ @aoisouken_officialから お気軽にご覧ください!


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6 months ago

Aoi Soken Co. Bathroom with shower booth!

Aoi Soken Co.Bathroom With Shower Booth

@aoisouken_official ←For other useful housing information, click here! The "Best Quality of Life" by Aoisouken.

Bathroom with shower booth.

Independent bathtub and shower booth, like the interior design of a foreign country. the bathroom like a foreign interior.

Everyday bath time, an exciting time.

Please take a look at it as a reference Please take a look at it as a reference for your home design ✨. ///////////////////////////////////////////

We also introduce other useful information for home building and construction case studies, You can also find other useful information and examples of our work here. ▶ @aoisouken_official Please feel free to take a look!

Aoi Souken for custom-built houses, remodeling and renovation in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan!


@aoisouken_official ←その他の役立つ住宅情報はこちら! 『⼼地よい暮らしのお⼿伝い』


独立したバスタブやシャワーブースが、 まるで海外インテリアのような バスルームを演出。

毎日のバスタイムが、 心ときめくひとときに。

ぜひ皆様の家づくりの 参考にしてみてください✨ ///////////////////////////////////////////

他にも家づくりに役立つ情報や、 施工事例を紹介しています。 ▶ @aoisouken_officialから お気軽にご覧ください!



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6 months ago

No Regrets, Custom Home Floor Plans Thoroughly Explained

No Regrets, Custom Home Floor Plans Thoroughly Explained

No Regrets, Custom Home Floor Plans Thoroughly Explained

@aoisouken_official ←For more useful housing information!

▶Flat floor plans you won't regret

When building a custom-built house, One of the most important items when building a custom-built house is the “floor plan”.

This time, we will give you some tips and points to consider when deciding on a floor plan. We hope that you will find it useful in your home building!

Please take a look at it as a reference for your home building. Please take a look at them for reference when creating your own home ✨.

1.Don't be too influenced by floor plans When it comes to custom home floor plans, we tend to be strongly influenced by other people's examples, but they should only be used as a reference. The most important thing is to make a floor plan that fits your lifestyle and the characteristics of the area.

Imagine the future When building a house, it is important to design a floor plan that looks not only to the present but also to the future. A flexible floor plan that can accommodate your life stages will help you build a home that you will not regret.

Second-floor balconies are often regretted Second-floor balconies may seem attractive, but in reality, they are often used infrequently, The hassle and cost of future maintenance can be a source of regret.

Beware of poor housekeeping lines. Efficient housekeeping routines reduce daily stress. To ensure a smooth flow of choosing, cooking, and cleaning, plan the housework line well in advance.

Regret about the floor plan comes from anxiety. Anxiety tends to lead to an overly large living room or excessive space. To avoid regrets, you need to plan for the exact amount of space. Do not think only by yourself, but also take in the opinions of your family and planners.

Conclusion In order to avoid regrets about the layout of your custom-built home, you need to plan according to your own lifestyle. It is important not to be swayed by other people's examples, but to keep a practical design in mind for the future.

Other useful information for home building and, Construction examples are introduced here. ▶ From @aoisouken_official Please feel free to take a look!

For custom-built homes, remodeling, and renovations in Miyagi Prefecture, contact Aoisouken!

後悔しない、注文住宅の間取り 徹底解説

@aoisouken_official ←その他の役立つ住宅情報はこちら!


注文住宅づくりにおいて、 最重要項目のひとつが「間取り」。

今回は、そんな間取りを決める際の ヒントやポイントをお届けします!

ぜひ皆様の家づくりの 参考にしてみてください✨

1.間取り事例に影響されすぎない 注文住宅の間取りでは、他人の事例に強い影響をうけがちですが、あくまで参考程度に。 大事なのはご自身のライフスタイルと地域の特性に合わせた間取りにすることです。

2.将来のことも想像する 家を建てる際は、現在だけでなく将来を見据えた間取設計が重要です。 ライフステージに対応できる柔軟な間取りは、後悔しない家づくりにつながります。

3.後悔することが多いのは2階バルコニー 2階のバルコニーは魅力的に思えますが、実際には利用頻度が低いことが多く、 将来のメンテナンスの手間やコストがかかるため、後悔の元となることがあります。

4.家事導線の悪さに注意 効率的な家事導線は日々のストレスを軽減します。 選択、調理、掃除などの流れをスムーズにするためには、事前に家事導線をしっかりと計画しましょう。 5.間取りの後悔は不安から 不安な気持ちから、広すぎるリビングや過剰なスペースを設けがちです。 後悔しないためには、的確な広さを計画的に考える必要があります。 ご自身だけで考えず、ご家族やプランナーの意見も上手に取り入れていきましょう。 6.まとめ 注文住宅の間取りで後悔しないためには、自分のライフスタイルに合わせた計画が必要です。 他人の事例に振り回されず、将来を見据えた実用的な設計を心がけることが重要です。

他にも家づくりに役立つ情報や、 施工事例を紹介しています。 ▶ @aoisouken_officialから お気軽にご覧ください!


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6 months ago

TV antenna situation and precautions

TV Antenna Situation And Precautions

TV Antenna - The latest situation and precautions - Thorough explanation

石巻市の注文住宅を手掛ける工務店|あおい創建 -

@aoisouken_official ←Other useful housing information is here!

▶TV Antenna Situation and Points to Note

With the spread of online contents, It is said that people are turning away from TV mainly among the younger generation. It is said that the TV is becoming more and more popular among the younger generation due to the spread of online contents.

So, this time, we would like to give you some hints to decide whether or not to install a TV antenna when you build your house. We will provide you with some hints on how to decide whether or not to install a TV antenna when building a new house.

We hope you will find it useful in your home building. Please take a look at it as a reference when building your own home.

Is a TV antenna necessary? When building a custom-built home, the need for a TV antenna depends on different TV viewing habits. Younger generations are turning away from television due to the use of online content, and an increasing number of them feel that an antenna is unnecessary. The number of people who feel they do not need an antenna is increasing. Types of AntennasIt is important to select an antenna that matches the appearance of the house and the local signal conditions, such as an eight-anchor antenna or a design antenna. It is important to choose an antenna that matches the appearance of the house and the local signal conditions. Design antennas are visually appealing and suitable for urban areas. Antennas can be installed in a variety of locations. Antennas need to be aimed at radio base stations, but the optimal location depends on the design of the house and the surrounding environment. The optimal location will vary depending on the design of the house and the surrounding environment. If the appearance is important, a hidden location is also an option. The location of the antennas should be determined after the floor plan is finalized. Ideally, the antenna location should be considered after the floor plan and building direction have been determined. The location may be affected by the surrounding buildings and natural environment. Television can be viewed without an antenna. With the spread of video streaming services and online news, there is an abundance of content that can be enjoyed even if you do not have an antenna installed and cannot watch terrestrial TV. There is an abundance of contents that can be enjoyed even if you do not have an antenna and cannot watch terrestrial TV. Summary Whether or not to install a TV antenna in a custom-built house should be considered based on TV viewing habits. Discuss this with your family in light of the changes in today's viewing environment and make the best choice.


Other useful information for home building and, Construction examples are introduced here. ▶ From @aoisouken_official Please feel free to take a look!

Aoi Souken for custom-built houses, remodeling and renovation in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan!


TVアンテナ 昨今の事情と注意点 徹底解説

@aoisouken_official ←その他の役立つ住宅情報はこちら!


オンラインコンテンツの普及で、 若年層を中心にテレビ離れが広がっていると 言われている現代。

そこで今回は、家づくりの際にテレビアンテナを 設置するかどうか決めるヒントをお届けします。

ぜひ皆様の家づくりの 参考にしてみてください✨

・テレビアンテナは必要? 注文住宅を建てる際、テレビを見る習慣の違いに応じてアンテナの必要性が異なります。 若年層ではオンラインコンテンツの利用によるテレビ離れが進み、アンテナが不要と 感じる人が増えています。 ・アンテナの種類 八本式アンテナやデザインアンテナなど、住宅の外観や地域の電波状況に合わせたアンテナ選びが 重要です。デザインアンテナは見た目にも魅力的で、都市部に適しています。 ・アンテナを付ける場所はさまざま アンテナを電波の基地局に向けて設置する必要がありますが、住宅の設計や周囲の環境によって 最適な位置は変わります。見た目を重視する場合は隠れた場所に設置するのもひとつの手です。 ・取り付ける位置は間取りが決まってから 間取りと建物の方角が決定してからアンテナの位置を検討するのが理想的です。 周囲の建物や自然環境によって位置が左右されることもあります。 ・アンテナが無くてもテレビは見れる 動画配信サービスやネットニュースの普及により、アンテナを設置せず地上波がみられなくなっても 楽しめるコンテンツが豊富にあります。 ・まとめ 注文住宅にテレビアンテナを取り付けるかどうかは、テレビを見る習慣に応じて検討する必要があります。現代の視聴環境の変化を踏まえて家族で話し合い、最適な選択をしましょう。


他にも家づくりに役立つ情報や、 施工事例を紹介しています。 ▶ @aoisouken_officialから お気軽にご覧ください!



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7 months ago
Aoi Soken|3 Checks To Prevent Leaks In Preparation For The Coming Season!

Aoi Soken|3 checks to prevent leaks in preparation for the coming season!

Prepare for the coming season!

Here are 3 checks to prevent rain leaks!

The rainy season is coming.

We always receive a few inquiries about leaks every year.

The important thing is to prevent leaks before they happen.

We have compiled a list of things you can check before the season arrives.

We have compiled a list of things you can check in advance before the season arrives. Please take a look at it for your reference!

Check the following three points!

(1) Condition of the roof


Rust, lifting, gaps at joints

Roof tiles

(i) Roof tiles: Shifting or lifting of tiles, cracks in tiles, gaps in joints.

It is dangerous to go up on the roof, so visually check from a position where you can see

It is dangerous to go up on the roof, so check visually from where you can see.

(2) Condition of exterior walls

 Check for peeling and cracks on the exterior walls.

 Check the deterioration of caulking at joints.

(3) Ceiling and wall stains

In the case of rain stains, the leak is already leaking.

Consult the nearest contractor before it gets worse.

Supplemental information

Check the gutters as well.

Debris in gutters and downspouts

 Rainwater overflows due to poor flow.

Disconnected gutters

 If the water collector and gutter are disconnected from each other, rainwater may run down the wall,

 If the water collectors and gutters are disconnected from each other, rainwater may run down the wall.

Slope of gutter

 The slope of the water catch basin is sloped toward the water collector.

 Be careful if rainwater is leaking from the gutter.

The water will get wet in places that do not need to get wet,

 This can cause premature deterioration of the building.

Supplemental information (2)

When the roof is rusted

 Even a roof that looks fine may have holes due to rust.

 Rust can cause holes to open up in a roof.

For custom-built housing, remodeling, and renovation in Miyagi Prefecture, contact Aoi Soken!









































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