apinkfriendonamedgabe - Hello friendo!
Hello friendo!

I like yellow

350 posts

I Have A Plan:

I have a plan:

Give away ocs

Have more room

Make walrus

Make birds

Show off

Inspire people?

More Posts from Apinkfriendonamedgabe

3 years ago


I really hope none of you get triggered

Oh fuck

Fuck fuck fuck

:, D

apinkfriendonamedgabe - Hello friendo!

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3 years ago

Please help this homeless trio

We are

Joe (he/him) is in his 60's, disabled due to medical conditions and has been homeless for months after struggling for six years to get disability benefits

Crystal (she/her) is a 30-something single mom and domestic abuse survivor. Her abusive ex currently has custody of her kid, and she was kicked out of her mother's house after a suicide attempt in June

And me, Jesse (they/them) also thirty-something, I've been homeless since March and unstably housed since the beginning of the pandemic.

The three of us met when we were all hospitalized for being suicidal, and since we're all homeless we've been doing our best to take care of each other since we got out of the hospital. I cannot describe how glad I am to not be doing this alone anymore, but we're still really struggling.

Occasionally, one of our caseworkers will come through with a motel voucher for a few days, but for the most part we've been having to move all over the county to stay in the cheapest motels/airbnb's we can find, which isn't conducive to finding work, which both Crystal and I are able and eager to do as soon as we can.

We've been paying for said cheap motels mainly by begging, and the occasional bit of day labor we can pick up. We've been doing this all together for just over a month now, and we need help.

So how can you help us?

What we need most is stable shelter, and we need money to get that. Motel prices fluctuate, but where we're staying right now is just under $100/night.

On the first of next Sept we'll all three have food stamps, but until then we also need help with food. Even enough to buy the makings for pb&j would be a blessing

If we can raise enough money to stay in the same place for even just two weeks would allow Crystal and I to go about finding work, but most days we wake up not knowing where we're gonna sleep that night.

Tl;dr three homeless people trying to survive need help to find stable housing, have nowhere to go after tomorrow morning (post written on 8/24/21)


Venmo: @ jesse-eugene16

Any help and boosts are much appreciated!

If you have any questions, or if you're in the Seattle area and want to offer non-monetary aid (socks, underwear, toiletries, etc), just send me a message and I'll answer as fast as I can

3 years ago

* o *

Omg that outfit is just -chefs kiss-

Chonky shoes???

Cat socks???


Its amazing

Okay, I Add The Shoes And Made The Stockings. So Cute So Much Stickers OMG!! I Can Handle Myself...i

Okay, I add the shoes and made the stockings. So cute🥰 So much stickers👀❤️❤️ OMG!!😅 I can handle myself...i just feel so happy with myself..im proud🤣🥰🥰 ahh it looks so good🙈. I can't wait to put some effects on it to make it ✨pop✨ *aggressively hugs pillow from happiness*

3 years ago
Photos And Final Product For Mq. & Mrs.s Amazing Lgbtq Coloring Book For Kids.
Photos And Final Product For Mq. & Mrs.s Amazing Lgbtq Coloring Book For Kids.
Photos And Final Product For Mq. & Mrs.s Amazing Lgbtq Coloring Book For Kids.
Photos And Final Product For Mq. & Mrs.s Amazing Lgbtq Coloring Book For Kids.
Photos And Final Product For Mq. & Mrs.s Amazing Lgbtq Coloring Book For Kids.
Photos And Final Product For Mq. & Mrs.s Amazing Lgbtq Coloring Book For Kids.
Photos And Final Product For Mq. & Mrs.s Amazing Lgbtq Coloring Book For Kids.
Photos And Final Product For Mq. & Mrs.s Amazing Lgbtq Coloring Book For Kids.
Photos And Final Product For Mq. & Mrs.s Amazing Lgbtq Coloring Book For Kids.
Photos And Final Product For Mq. & Mrs.s Amazing Lgbtq Coloring Book For Kids.

Photos and final product for Mq. & Mrs.’s amazing lgbtq coloring book for kids.

Model : Alicia Michele

3 years ago
Pls Help Me With Living Expenses As My Disability Makes Things Easier Pretty Hard To Manage As I Keep

Pls help me with living expenses as my disability makes things easier pretty hard to manage as I keep searching for new housing for my kiddo and I!

Image description: [ on a tie dye blue and green background is a photo of Riot and payment info. In a white text block with black text reads: “help a black non-binary disabled parent. Then there is a picture of Riot. A light skinned Black person with short black hair and club kid inspired makeup. They have on a vintage 80s sequined blue blouse. Their eyes are closed and their hands are in their pockets. They stand in front of a fence with lots of green leaves overflowing. Underneath that photo is a white text block with black text that reads, Hey I’m Riot. Please help me with funds for daily living expenses to make sure my kiddo and I are all set while she starts school again! Below that is another white text box with black text that reads, Venmo: @Riot-Diaz, Cashapp: $RiotDiaz, PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/DiazPaniagua] end image description.