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Some Casual Character Asks
Some casual character asks
There’s probably some with similar questions out there, but I decided to write up my own anyway. Since I won’t be able to take screenshots until I can fix reshade, I think this could be a fun to pass the time.
Send me a character and a number and I’ll tell you a lil something about my characters!
How old are they?
How tall are they?
What’s their zodiac sign?
What’s their favourite activity on a rainy day?
What’s their favourite colour?
What is/was their best subject in school? What was their favorite?
What are their hobbies?
What’s their favourite dessert?
A song they like? (or a band, or a type of music)
If they were a dog breed, which one would they be?
What’s their biggest pet peeve?
How do they act when they have a crush?
What Hogwarts house would they be sorted into?
What’s the pettiest thing they’ve ever done?
How are they like when they cook?
What would they do for the birthday of someone important to them?
Their idea of a perfect date?
Are they right handed or left handed?
Are they more of a dog or a cat person?
What was their Halloween costume last year?
What was their favorite show growing up?
Do they have any tattoos? if not, what would they liked to get tattooed, if anything?
Do they believe in the supernatural?
Do they like cheesy romantic novels/movies/shows?
Do they prefer coffee or tea?
Any special talent of theirs?
Something that they’re really passionate about?
A secret of theirs?
Do they have any aesthetic that they really like?
A funny story they like to tell?
Something they’re really proud of?
A description of their relationship with other character?
If they’re a story character, a lil vague spoiler?
A random fact?
Free space! Ask whatever you’d like to know
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More Posts from Apocalypsewriters
Absolutely a sucker for the “ARE YOU HURT” once over. The wandering hands, frantically checking for blood or pain just SOMETHING. ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED of what they might find while searching. The panicked look on the face of the person doing the checking, the glossy, confused “I’m fine” from the person being checked. HOO BOY just inject that shit right into my veins
for the ask game, could you do #4 for the new infection crew and #7 for fera, nala, and vh? <3
Thank you briar!!
4. How do you mainly show trust or friendship towards someone? Are you touchy and like cuddling, talkative, showy, or do you just like quietly being near them?
Bella: I definitely ramble when I trust someone. I didn’t talk much when I was younger, but my best friend got an earful every time I found out something new. I get worried about boring people. Or we’ll just sit in silence. I’m not a touch driven person.
Freddie: If I like someone, I’ll offer feedback on their ideas instead of insulting them. Oh, and I’ll face them when I’m in the same room as them, maybe ask what they’re doing. I’m not great at small talk, but I’d at least try if I like you, or trust you not to make fun of me.
Zach: I like everyone! Well, there are certain people I don’t like, but it’s still mostly true. If I trust someone? I guess I’d not smile as much. It’s a little exhausting to be upbeat all the time. And I’d let them do their own thing, trusting that they can take care of themself. I don’t like losing people that are nice to me.
7. What’s your favourite pastime on a rainy day? How would you share this rainy day with a friend?
Fera: I love crafting on rainy days! Those days are also perfect for me to do indoor plant maintenance - I’m trying to keep a bonsai tree, and there are some colorful succulents I keep on my desk. Oh oh! If there are ducks outside I join them, but Vera, my twin, always tells me off when I get inside. She says I’ll catch a cold. And board games! I love playing board games with rain pounding on the roof and lightning flashing outside.
Nala: Honestly, if I’m on my own, I generally catch up on homework. If I’m with someone, it’s really nice to cuddle under some blankets on the couch to watch something together.
Victor-Hecate: I play video games when it’s raining for sure. There’s something about it that makes doing anything else feel really draining, even stuff I love, like beam. And I like multiplayer games, so if someone is over, I’d ask them to join me. Or they can just watch. It’s fine by me
i love aspec men, especially aspec trans men. you guys are awesome <3
Platonic Love In Fiction
Often in books, platonic love is pushed aside and made secondary to romantic love (as a result of an extremely allonormative world). Platonic love should not be pushed aside; no matter whether your character is alloromantic or aromantic, platonic love is still extremely important. As writers, we should be careful not to push platonic love to the backburner.
First off, let’s get this straight. Platonic love is not less than romantic love. To me, platonic love is actually more important, but that’s not the point of this essay. Maybe that’s the point of this essay, but we’re going to ignore that right now.
This is especially a trend in YA fiction, but not exclusive to YA. Platonic love is pushed aside for romantic love. We all know the trend. A character has friends (maybe) until the love interest is introduced and then that’s all that matters. What about the friends? They’re important too. But after the introduction of the love interest they fade into the background until we wonder hey, what happened to those guys?
In our books, we need to make it clear that platonic love is important. Don’t fall prey to the disappearing friend act. If you’re going to write a romance, make it clear that your character’s friendships are just as important, even if it’s a different sort of important. It’s okay for a character to prioritize one sort of relationship—someone might prioritize their family over their friends, their friends over their family, or their lover over their friends or family—that’s okay, as long as it’s clear that all of these relationships have some level of importance to the character and aren’t completely forgotten because of a romantic relationship. As someone who writes a lot of romance and occasionally writes romance-centric stories, I always make sure to prioritize platonic relationships.
While we need platonic relationships to be important, we also need platonic relationships that are more important. What I mean is that we need platonic relationships prioritized over romantic relationships, the same way romantic relationships can be prioritized over platonic relationships. For some people, platonic relationships are the more important relationships, whether that person is alloromantic or aromantic or somewhere in between.
Romantic relationships are not the only type of relationships. Platonic relationships are not less than romantic relationships. We need platonic relationships that are just as important as romantic ones, platonic relationships that are just as strong, just as intense, just as prioritized. We need to see unbreakable friendships in fiction; we need to see best friends who would do anything for each other, who don’t forget each other the moment one gets a romantic partner. We need to see friends whose love for each other is just as strong as romantic love. We need to see queerplatonic partners and relationships that don’t quite fit the bounds of romantic or platonic.
What we need is variation. There is no one type of relationship that is the most important. There is no one type of love that is superior. We need to write about the complexities of love and romantic and friendship and make it clear that one is not better or more important or stronger than the other. We need to break through the idea that romantic love is the only type of love, and we can do that through awareness, being conscious of these biases we sometimes unintentionally hold. Let go of the idea of romantic love being highest on the pyramid—there shouldn’t be a hierarchy at all! All love is equal, and we need to make that clear in our writing. No more treating romantic love as better or more important. All love is equal.
new tag game: reblog this post and tag ur
favorite oc ( yes i’m exposing you )
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meanest oc
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oc you’d bang
oc you’d absolutely loathe if u met them irl