Currently Moving Out And Probably Would Have Already Finished If I Hadnt Been Struck By This Annyoing
Currently moving out and probably would have already finished if i hadnt been struck by this annyoing summer flu
I just wanna have my own place to meet lots of cute guys to hang (read: make) out with
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*when reading Mei Mei as a merely loving and affectionate older sister and not a child predator, like some (admittedly rightfully) do, I actually really like her design, jujutsu technique and overall peak money hoarding demeanor*
Why is the boop thing so funny that it pulls asocial lurkers like me into this app, just to boops 1000 strangers. If you read this, but I haven't seen you, feel equally booped, just without the notification.
Broke my years long lurk streak on a whim to post this. I suck at social media
the only good innovation from facebook was the poke feature. tumblr needs the poke. when a cute girl is mass reblogging me and i don't wanna call them out to their face but i wanna go hey. i see you. being cute. rubbing your face on my blog like a cat. that's what the poke's for