22yo • multifandom • doctor whoDespite everything, it’s still you.«birds in a cage»
815 posts
One Thing That Is Going To Make Me Sad For The Rest Of My Days Is Percy Trying To Find Vesper In The
One thing that is going to make me sad for the rest of my days is percy trying to find vesper in the book-souls and not finding her
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More Posts from Aquariusdeanw
«what does she mean to you?»
Keyleth: I told you that I was faithless, which might be true when it comes to the gods, but not with Vex'ahlia, not with Vox Machina. She gives me my power.
Scanlan: Her name is Vex, and she is greedy and mean sometimes, and she can steal a lot. She's not the greatest person, but her flaws highlight everything right about her. She does all these things to protect her family and friends, she would give her life for any of us and for anyone that was truly in need. And she’s not perfect, but she’s the most perfect of all of us.
Grog: She believes in me. She tries to teach me to use my brain, which I don't do very often. She tries to teach me to learn from the world. And she always cheers me on, which not a lot of people do. I believe in her.
Pike: I don't have a real sister, but I consider her more of my sister than I've ever had. She's family, and if you take her from me, there will be hell to pay.
Percy: She is Mistress of the Grey Hunt of Whitestone, Baroness of the First House of Whitestone. She’s my heart and my judgment and the future that I’ve chosen. She’s the one that I have betrothed to.
Vax’ildan: She’s every hope I have. When I’m gone she will make the world right. She has the intelligence and the saviness and the heart to make real-world decisions. She is me, but better. She is your champion.
«then, there is hope.»
I think that the party saying what vex means to them means EVERYTHING to me
vox machina when pelor asked what vex means to each of them

sprigg quoted doctor who he’s suddenly my favorite