aqueenieme - .eineeuq

| a disastrous mess of unusually usual contradictions : an old soul trying to adult in this world |

843 posts

This Was Hard To Watch, But Also I Think I Needed To See This.

This was hard to watch, but also I think I needed to see this.

😢😢😢😢 You did well, sweetheart. We love you!

More Posts from Aqueenieme

6 years ago

People need to see this! My life would have been easier if someone told me this.. f-ing thank you for finally saying..

I wasn’t asked to a single dance in high school and didn’t have a serious romantic relationship until I was 22. And like, yeah that shit hurt when I was younger. I had a lot of fears that I was unlovable and that I didn’t deserve to be happy. And every time I would try to talk to anyone about it, the conversation became, “you’ll find someone”, when it should have been, “you don’t need a relationship or a date, you’re lovable & complete & beautiful on your own”.

So yeah, please normalize young people not dating, and please stop shaming them for it. There’s more to life than romance, despite what the media wants us to think.

6 years ago

Years later, students state in hushed whispers, "it'll because the man wanted the bloody job for himself."

Ok but imagine every other Hogwarts student finding out each year why the Defense against the dark arts teacher has left.



“Harry Potter let hiM TURN INTO A WEREWOLF?”

“Harry Potter disCOVERED HIM IN A CHEST??”


6 years ago

You can’t just sit there and put everybody’s lives ahead of yours and think that counts as love.

Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being A Wallflower

7 years ago

With the holidays around the corner, I wanted to write you guys a little something special… I know the holiday season can be a tough time for anyone working through any kind of mental health issues and I just want all of you to know that you can get through this! There is nothing more important than self care and I hope each and every one of you carve out the time each and every day just for yourself. It can be as simple as going to get your nails done to buying yourself a little present :) You deserve it and so much more!

Love you guys!! Make sure to take care of YOU ❤️

7 years ago
Princess Pink By Krystelash Featuring 18k Rose Gold Earrings

Princess Pink by krystelash featuring 18k rose gold earrings

Anabela Chan 18k rose gold earrings, 136,915 INR / Jordan Alexander 18 karat gold bangle, 119,360 INR / Vivienne Westwood Anglomania pink gold jewelry, 2,330 INR / Joan Boyce crystal stone ring, 1,595 INR

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