Archer | He/Him [Bigender] | 24 | ♐️ | CARRD LINK: https://archer-kacey.carrd.co/ | Moved from multi-level-shipper | Gay Enthusiast | Currently into: Murder Drones/ Welcome Home/ Bendy and the Ink Machine/ Poppy Playtime |⚡Spark's VA! (My Pride)⚡| Pinching life's testicles and seeing what happens |
319 posts
Yes Girl Release Borderlands That's What I Want!!!!!

yes girl release borderlands that's what i want!!!!!
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More Posts from Archer-kacey

I've been looking at this shit for days now so instead of continuing to torture myself I shall post it and see what happens. These are all OC's. Another four on the way but I can't draw shoes to save my life so it's a real process

Nathan Arch's Foreward [The Illusion of Living]
![Nathan Arch's Foreward [The Illusion Of Living]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/3e96f43b9522f0e2c6c5ab6f1aed0de3/ea9401bc36d31796-1f/s500x750/e881eba6f249f1ccd6c2665fb98b262c8a90ee18.png)
The Illusion of Living was originally released in 1942, then later again in 1972.
Nathan believed that Joey was a positive influence and optimist, and cited readers being "deeply invested in stories about the horrors of the world" as the primary reason why Joey's message wasn't well-received, and why TIOL didn't sell.
Nathan created a private museum filled with as much studio memorabilia as he could get his hands on in an effort to restore Joey's name. (We see this later in BATDR.)
Nathan believes Joey was cheated out of success, attempting to rationalize this by...er...blaming the general populace I guess, and their gravitation towards violence and drama when it comes to entertainment. He expresses frustration that Joey was unappreciated and misunderstood until the very end. Arch does everything in his power to clear Joey's name in death, and finally give Joey the recognition he feels he deserves, even going so far as to re-release his autobiography and added any pertinent context via footnotes.
"...some untruths have come to the surface, some rumors and backlash. The fact that the studio collapsed in such an unceremonious fashion, I have no doubt, contributed to the suspicions that Joey Drew was not the genius he truly was."
"My goal is to restore the name of Joey Drew to the history books as one of the greatest contributors to animation the world has ever known."
Nathan also sees Joey's fake-it-'til-you-make-it philosophy as an overall positive message.
"I hope that we can share the positivity of his philosophy and truly make, at long last, Joey Drew's dream come true."
He also hammers home just how important Bendy was to Joey, likening him to being Joey's own child. From everything we know about Joey, this isn't hyperbole, and Nathan Sr. seems to be strangely aware of this fact.
"Bendy was Joey's child, and he felt just as strongly about Bendy as I feel about my flesh-and-blood son."
Nathan also seems to have deeply cared about Wilson, (at least, according to him.) This means that Wilson is most likely a hater

The Andrew Rannells effect