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Feral Present Mic is SEVERELY underrated,and NEEDS to be discussed more
a post of canon-verse deaf mic headcanons because i have Many and must share them
-some quirks don’t affect the user, but mic’s does. after all, it would be really odd for his ears to somehow not be affected by his voice but still be affected by everyone else’s. mic was not born deaf, but he went deaf very quickly. baby hizashi got stuck in a very unfortunate feedback loop for the first few weeks of his life. he screamed, caused himself pain, which meant more screaming and crying because babies tend to cry when they’re in extreme pain. eventually, he lost all his hearing because of it. mic ended up completely deaf before he was two months old.
-his parents were obviously very affected by his quirk. voice quirks ran in the family, but mic was a powerful anomaly whose voice did irreversible damage. they had no idea how to deal with him and there were a lot of tears and frustration. it go to be too much, and baby hizashi was turned over to child services. quickly, though hizashi was placed with a deaf couple, which truned out to be the perfect solution for everyone’s problems. his adoptive parents are very loving and taught mic sign language
-mic decided to start wearing hearing aides early on. he wore them outside the home primarily, and when he’s home, he’ll sign with his parents. hizashi also has a bunch of tiny little foster/adoptive brothers and sisters. the yamadas are very good with children and are very good foster parents. hizashi’s adoptive parents have, like, an actual clan of children, adult, tiny, and teenaged. not all of them are deaf or hearing impaired and some wearing hearing aides. his parents’ family also have lots of children. family gatherings are fucking huge and very social. all in all, hizashi feels very involved and very much a part of his family, despite being adopted.
-still, though, hizashi feels guilty over what he did to his birth parents. it takes a lot of therapy to eventually forgive himself, and hizashi spends a good portion of his childhood feeling guilty for putting his birth parents through so much hell that they just gave up. he does come to terms with it in high school
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Present Mic and alcohol
Obvious content warning if you don’t wanna read about this topic 💕

I feel like during his 20’s Mic was in a bad place (the trauma from Shirakumo’s death being completely untouched, his old best friend who was the only one who knew how it felt leaving him behind, focusing too much on work I’m sure cus that’s just how he IS) so as a hero that was also very much a celebrity, he ended up doing some more... sketchy things unbecoming of a hero. Yeah sure he was a hero and people loved him, but he did get wrapped up in too much drinking/partying (hinted at in the novel) where he’d end up blackout drunk and get caught up in seedy situations that he couldn’t really get out of even when he really wanted to. But that’s just a personal headcanon, we can reflect more on him as a character without getting personal.
I could kinda see him becoming a teacher as something of a restart for him where he gets to try and reach people and be a good influence instead of the opposite, but he still has moments when he slips back into his more sketchy habits, such as drinking too much.

Also his alcohol tolerance is... really fucking good compared to his coworkers’. It’s hard to notice when he’s drunk and when he’s sober, and his behaviour in the Drama CD where he goes drinking with Aizawa and All Might is just... exaggerated and honestly, suspicious. He “passes out”, but the way it all is laid out and planned as a chance for Aizawa and All Might to talk, and how he slips in a comment at the end that sounds way too coherent for somebody who’s asleep... I dunno... it feels like he was very much aware of what he was doing.
I feel like he’s definitely going drinking after the whole Tartarus situation..
Side note but I would suspect his strong aversion towards mass media comes from them having bent the truth of his past outings to bars and parties, and that’s why he’s extremely put off by their mere existence.
Edit: This is further proven in the fourth light novel where he’s frequently described as one of the heavy drinkers together with Midnight, and everyone’s behaviour seems to once more spiral out of control the longer they drink, but Mic just stays... Mic.

zac efron on the verge of tears after eating pasta is both extremely relatable and also incredibly sad
Like, people who identify as Queer know the word is used like a slur. Trust me, we know.
So when we say “queer is a slur” was started by terfs, maybe use some critical thinking and try to understand what we mean. That is, if you actually care about queer people and the damage terfs do, rather that just screaming “queer is a slur!” and ignoring the actual point.
Terfs did not like that queer was reclaimed. End of. This is a fact. Queer was too broad, too accepting, and embraced all the people they wanted gone. And I know y'all exclusionists feel the same but get pissed when we point it out so you deny it, but sit down and listen for a minute.
Queer was the preferred term for poc. For bisexuals. For trans people. For people with multiple identities. It neatly encapsulated everything, and was a friendly community to those who felt thrown under the bus by mainstream LGBT activism. It was a political and social statement, “you treated my like I was different and weird, and guess what? I am and that’s something to be proud of.”
So the response? “You can’t use that word. Its bad. Its a slur.”
And at the time, a lot of people rolled their eyes. Everyone knew why they didn’t like the word and brushed that off. It was fine.
So they started more subtly. “Just so you know this word is very harmful and is a slur so be careful how you use it :))) in case you didn’t know :)))) its a slur :))) friendly reminder :))) for the sake of other people of course :))))” type shit on every post involving the word, including and especially posts simply mentioning self identification.
Always worded in friendly, concerned ways, like the derailment was meant to be nice and considerate, and not about normalizing their rhetoric.
And what happened because of that was a younger generation of community kids growing up with these statements being thrown at them and absorbed on every. Single. Post. That. Mentionioned. Queer.
The result? That same generation of kids cutting it all short, removing the meant-to-be-palatable niceness, to just say “queer is a slur.”
Exactly how it was originally intended. “Queer is a slur.” People drop on posts where young queer people talk about it being a self identifier that actually fits them. “Its a slur,” they comment, with nothing else, on posts they clearly didn’t read past that word, written by people twice their age who had reclaimed it before they were even born.
Its nasty. Its disgusting. It’s plain old bigotry, whether the people saying know it or not. It is a terf tactic, plain and simple.
And no one wants to deny that it is indeed used as a slur (right along with all the rest of our identities.) No one wants to be insensitive and force it on people who haven’t reclaimed it.
But invading queer people’s posts to spit “queer is a slur” is flat out queerphobic. You do the dirty work of terfs, of cis straight oppressors, by saying in one simple sentence: “its a dirty word, there is no pride in it, you haven’t/can’t reclaim(ed) it.”
And regardless of your actual intentions, when you do this, that is EXACTLY what you are communicating and doing.
“Queer is a slur” is a terf movement. Stop fucking supporting terfs just because you want to pretend like it isn’t.

vegans who refuse to even eat backyard eggs….why

This is the video that launched my #whatdyawannabe series on TikTok. I’ll post some of those next.
14th century doctors be like “i don’t know what’s wrong with you but you’re a woman so i diagnose you with witchcraft”
no one ever wants to mention that marsha p johnson was also a sex worker no one ever wants to acknowledge that sex workers have always been on the frontline of most radical historical movements

Yacouba Sawadogo is an exceptional man – he single-handedly managed to solve a crisis that many scientists and development organizations could not. The simple old farmer’s re-forestation and soil conservation techniques are so effective they’ve helped turn the tide in the fight against the desertification of the harsh lands in northern Burkina Faso.
Over-farming, over-grazing and over population have, over the years, resulted in heavy soil erosion and drying in this landlocked West African nation. Although national and international researchers tried to fix the grave situation, it really didn’t really make much of a difference. Until Yacouba decided to take matters into his own hands in 1980.
Yacouba’s methods were so odd that his fellow farmers ridiculed him. But when his techniques successfully regenerated the forest, they were forced to sit up and take notice. Yacouba revived an ancient African farming practice called ‘zai’, which led to forest growth and increased soil quality.
(Fact Source) Follow Ultrafacts for more facts
Every single time I say the phrase “I was classically trained in the art of multiple choice tests” everyone in the room who’s not a millennial laughs at my joke while all the other millennials in the room immediately look like they just walked in on a funeral by accident.
I can’t wait to have a wife. Coming home from work, exhausted, and just being able to fall into her arms.
Cuddling on the couch while watching a movie with our cats sleeping on the couch with us.
My wife braiding my hair before I go to bed so that it doesn’t tangle. Falling asleep together and waking up to each other in the morning.
Cooking together. Eating dinner together in the living room because in our house we don’t need rules. Kissing. Hugging. Just being married.
I want that for my future.

Mai boy, Mitchell.

(don’t repost. reblog only)
Date a dragon who will hear you mention on of their interests and rush to you with bright beaming eyes and a big old silly grin on their face and just excitedly tells you about things
Date a dragon who appears human, hasn’t told you the truth yet, and is nervous about revealing the truth, yet loves to listen to you ramble about your love of dragons