arethshome - Areth’s Home!
Areth’s Home!

Heyo! This place is basically my workshop playground, so you’ll see many things from my mind.Such things include; Skyrim, The Brunswick Chronicles, Boku no Hero, my own creation The DEC, and more to come in the future. We’ll start with Skyrim, because I became hyper-focused and now can’t get it out of my head.———Areth || He/They || Biro Ace

32 posts

Jan Rayrer Aravhi

Jan Rayrer Aravhi

Silent Thief

Path Starts 4E 203

Last Shadow, Nightstalker, Din

Species - Mer (Dun/Dark Elf)

Sex - Female

Age - 96 (b. 106, d. 471)

Height - 5’8”

Class - Thief

Weapons - (Small) Bow, Dagger

Armor - Light (Thieves Guild)

Clothes - Clothes (0006C1DA), Clothes (0006C1DB), Clothes (000261C0)

[0401CDAA, 0403706A <- & B & C]

Name Meaning - Soul, Pity, Honest

Traits - Mysterious, Curious, Thoughtful, Empathetic, Enthusiastic, Warm, Beautiful, Cold, Blunt - Introvert

Main Skills - Pickpocket, Lockpicking, Sneak, One-Handed

Scar - From… her father (there are more on her back, arms, and legs)

More Posts from Arethshome

3 years ago

Eldyarel Athire

Thalmor Agent

Path Starts 4E 201

Miserable Wretch, The All-Mage, Peacekeeper

Species - Mer (Alt/High Elf)

Sex - Male

Age - 19 (b. 183, d. 333)

Height - 6’1”

Class - Mage

Weapon - Dagger

Armor - Light (Thalmor Hooded, Elven)

Clothes - Belted Tunic, College Robes, Adept Robes

Name Meaning - Venerable Council, Honorable

Traits - Timid, Understanding, Anxious, Loving, Polite, Serious, Unselfish, Talented, Steadfast - Introvert

Main Skills - Alteration, Restoration, Illusion, Conjuration

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3 years ago

Dar’jo - Danjor

Serial Killer

Path Starts 4E 197

Dro’na, The Danger, The Pale Dagger

Species - Khajiit (Ohmes)

Sex - Male

Age - 27 (b. 170, d. 246)

Height - 5’5”

Class - Assassin

Weapons - Dagger, Bow

Armor - None

Clothes - Clothes (000209A6), Clothes (0003452E), Clothes (0006FF45)

Masser - New

Secunda - Full

Name Meaning - Clever or Cunning One of Many Teachings

Traits - Wily, Witty, Antisocial, Intelligent, Untrustworthy, Treacherous, Sadistic, Selfish, Nosy, Fair - Introvert

Main Skills - Sneak, One-Handed, Lockpicking, Alchemy

Scar - Right jaw, below left eye. From an early botched attempt at thievery where he got caught and ended up killing the resident (an Imperial; this is where all that started)

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3 years ago

hehe i hugged cicero :3

Fav follower?

You would be if you were actually following me. 😂

But thank you for hugging Cicero. Your kind gesture is deeply appreciated by happy, stabby jester boi.

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3 years ago

Meliian Lucends


Path Starts 4E 201

Loose-Ends, Shikari Nidar, Sheeva

Species - Humer (Breton)

Sex - Female

Age - 24 (b. 178, d. 301)

Height - 5’4”

Class - Barbarian

Weapons - Bow, Dagger, Sword

Armor - Light (Blackguard, Chitin, Deathbrand or Stalhrim, Skaal)

Clothes - Wedding Dress, Miner’s Clothes (00080697), Miner’s Clothes (0006FF43), Telvanni Robes

Name Meaning - Dear Gift, Light

Traits - Wild, Free, Nice, Kind, Silly, Shy, Cheerful, Amusing, Daydreamer - Extravert

Main Skills - Speech, Archery, One-Handed, Smithing

Scar - Left cheek. Battle with a werebear who snuck up on her

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3 years ago

Backstories (WIP)

These are their.. backstories. :)





Jan Rayrer


Nazbuk / Bruil


