aristofranes - The Adventures of Mrs Hudson
The Adventures of Mrs Hudson

Fran. The Adventures of Mrs Hudson webcomic is on hiatus, but I'm still creating odd bits of fan art and crafts here... ao3: aristofranes | instagram: @aristofranes | twitter: @aristofranes | trek sideblog: @lorcaswhisky

344 posts

(You Know, For Something That Was Only Supposed To Be A 500 Word Drabble, This Is Getting Mighty Wordy.)

(You know, for something that was only supposed to be a 500 word drabble, this is getting mighty wordy.)

In which pretty much everyone is exasperated with Holmes except for Wiggins. 

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More Posts from Aristofranes

9 years ago

faerymorstan said: of course! sounds dapper \o/

Faerymorstan Said: Of Course! Sounds Dapper \o/

Watson’s gone all shy now... (Holmes is sulking because no-one has ever described him as ‘dapper’)

Hmmm, this ink dries a lot more … purple-y than I remember.

Watson could totally rock a slightly-purple coat, right?

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9 years ago

You see? It’s all in the canon, folks...

(Kids - always ask a responsible adult to help you with escapology. Just don’t annoy that responsible adult before you get in the box.)

Mrs Hudson, While I Sympathise Entirely With The Urge To Leave Holmes Locked Up In A Box, You Should

“Mrs Hudson, while I sympathise entirely with the urge to leave Holmes locked up in a box, you should probably let him out now.”

“Can we have a cup of tea first?”

“… I don’t see why not.”

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9 years ago


Now that I would LOVE to see...

I’m pretty sure Watson’s moustache gets bigger and bigger every time I draw it.

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9 years ago

It's still too hot to do very much at all in London, so I've been writing. I've decided that this thing is going to be a case fic, and I've pretty much worked out a plot which I'd basically describe as Scooby Doo with a load of 'orrible murders. The problem is that all I want to write are the silly bits with Holmes and Wiggins and Mycroft and Mrs Hudson and then occasionally I remember that I have to write the Detective Stuff in between to actually get to those bits and ... blehh. It's too warm for that kind of thing.

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9 years ago

The Ghost of McCastle McDuckula! 




Nanny spoils a game of golf, there are bad jokes about four poster beds, Von Goosewing pops in and then the Loch Ness Monster shows up. Television GOLD.

10 Favourite Characters

The lovely consultingpiskies tagged me and asked for my top 10 favourite characters. I’ve tried to limit myself to one from each fandom, just to make it extra fiendish. Deep breath, here we go (in alphabetical order)…

Alexander Dane, Galaxy Quest (”If I have to say that stupid line one more time…”) 

Count Duckula, Duckula (Cassssstle Duckula, home for many centuries to a dreadful dynasty of vicious - vampire - ducks: the COUNTS OF DUCKULAAAAAA. *cue synth drums*) 

Captain Arthur Hastings, Poirot (”I say!”)

Sherlock Holmes Doctor Watson, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes No, I can’t possibly choose, let’s just go for a nice cup of tea and a sticky bun with Mrs Hudson. She’s got all the gossip on them both anyway. 

Jeeves, every single book in the Jeeves and Wooster series (‘Yes, sir,’ said Jeeves in a low, cold voice, as if he had been bitten in the leg by a personal friend.)

Fran Katzenjammer, Black Books (”I am a giant ear, waiting for your songs of niceness.”) 

Megara, Disney’s Hercules (”He comes on with his big innocent farm-boy routine, but I could see through that in a Peloponnesian minute.”)

Severus Snape Remus Lupin Minerva McGonagall, Harry Potter and the Thingies of Wotsit (I was always far more interested in the adults of that series than the kids, to be honest) 

Queenie, Blackadder II (”Sometimes I think about having you executed, just to see the look on your face!”) 

Commander Sir Samuel Vimes, Duke of Ankh Lord Vetinari Lady Sybil Ramkin-Vimes, Discworld (She’s a dragon-keeping BAMF and I won’t hear otherwise)

There are lots of you who I’d like to get to know better but am too shy to ask, SO, if you’d like to do this, consider yourself tagged!

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