[by Harold Pinter, from “Landscape: And, Silence,”] - aroundmesitsthenight.tumblr.com was mine
137 posts
"It Will Be Hard To Rouse Me, And Yet I Am Restless."
"It will be hard to rouse me, and yet I am restless."
Franz Kafka, from a diary entry dated August 30th 1912, featured in 'Diaries'. (translated by Joseph Kresh)
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"The effect of a peaceful face, calm speech, especially when exercised by a strange person one hasn't seen through yet. The voice of God out of a human mouth."
Franz Kafka, from a diary entry December 20th 1913, featured in 'Diaries'. (translated by Joseph Kresh)
"Hatred of active introspection. Explanations of one's soul, such as: Yesterday I was so, and for this reason; today I am so, and for this reason. It is not true, not for this reason and not for that reason, and therefore also not so and so."
Franz Kafka, from a diary entry dated December 9th 1913, featured in 'Diaries'. (translated by Joseph Kresh)
"I am more uncertain than I ever was, I feel only the power of life. And I am senselessly empty."
Franz Kafka, from a diary entry dated November 19th 1913, featured in 'Diaries'. (translated by Joseph Kresh)
"The weariness that disappeared in the middle of the night."
Franz Kafka, from a diary entry dated September 23rd 1912, featured in 'Diaries'. (translated by Joseph Kresh)