aroundmes1tsthen1ght - Such a silence
Such a silence

[by Harold Pinter, from “Landscape: And, Silence,”] - was mine

137 posts

"[...], With All My Desire, My Will Is Weak."

"[...], with all my desire, my will is weak."

Katherine Mansfield, from a diary entry dated February 14th 1916, featured in 'Complete Works of Katherine Mansfield' (published in 2012)

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5 months ago

"I believe in immortality because he is not here, and I long to join him."

Katherine Mansfield, from a diary entry dated October 29th 1915, featured in 'Complete Works of Katherine Mansfield' (published in 2012)

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5 months ago


“Bloom and eclipse them wake up and transform.”

— Chelsea Wolfe, from Birth Of Violence (2019); “The Mother Road,”

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5 months ago

Hi Pauline! I just started reading a collection of short stories by Katherine Mansfield, and I was curious as to wether you’ve read any of her work and what your opinion on it is? Thanks :)

I haven’t read her enough for sure, but I have worked on her short stories in literature and translation classes, and I find her very lovely. I think there’s a purity to her style, a sober, clean, harmonious simplicity which ripples like clear-water, yet veils an astounding number of subtile subversions and nimble hints right under the seemingly transparent surface. Yes. And the fluidity. Especially in her ponctuation work and her interweaving of internal narration and free indirect speech. She’s a delight to analyse—her writing makes for long spells of contemplation ; of putting down the book and mulling over what you just read, and what you just experienced.

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4 months ago

"[...], it occurred to me that my life, whose days more and more repeat themselves down to the smallest detail, resembles that punishment in which each pupil must according to his offence write down the same meaningless (in repetition, at least) sentence ten times, a hundred times or even oftener; except that in my case the punishment is given me with only this limitation: 'as many times as you can stand it'."

Franz Kafka, from a diary entry dated January 24th 1914, featured in 'Diaries'. (translated by Martin Greenberg with the cooperation of Hannah Arendt)

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