artistotaku91 - ArtistOtaku91

Drawing is my Passion!X3 https:// https: // Nerd PLEASE BE 18+OLDER!!! Please Be 18+Older!!

585 posts

Dark Knuckles Belongs To Shadowlifeman And Redesign Knuckles Belongs To Someone Else If You Know Who

Dark Knuckles Belongs To Shadowlifeman And Redesign Knuckles Belongs To Someone Else If You Know Who
Dark Knuckles Belongs To Shadowlifeman And Redesign Knuckles Belongs To Someone Else If You Know Who
Dark Knuckles Belongs To Shadowlifeman And Redesign Knuckles Belongs To Someone Else If You Know Who
Dark Knuckles Belongs To Shadowlifeman And Redesign Knuckles Belongs To Someone Else If You Know Who
Dark Knuckles Belongs To Shadowlifeman And Redesign Knuckles Belongs To Someone Else If You Know Who

Dark Knuckles belongs to Shadowlifeman and Redesign Knuckles belongs to someone else if you know who did it please let me kow.^^

More Posts from Artistotaku91

1 year ago
She-Bulk:Age: 45Bio: A Woman With Huge Height And Musclesthat Can Destroy Anything And She's Neutral.She

She-Bulk: Age: 45 Bio: A woman with huge height and muscles that can destroy anything and she's neutral. She doesn't care who she fights for good or evil as long she enjoys herself and don't get bored and when she's not fighting she can give pleasure to men and women but mostly men.

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1 year ago
Jasmine Marcus:Age: 3858565Bio: A Wealthy Demonesswho Is A Snob But With Good Moralseven If She's Stuck
Jasmine Marcus:Age: 3858565Bio: A Wealthy Demonesswho Is A Snob But With Good Moralseven If She's Stuck
Jasmine Marcus:Age: 3858565Bio: A Wealthy Demonesswho Is A Snob But With Good Moralseven If She's Stuck
Jasmine Marcus:Age: 3858565Bio: A Wealthy Demonesswho Is A Snob But With Good Moralseven If She's Stuck
Jasmine Marcus:Age: 3858565Bio: A Wealthy Demonesswho Is A Snob But With Good Moralseven If She's Stuck

Jasmine Marcus: Age: 3858565 Bio: A wealthy demoness who is a snob but with good morals even if she's stuck up princess at times.

Jessica Fantastic: Age: 456433 Bio: A chubby succubus who is laidback and pleasure all the time but she does care for others besides herself but she's more into the pleasure of men.

Leo Senshi: Age: 49 Bio: A lion who enjoys life and despite him getting into fights and enjoying himself while doing that he actually got a sense of justice and actually is a gentle soul that will protect anyone and be a good role model to kids everywhere.

Victor Flexes: Age: 544323 Bio: A male demon who is cocky but has a good heart guy that loves a good fight from anyone for fun and his also wise that he can good advice and sometimes it can be a little off but he means well.

Richard Alucard/Superbro Age: 346433 Bio: Another alien superhero who is brought here to protect everyone from evil. He became a superhero because of his young sister who looked up to him and always calling him superbro because she him as a superhero. Then unfortunate happen that his younger sister was killed by gangster he stopped but it was too late he distrought about what happen and to make sure no one goes through that the way he gone through. He honor his sister's memories by calling himself Superbro to be a hero to everyone.

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1 year ago
Marisa Ryuoni:Age: 56443324Bio: An Evil Queen Who Is A Demoness.She Wants Superiority And Is A Conquer
Marisa Ryuoni:Age: 56443324Bio: An Evil Queen Who Is A Demoness.She Wants Superiority And Is A Conquer
Marisa Ryuoni:Age: 56443324Bio: An Evil Queen Who Is A Demoness.She Wants Superiority And Is A Conquer
Marisa Ryuoni:Age: 56443324Bio: An Evil Queen Who Is A Demoness.She Wants Superiority And Is A Conquer
Marisa Ryuoni:Age: 56443324Bio: An Evil Queen Who Is A Demoness.She Wants Superiority And Is A Conquer

Marisa Ryuoni: Age: 56443324 Bio: An evil queen who is a demoness. She wants superiority and is a conquer of kingdoms and realms and won't stop until she becomes a goddess of the universe to rule and make everyone suffer, because she has a black heart meaning she cares for no one but herself and will do anything for power godhood to be the queen of the gods. Who will stop her?!

Viper Majesty: Age: 567645123 Bio: An evil queen of the kingdom of Carnage and rules with an iron fist. She and her people devour their prey by conquering other countries for more reinforcements and equipment if they join her if not they will be dinner and she not rest until she conquer every kingdom/land that to continue to better her people, her kingdom and eat more victims.

Vanessa Royal: Age: 76654433 Bio: A evil queen of the kingdom of Vesper who cares for dominance and power. She rules her kingdom with brutality and iron fist, her goal is to continue to have power conquering and ruling other realms to become a demon lord.

Veronica Royal: Age: 234543 Bio: Vanessa's younger sister she's the queen of her kingdom Emerald. Unlike her sister she is a kind and compassionate ruler who wants best for her people and kingdom, her goal is to stop her sister from trying to take over her kingdom and tries to bring her to the good side. They used to be close, but their different beliefs has break them up and now they are against each other will they be sisters/friends again?

Victoria Royal: Age: 986654323 Bio: A demoness who is the oldest of the three Royal sisters and she's very neutral and wants no part of her two sisters fighting against each other. She's the queen of the kingdom Crimson, she cares about her people, kingdom, and her sisters, but she helps both of them that benefits both herself and her people so she doesn't care who she helps as long she gets what she wants and to better her kingdom/people.

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1 year ago
Happy 4th Of July!X3 Be Safe And Be Excellent To Each Other!X3

Happy 4th of July!X3 Be safe and be excellent to each other!X3

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1 year ago
Killer Jeans MEME On Twitter.^^

Killer Jeans MEME on twitter.^^

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