Drawing is my Passion!X3 https://www.deviantart.com/artistotaku91 https:// www.furaffinity.net/user/juneart/ https: //twitter.com/Sheppar66195859 https://www.instagram.com/artistotaku912/ https://artistgamernerd.newgrounds.com/ https://itaku.ee/profile/artistotaku91 https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/14670926/Sonic Nerd https://inkbunny.net/ArtistNerdGamer PLEASE BE 18+OLDER!!! Please Be 18+Older!!
585 posts
Douglas Maximo:Age: 365435Bio: A Vmapire Who Isa Goofball And Caring Manwho Is Peaceful Hippie Kind Of

Douglas Maximo: Age: 365435 Bio: A vmapire who is a goofball and caring man who is peaceful hippie kind of noble which other vampire nobles sees him as a weakling but he's actually one of the strongest vampire noble and will fight when it calls for it and protect those in need.
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Vespa Carter, Abigail Robertson and Rachel Maximillion again
are in the summer enjoying themselves!^^
Also they are too from series Nun X Priest A dventure!X3
Hopefully this is the last summer art I posted and not forget this time lol. Happy Summer!X3

Meet my recent/old OCS/SONAS!
Artist Chan my persona/sona and Bella G Vixen my Vtuber OC/SONA!X3

Betty Warm up and she's the best girl.^^

Last Summer art for this year.^^
Since It's over lol.