asasheep - Asacchi


229 posts

Asasheep - Asacchi - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago
Gotta Eat Em All 2! Falin + Thistle Edition
Gotta Eat Em All 2! Falin + Thistle Edition

gotta eat em all 2! falin + thistle edition

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7 months ago
Saber Of Red - 1/7 Scale - Original Glasses Model Ver. By Wanderer
Saber Of Red - 1/7 Scale - Original Glasses Model Ver. By Wanderer

Saber of Red - 1/7 Scale - Original Glasses Model Ver. by Wanderer

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7 months ago

poor sketch- -trying to draw again, still hurt to draw but I don't want to lose it.

Poor Sketch- -trying To Draw Again, Still Hurt To Draw But I Don't Want To Lose It.
7 months ago
Tohsaka Timeline

Tohsaka Timeline™

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7 months ago
Katsushika Hokusai

Katsushika Hokusai

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8 months ago

(Spoilers for FGO LB6)

Something that has been bouncing around my head for a while now is how interesting it is to compare Bedivere and Oberon's actions and roles in their respective chapters.

(Spoilers For FGO LB6)
(Spoilers For FGO LB6)
(Spoilers For FGO LB6)
(Spoilers For FGO LB6)
(Spoilers For FGO LB6)
(Spoilers For FGO LB6)

...I'm pretty sure I can never put this neatly or concisely enough so ok rambling time!

Which means, this is a warning for a very long post. Seriously.

I have read discussion on similarities between the Faerie Knights and the Knights they were named after, as well as Morgan and Goddess Rhongomyiad, and of course the game itself compares and contrasts Artoria and Castoria. It wasn't until I read that Chapter 6 Habetrot mirrors Bedivere's journey that I realized that our cat-loving fairy is actually Bedi's counterpart in Lostbelt 6 lol, but it is obvious in retrospect (they bond closely with Mash and help her work out her issues, they're both close friends to a queen figure who they now must work against, they're carrying a secret weapon that has to be returned to someone).

So why compare and contrast Bedivere and Oberon? Because I feel like it and also I just think about Bedivere a lot :b A little disclaimer though, I don't actually have Oberon on my account so I might be off base about my understanding of his character...basically, these are just my musings!

But yeah, I think it's interesting they're very alike characters in a lot of ways: they appear to help Ritsuka and co., but secretly had their own agendas waiting to be fulfilled at the end of said chapter. They both even have important bonds to the iteration of Artoria that appeared in their chapters, and interestingly, both of them do mention outright having used Ritsuka for their own purposes and express a sentiment about being fake (Bedivere's wording is "counterfeit" while Oberon is, well, a Pretender).

At the same time, Bedivere and Oberon are very much each others' opposites, too - and I think the key difference here is Bedivere is truly himself, and Oberon...basically can't do that. "Staying true" is an impossibility for Oberon because his very existence is being something he's not.

Going scene by scene, the contrast between the two shows as early as their respective meetings with Ritsuka:

(Spoilers For FGO LB6)
(Spoilers For FGO LB6)
(Spoilers For FGO LB6)

Bedivere tried to keep his distance from the Chaldea crew, even giving a false name and bluntly stating he can be considered an enemy. (key word here being "tried," he sure caved in quickly later on lol) He even says the meeting was just coincidence, and you know, in retrospect it's a crazy stroke of fortune for both Bedivere and Ritsuka to meet like this in Camelot.

By contrast, when Ritsuka finally meets Oberon face to face, he's immediately friendly and personable, even stating he's destined to help them. However, this meeting is definitely not coincidental, as Oberon has been making sure to keep Ritsuka and Castoria on a specific track of actions.

Following the story, Bedivere doesn't actually join Chaldea until he shows himself against Gawain during the night of Selection. And even then, he sort of admits it was an impulsive decision on his part -

(Spoilers For FGO LB6)
(Spoilers For FGO LB6)
(Spoilers For FGO LB6)
(Spoilers For FGO LB6)
(Spoilers For FGO LB6)

And he even confesses to Mash that what happened afterward wasn't totally for Ritsuka's and Mash's sake, he was also just taking advantage of the Chaldea crew.

(Spoilers For FGO LB6)

While he is a genuinely good person, it's true Bedivere had his own personal agenda throughout Chapter 6 which he kept secret until the confrontation with Goddess Rhongomyniad. It just so happened that goal aligned with what our heroes were after, too, so it all works out.

Meanwhile, Oberon does a lot of things to help Ritsuka from the get-go, and he makes plenty of suggestions as to what to do next - but as it turns out, it's all part of his plan to lay the groundwork for him to appear as Vortigern. Castoria even calls him out on this when she confronts Oberon about how he deliberately kept it secret from Ritsuka he knew where Mash was.

(Spoilers For FGO LB6)
(Spoilers For FGO LB6)

Speaking of which, this is another major difference between Bedivere and Oberon -

Part 1 is mostly Mash's story, and as with all of Arc 1's companions, Bedivere mostly guides her.

I know I have terrible BediGuda brainrot hours all day every day lol, but I do admit as far as the actual game goes, Bedivere is shown being very close to Mash. The film switches it up by giving the conversation before the final battle between Fujimaru and Bedivere, but in game, it's Mash who reassures Bedivere there is meaning to his journey, and it's Bedivere who tells Mash how to fully utilize Lord Camelot. Mash even reacts to the news of Bedivere being a summonable Servant by saying she has another Senpai to look up to (which, tbh I'm kinda sad the game never really followed up on, I think it would have been cute to see more of Bedi being Mash's supportive senior at the Round Table).

By contrast, Oberon very much focuses on Ritsuka, and there's a couple of scenes where he talks extensively with Ritsuka about personal matters.

(Spoilers For FGO LB6)

It goes both ways in Lostbelt 6 really, if you think about it, Oberon goes out of his way to have Ritsuka tell him about the Lostbelt and how they've felt so far, but in turn, Ritsuka actually does learn enough about Oberon to be suspicious of him at various story beats. (Although, one thing I'm not completely sure of is, does the Oberon who appear in the Garden of Lost Will the actual Oberon or is it just a representation of Ritsuka's doubts?)

In any case, while they have a different focus in relationships, Bedivere is still clearly shown caring for Ritsuka as Chapter 6 goes on, and at the very end, when he comes clean of everything, he does so with an apology.

(Spoilers For FGO LB6)
(Spoilers For FGO LB6)
(Spoilers For FGO LB6)
(Spoilers For FGO LB6)
(Spoilers For FGO LB6)
(Spoilers For FGO LB6)
(Spoilers For FGO LB6)
(Spoilers For FGO LB6)

So while Bedivere hid a secret all this time, his end goal worked well with Chaldea's goal of eliminating the Singularity, so no harm was ultimately done by his keeping his secret, even if his aberrant action was the root cause for Goddess Rhongomyniad being who she is.

And by contrast, Oberon does address Ritsuka and Castoria's anxieties, and makes sure they are doing what needs to be done, but while doing so he is also making sure he can be Vortigern again. Needless to say, his end goal of destroying the world is something Chaldea needed to stop. Though, my understanding of Oberon is, he does care for Ritsuka and Castoria, but his way of affection and concern is all twisted up because of who he is, so he can't really be honest with them even if he wanted to, because admitting it would turn it into another lie.

Their relationships to the Artoria they knew are also interesting to look at, because both Bedivere and Oberon in part made them who they are. Bedivere meant well when he didn't return the sword, only to find it led to Artoria turning into the Lion King, and he sought her for a long time to fix his mistake. Even then, when they met again, she didn't recognize him until he could reveal Excalibur for what it really was. And before that, Bedivere knew Artoria as a king to be looked up to - he loved her and served under her, so while there are strong emotions of respect and concern, it's still a formal sort of relationship, the king and the knight. Meanwhile, Oberon practically raised Castoria while he could. The way they interact is very much devoid of formalities, since they argue and fight a lot, but deep down they understood each other for what they were.

There's probably also something to be said about how both characters did find closure at the end of their journeys, but while Bedivere got it after fulfilling his goal despite all the hardship, Oberon got it even after he was thwarted at the very end.

(Spoilers For FGO LB6)
(Spoilers For FGO LB6)

I think I can put a few more comparisons in but I'm gonna be repeating my points and just stating what's already in the dialogues.

So to sum them up - one is a horrible liar and the other is a natural liar :b

(Spoilers For FGO LB6)
(Spoilers For FGO LB6)

Sorry, I just had to put in how terrible Bedi is at lying, it's pretty funny.

Gosh, I don't even know how to tl;dr this, it's so scattered and long. I think it took me over two hours to write this and this probably still reads more like ramblings...and man, I hate having to look for screenshots only to find I'm missing the one I'm thinking of and I don't want to be bothered to re-check the game :')

But yeah. Anyway. Bug boy got them issues, while Bedi resolved most of his (good for him).

8 months ago
For Only 18.04 USD, You Too Can Be Judged For Your Purchasing Decisions By This Jeanne DArc Alter Plush
For Only 18.04 USD, You Too Can Be Judged For Your Purchasing Decisions By This Jeanne DArc Alter Plush

For only 18.04 USD, you too can be judged for your purchasing decisions by this Jeanne d’Arc Alter plush pillow 

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8 months ago
asasheep - Asacchi
asasheep - Asacchi
8 months ago

first day as a second century warlord i have my men tie branches to their horses’ tails to stir up dust and make it look like there’s a lot of us but i forget it just rained so there isn’t any dust and the enemy can clearly see there’s like twenty of us all spread out in a line

8 months ago
To Eat Is To Live.

To eat is to live.

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8 months ago

While everyone is freaking out about Proto Merlin (valid), I'll just leave those picture here in case anyone needs them when drawing Bakin and so they won't get lost in the endless sea of content people can't find

While Everyone Is Freaking Out About Proto Merlin (valid), I'll Just Leave Those Picture Here In Case
While Everyone Is Freaking Out About Proto Merlin (valid), I'll Just Leave Those Picture Here In Case
While Everyone Is Freaking Out About Proto Merlin (valid), I'll Just Leave Those Picture Here In Case
While Everyone Is Freaking Out About Proto Merlin (valid), I'll Just Leave Those Picture Here In Case
While Everyone Is Freaking Out About Proto Merlin (valid), I'll Just Leave Those Picture Here In Case

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8 months ago
The Blender Struggle
The Blender Struggle
The Blender Struggle
The Blender Struggle

The blender struggle

8 months ago
Master Of The Night Oil Of The Moon

Master of the night oil of the moon

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8 months ago

happy sleepy bitch saturday

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8 months ago

The Castoria Ukagaka is OUT!

The Castoria Ukagaka Is OUT!

Artoria Caster (Castoria for short) from popular video game Fate/Grand Order is here and ready to mingle on your desktop! Written by @versegm, coded & drawn by @characteroulette, she can do many things such as




Look pretty

Make conversation

Get pet

Change into no less than three (3!) different shells, each of which featuring a removable hat

Empty your bin and check your calendar, if you really want her to do something useful.

You can download her here!


Chronologically, Castoria hails from the aftermath of her adventure. Meaning she is dead. She does occasionally mentions her death and its circumstances, albeit in vague terms.

While Castoria mostly acts kind and helpful, she does occasionally get really bitter and vitriolic. This will never be targeted towards you as a user, but I figure this warrants a warning regardless.

She has one whole line about petplay.

The Castoria Ukagaka Is OUT!

What's an Ukagaka/How do I get the desktop Castoria?

An Ukagaka/Ghost is a computer widget that hangs around desktop. It can do a variety of things (empty your bin, check your calendar, set you reminders, ect) though in Castoria's specific case this is really just "what if blorbo could hang around with you and randomly chat you up." It's a bit like a shimeji, if you've heard of those.

Follow this very simple tutorial and you, too, will get to have the funny Castoria on your desktop! (And perhaps, many other ghosts! We did a Herlock Sholmes a few years back :)

Step 1: Get SSP

SSP is the software that allows ukagakas to run. You can get it here. Yes, the website is in full japanese, but fearen't! I screenshotted the download button you need.

The Castoria Ukagaka Is OUT!

Step 2: Get the .nar file of the ukagaka you want

Some ukagakas have multiple .nar files (Castoria has two for instance), just get all of these bad bitches :]

The Castoria Ukagaka Is OUT!

Step 3: Launch SSP

You should get good ol Emily popped on your desktop!

The Castoria Ukagaka Is OUT!

Step 4:

Drag your .nar files on emily! A pop-up will ask you if you want to install the ghost, and you shall say yes!

Step 4.5:

If the previous doesn't work, you can unzip the .nar files in the ghost folder in SSP, next to Emily's folder.

Step 5:

Right click + change ghost + Artoria Caster

The Castoria Ukagaka Is OUT!

And you should be good!

If you are still having issues, I will redirect you to the Ukagaka wiki and to Zi's blog.

The Castoria Ukagaka Is OUT!

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9 months ago
asasheep - Asacchi
9 months ago

with the Fate/Apocrypha manga finally finished, here's a guide on how to use it to fill in the gaps of the forever incomplete english fan translation of the light novels (also which anime episodes cover the missing content as a bonus, even if I absolutely don't recommend that version).

Fate/Apocrypha light novel English fan translations

Fate/Apocrypha manga English fan translation

LN Volume 1 (full English fan translation)

Manga Chapters 0-15

LN Volume 2 (full English fan translation)

Manga Chapters 16-30

LN Volume 3 (partial English fan translation)

Manga Chapters 31-47

Manga chapters for untranslated section: 44, 45, 45.5, 46, 47

Anime episodes containing Volume 3’s untranslated content (16-17)

LN Volume 4 (full English fan translation)

Manga Chapters: 47-54

LN Volume 5 (no English fan translation)

Manga Chapters = 55-73

Anime episodes that cover the events of Volume 5 (21-25)

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10 months ago

the fucking line delivery of this

10 months ago
asasheep - Asacchi
10 months ago


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10 months ago
Another Reminder To Stop Buying/watching/reading Anything JK Rowling Associated

another reminder to stop buying/watching/reading anything JK Rowling associated

10 months ago
Less Than One Hour To A New Day, Happy Birthday My Bb Girl!!

Less than one hour to a new day, happy birthday my bb girl!!


10 months ago

I want to write a book called “your character dies in the woods” that details all the pitfalls and dangers of being out on the road & in the wild for people without outdoors/wilderness experience bc I cannot keep reading narratives brush over life threatening conditions like nothing is happening.

I just read a book by one of my favorite authors whose plots are essentially airtight, but the MC was walking on a country road on a cold winter night and she was knocked down and fell into a drainage ditch covered in ice, broke through and got covered in icy mud and water.

Then she had a “miserable” 3 more miles to walk to the inn.

Babes she would not MAKE it to that inn.

11 months ago
asasheep - Asacchi