your friendly neighborhood burnt out af Vahumana scholar

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Have I Said How Genius This Plot Is Because I Don't Think I've Said It Enough

Have I said how genius this plot is because I don't think I've said it enough

A claw machine? Who looks at one of those and goes "ah yes, my next plot"??

This is amazing

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More Posts from Asena-queenslayer

4 years ago

The man in the black fedora said wear your fucking masks.

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4 years ago

This. All of this.

I'm so disappointed the show didn't give us even the minimum amount of satisfaction after teasing us with the one scene at the beginning and at the end

Heck, I think Yeong had more screen time with Nari than Seung-ah, which is a darn shame bc we had so much (all appreciated, no complaints) of Eun-sup and Nari, but barely anything of their parallels (I don't think Seung-ah even appeared in the latter half of the show, save for that split-second passing shot of her in grainy security cam footage)

So this very much soothes my longing for our other adorable couple

What are your headcannons around Jo Yeong and Myung Seung Ah's relationship? We barely saw anything with them which made me really sad because I imagine they'd be very cute together.

Ooooh, I like this question. I wish we got to see more of Yeong and Seung-Ah because their initial conversation at the cafe where he finds pictures of himself on her camera is EPIC. Especially when she goes “He’s so cool” and he goes “I can hear you.” I DIED. He clearly knows she thinks he’s hot...and clearly knows he’s hot but you literally get nothing except that brief walking handhold. It sucks.

But I think it progressed something like this:

He thinks she’s beautiful even though he initially got smitten fangirls vibes from her – like he does from a lot of girls (I mean she literally had pictures of him on her camera?!)

But he sees her around the palace and it’s clear she’s good at what she does, and is really dedicated to her job and that’s a quality he admires

His uncle (who I believe works with MSA from that one scene where he takes a picture of her) only has good things to say about her

Yeong also notices how much Lady Noh likes this girl when she doesn’t like most people

So he starts doing what he does best – observing her to find out why everyone likes her because it’s suspicious

He finds her biting sarcasm and the way she talks to people hilarious, she’s professional but there is sometimes a hidden undertone to her words – he sometimes catches himself holding back a smile at something he overhears her saying, it catches him off guard

He sees her everywhere and finds the fact that she’s always wearing well-tailored suits attractive – he is used to women dressing cutely and flirting with him but she’s rather professional (it shocks him)

He also notices that she’s very expressive when she wants to be, hearing her joke around and laugh with people she works with; he thinks her laugh is pretty

Obviously they have to work closely together every time the King disappears, they have to keep his disappearance a secret and she runs ideas by him because he knows Lee Gon the best

He starts seeking her out – having rather abrupt and awkward conversations

He also feels rather jealous when other men talk to her - and a lot of them do because she’s hella attractive - he may have sent people out on useless errands so they stay away from her...not that he’d ever admit that he was jealous

And then he goes to the Republic and is shook that Eun-Sup’s crush is Seung-Ah’s doppleganger

He finds himself looking at that picture he took of her (when he was trying to have thugs point out which one was Luna from a line of pictures) – he hasn’t deleted it for some reason

He thinks he likes her because she’s attractive but feels nothing for Na-Ri even though they look the same

Shit hits the fan, he deals with it and wakes up in a hospital bed with new memories – apparently current him is a bit more trusting and let her in sooner – his newest memory is one of him asking her out to dinner and she agrees – but it’s the day he wakes up in the hospital

She shows up to see him, worried and they sit in the hospital room – and he goes “this isn’t what I wanted for a first date” because he’s on all these drugs that make him loopy

She is like “I know, get better and take me out on a real one”

He says he missed her and laughs saying you’re definitely different (referring to Na-Ri)

He has to babysit the twins on the day of their second attempt at a first date but Seung-Ah offers to watch them with him, she is lowkey happy because she’s nervous and their presence makes it a lot better

The twins love her immediately which surprises Jo Yeong

She totally snuggles into him as they watch a really sappy Disney movie and they both smile like idiots – it breaks the ice

They spend the whole night talking about their lives once the twins fall asleep and she doesn’t leave until like 3am

When they finally go on their first date they’re both rather comfortable and he kisses her when he drops her off home

Seung-Ah spends the rest of the night on a video chat with her sisters, all of them gushing over her date because it’s like a dream come true – she’s had a crush on him for YEARS

They decide to hide their relationship at work but spend most of their time outside of work together

Lee Gon is the one who outs them although most people were already suspicious – he acts rather petulant that Yeong hid it from him but Yeong is like “you’re always disappearing with Tae-Eul”

LG and JTE hang out with JY and MSA all the time, the two join them for dinner and drinks when LG decides to cook because JTE insists

They all become rather close and both LG & JTE notice that JY is more relaxed around MSA

LG is happy because she brings out the old JY, the less serious one who is more like the kid who followed him around everywhere

They get engaged shortly after Tae-Eul becomes Queen, and they get married shortly after Lee Gon and Tae-Eul have twins

Their oldest child is born 7 months after the wedding and their second is a little girl born 4 years later

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4 years ago

okay so where’s the au where jo yeong and jo eun-seob are twins, their parents stayed together, and then had another pair of twins years later? they’re absolute polar opposites and are always asked if their parents divorced and each one raised one twin (no, they just grew up like that). acquaintances of yeong will meet eun-seob and just think ???? meanwhile eun-seob’s friends will meet yeong and be like woah... your brother is so cool and hot (to which eun-seob will always go, we’re identical twins so thank you for the indirect compliment ha!). the two of them have a handful of identity-switch stories (yeong taking eun-seob’s driving test for him because he’s sick of eun-seob failing every time and asking him for rides everywhere, eun-seob dressing as yeong in order to sabotage a date yeong wanted to get out of). the younger twins think yeong is cooler but eun-seob is more fun. they always act annoyed by the other but in reality they would take a bullet for each other, NO ONE gets to talk to him that way only I DO!

basically the potential is all there and I am absolutely living for it

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