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572 posts

You Have No Idea How Hard It Is To Find A Human Male Fnaf Character That Hasnt Been Taken Down. I Finally

You Have No Idea How Hard It Is To Find A Human Male Fnaf Character That Hasnt Been Taken Down. I Finally

you have no idea how hard it is to find a human male fnaf character that hasn’t been taken down. I finally found one!!! :D

  • fnafmerch
    fnafmerch liked this · 9 years ago
  • megan-elith
    megan-elith liked this · 9 years ago
  • squeakycleansins
    squeakycleansins liked this · 9 years ago

More Posts from Ask--my--ocs

9 years ago

*a box arrives for Zebra and inside is Terra waiting for the box to be opened to give a surprise hug to make her happier*

Zèbra: *opens the box* aww thanks *hugs Terra* (I tried to draw it but I couldn’t finish it sorry)

9 years ago
Gabe: Ok So I Was Born In The Netherlands But Put In A Orphanage Because My Mom Didnt Want A Boy. Later

Gabe: ok so I was born in the Netherlands but put in a orphanage because my mom didn’t want a boy. Later on for some reason I had red stuff on my horns and was suspected of murder even though it’s just mane dye that I can’t get off and I wasn’t sent to jail. And a few months later I met Zèbra. We met at a store and hung out as friends, later on we went out on a few dates and now we have  family so that’s it.

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9 years ago
Mod: W-well That Was Uhhh Something

Mod: w-well that was uhhh something

(if you wanna see the video here it is

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9 years ago
Mod Be A Kitty!!!.....and Is Now Bored

mod be a kitty!!!.....and is now bored

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9 years ago

I will find that anon and make it pay

Zébra: *hides in pillow fort* yeah good they deserve it i’ll just stay over in case it gets messy