23, she/they Bisexual College student trying to stay alive but failing because I keep eating potatoes by the handful. Cooked, by the way. I'm not just raw dogging potatoes over here.
142 posts
Invisible String - Josh Kiszka Series Soulmate AU
Invisible String - Josh Kiszka Series Soulmate AU
0.0 Introduction
Angel Samson was born in Nashville, TN and raised an hour west of the city in a small town, on a small farm all her life, never knowing what it was like to see the golden string like so many of her friends could.
In a world where you can’t see the invisible string tying you to your soulmate, but you’ll be able to see a golden string tying you to them whenever they are more in your area or about 30 to 40 miles away.
Not until now did she see her golden string and she finds that the person she is tied to is hard to find and she doesn’t know if they’re capable with each other. She’s worried that whoever they are will hate her or simply not like her, so going out to look for said person is a no-go.
But just like fate, she happens to run into him without any meddling of her own.
(Please let me know if you’d like this to become a thing as I need something to be productive and I also thought about this for some time.
Also I am from TN and I grew up west of Nashville lol. I saw a lot of fanfics that kept portraying parts of Nashville and TN wrong and I was like *Thanos voice* fine. I’ll do it myself! 😤 But I also wanted to make this a thing as I was listening to invisible string and thought it’d be a great song to base a little series around)
“One single thread of gold tied me to you”
“And isn't it just so pretty to think
All along there was some
Invisible string
Tying you to me?”
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namjoon scenario | the vampire groom

➸ prompt: We’re both descended from feuding supernatural families, and to stop the centuries of fighting you and I are arranged to be married.
➸ pairing: vampire namjoon x werewolf reader
➸ requested by anon | 1.2k words | fluff
Events like these make you uncomfortable: lights spinning from crystal chandeliers, sparkling Champaign mixed with blood served in gold chalices, and vampires and werewolves mingling, dressed in sparkling dresses and well-pressed tuxedoes.
The atmosphere is oppressive, the air weighing down on your lungs. Knowing what these people are here to celebrate makes you ill. How can you enjoy your own engagement party when you don’t even know the man you’re marrying? Firstborn son of the coven leader, Kim Namjoon - you’ve heard his name dropped from many tongues, but you’ve never seen him yourself.
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The Guardian || M. Yoongi (M)

Summary: You have never meddled with hybrid affairs, not until the night you find a stray panther hybrid hiding behind some trash containers.
Genre: hybrid au, romance, dystopian, angst, drama, mild smut.
Pairings: Panther hybrid!Yoongi x human!reader
Word count: 20k+
Warnings: Assault, mentions of abuse, some past trauma, and persecutions, blood, mentions of violence and death, threats to the reader’s life, mild smut, voyeurism/exhibitionism (kind of ig), masturbation (male). Some fluff along those lines too.
A/N: this used to be a drabble series since I was limited to the mobile app before. I merged the parts together to make this part one of what is going to be a two-shot now. Nothing has changed regarding the plot, just more words.

A thunder cracks the sky in two, making you almost drop the trash bag all over the ground. You take a deep breath, and tighten your grip around the plastic bag. The bakery’s closing time had passed about an hour ago, but it had been raining so heavily that you couldn’t head home just yet. So you decided to stay and start the clean-up you had schedule for tomorrow morning. Rain had subsided enough now for you to take out the trash without getting wet head to toes, but still the chilly weather makes your whole body shiver.
You go down the three cement steps that connect your bakery’s back entrance to the backstreets where all the trash containers are aligned. Carefully, trying to avoid stepping on a puddle you toss the big black bag over the edge of your container and wipe your hands clean on your jeans.
Glancing down at your feet, you notice your untied shoelace. You kneel down and tie them in a quick knot before you stand up again. But it is in that swift motion that your eyes catch the silhouette of something hiding behind the containers. At first, you can’t quite give shape to it. It is like a big dark ball of wet clothes, and you almost think your mind is playing tricks at you when you notice a fluffy tail wrapping around the ball.
You crouch down again to have a better look at it. It looks like a child, no- a person. A person hugging their knees, face hiding in between their arms. But then you remember the tail, and as you see it curling around one of his legs you realize this is an hybrid. And a stray one if he is here in an alley and not inside a shelter.
As your eyes become accustomed to the dim light, you can make out the shape of his head and the pair of round ears on top of a tousled and wet mane of jet black hair. They twitch when you try scurrying between the containers, closer to him.
“Hey there… Are you lost?”
A pair of yellow eyes look back at you alarmed. He hisses, showing off his pointy canines in a threatening gesture. You stumble back, landing on your ass, and palms against the rough ground. Your heart beat furiously inside your chest when you first tried to stand up.
You have never been this close to an hybrid before.
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Me, opening another 40k fic: Ah, yes, bedtime story :)