astroanesidora - Astro Anesidora
Astro Anesidora

👉PFP by:Makkoi👈 #FreePalestine Hello I'm Astro Anesidora✨ A fellow pokemon fan! I'm into many fandoms like... In Stars And Time Demon Slayer Pokemon Cassette beasts Hollow Knight Rain World Possibly More!

25 posts

Happy Birthday Isabeau From ISAT!

🎂Happy Birthday Isabeau From ISAT! 🎉

⚠️ISAT SPOILERS.(Minor Act Two and Up/ Big Act Six Spoilers!!) PLEASE do go play/checkout this game!!✨

Anyhoo!! Lol not much of a writer.. Soo this will probably not be greatest of work, mistakes here n there I just had a rush of motivation, oh well enjoy ig!✨

Sprite/Game art by InsertDisc5 aka Adrienne!

Birthday Image is from Unsplash!

Happy Birthday Isabeau From ISAT!

(It's Isabeau's Birthday today.)

You remember because Mirabelle and them had all gathered together to discuss it when Isabeau was out elsewhere. You all came together a week before and talked about getting gifts for Isa's special day.

And so here you are all at this rental lakeside house for the next few days. Floralbreeze Lake is the name of this place, named after windy weather and with all of the flowers that always grew all year. A perfect, serene place for any occasion. The house rent price was 50 but as Saviors of Vaugarde, they were given a pass for their saving everyone quest. The owner's way of gratitude for saving the world.

Everyone's here in the big living room which shares space with the kitchen and a fire place. Isabeau is sitting at the wooden countertop with Bonnie, who's a few feet away near the stove, who's busy at cooking up some food for the occasion!

( The scent of cooked veggies and baked fish fills the air. The clanking noise of metal and sizzling of oil.)

There was some baked fish, vegetable stir fry and vegetable beef stew, some drinks and sweets like White Chocolate Mousse and White Chocolate Cake for Isabeau. The white chocolate dishes were Bonnie's gift to Isabeau. Mirabelle sits down next to Bonnie and Odile takes the other side, leaving Siffrin to sit at Isabeau's side and Siffrin was more happy to have it this way.

Siffrin watches as Odile takes a slice of baked fish, Mirabelle scoops some stew into a small bowl and Bonnie takes a small serving of stir fry, Isabeau gets some of fish and Siffrin, himself takes a nice serving of stir fry. They all eventually take portions of all dishes expect for desserts since that's for later. Everyone is occupied with eating and chatting, enjoying the warm, cozy atmosphere.

( Everything tastes so good! As always Bonnie did a great job!)

Bringing another piece of fish to your mouth, and so you chew and savor the flavor. Your fork sinks into a carrot and then into another piece of fish, you eat both, listening into the conversations around you as usual. Mirabelle is happily gushing away about her favorite books with Odile, Bonnie's listening to one of Isabeau's stories as a Defender. You gaze sweeps upon your family members as you finish up your last bits of your meal. You take a sip of water before settling down in your chair. You reach into your pockets, to double check your gift to Isa, a wooden figure of him in his fighting position. Your hands pet against the smooth and carefully carved wood after getting some assurance to clear away your doubts. You put your empty dish to the side to make some room.

Bonnie and Isabeau finish up after you and Odile and Mira do the same sometime after the other two. You and Mira volunteer to gather the dirty dishes while Bonnie and Odile, and Isa put away the leftovers somewhere. You put the three plates and utensils into the sink, Mira puts the remaining dishes along with it. The dishes will be washed later, for now you all have a birthday to celebrate.

Odile and Bonnie bring over the desserts, Isabeau has a excitied and joyful look in his eyes as he sits down again. You put the candles into the cake, Mira is the one to light them up, the cake is pushed closer to Isabeau.

"Happy Birthday Isabeau!" Mirabelle beamed.

"Happy Birthday Za!! Don't forget to make a wish!!" Bonnie rejoiced with their arms in the air.

"Happy Birthday Isabeau." Odile added, adjusting her glasses.

(You breathe in and out. It's your turn.)

"Happy Birthday Isa." You say in a gentle and kind tone.

Isabeau smiles delightfully at everyone, a small hint of blush showing on his cheeks.

"Thanks everyone! I really appreciate it. This is the best birthday anyone could ask for!" Isabeau thanked, Isabeau closes his eyes for a few moments before blowing out the candles. A small round of applause and cake is about to be sliced and given out to everyone. Mira is the one to slice the cake, giving Isabeau the slice with extra berries.

Everyone gets a slice of the white chocolate cake eventually. You decide to skip out on this one but you do snag a few berries for yourself from Isabeau and the others. Isabeau also takes the mousse once Bonnie hands one to him.

Presents are next, Bonnie explains that the white chocolate desserts were their gift to Isabeau, Isabeau gives an extra thanks Bonnie for the desserts. Odile pulls out her gift, it's something small and wrapped in simple wrapping paper, Mira's gift seems somewhat big, hidden under slanted lined wrapping paper with a small bow on top.

You reach into your pocket and pull out the wooden figure, and hold it firmly. Isabeau looks around excitedly, he smiles so brightly and his eyes sparkle with delight. Isabeau moves his hands towards to you, you hand over the wooden figure of him. His face shines even brighter at the sight of your gift.

You meet his gaze without tucking away into your cloak or hat. The wood figure of Isabeau is smooth and clean, chipped and carved into perfection with small noticeable details like his earrings, indents for his fist, clothing. Isabeau holds it with great care, a quick glance with a mix of his "fufufu" and "Really" expression over at Odile, and Odile shoots a amused look back.

"Thanks Sif, I love it." Isa murmurs to you with a smile.

Odile goes next, she shoves over her gift across the countertop. "Here you go, Isabeau." Odile stated.

Isabeau grabs it and pulls off the paper, revealing the hidden contents. It's a small wooden sewing kit, with some simple leaf patterns decor within was some threads of different shades, clips and needles and a pair of small scissors with some other sewing materials that you can't remember are called.

"Whoa!!! Thank you Madam!" Isabeau bellowed, a hand examining the sewing contents while the other hand secures your gift. Isabeau scans through the small box, he closes it and gives another thanks as Odile nods and Isabeau puts the box and figure safely to the side.

Mirabelle excitedly gives her gift to Isabeau next. Isabeau rips off the paper, Two books now sit on the countertop. They're new books, all nice and clean in good condition and having that classic new book scent. "Ummm! I hope you like them!" Mira speaks with a grin.

"Ooh! Two new books and they're about romance!! I can't wait to give these two a read when I can!" Isabeau responded with joy and excitement. He flips over the books a few times to get a close look at them. Getting in quick looks as Isabeau flips through the pages. He puts all his gifts together, the books sit besides the sewing box and the Isabeau figure rests upon one of the book covers.

Isabeau signals everyone to come in closer to him for a group hug, Odile gives her amused expression again, Mirabelle's expression glows with delight and Bonnie smiles, arms in the air like they're cheering. Isa looks at you, getting that confirmation from you, you give a nod.

You all come together, Isabeau's arms wrap around all of your family members. Your arms and everyone's arms wrap around Isabeau, everyone embraces with love, care and warmth. Like a cozy warm blanket shielding against the cold. Everyone's happy and everything's good.

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Donate and spread this around!! ⚠️🙏💕

Donate to Your donation today, new hope tomorrow -  Emergency support, organized by Maher Gaza
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6 months ago

Please donate even a little money. 💖

Hello! Apologies I can't help out much besides bringing up awareness and spreading it out to others! I wish you the best💕