this is just a collection of things I like...that's it...
154 posts
Atelierforyou - Atelier For You - Tumblr Blog
The Sultan of Druzistan - Collab with Aardvark
Liam accompanies his friend Ahmad to a business transaction. While chatting with the elderly shopkeeper to pass the time, Liam hears all about his friend’s gigantic father… and then the fun really begins. - Written by myself and @aardvarkia. It was given a bit of spit and polish before posting.
Liam Rennie had thoroughly enjoyed his visit to Raqash, the capital city of Druzistan. Rolling down the street in his friend Ahmad’s convertible, seeing the rich, attractive Arab men in Ferraris in the next lane, their own hot friends holding tigers on leashes like it was no big deal… Oh, and the architecture wasn’t half bad, either. Ahmad had chuckled when he caught Liam staring.
“Take a picture, my friend. It will last longer,” he teased in his silky-smooth bass as they pulled up to the national shopping mall. “Now, I need to make a quick stop. Care to accompany me?”
“Sure,” Liam replied as they made their way into the opulent building. Women in hijabs and men in long, flowing garments intermingled with those in more modern clothing, and the men had beards a good eight times out of ten. Liam was, admittedly, rather good at containing his arousal, but he had a very big kink for Arab men. Especially older daddy types. The Virginian followed his friend as they weaved through the crowds, trying not to get separated. Ahmad seemed to be going to the very far end of the mall. “What is it that you’re looking for, exactly?”
“Nothing that you’d be interested in,” Ahmad said. That, Liam knew, was code for ‘I’m getting something for my back room, don’t ask questions.’ Ahmad was a bookstore owner… well, officially, anyway. From the back of the bookshop he ran a thriving business dealing in alleged occult items. Everything from statuettes depicting Sumerian gods in various startling positions to books so old that Liam was afraid to even look at them too long, as if his gaze would cause them to give up the ghost and crumble to dust.
At last, they rounded a corner and walked into an out-of-the-way shop, past a severe-looking woman and her obviously-spineless husband. They were both white and obviously from New England, given their accents – these people were Boston Brahmins. The woman was in the latest designer clothing with well-kept blonde hair and nine-inch heels that probably cost more than Liam’s entire yearly income. The husband was well-dressed, too, but the whole outfit looked faded and unkempt thanks to his downtrodden demeanor. The woman was going on about how her son needed to be more careful, while the man nodded and wisely said nothing. Liam pointedly avoided looking at them, not wanting to get yelled at as well.
Inside the shop was mostly various types of glassware and pottery. Liam didn’t give it much thought. He didn’t especially care for the designs. Neither did Ahmad, who marched straight to the counter and whispered something to an attendant with solid biceps. The man’s eyes widened and he nodded, calling for the owner before gesturing for Ahmad to follow him into the back room. Ahmad did so.
“Just wait here for me. I shan’t be but a moment!” Ahmad informed Liam, and then the door clicked shut.
Liam looked around the shop, cooling his heels… and saw a young man in an Avengers shirt looking lost. The kid couldn’t have been more than fifteen at the oldest, obviously just in high school. Liam realized that this must have been the woman’s son.
“Is that boy yours?” came a voice from his right.
Liam turned and saw an old man in traditional garb. He had a long white beard and wrinkled skin, but his eyes sparkled playfully; almost boyishly. He smiled at Liam when they made eye contact.
“Mine?” Liam asked. “What do you… oh, you mean, like, mine? Like my son?” He started laughing. “No no no, I don’t have any kids. I’m too young to have a kid that age. I would’ve had to have been getting-” he almost said the words ‘busy in high school’ before stopping himself, in case that was too lewd.
The man seemed to get the drift, and he chuckled. “I apologize,” he said. “This is my shop, I am protective of it. I do not like children left, uh, how do you say…”
“Unattended?” Liam offered.
“Yes, yes.”
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Customer Service: A Day In The Life.
Road Trip - Collab with Aardvark
Braden grows up a lot more than he expected on a cross-country road trip with his family… - Written by myself and @aardvarkia.
“Remember, guys, we gotta eat fast,” Maurice Pataki said aloud as he piloted the family minivan into a parking space. “We need to make good time so that we-”
“-don’t hit St. Louis at rush hour,” said every other occupant of the car in unison.
“That’s right.”
Maurice hopped out of the car and slammed the door shut. Behind him, in the backseat, his sons Vince and Braden were fighting over who would open their door. Just like they fought over everything. Braden had reached for the handle but Vince had knocked his hand away and opened the door himself, before Braden pushed it shut again from the inside and made an ill-advised attempt at wrestling Vince, who was three years older and had the size to match.
“Guys,” Maurice said, wrenching the door open himself, causing both boys to spill out. “Chill. I know you’ve been stuck back there a while but cool it.”
“He started it!” Braden whined.
“Don’t care. You want Burger King?”
“I dunno,” Braden shrugged, keeping a few steps behind his family as they trudged into the state welcome center.
“Well, they’ve got Burger King, Starbucks, Sbarro, or Panda Express. And you’re not having Starbucks again,” Shoshannah informed him. They all remembered what had happened the last time Braden had had Starbucks. Vince snickered. Braden elbowed him, and was shoved for his trouble. “Vincent Michael, if you do that to your brother again, I swear to God you will spend the rest of the trip in the hotel room.”
“You can’t do that!”
“I can, and your father will back me up.” Maurice, for his part, decided to simply look away and gesture to the Panda Express.
“Hey, buddy, they got your favorite over at Panda, I think,” he said.
Braden perked up at that. “Shanghai Angus?” He smiled at the $10 bill his father handed him, said a quick thanks, and bounded over to the line. Vince, wanting to get something at least reasonably healthy to stay in shape for college wrestling, followed. He was still fuming.
“Y’know, when mom and dad find out what a little fag you really are, then they’ll kick you out,” he muttered.
Braden smiled sweetly at his brother. “If I’m the fag, then why was the daddy porn in your search history?”
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It's orange antivirus superwhy

Amazing This are just as bad as the worst funko pops for the exact opposite reasons
“why are you always on your computer? you should go out more often”

reblog and make a wish! this was removed from tumbrl due to “violating one or more of Tumblr’s Community Guidelines”, but since my wish came true the first time, I’m putting it back. :)

rock lee’s advice to artists everywhere
“How to Art?”

“Hey man that’s not bad!”

“It’s not that great!”

“No it’s good man!”

“Maybe though, add some shading around where the head shadows the neck.”

“Make sure you it’s obvious where the light source is coming from.”

“It will help give the drawing more volume and depth.”

“Whoa! You’re really good at art, man!”

The Raffle (by bigboy116)
SAVE THIS TICKET That’s what was blaring up at Tyler from the bright red ticket stub on his desk. Tyler had just made it into work and, upon his arrival, he found a ticket stub sitting between two rows of keys in his keyboard at his desk. It was the kind you’d see at a fair or some kind of seasonal festival that could be turned in for a ride on a ferris wheel or the like. But what business did this ticket stub have with him? This was a simple office and most certainly not a fair with a ferris wheel. “Hey, Jack? Do you know what the story is behind this ticket stub?” Tyler asked, leaning over to his long time friend and coworker at the desk adjacent to his own. “Yeah, that’s the work of Rhonda from down the hall. Apparently she made some kind of gourmet dessert for the office and felt the need to raffle it off instead of just leaving it in the break room and letting everyone have a piece.” Jack replied, a skeptical look on his face and a mildly uninterested tone to his voice. “A dessert? That kind of seems like a silly thing to cause a ruckus over. I’m sure a lot of people won’t even check their ticket to see if they won.” Tyler thought to himself, sitting down at his desk chair and turning the ticket stub over in his hand a few times. Tyler was a decent sized man, about 6 foot tall and around 200 pounds, and he was fairly careful about what he ate. He promised himself that after he graduated high school he wouldn’t fall victim to the Freshman 15 when he started college. Upon his college graduation, he made the same promise to himself that he wouldn’t let him self go just because he worked a 9 to 5 desk job. He was now 28 and Tyler hadn’t let himself become a cliché. He decided that he was not about to let some fancy dessert become his gateway to an expanding waistline. Tyler booted up his computer and emptied some important papers from his messenger bag onto his desk before placing the bag on the floor at his feet. When he straightened himself back up he saw Rhonda coming down the hallway towards him. She was a curvy, black woman of no more than 35 who carried herself confidently and always looked like she’d just stepped out of the pages of a look book for White House | Black Market. “Good morning, Tyler!” Rhonda crooned at him. “Did Jack over here explain my little raffle to you?” she asked, leaning over Jack and yanking his tie around his neck playfully. “Yes, yes, he explained it to me before. He said there’s some kind of gourmet dessert at stake here?” Tyler replied, trying to be nice and play along. “Well, that’s putting it simply.” Rhonda answered, pushing Jacks chair towards his desk with a quick nudge from her patent leather high heel. Jack slid in and bumped his slight beer belly into the edge of his desk. He righted himself and craned his neck over the dividing wall between his desk and Tyler’s so he could see what was happening. “It’s gourmet, sure, but what’s more important is it’s an old family recipe. See, my family is French and most of us hail from New Orleans. They’ve been settled there since the days of voodoo and witchcraft.” Rhonda explained, her chocolate brown eyes looking deeply into Tyler’s own green ones. “Sounds like something from the last season of American Horror Story if you ask me.” Jack said, still peering over the divider. “Ha! Not quite, Jack. The women in my family may have the beauty and finesse of Angela Basset, but I can assure you they didn’t partake in anything so gruesome.” she scoffed, throwing back her raven hair as if to shake off the mere thought of her family bearing any resemblance to the caricatures created by Ryan Murphy. “My family worked their magic in a bakery in the French Quarter, sweetie. The cake I’m giving away today is something I made myself from the original recipe they used in their shop.” “Sounds like it’ll be worth the wait.” Tyler said, a little more enthused now having heard the backstory and overall reasoning for the cake raffle. Rhonda turned back to Tyler and smiled at him, a little something different showing up in her eyes. “That’s kind of you to say, Tyler. While it seems like it’s just a silly old cake I knew I couldn’t give it to just anyone so I thought I would let fate decide who it belongs to. Whoever gets it is definitely in for a treat. The people who used to buy them from the shop in New Orleans said the cakes were good luck and would always leave them with what they truly needed in their lives.” she said cooly, running her hands across Tyler’s firm back. Tyler remained seated in his desk chair, staring up at Rhonda who was still smiling at him. He was glad to have shown her lineage a little respect, but he felt almost as if this raffle was going to yield more than a well made cake. After hearing her explanation, Rhonda’s family’s cake seemed to almost be a real prize for the taking. Rhonda swiveled Tyler around so he was facing towards her and she leaned down to straighten his tie a bit before performing a swift about-face and heading back down the hall from whence she came. “See you boys later,” she called. “The raffle is at 1 o’clock. I’ll try to make an announcement and then write the winning ticket’s number on the white board in the break room for anyone who misses it.” And with that she was gone. Tyler turned back around to his desk and then noticed that Jack was still looming over the wall between the desks. “Well if the recipe is as old and cherished and she makes it seem, then this cake raffle may turn out to be the most exciting thing to happen around here in a while! We could all use a little luck, don’t you think?” Jack said, holding his own red ticket stub in his hand. “At least two people in this hallway alone announced either a wedding engagement or a new pregnancy within the last six months alone!” Tyler said, looking up at his dopey friend. “Well…those aren’t very exciting for me now are they? Taking home a fancy homemade cake seems like a sweeter end of the deal! We all need things in life, so who knows? Maybe I’ll get a raise!” Jack said, chuckling and finally vanishing from the dividing wall as he sat back down at his desk. “Someone’s feeling lucky.” Tyler said to himself, shaking his head and looking over at his ticket stub that he’d left next to his computer monitor. In the bottom corner of the screen the clock read 9:30 AM. Three and a half hours until Rhonda’s big reveal. ——————————————————————————————————————— By the time 1 o’clock rolled around, Tyler was up to his eyelids in paperwork and data entry. He hadn’t stopped typing since he got an office wide email stating that this weeks monetary reports were being pushed up by two days, resulting in the entire office having to quickly prepare their data before it was due the next morning. Tyler had numbers on the brain, but none of them where the ones listed on his red ticket stub. At about 1:10 PM Rhonda appeared in the office’s break room with a ziplock bag full of red ticket stubs. She shook the bag and removed one from it, checking the numbers carefully and writing them in dry erase ink on the board hanging on the wall next to the fridge. Everyone was far too busy with their reports to hurry into the break room for the raffle, so Rhonda just finished leaving her message for the winner and moved to the fridge to remove the cake from inside. She placed the cake on a table under the white board so the winner would see it. She then tossed her bag of tickets into the trash and went back to her desk, taking a fleeting glance down Tyler’s hallway only to see his head bend down over his computer. She smiled and walked on. ——————————————————————————————————————— By the time Tyler’s own report crisis was averted it was almost 6 PM and the office had ground to a stop. Most people had left as soon as their reports were done, leaving any left over daily work for the next morning. Tyler had somehow managed to finish all his work for that day, including his report, and only spend an extra hour in the office. He was pleased with himself, but worn out. As he gathered his things to leave he saw a flash of red flutter to the ground at his feet. Tyler reached down and grabbed his fallen ticket stub, only just remembering Rhonda’s cake raffle and it’s Louisiana origins. After dumping any leftover papers into his bag and shutting down his computer, he pushed in his office chair and stretched. His firm frame elongated and his button down shirt came untucked from his pants, showing only a brief glimpse of his flat, lightly hairy abdomen. Tyler looked over at Jack’s desk, seeing it vacant and powered down. He didn’t even remember Jack leaving the office. “He must not have won the cake or I would’ve heard something about it.” Tyler thought to himself, turning and walking towards the break room with his stub in hand. Upon arriving, Tyler was surprised to see his own name staring back at him in bold, red letters from the white board. CONGRATS, TYLER! the board read, the winning numbers scrawled below the message. Tyler checked and double checked the numbers on his ticket stub against those listed on the board below his name. On both checks Tyler came up with a perfect match. “But how did she…?” Tyler thought, before turning over the ticket stub in his hand. On the back in black ink was his name, a feature he hadn’t noticed earlier that morning. “Rhonda must have labeled the backs of all the tickets when she tore away the matching stubs this morning. Strange…I don’t remember seeing my name there before, though. Well, I guess this means I’m the winner!” Tyler said to himself quietly, the sound barely traveling around the deserted break room. Upon further inspection, Tyler found the cake on the break room table in a thick plastic container. The plastic was opaque and the cake’s iced outer layer could not be seen. Tyler set his bag on the table and opened the lid to the cake’s container. Inside was a small, personal sized cake with white frosting all over and gold frosted trim around the outer edges. There was some kind of design in the center of the cake in the same gold piping, but none of the symbols registered any kind of familiarity in Tyler’s mind. He assumed they were just random swirls and designs to make the cake look nice. Momentarily forgetting his careful caloric counting, Tyler took a paper plate and plastic fork from the cabinet in the break room and cut himself a piece of the cake. It was a somewhat difficult task considering the cake wasn’t even the circumference of a 45 record. It seemed to be specifically made to serve a single person. After cutting himself a seemingly minuscule slice of cake, Tyler dug in and finally tasted it. The inside of the cake was also vanilla and seemed to be similar to a King Cake served around Mardi Gras. There were fruity and sweet tinges of flavor inside the cake and the vanilla icing wasn’t too sugary or overwhelming. Tyler, after swallowing his first bite, abandoned his reservations and continued to finish off his whole piece. The cake seemed to light and airy that it was almost like eating nothing at all. After finishing his piece he looked down at the still mostly full container and decided to get it all out of the way now so he wouldn’t have to have the cake sitting at home taking up space. Tyler tucked in and finished off the rest of the cake in a matter of minutes. Under normal circumstances, Tyler would’ve been mortified at his actions and would’ve taken desperate measures to make sure he worked off his extra calories and was extremely careful the following day in what he ate. However, Tyler felt completely satisfied and happy with his decision to polish off the little cake. He didn’t feel full or disgusted with himself at all, so there couldn’t have been much harm done. Tyler walked to a nearby trashcan and tossed his paper plate and plastic fork inside before turning back to the table to get his bag. When he had his bag slung back over his shoulder he noticed that the cake’s container he had left table was gone and no where to be seen. Through his warmth and contentment, Tyler forced himself to look around and see if it fell anywhere without his notice. To no avail, he confusedly turned off the lights and exited the break room to head for home. What he didn’t notice, however, was that the congratulatory message Rhonda had left for him on the white board had vanished as well, leaving no evidence of it ever existing. ——————————————————————————————————————— Still confused over the missing container, Tyler tossed his bag in the passenger side seat of his car and buckled himself in. “It must still be there somewhere and I just moved it without realizing or something. I’m sure someone will have something to say about it when they come in tomorrow morning.” He thought to himself, starting the engine and putting the car in gear. As Tyler exited his office’s parking lot and pulled out onto the main road he realized that there was something pulling for his attention at the back of his mind. He realized that it was the warmth he felt after finishing the cake had still not left him. He felt almost as if he had some kind of buzz from drinking alcohol except his motor skills were not inhibited. It was as if his body had become as light and airy as the cake itself. He stopped at a red light and realized that he felt a pressure and tugging at his neck. “I’d better take off my tie. I’ve had it on all day and it’s feeling a bit restrictive.” Tyler said to himself, loosening and removing his tie. He tossed the tie in the adjacent seat with his messenger bag and undid the top button of his shirt, feeling instant relief. Tyler relaxed a bit and listened to the radio before realizing once again that something was bothering him. He realized that there was a slight tugging and pressure coming from his abdomen. It was as if his seatbelt across his waist was contracting him. He wiggled himself in his seat a bit and felt that there was still plenty of slack in the seatbelt. Upon further inspection, Tyler could feel that the bottom two buttons on his shirt were feeling tight against his midsection. “I did just eat a whole cake…but I know I didn’t feel this way when I left the break room.” he thought to himself, becoming ever so slightly concerned at the newfound strain in his shirt. While he drove on, he continued to try and debunk the cause of his seemingly tight lower buttons before, much to his chagrin, that the tightness was spreading. Tyler could now feel that the tightness had increased around his bottom two buttons, and the two buttons above his navel were now starting to strain. Quickly, he looked down into his lap and was shocked at what he found. Tyler saw that the strain on his buttons was being caused by none other than his own midsection. His abdomen had bowed out and looked swollen, now something similar to Jack’s beer belly. “No, there’s no way. There’s no way I gained weight in the time it took me to leave the office.” Tyler said out loud to himself, anxiously trying to convince himself that his new growth wasn’t happening. He did his best to keep his eyes on the road, but a certain points in the drive he simply had to look down and see what was going on in his lap. After another 5 minutes passed Tyler’s entire midsection had swollen out into an obvious starter belly. There was now no way to hide the fact that he’d grown, and the buttons on his shirt were strained all the way up to his chest. Tyler gripped the steering wheel tightly and tried to shift in his seat a bit, still clinging to the hope that he was slouching or maybe just caught his shirt in the seatbelt buckle somehow. There was no debating it now. Tyler’s belly was most certainly growing. He tried to keep his breathing and his MPH speed in check as he continued on his way home. He still had about 15 more minutes before he would pull into his driveway and he was anxious to get home and run into the house to try and deal with his unexplainable predicament. Tyler stepped on the gas a bit in an effort to shorten the distance between himself and his home. Unfortunately, the more anxious he got and the faster the car seemed to accelerate, the more he seemed to grow. He let out a soft, unplanned moan as he looked down to see he was now growing at a visible rate and could make out what was happening in full detail. Bulging and heaving, Tyler’s belly expanded further and further, causing the gap between his buttons to expose some lightly hairy skin to the car’s AC. A chill ran through Tyler, but he still seemed to feel warm somehow as he continued to grow. His burgeoning belly was now nearing the size of a beach ball and began to press into the bottom of the steering wheel. As he expanded, Tyler could hear the sound of the seatbelt pulling further and further out of the wall of the car to accommodate his increasing size. More and more it reeled out until, with a light metallic click, locked and gave no more of the strap. As a result, Tyler’s continuously inflating belly began to push out against the straps and overflow them in every direction. Tyler was in a slight state of ecstasy as he continued to grow. He realized as he moved the steering wheel back and forth that he was having a little trouble moving his arms. He realized that his shirt had now tightened across his chest and biceps, restricting his movement. His whole upper body was expanding as well as his swollen midsection. Tyler, carefully and slowly, raised a hand and felt his chest. He rubbed his fingers back and forth across his straining shirt and then felt the bicep of his other arm. To his surprise there was very little give. Next, Tyler cupped his left pec and squeezed. He’d felt this sensation before…back in high school when he played a little football. This wasn’t flab he was feeling, it was muscle! Tyler, to the groans and strains of the seatbelt around him, tensed his arms and upper body, trying to regain some familiarity with his physical form. He realized that his biceps, forearms, traps, lats, and pecs had all inflated as well as his belly. He now had a thick upper body that reflected what you might see on an avid gym rat. Gingerly, Tyler reached down and pressed a hand into his enormous ball belly. Here, too, there was very little give. Tyler may have inflated like a balloon, but he was definitely showing some signs of thick muscular development. Finally, Tyler arrived home and parked his car in his driveway. His growth seemed to have stopped, for now and he took a moment to gather himself. He released his seatbelt and fed it back into the wall of the car carefully. After it was back to normal, he looked down at his now comically small shirt and saw his huge pecs were now thick melons of muscle sitting atop his rock solid belly. When he reached for the handle to open his door he realized that his arms were straining against his sides and that, upon standing, they would now stick out slightly as if he were a bodybuilder. After a quick survey of the surrounding street, Tyler opened his car door and hefted his massive bulk out of his car. He quickly huffed to his front door and, fumbling a bit with his keys, left himself in. As he passed through the doorway he felt his thick shoulders brush against the doorframe on either side. Tyler shuddered at the realization of his newfound size before closing and locking his front door. Looking across the hall into a hanging mirror, Tyler realized the extent of his growth. His shirt was now only barely hanging on and had somehow not popped a single button. He looked as if someone had inflated his belly with an air compressor and had filled his arms and pecs with water to inflate them thickly. These massive proportions looked somewhat comical on Tyler’s 6 foot frame. As if on cue, the hazy warmth and feelings of ecstasy returned to his body in a flash. Tyler’s belly, pecs and arms once again began to grow, only now they inflated with newfound zeal. A button or two popped off of the top of his shirt and fell to the ground at his feet, revealing at last his bulbous chest. Tyler noticed in the mirror that his formerly thin coating of chest hair was now thick and dense, covering his chest and making him look quite masculine. Tyler bent down slowly and carefully to pick up one of the buttons from his shirt when he realized something else. The sides of his dress shoes were bulging out as if his average size 10 feet had somehow widened considerably. With a loud tear, Tyler’s biceps finally burst through the sleeves of his shirt and shredded the fabric down to the cuffs on his wrists. At the noise Tyler stood back up with a start, causing the rest of the buttons to fly off of the tattered garment and fling themselves down the hall of his home. Tyler shed his second skin of a shirt and tossed in on the floor at his feet. He realized he was still holding the button he had picked up from the floor and he opened his palm to look at it. He only examined the button for a second before realizing that his hands were now thickening and enlarging into huge baseball mitts. The button seemed to shrink quickly in his hands as they grew and became quite meaty and formidable. In shock, Tyler dropped the button and as it hit the floor he had just enough time to notice his continuously straining feet burst out of his leather dress shoes. His former size 10s were now elongating and stretching further and further across the floor as they became size 12s, then size 15s and continued to grow into the 20s. He was now somewhat afraid as he looked back onto the mirror at his thick, growing body. His belly now had a similar coating of hair to match his chest and his muscular upper body hadn’t ceased its own expansion either. As if a force were pulling on him, Tyler felt and saw himself begin to grow in height. His proportions shifted as his whole body grew quickly from his former 6’0 height to around 6’10 and continued to increase. Tyler’s tight dress pants shot up his thick legs and inflating thighs as he steadily gained heigh, his belt straining loudly and snapping open as his belly fought to stay just as huge as the rest of him. The heat in Tyler’s body suddenly rose as he saw in his hall mirror that the bottom hem of his pants were now halfway up his redwood thick thighs and the seams were snapping left and right. With a deepening, loud, and uncontrollable moan, Tyler saw as his head and shoulders disappeared above the mirror that his groin was putting itself on full display. His fly strained against his now quickly engorging manhood. The button on his waist finally burst open from the strain of his colossal belly and his fly snapped apart, the zipper sliding down halfway and then falling to the ground with a clank as the heft of his package heaved forth out of the confines of the cloth pants. Tyler’s deep bass rumble of a voice moaned again as he grabbed his belly in lust, unable to reach his inflating genitals. His former pair of boxer briefs were now stretched taught and had ridden up into a semblance of a pair of posing trunks. With each strain and spurt of growth, Tyler’s package inflated bigger and bigger in his underwear. With each burst of growth down below, Tyler’s now stubble coated face grew more and more hair until he had a thick manly beard coating his newly squared jaw and cheeks. Sagging down under their own weight, his and balls pulled the waistband of the underwear until the base of Tyler’s cock could be seen quite visibly. Growing and growing without abandon, Tyler’s package continued to sag and inflate until the poor, weak fabric disintegrated around the massive heaving flesh. His monster cock began to then elongate in a massive, behemoth erection that was stretching up and around Tyler’s massive belly until it got caught momentarily under his incredible massive right pec. The shaft thickened and grew into a throbbing telephone pole jutting out from his groin until the head dislodged and brushed the underside of Tyler’s thick, bearded chin. His balls and continued to enlarge and grow until they were bigger than bean bags and began to slap Tyler’s thick powerful thighs and knees. His senses and being overwhelmed with growth and ecstasy, Tyler stomped his way into his bedroom to his king sized bed and sat down, back against the headboard and legs splayed out in front of him. In this position, Tyler could rub his massive belly, suck his own gigantic cock head, grab at his mammoth pecs and stroke his shaft. He had to open his legs incredibly wide to accommodate the sheer size and heft of his rotund balls. Here Tyler remained for a while, worshipping his own godly body and taking in his incredible size. For a while, Tyler could periodically see his legs continue to grow and slide down his bed, his massive size 30 feet nearing the edge. He could also feel his wide, powerful back rub up against the headboard as he continued to elongate in size and gain height. Tyler eventually fell asleep, cock in hand, and allowed his body to recharge after his incredible and swift full body growth spurt. He awoke to the sounds of birds outside in the trees and and the sun shining onto his face warmly from his window. When he opened his eyes, despite all that had happened, the sight of his own being shocked him. Tyler’s body had continued to expand while he slept and his legs now extended completely off his bed and and stretched to the opposite side of his bedroom, stopping only when his long, thick size 50 feet and toes and begun to collide and crunch up against the wall. The rest of his body had continued to grow and widen, causing most of his midsection and his thighs to no longer fit completely on his bed. His headboard was now completely eclipsed behind the massive wall of muscle that was Tyler’s back. At the sight of his now otherworldly physical being, his incredible cock began to reinflate and lengthened swiftly, extending up to Tyler’s mouth and then beyond, leaning against the wall behind him and continuing to rise. Tyler his cock downwards, pushing it into the monstrosity that was his scrotum, and saw that the head of it now reach almost to his ankles. He chuckled a deep, foundation rumbling laugh and ran his massive fingers through his thick chest hair and beard. And then his head hit the ceiling.
Deadpool: Aries, Cancer, Leo, Libra Scorpio, Sagittarius
Spidey: Taurus, Gemini, Aquarius, Pisces
Camera-person: Virgo, Capricorn
It's the actual thing woah

this is true love y’all (x) | follow @the-movemnt

You have been visited by the Chan of wealth, reblog this and you will have money come to you!
when you need to poop but the toilet is across the room

if you haven’t seen the brotherhood bloopers yet ur missing out
Mechanical pencil discourse:
These are the good ones