ateloyellow - titled

68 posts

Ateloyellow - Titled - Tumblr Blog

8 months ago

phrases that would change the game if i was allowed to say them to customers:

- you should kill yourself

- i'm going to kill myself

- you should be really embarrassed about the way you're treating me right now

- do you get off to this or something

- i'm going to marry your mother so i can teach you how to behave in public

- bark like a dog. your below me moron

8 months ago
An illustration of a silhoutte of a head with a speech bubble. Inside the head it says "i can't stand being human like this", this is converted through the mouth to the speech bubble, which reads "haha yeah i haven't figured out exactly what i wanna do yet i'm just taking it easy"
8 months ago

I just realized that Pinterest is a portmanteau of pin and interest. I don’t think any website has had such a clever name since.

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8 months ago
ateloyellow - titled
8 months ago
ateloyellow - titled
9 months ago

6/20 gays it

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9 months ago

good looking but hard to talk to

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9 months ago
ateloyellow - titled
10 months ago

nothing is funnier than when a story/arc is abt grief and loss and people are like “this character complains about their dead loved one too much :/” OH DO THEY NOW

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11 months ago

“I do understand—and it is terrible.”

— Franz Kafka, from a letter to Felice Bauer written c. July 1915, featured in “Letters to Felice,”

11 months ago

True!!! Going from being “so mature for your age” and the hardest working student to crying at an empty word document due in 4 hours was crazy.

the stoic teenager to being on the verge of tears anytime something slightly inconvenient happens adult pipeline is very real

11 months ago
ateloyellow - titled
11 months ago

Please post more art

drew this in class

Please Post More Art
11 months ago

I am jealous of those who think more deeply, who write better, who draw better, who look better, who live better, who love better than I.

-Sylvia Plath

11 months ago

we're all at our limit right? can i assume that or

11 months ago

Dear professor this assignment did not nourish my fundamentally curious soul so i did not do it No penalty full 100 points please Goodbye!

11 months ago

how to go from daydream to draft:

begin by daydreaming as you normally do, or just after you've finished doing so. write down every thought you have. one after another. do not reread. do not stop for spelling mistakes. just dump out every thought. this is called stream of consciousness writing. you can do this for every scene you need a first draft for.

struggling to draft the scene? try to daydream about it. start thinking about how it would look, feel, what the characters would say, act it out in your head and then write out the stream of your thoughts as they arrive.

by now you have a few scene dumps. you may be tempted to go back and edit. do not do this expect for obvious spelling mistakes. do not read closely and start thinking "i need to rework this sentence." that is for later. now you're in the zone. draft more scenes. or work out what the next scene needs to be, scaffold it with a few comments. this will be the inspiration for your next deliberate thought stream that you will write out. repeat this process until you have the whole draft.

now that you have a draft or part of a draft you get to do this very fun thing called revise until you're happy. sweep through your draft with specific goals each time. one sweep to fix spelling/grammar. another for character voice. another for plot. repeat until you're happy with it.

leave it alone. just leave it for a bit. at least a few hours or days or even weeks. forget it exists. this will allow you come back with fresh eyes. then you can do your revisions with an eagle eye. now you may realize you need to add/remove scenes. you know how to get the first version down. close your eyes and daydream at your desk if that's what takes!

remember that fiction writing is persuasive writing. you are trying to persuade the reader to care about what happens next, the character's, the world, the feelings. as you're revising, consider whether you are persuaded. is the feeling/thoughts you wanted to provoke being felt by you when you read it? when working with beta readers, be sure to communicate what you're trying to convey so they can tell you if you've been successful or not.

this got a bit beyond getting the first draft done. hope you found it helpful.

bonus tip: check the spellings of names and places and other nouns that are not typically used, like the name of a magic tool!

11 months ago

losing the idgaf war badly (I want to be in love and to have someone be in love with me)

11 months ago
1 year ago

Bunny ASMR 💚

1 year ago
ateloyellow - titled
ateloyellow - titled

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1 year ago

Bunny bath time


1 year ago

Can you draw Glitchtrap looking like this?

Can You Draw Glitchtrap Looking Like This?
Can You Draw Glitchtrap Looking Like This?

Why yes i do believe i can