atrayo - Atrayo's Oracle
Atrayo's Oracle

Is a humble blog site for my recently posted Inspirational Angelic Heavenly channeled psychic ability. Via Clairaudience and Claircognizance offering inclusive spiritual wisdom, metaphysics, and mystical "Jewels of Truth" topic statements. Copyright © 2005-2024 All Rights Reserved

499 posts

Free Will:What We Call Free Will Is A Tremendous Gift From God. This Gift Is But A Chance To Fulfill

Free Will: What we call free will is a tremendous gift from God. This gift is but a chance to fulfill our role in life for the highest good of all. Or we can ruin this gift by wasting ourselves and our environment around us into oblivion. However a God(dess) of absolute Love will always redeem us with the benefit of a grace that is everlasting. Do we exercise this gift of "Free Will" with prudence or do we waste it by our own personal misgivings for each passing moment? That is our gift to decide the outcome. For those that witness free will and its consequences by the atrocities of mankind. Have watched how humanity has chosen poorly and is laying waste to the "Garden of Eden". Be mindful of this powerful gift of free will and thus be good stewards of such a grace. That is when it is rightly used for the betterment of all. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

"Jewels of Truth: The Wayfarer of the Soul", Volume 2 pg. 57

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11 years ago

Life: Keep your mind on solid practical ground in order to maintain a sincere balance. However allow your heart to connect to your soul where the heavens will pour into your spirit. Allowing creative forces to marshal to your aid as a form of awakening your purpose in this one life. Live your dreams, but do so in a harmony with this world that will permit you not only to succeed. But to thrive where it is applicable. This is the manner in how to live a life full of grace. According to the eternal promise God(dess) offers creation as a whole. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

"Jewels of Truth: The Wayfarer of the Soul", Volume 2 pg. 94

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11 years ago

Magic: I believe and know in Magic! This magic is not pagan nor based upon witchcraft. It is based on the sacred "Divinity" within all of us and the beauty of life itself. This magic I speak of manifests itself in synchronicity, omens, blessings, and most of all in "Miracles" both small and large. Another word for this magic is the "Grace of God(dess)" that performs wonders that are dynamic and vibrantly alive. All of life is singing in harmony. It is only when we quiet the turmoil around our minds and hearts by truly listening. Can we begin to hear the orchestra of angels playing for God(dess) in its fullest splendor. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

"Jewels of Truth: The Wayfarer of the Soul", Volume 2 pg. 103-104

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11 years ago

Where You Can Locate "Atrayo's Oracle" On The Net

Hello All, Some of you my readers may know perhaps of only this source where I publish my works. Such as the "Jewels of Truth" spiritual wisdom series or my other passion of futuristic innovations that are solutions based in abstract summary form. Yes, that was a mouth full on the latter portion, which I call a "Gem of Opportunity". No matter I try to keep up a social media presence on a shoe string budget. Here are the 5 places where you can find my work online: 1) Google's Blogger: 2) Tumblr: 3) Facebook Fanpage: 4) Twitter:  (My Personal Profile) 5) Google + (Plus)  (My Personal Profile) There you have it. Some plain and simple means to locate my works on the Internet. However only here at Blogger do I have links where you can purchase Volume 1 & 2 of my spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth". Published by, also available on the "Amazon Kindle" (Lending Library Feature) and "Barnes & Nobles Nook" book reader device. ("Atrayo's Oracle", is also available on the Kindle device as a monthly blog subscription.) Thank you for being readers and certainly enjoying my own dharma. Namaste.

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11 years ago

Music Industry Concept: "One Song, Multiple Lyrics"

Hello All, Today's entry is a "Gem of Opportunity" as one of countless innovations I provide here at "Atrayo's Oracle" since 2005. First off, I dedicate this to a "Mr. Dela (Carlos) Candela" although your way may feel incomplete without your music. Your music hasn't even left you, you have just switched to another frequency in your life. The rhythm beat is eternal. Just silence your white noise and you'll find it singing your dreams into reality. To all other songwriters undiscovered and those that have fallen off the soul train. Challenge yourselves with my concept of today, even if it is just a mental experiment. To prove to yourselves that you have the skills and the talent to pull it off. My concept of "One Song, Multiple Lyrics" is meant to clear the cobwebs off of past popular music. Even music that is now Copyright Free. Meaning: Nursery rhythm's, Patriotic Songs (National Anthems), Gospel music (ie Church music), Classical music, etc... Music that however belongs to a record label, well what can I say? If the song you put out that has been reinvented in lyrical content becomes famous. Well just get prior approval from the record labels if you go professional with it. Taking music of one genre and completely twisting it out into another interpretation of a musical genre. However keeping up to 90% of the original instrumentation that made the song famous in the first place. Your just Reskinning the song inserting brand new unheard of Lyrical Content. Examples for instance taking the classical "Flight of the Valkyries" without any lyrics. By arranging it to a musical genre of say heavy metal music or some form of grunge alternative genre. Another example taking "Queen's, Rock it" song and reinventing the lyrics to a Dance genre beat. Or "Cindy Laupers, Girls Just Want To Have Fun" and reworking / reskinning the lyrics to a Rap genre of music. When I mean reskinning I mean Gutting the original lyrics of a popular or famous song. To insert your own creation in Lyrics to the musical beat, harmony, melody that already sounds and feels good to the song. This is no way resampling by those of you that are Disc Jockeys (DJs). The Song Writers that have Cajones can go after the Sacred Cows by slaughtering them creatively speaking. For instance reworking / reskinning the song "Amazing Grace", the "American National Anthem", or a Beatles song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds". So many in years past have reskinned the nursery rhythm of "Jack & Jill" fetching their pail of water up the hill. Often using adult mature language in the process, comedian "Andrew Dice Clay" comes to mind years ago. Recording artists if not more over record labels can put out an album using my concept. Whereby 2 to 3 songs are reskinned 2 to 3 times apiece. Yes, you heard me right after reworking the lyrics to a song once. Do it all over again with a completely different set of lyrics. That talent will belong to the greatest of Song Writers for sure. So I challenge all you Song Writers that are dying to break into the music industry. Show your chops by bringing back forgotten popular and famous music reskinned for a contemporary generation of music listeners world wide. Talk about recycling music, isn't that Green?

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11 years ago

Jewels of Truth Statement: "On Vigilance"

Vigilance: Those with a vigilant heart must always uphold the truth for the common good. Doing so permits transparency of the masses so as to govern with prudence and wise counsel. If the populace does not hold a government, a corporation, or any other institution in check. Than gross negligence, abuses of the system, or crimes will be committed without regard to safety, property, or the utmost general welfare for all that allows liberty to flourish. Vigilance must occur in tandem with those who are honest brokers for the justice of the many. Otherwise there will be no accountability for the abuses of high crimes done to the State or its own citizenry. Without vigilance there is no hope for the highest good of all that are concerned for the agenda of the many. Vigilance is the sentinel of the astute and the considerate. For a place where justice is the highest and fairest regard for all who are of the "Light of God". ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. "Jewels of Truth: The Wayfarer of the Soul", Volume 2 pg. 172

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