atrayo - Atrayo's Oracle
Atrayo's Oracle

Is a humble blog site for my recently posted Inspirational Angelic Heavenly channeled psychic ability. Via Clairaudience and Claircognizance offering inclusive spiritual wisdom, metaphysics, and mystical "Jewels of Truth" topic statements. Copyright © 2005-2024 All Rights Reserved

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Jewels Of Truth Statements & Favorite Quotes Of The Month

Jewels of Truth Statements & Favorite Quotes of the Month

Season Greetings, I hope now things are getting close to finally settling down for many of you celebrating Christmas, and other associated religious Holidays. Technically there is also only 2 weeks left until the close of this year 2013 as well. About the only holiday after New Year's for Christians is that of Epiphany on January 6th. Which commercial retailer gift giving took hold fiercely of how the three Magi's paid homage to the baby newborn Christ. With gifts and offerings to the babe born within Bethlehem some 2 thousand plus years ago. By the way I hear two days ago the city of Bethlehem in Israel experienced a rare snow storm dropping up to a foot of snow. (cities of Jerusalem and Ramallah too) Bloomberg: Mideast Storm Dumps Snow on Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Ramallah (Link) Today I'll be sharing my usual trio of "Jewels of Truth" spiritual wisdom statements in the series #1024-1026. On the topics of: God(dess) times x2 and on Heaven. Written originally in mid March to early April 2010. As always may you enjoy them as this year comes to a close. Where inner reflection of the topics at hand may give you each a moment of poise in order to expand your spiritual horizons. Independent if you agree or disagree with any of the present to past topics. Namaste. :o) --------------------------------------------------- God(dess): 1024)  Across Creation in many spoken tongues and cultural to intellectual concepts of God exist or have existed in another point in time. With so many sincere names of God(dess) having come into fruition no matter how confusing they may be to comprehend. The simplest to understand and yet the most powerful to enlist of them all is "Love". When "Love" is uttered as a sincere and well intentioned word of power. It can conjure up many sacred acts of benevolence into form and being. A deeper layer than most to such a true name of God(dess) is the very consecrated act of "Loving" as itself. As the "Holy of Holies" is stated in deed be it in common or up to extraordinary actions. Than the "Spirit of God(dess)" has been invoked in kind from the mundane to the majestic. No matter the scale of the intent as it has been materialized upon the world. It is good and just by the impact offered which will be made in absolute according to the "Will of God". All things good whether spoken or performed as acts of "Love" by its purest invocation are of God. As such it has been made flesh through humanity and all other creatures both small to large as children of God throughout the cosmos. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. God(dess): 1025)  The highest power in Creation is also the highest Love we call God(dess). Such a supreme and all encompassing power is the source to all life in the universal cosmos and beyond into the realms of Spirit itself. We as humble onlookers of this great majesty can only be in awe with the sheer fortitude to all the diversity mirrored back at us. Be it by fellow living beings or up to environmental landscapes that confront us all by our limited lifetimes on this Earth of ours. Yet as if tourists for a season we pass through these earthly halls with often more sincere questions than having answers for them. Know this, that the Highest Love in God(dess) will not surrender us to inequity or calamity without our expressed permission. We who are the righteous children of God before birth chose our lives down to the smallest detail. With the aid of our brethren as Angels we shall walk this Earth and the Stars as mortals with faith. Our lives are shining beacons across the skies of the spiritual heavens themselves. We are not forsaken, but truly blessed in the presence of God in our constant midst. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Heaven: 1026)  As souls we do not age since we are of God in the eternal form and substance of his almighty being. We do continue to grow and learn from the combined lifetimes we are exposed to as a form of grace. Those souls seeking to sojourn back to their source can not travel there alone, but only grow back into heaven. How does one grow back into heaven you ask? It is by our intentions and our sacred deeds combined by how deeply we love in moderation through the creative forces of life itself. Without "Love" in our hearts for each other and for all other entities as environmental beings within Creation. We forestall our good from being received on an appropriate basis of grace. Where we succumb to a consciousness that is contrary to all that is wholesome and divine in our lives. Our strength lies in our unity with God and his "Holy Will" for the highest good to be always accomplished. The glory of God(dess) within us would not require anything less than obedience to what we hold most sacred or of greatest benevolent importance. Otherwise we delay the inevitable bounty of the "Kingdom of God", but delay does not ever mean denied. Cultivate your souls before the eyes of God in order to maintain the steady stream of blessings in your lives. That is how one grows to heaven right now and not after we have departed from this world. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. ---------------------------------------- Never give out while there is hope; but hope not beyond reason, for that shows more desire than judgment. ---William Penn. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. ---Matthew 6:21 For it is not you who speaks, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you. ---Matthew 10:20

More Posts from Atrayo

11 years ago

Jewels of Truth Statement: On God(dess)


There is only one love we know as God(dess). All Love in its Infinite forms emanates from the very center of God's being. It has always been "One Love with Infinite Expressions". This one love binds all as one blanket of warmth across eternity. In the sweetest eternal embrace for all life through which all the realms of creation may flourish. God(dess), is for all Lovers of any sort as they desire to express their grace within. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. "Jewels of Truth: The Wayfarer of the Soul", Volume 2 pg. 70

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11 years ago

Jewels of Truth Statement: God's One True Face

Hello All, Here we are together already on the half-way point of this first month of the year. Kudos, to my readers in both "Poland and Malaysia" that have spiked my readership numbers for the last couple of months. I appreciate the attention and your readership, truly I do. Today's entry is on the topic of "God's Face" as the very majestic "Holy Spirit", and the one he shares through his own creations. Which we all have an aspect of him in the very core of our spiritual identity. This "Jewels of Truth" statement is numbered #1633 in the series and was written in late December of last year. As always do enjoy the content and may it very well stretch your perception of what it means to be a very much alive spiritual entity in God. Amen. --------------------------------------------------- God: 1633) Our God the one true god will only have "One Face"! Not unlike any other living creature that has only one face in composition. However such a magnificent face has an infinite variety of expressions. That portray life in its most various forms. Not all expressions will be recognizable to even the most devout pilgrim as a supplicant to God. This is why you will know the most earnest being by their actions rather than their speech alone. Many will be convinced otherwise and thus become easily fooled by the charisma of a pretender. For every deceived person there are ten more innocent persons awaiting God into their own personal lives. The harvest of souls is ever growing in evangelism that is filled with compassion and humility. If one religion or philosophy does not speak to your soul. Then move onward looking for benevolence wherever it may be found. Allow the spirits of the ancestors to guide you and not the tricksters amongst humanity. You will know you have found a slice of paradise in faith and understanding. When your humanity is not smothered nor are you treated like cattle. A well traveled soul is more respectable than one whom has denied their own divinity. Albeit all are worthy vessels for the divine to inhabit in sincere measure. Having mindfulness not to harm your brothers or sisters by proclaiming ego based superiority in any form. Be it in your duties or rank by means of service in whatever aspect it may take in practice. God(dess), is always found in all things simple in nature. All gentle and diminutive forms of life is God at his most sublime akin to a child. Be in awe wherever you find the splendor of mother nature for Father God is wed to her for an eternity. You will find the beloved with his spouse always in the "Holy Spirit" of matrimony. Treat all creatures with reverence as you should be treated with dignity and not with fear. Respect the nature of each entity for all have boundaries as mortals. As souls however we are all boundless through our united "Spirit of God". God, the one true god of all deities assumes them all as his progeny in Spirit. Watch him smile with love in gladness at his creations forever more. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

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11 years ago

Jewels of Truth Statement: Democracy Come Undone

Hello All, Recently as I have been witnessing the devolution of politics in my own country at least on the Federal National level. Like many of my own countryman I have felt appalled, apathetic, disappointed, besides many other stomach turning emotions. This is not to say there is no hope, yes there is hope. However it may not fully materialize itself in our present tense by the litany of shenanigans of our elected buffoons. Since truly a congress under a zoological sense is considered a pack of buffoons by the definition of the word. Yet, this is insulting the literal buffoons as our primate cousins to compare them to near useless elected political officials. The following "Jewels of Truth" statement #1607 was written on the topic of Governance. It's more so directly pointed at America's contemporary disposition in terms to illogical and ineffective governance policies. With its petty and selfish bickering in our national halls of power. In the wake of all this inaction perhaps unrealized by many its creating a literal and figurative power vacuum in Washington D.C. Whereby if the Federal government is no longer seen as credible, than the States in themselves will usurp more power to their own ends. Creating a new or old "Tug of War" between the Federal powers versus the States semi-autonomy. This is what happens as unintended consequences to the "Great American Sell Out". By our political leaders to the capitalists (monied special interests) without much pension for ethics or morality. True profits, led by false prophets ain't that a recipe for disaster in the world?   ---------------------------------------- Governance: 1607) For a nation to value its contributions to the world. It must first make an honest assessment of what it holds dearest in societal values. Sometimes hypocrisy will creep into such a discourse. When elegant and noble platitudes will be paid lip service. Where in the farthest reaches away from the public eye is mischief afoot. Setting up a program of maleficence in order to maintain internal and external grips on power at nearly any cost. If such a nation is a declared democracy it won't stay one for long. For the classical modus operandi  has changed in order to calcify its base of power. The term the "Emperor Wears No Clothing" signifies a "House of Cards" or in other words a power vacuum is occurring. A costly game of charades where even ones allies across the globe are confused as to your actual motivations. Pretenders posing as the ideological solution parade themselves across all forms of public media outlets as the populace consumes the news. Truly do not follow the clowns for their amusement is not to be desired. These are the charlatans seeking fame and fortune to develop their own "Cult of Personality". False Prophets by any other name to confuse the sincere and entertain the vain at heart. When a nations cultural celebrities are gossiped over the neglect of the masses. Than surely a societal revolution is simmering just beneath the surface. This is when the temperature of a nation becomes frothy where tempers begin to boil over the pot. Ignore the pains of a society to your own undoing in the end. Whistle blowers seeking to alleviate the steam being generated senselessly soon find themselves as public enemy number one by the State. Patriots of tomorrow despised today by the actual felons committing crimes against the populace. Only to become upheld by the doctrines of subterfuge allowed by the State, but revealed by the whistle blowers. Revolt is not the answer, but civil disobedience is the first line of defense against gross injustice across the land. Deny not the dignity of those you disagree with in terms to secular governance policy. Never demonize them lest you seek violence over peace. Make not enemies of your own countryman. Resolve differences in the spirit of goodwill led by true compromise. Otherwise the nation will erupt into chaos, if not eventually become fully undone at the seams.   ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

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11 years ago

Jewels of Truth Statement: On The Philosophy of Reality


The physics of any given reality, be it the reality all around us or the reality of our souls substance can be viewed as contrary poles of existence. However it is and has always been one reality, albeit layered into several dimensions of creation. We as humanity can be in denial to the prowess of our souls environment, and still adhere to the macro dynamics of the physics of our world and the stars beyond. This is still a short sighted approach where science creates an artificial conflict with Spirit. There is no separation, it is all one family of understanding. Only in our ego's and immature sense of justice can we say otherwise, and declare it as the ultimate truth to our own disservice. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. "Jewels of Truth: The Wayfarer of the Soul", Volume 2 pg. 130-131

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11 years ago

Jewels of Truth Statement: The Wonders Beyond Prayer That Are Unto God Himself

Hello All, I hope your New Year celebrations were festive and delightful enjoyed with friends, family, and strangers alike. As we enter this new year don't persecute yourselves with your "New Year's Resolution". Especially if it was very unrealistic for you to accomplish in all sincerity. Saying this does not denote abandoning those resolutions that you promised to yourselves that have merit as well. My New Years Resolution is always the same year in and year out so as to keep it simple. It is "To do the best I can and be very well for it", no fuss no muss. It's self-explanatory with no pressure to strive for my best and to execute it well with residual rewards along the way. Today's "Jewels of Truth" spiritual wisdom statement is on the topic of "Metaphysics". Numbered in the series at #1630 for those keeping count written this past mid-December. This statement seems to skim across several topics such as: prayer, our divinity, heaven, and God as a whole. So I chose the general category of Metaphysics instead since it covers this gamut very well. Please enjoy the material even though you may disagree with aspects of it. Nonetheless it will stretch the horizons of your minds in asking "What If"? As always these spiritual wisdom statements I write with Inspiration using Automatic Writing as a technique. ---------------------------- Metaphysics: 1630)  All prayer is an intimate act between oneself and the Creator God. No matter if one prays in a group or by oneself alone. The intent is to utilize the Divine system or "Holy Laws" for the abiding good to prevail in all things. When we pray for another person and when we pray to our ancestors be they a particular loved one or strangers to us in this one life. We are utilizing an Ancient timeless system that maintains no borders. For it is everywhere simultaneously as we deem such a presence as the "Holy Spirit" of God. God's, own persona made into a manifest essence beyond that of any physical limitations. So when we pray we assume a union with such a holy presence that is eternal and Infinite in nature. We consciously flip a switch of our own divinity to come first as to subordinate our mortal self. What this reveals is all sorts of wonders deemed as prior impossible or fictitious to humanity itself. This becomes a voided after thought by means of an atonement that neutralizes such restrictions of any physical world. Miracles, Blessings, Omens, and so forth are native and become common occurrences for the "Holy Spirit" to accomplish. Under the guise of our divine selves as living spiritual entities. We are not bound to petty whims of the humanistic frail ego. An awakening no matter how brief binds us all into a sublime "Oneness". All things are always happening within the eternal "Now". This "Now Moment" is a constant Eternal dimension transfixed as a solitary point unto itself. Many call such a place Heaven, but heaven is also known to the Angels as God(dess) the Creator. There is one truth and the countless Infinite illusions that follow as a continual window dressing over the hidden truth. God, is a constant reality unto himself. Everything else is an illusion guided by his "Holy Will" so as to live through his creations. And, for his creations to live through God in a symbiotic fashion. We utilize the essence of God when we pray, meditate, or contemplate to transcend our mortal limitations. To cross through the illusionary veil freely and with total liberty as divine beings having a very finite physical existence. In our own holy spirits we become like god, but we are not God himself. We are the Image and Likeness of God as divine beings made from Heaven as the embodiment of True Love. Anything short of this is a shadow that passes from the truth and into oblivion. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

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