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Berta | Muse Como

Berta | Muse Como
Berta | Muse Como

Berta | Muse Como

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3 years ago

ASPECTS. ִ ۫ ּ ִ ۫ ˑ ֗ ִ ˑ ּ



I’m not a Professional Astrologer so some of this might be inaccurate. Take all of this with an grain of salt.


Aspects is how the planets act in different Signs, it’s the relationship between them. Learning Aspects can give you an insight into the stories that are slowly going to or already have and is ongoing out in your life. An Aspect happens when a Planet is at a number of degrees away from another Planet or Angle in the Chart. Your Chart is laid out in a 360° circle. Each own special Planet rules different parts of our life and has very different descriptions. It affected us with what the Sign they’re in, as well as the Aspects that they’re forming. There’s Major Aspects, Minor Aspects and rare Minor Aspects.

Major Aspects.


CONJUNCT : is the most powerful and strongest Aspect of Astrology. It’s when two planets merge together to make an entirely new power. It’s like a fusion, somehow. When they’re in conjunction, it gets a bunch of distinct traits of its own. The closer the conjunction is, the more of this is more powerful and transformation is more true.

TRINE : are technically the best and most auspicious Aspect, it brings major “luck”, and harmony and potential skills so you can harbour. Trines typically act in the same elemant. And in favour, they work out very well together making an effortless team. Only downfall, is that people with these could be tend to be lazy even though they have potential.

SQUARE : are one of the more harder Aspects to deal with. It creates tension between the planets that are in the square, energies. It creates problems and challenges that arises to your life. The only thing you can do is find an solution and it helps you to realize and overcome this.

SEXTILE : are can basically mean hidden talents. (Planets for more clues) These can also make goals that are related to those planets very easy to gain. The energy makes so the Planets have a very easy time working together. However, it doesn’t add much friction. This person will realize their ideas but won’t follow through because they have no movitation to do so.

OPPOSITE : is like a tug of war and a battle between power struggles since there are two complete different ends. And shows us an section in our life that is unbalanced. There’s always going to be one more dominant while the other basically doesn’t “exist”. As it is a great power imbalance.

Minor Aspects.


SEMI-SEXTILE : Semi-sextile less impact than a sextile. It can tell a lack of easiness and may impact the growth of our interests. It makes us more conscious of our inherited traits. It’s also the aspect of completion, you may finish something that was started by a family member (Depending on the planets)

QUINCUNX/INCONJUNCT : This Aspect is basically the Aspect of desiring or longing. These individuals put the hard effort and yet it doesn’t come out they way they wanted it to be or basically predicted to be with all of their hard aspects gone to waste.

SEMI-SQUARE : Semi-square has a lot of friction and tension. The difference from the Square placement is that there’s much less awareness and concern involved with this. It’s frustrating with this aspect as there are lots of minor irritations along the way as the stress and difficulty are also high.

QUINTILE : Quintiles actually gives talent and it’s meant to do something, and these individuals use these talents the way they’re suppose to be used. Whether it be artistic, scientific or etc.

BI-QUINTILE : This is similar to Quintile except the individual does vaguely acknowledge their talent. However, sensitive enough. It could lead to getting a bit more creative and finding solutions as the individual is optimistic.

SEPTILE : Septile is actually linked to spirituality. Keyword is “inspiration”. This individual may want to delve deeper into the topic on a more spiritually side. A very subtle energy that only comes to people when people think.

SEMI-QUINTILE : It has a weaker affect than Quintile but it adds more ambition to this aspect.

SESQUIS-SQUARE : This aspect is similar to the Square and Semi-Square Aspect, Conflict is more easier to work than the Square. It’s easier to supress it. The point is to grow and learn from this Aspect but it makes it more likely to surpress it. This individual would likely tend to ignore these conflicts and Relief is short-lived.

Rare Minor Aspects.

Couldn’t find pictures.

NOVILE : This is like the end of something, and the beginning of something. It ends, and then something else starts.

SEMI-OCTILE : There could be health concerns. Probably only ever used in Cosmobiology and Uranian Astrology. Very weak influence.

SQUILE : There could be malice associated with this Aspect. There could be so much determination to the point of it being harmful.

SQUINE : Think of this of an Square and a Trine both merged together. This Aspect could have tension of conflict while also it beingan effort worth into constructing.

TRI-DECILE/TREDECILE/SESQUIQUINTILE : Individuals need to be alone for them to use their creativity alone.

QUINDECILE : Inability to quit. A lot of determination. An compusion where the individual quite can’t escape.

Angles & Orb.

CONJUNCT : 0–⁠10° (Maximum is 8° is neither Sun or Moon is involved.)

TRINE : 120° (Orb is 5°-10°)

SQUARE : 90° (Orb is 5°-10°)

SEXTILE : 60° (Orb is 3°-4°)

OPPOSITE : 180° (Orb is 5°-10°)

SEMI-SEXTILE : 30° (Orb is 3°-4°)

QUINCUNX/INCONJUNCT : 150° (Orb is 3°)

SEMI-SQUARE : 45° (Orb is 1-3°)

QUINTILE : 72° (Orb is 1.2°)

BI-QUINTILE : 144° (Orb is 2-3°)

SEPTILE : 51° (Orb is 1-2°)

SEMI-QUINTILE : 36° (Orb is 1-2°)

SESQUIS-SQUARE : 135° (Orb is 2-3°)

NOVILE : 40° (Orb is 1-2°)


SQUILE : 75°

SQUINE : 105°



Harsh or Beneficial? (Only Major)


𖥨┉┈ It gives us more blessings, maybe a bit of laziness.


—The best of them all. No wonder it’s on this list.


—Creative power. Sometimes you can only do with the action.


𖥨┉┈ Harsh Aspects usually ends up in challenges.


—It’s handles conflicts and errors. It’s results in tensions and challenges.


—Power struggles. You must learn how to balence fhem.


𖥨┉┈ It depends on the Planets involved. For example, Sun Conjunct Pluto, or Sun Conjunct Saturn gives out negative results but Sun Conjunct Venus gives out good results.


—Very powerful. It adds a very seen effect across your Natal Chart.

Planet Keywords.

SUN : Power, vitality, self-expression.

MOON : Feelings, emotions, nurturing.

MERCURY : Thought, communication, mind.

VENUS : Love, attraction, money.

MARS : Will, energy, action.

JUPITER : “Luck”, expansion, knowledge.

SATURN : Restrictions, limitations, responsibility.

URANUS : Change, originality, revolution.

NEPTUNE : Creativity, delusions, confusion.

PLUTO : Obsession, power, transformation.

Signs. (Only Major)

Note - Each Sign is divided into 30°

ARIES : Opposites Libra | Trines Leo & Sagittarius | Sextiles Gemini & Aquarius | Squares Cancer & Capricorn |

TAURUS : Opposites Scorpio | Trines Virgo & Capricorn | Sextiles Cancer & Pisces | Squares Leo & Aquarius |

GEMINI : Opposites Sagittarius | Trines Libra & Aquarius | Sextiles Aries & Leo | Squares Virgo & Pisces |

CANCER : Opposites Capricorn | Trines Scorpio & Pisces | Sextiles Taurus & Virgo | Squares Aries & Libra |

LEO : Opposites Aquarius | Trines Aries & Sagittarius | Sextiles Gemini & Libra | Squares Taurus & Scorpio |

VIRGO : Opposites Pisces | Trines Taurus & Virgo | Sextiles Cancer & Scorpio | Squares Gemini & Sagittarius |

LIBRA : Opposites Aries | Trines Gemini & Aquarius | Sextiles Leo & Sagittarius | Squares Cancer & Capricorn |

SCORPIO : Opposites Taurus | Trines Cancer & Pisces | Sextiles Virgo & Capricorn | Squares Leo & Aquarius |

SAGITTARIUS : Opposites Gemini | Trines Aries & Leo | Sextiles Libra & Aquarius | Squares Virgo & Pisces |

CAPRICORN : Opposites Cancer | Trines Taurus & Virgo | Sextiles Scorpio & Pisces | Squares Aries & Libra |

AQUARIUS : Opposites Leo | Trines Gemini & Libra | Sextiles Aries & Sagittarius | Squares Taurus & Scorpio |

PISCES : Opposites Virgo | Trines Cancer & Scorpio | Sextiles Taurus & Capricorn | Squares Gemini & Sagittarius |

Difference? (Only Major)

SEXTILE : Potential.

TRINE : Natural ability.

SQUARE : Tension, contradiction.

OPPOSITE : Opposing forces that need to balance.

𖥨┉┈ Do you see it now?


Predominant of Trines : Not challenged, receiving, talented, relaxed.

Predominant of Sextiles : Expressive , communicative, imaginative.

Predominant of Squares : Motivated, strong will of an character, crisis-oriented people, likes to face challenges and obstacles, action-oriented, just doesn’t accept this at first glance.

Predominant of Oppositions : Looks for a meaning in life within relationships, seeks balance, seeks growth for relationships, insightful, not focused, contradictory.

Predominant of Conjunctions : Hard working people, can’t see the other side of things, movited, easy to lose the perspective from the other side of things.

Predominant of Minor Aspects : Has a lot fo subtle things going around their life at first glance. Doesn’t realize thigs until later. Is probably receiving some type of euphoria or some type of “oh”.

Lack Of.

Lack of Trines : Not balenced, driven, conflict-oriented.

Lack of Sextiles : Less self-expressive, avoids being creative or creative pursuits, less commuicative.

Lack of Squares : Avoids challenges, lack challenges, takes the easy way out, unchallenged.

Lack of Oppositions : Self relianted, doesn’t want to broaden their perspective through relationships, independent, subjective.

Lack of Conjunctions : Scattered, flexible, doesn’t look within for the answers.

Lack of Minor Aspects : Probably enjoys more confrontation, less looking for answers.

Aspect Patterns.


A shape formed by many aspects in a chart.

T-SQUARE : T-Squares are made when two opposite eachother and are both squared by the same planet. T-Square cannot be ignored because itself is felt by the individual. It forces the indivual to take some type of action. And yet, there is potential. Maybe strong emotions and behaviours. A lot of frustration. It depends on the Modality and the Houses.

GRAND TRINE : An aspect figure in which three Planets make an Trine. Receives powerful support without any effort. The lack of tension and associated psychological strain can sometimes lead to a lack of enthusiasm. The native may not want to enter any processes of growth. The individual might not see their talents and it could often lead to laziness.

GRAND SEXTILE : In where six Planets make an Sextile to eachother, making it form into an hexagon. This encourages work and the enterprise.p should not be delayed. Greater potential, and great horizons. May not want to touch within this though.

GRAND CROSS : It consists of two T-Squares at each end. This gives great stability with along great inflexibility. Unvoidable challenge. However the native would want to face these obstacles head on. As it tackles diffcult themes. It gives great stubbornness so it gives stubbornness to move on.

KITE : Created by a Grand Trine, and two of the planets in trine aspect form sextiles. And another Planet which in turn makes an Opposition to the third Planet in the Grand Trine. It has a smooth flow of energy, which could lead to apathy. But it also brings tension which could bring awareness as it gives an encouragement to search for construvtive forms of expressing.

MYSTIC RECTANGLE : Planets A+B and C+D make two Oppositions. A and D and C and B also form Sextiles to each other, and A and C and D and B Trines. It makes tensions more easier to deal with. (Even if the individual does have a lot tensions and challenges along the way.)

YOD : An aspect where one planet is connected by two quincunxes to two planets which in turn are linked by a sextile. zIt create events, incidents, relationships etc, that happens in a individuals life not out of their choice but in a karmic manner. These situations could turn into a blessing or a curse.

THORS HAMMER : It is made by two planets squaring one another, with both making sesquisquare aspecting to a third planet. Ahen younger, they may!ve been very rebellious and willful, and it could eventually lead thwm up to their afult life. They may get loads of criticism and hate because of this.


HELLOOO. I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS. If you don’t understand somethings please comment it so I could respond to ya. :D This took very long however. I hope you like it. Anywayyysss, I hope you have a good day. Please make sure to eat and sleep well. Remember to take breaks and sleep 10 hours a day BECAUSE YOU MATTER!! Okay? OKAY. Good good, HANXNXJ.But seriously, self-care is important! >:D Anyways, I hope you have a great day, and I’ll see you soon. Byeee!

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