awesomepandoraworld - You can call me queen.
You can call me queen.

488 posts

Awesomepandoraworld - You Can Call Me Queen. - Tumblr Blog

8 years ago


Повсеместно Местами Не нарочно Все поменялось, видишь? не стоит цепляться за то, что тебя не выдержит.

8 years ago


 it’s me

Tags :
8 years ago
No Words Can Describe Him Enough

No words can describe him enough

8 years ago
One Good Spy Deserves Another.
One Good Spy Deserves Another.
One Good Spy Deserves Another.

One good spy deserves another.

8 years ago
Tauriel Appreciation Week Day 2: Favorite Quote
Tauriel Appreciation Week Day 2: Favorite Quote
Tauriel Appreciation Week Day 2: Favorite Quote
Tauriel Appreciation Week Day 2: Favorite Quote
Tauriel Appreciation Week Day 2: Favorite Quote
Tauriel Appreciation Week Day 2: Favorite Quote
Tauriel Appreciation Week Day 2: Favorite Quote
Tauriel Appreciation Week Day 2: Favorite Quote

Tauriel Appreciation Week ↳ Day 2: Favorite quote

“It is Mereth Nuin Giliath; The Feast of Starlight. All light is sacred to the Eldar, but the Wood Elves loves best the light of the stars.“