b4ts1e - A

they/them | 19 | writer/artist | requests: OPEN

435 posts

Honestly? Terry Gives Personal Yet Well Known Tattoo Artist Vibes In This Kinda AU. Miranda I'm Not Sure

Honestly? Terry gives personal yet well known tattoo artist vibes in this kinda AU. Miranda I'm not sure about fame- seems like she'd be too timid for getting onto stage, maybe she's Cove's makeup artist?

for science... rockstar au: are terry and or randy famous? or special/important in some way.....

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More Posts from B4ts1e

1 year ago

Harm Happening Around the World

Harm Happening Around The World
Harm Happening Around The World
Harm Happening Around The World

Please note that there are actually more humanity crisis situations happening about the world.

1 year ago

Hello! This is my first time requesting something (like ever), so please forgive me if I did something wrong :)

Could I request a step 1 Qiu x MC where MC is super interested in ghosts/paranormal things/haunted dolls, and is considered offputting/scary because of it (when in reality they're a total sweetheart)? Scenario/prompt is up to you! If it's not too specific to add on, MC could be super shy/only really open to him and Tamarack.

Thank you, and have a good day/night! ♡

Hello! This Is My First Time Requesting Something (like Ever), So Please Forgive Me If I Did Something

Author’s note: Hi, Thank you for requesting! The step 2 stuff is being delayed rn so It's good that I have a step 1 request rn! I don’t like keeping people waiting! This is a short scenario! Hope you like it!

Pairing: Step 1! Qiu Lin x Paranormal Fanatic MC

It was a week before Halloween, MC and Qiu were standing around Mrs. Murray’s room after school and talking about anything new, Qiu told MC about a sticker his dad bought for him and how he decided to put it on his bike helmet.

“It's super cool , it's a black cat with galaxy sunglasses!” he described, his finger drawing a cat shape in the air to further elaborate to his friend.

“That's nice of your dad to get it for you, You have to show it to me later.” MC replied, earnestly. Earning a bright smile from the young boy.

“I will , I can promise that!…What about you? Anything interesting you wanna show?” Qiu asked , curious.

Qiu and Tamarack were aware of MC’s interest in the scary and paranormal. With permission from both of them , MC had showed them lots of interesting little wonders that they had acquired: tiny bones you found in woods, ghost stories your mom bought etc.

MC showed some of their other classmates these trinkets sometimes too, but they would get scared and find the peculiar child off-putting or a little scary; wondering why you would even suggest playing Ouija board for indoor recess instead of coloring in a cute character or playing heads up seven up.

“Oh, uh! I do! Can I show you..?” MC asked , already slowly itching their little hand towards the zipper of her bag.

“Go ahead!”

MC dug both hands into their bag, using their knee to hold the bag high enough to retrieve this mystery item. The child pulled out a raggedy old doll, its once presumed brunette hair was tangled and covered in a mix of twigs and dirt, it had on an old style dress and a big bow on top of its head.

The first thing Qiu notes in his head is the singular shiny blue glass doll eye, the other eye is missing.

“I found this doll under a tree, I really hope it’s haunted” MC said with excitement , cradling the doll like if they shook it wrong it would curse their entire family for eternity.

“Pfft, why would you want it to be haunted?” Qiu asked with a bemused smile on his face, he didn’t ask to be judgemental; just curious.

MC shrugs. “I think it be cool.. , maybe the ghost could be somebody funl.” They answered with a small shy smile.

“Fair” Qiu replied. Qiu Lin wasn’t easily deterred and he enjoyed how passionate MC was about the paranormal and all the weird things that come with it,

“Hey! I have an idea, So there is this house up the hill, a few blocks away from Baxter’s house that is completely abandoned. It has families of spiders living in it!” He paused for a moment to gauge MC’s star-struck expression before continuing.

“Why don’t You, me, and Tamarack go and explore it? Show your new doll the house you know?”

MC answered. “Yeah, uhm maybe I can take my ghost-hunting kit and everything.”

“That would be smart, Never know when a ghost might decide they wanna eat us!” Qiu joked.

“…I don’t think ghosts can eat?”

Hello! This Is My First Time Requesting Something (like Ever), So Please Forgive Me If I Did Something
1 year ago

shoutout to slow creators!

i know it can be disheartening to work so slowly when it seems like everyone around you works so fast and churns out great content left and right. i know it's easy to get frustrated with yourself for having to spend so much time on one thing and sometimes it's hard to stay motivated long enough to finish. but the things you make are so good, and taking lot of time on something isn't a bad thing. creation can be a very painstaking process, but the amount of love and care and effort and attention you pour into your work bleeds through. people can feel it. they appreciate it. they see how hard you try and they see how your thoughtful approach to creation affects the quality of the end product. speed is definitely a skill you can develop and chances are as you practice more and get more comfortable with things, you'll be able to work faster. but no matter what, the things you make are worth waiting for. keep creating! you are wonderful!

1 year ago

Can I ask what picrew you used for ur pfp?

This is the one! Had to find it for ya, but there it is! :D

PotatoLord’s Persona Creator
Please give credit if you use as a pfp! Feel free to edit your finished image AS MUCH AS YOU PLEASE ! go crazy Also there are a lot of op
1 year ago


okay! first of all, since this post highlights physical features, i just want to say one thing— i've tried including every peculiar feature. i really tried and i do not mean to say any feature is good or bad, everyone is pretty! all i mean is that these men could be attracted to these specific features. please take this post with a grain of salt <3

gender-neutral reader— only one mention of dress. no trigger warning except that this post is majorly revolving around physical traits.


— GENSHIN MEN WHO DIE TO SEE THE WAY YOUR EYES FLUTTER. who purposely tell you cool facts or surprising things they're sure you'll take a liking to or find bizarre and then wait patiently to see the way your eyebrows arch slightly and your eyes widen, your eyelashes fluttering in the moment. who love seeing you wear eye makeup and add their own small additions. who sometimes just sit next to you and stare at you, but by the time you turn, they're looking away.

— who just know you'll blush and start overthinking if you catch them staring and ruin the moment. who stay quiet to admire your beauty in peace. who are in love with your wandering gaze that seems to be so close yet distant. who love your sleepy and dreamy look— as though you're here yet somewhere far away. who like the intensity and depth of your eyes, who love the way they seem to take in everything and yet remain free of any external influence and maintain a serenity of their own.

al haitham, diluc, tighnari

— GENSHIN MEN WHO ARE IN LOVE WITH YOUR CUPID'S BOW. who lean in randomly and stare at it up close, often getting blamed that they're teasing you when it is clear as day to them how unfair you're being with them with those tempting lips. who just run their thumb along its outline and peck it first before leaning in to kiss properly. who like the cherry shade of your lip gloss; who love it when you apply that cream on your lips before going to sleep that makes your lips so kissable in the morning.

— men who are completely incapable of understanding how you cannot perceive your silent beauty. who don't get it when you say you aren't that pretty. who would love to point out that pretty bow first of all things they love about you— who love it when you understand their hyper fixation but only end up laughing, and well, respecting their wishes silently and taking good care of your lips.

ayato, lyney, wriothesley, capitano

— GENSHIN MEN WHO THINK YOUR FRECKLES ARE CONSTELLATIONS on the infinite expanse of the sky of your skin. who just stare at them sometimes and, with your permission, randomly connect dots to make silly constellations and give them sillier names— all in the name of making you laugh, but it is actually them who gets the better side of the deal, they get to look at your freckles up close! who feel a tiny bit disappointed when they lean in to kiss and you blush crazy and your freckles seem to blend in with the redness. who kiss you exactly there and call you an idiot when you try to hide them with makeup.

— men who tried painted you once, but instead of colouring your skin, filled in a cosmic array, and constellations in place of those freckles they love so much. who are genuinely in love with your small features and love it when you let them stare in silence. who like it when you let them run their finger across them. who love it when you're vulnerable and at peace with them.

itto, kazuha, xingqiu

— GENSHIN MEN WHO THINK YOU HAVE GOLDEN HANDS. who sometimes just stare at them when you're typing or cooking or even turning a page and observe the fluidity in their movement. who love how your hands seem to know their way around everything— be it a brush, a pencil, a needle or even a ladle. who think of your talents and realize everything you are best at have your golden hands at play. who like holding your hand and applying moisturizer on it sometimes as they talk to you at late hours of the night. who feel your slightly visible veins, your long fingers and their smooth, quick movements.

— who love buying you adornments for your hands. who randomly bring you rings or bracelets. who like to put them on your hands themselves and love the way you smile afterwards. who love taking your comparatively small hands in their larger, warmer ones and just holding them in place. who still think about that one time you told them that the only time your hands are at rest is when they are holding it and now they hold them whenever they ask you to take a break.

albedo, gorou, thoma, dottore

— GENSHIN MEN WHO THINK YOU HAVE A VERY HARMONIOUS FACE. who sometimes just stare at you and think you're royalty— who look at your wide forehead— the mark of a scholar— your high cheekbones —a rarest yet regal feature— your sharp, arrow-like nose —which they admittedly, really love— and your oval face. who think your features coexist peacefully, but not just peacefully— in a very regal manner. blue blood, they sometimes call it, but they mean it only in the sense that your facial structure is rarely found.

— men who sometimes imagine you in heavy jewellery. who imagine you wearing a nose pin, then studs but then think that no, you'd look so much better in a heavier, longer earring. then add a pearl necklace in the mix and then imagine you in it and then blush so hard you're asking them if they are sick. funnily enough, just the imagination of it makes them so desperate they go to the jeweller's shop the very next day to have a custom designed piece they just imagined. who love it when you wear it and let them kiss you in it.

baizhu, neuvillette, zhongli, pantalone

— GENSHIN MEN WHO LOVE YOUR SHOULDERS. who love it when you wear those mini dresses and then put a coat over it. who love only being able to glance slightly at them and being made desperate to stare at them fully, without any obstructions. who also love being the only one being granted access to it. who love pressing kisses down your shoulder blade and then go up your neck again and then giggle throughout, their love apparent in their adoration.

— men who love it when you wear chokers and necklaces. who love blue sapphire and pearl on you. who like being made to feel special when you randomly wear them and then remind them that it's just for them. who kiss you then, and then say thank you. who buy you necklaces, the prettiest ones, and make you wear it and love the cute smile you pass them onwards. who like nuzzling their face in your nape and pressing down on it and making you blush despite being completely red themselves.

kaeya, heizou, venti

— GENSHIN MEN WHO THIRST FOR THE SIGHT OF YOUR ANKLES LIKE A DEPRAVED VICTORIAN MAN. who just stare at them when you're in the process of wearing your pants or switching cloths and then just stare at your ankles. who like your legs so much they randomly run their hands across them when they're next to you. who think you have very pretty legs and feet overall but don't know how to express that without being creepy.

— so they just message your legs after a long day! who take your favourite oils and apply them on your legs and talk to you. who end the session with a quick peck on your thigh and make you blush. who just buy you anklets from time to time and make you sit down and stretch your leg out for them. who very gently put it on your feet. who admire it for a while and when they look up, find you blushing. who take care of you and express their adoration at last— only to find they were being so obvious you thought it was just an unaddressed fact.

— men who take extra care not to be that obvious from next time but can't help it when it comes to you anyways.

aether, kaveh, childe

— GENSHIN MEN WHO ADORE YOUR HAIR. who think they're like a unicorn's mane or a lion's even— regal and beautiful. who like seeing you adopt new hairstyles or dyeing it in new colours. who love it when you randomly style them with feathers or flowers and smile at you fondly. who really want you to be pretty and confident and search up the best tips for good hair care and keep them at their disposal should you ever ask them. who braid your hair when sitting idle, who hate it when you're cutting your hair and can't bear to look at the fallen soldiers.

— men who always compliment you for it. men who love it even more when you smile and silently accept it with a grateful kiss. whose hearts combusted with joy when they saw you sitting in the veranda, with their mother— the two people they love most— and getting your hair oiled and braided as you talked to her about your day. who buy you pretty scrunchies and leave them on your dressing table. who do more than half of the morning duties, despite your protests, so that you can do some hair care for the day.

cyno, xiao, wanderer