baastetscribbles - A place for my random scribbling
A place for my random scribbling

Baastet | He/They | 25 | Minors DNI

48 posts

My Primary Hero In DragonFable Is Velyn Alfyr.(Vell-inn All-fear)

My primary hero in DragonFable is Velyn Alfyr.(Vell-inn All-fear)

They’re just a lil enby fella who learned how to fight from their father and happened be at the right place at the right time.

I’m working on a fic for them right now, so I’ll probably post the first chapter of that a little later. Moving forward, you’ll also see random posts that will be sort of in character thoughts/journal entries. If you’re interested in those, they’ll be tagged as Velyn’s Journal. (:

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More Posts from Baastetscribbles

1 year ago

Speaking With Serenity

Velyn turned their attention to the table with the food on it once the townsfolk left. Serenity smiled and gestured toward it before turning to walk away.

“Wait,” Velyn said, “have you eaten yet?”

Serenity turned toward Velyn, “I haven’t, but that’s what I was going to go do.” She smiled again and Velyn couldn’t help but smile back.

“I would love some company and there’s a lot of food here, would you join me?” Velyn asked.

“Are you sure?” Serenity asked, “I wouldn’t want to disrupt your morning.”

Velyn pulled a chair out, then crossed to the opposite side of the table to sit. “I’m positive, it’d be nice to hear a bit about this place from a local.”

Serenity walked over to the chair Velyn had pulled out and sat down. The two began to eat from the arrangement on the table. Of the various meats, breads, jams and vegetables Velyn found that the simple bread was their favorite. 

“So,” Serenity said, “before you were a big shot hero, where’d you come from?”

Velyn rolled their eyes as they chewed on a bit of the bread, swallowing before saying, “I’m not really a big shot hero, I was just in the right place at the right time.”

“Alright,” Serenity chuckled softly, “but you still didn’t answer the question. Where are you from?”

Velyn spoke after another mouthful, “I guess I’m kind of from all over Greenguard. My dad traveled as a sort of guard for various merchant caravans and my mom made money doing repair work for the same caravans.”

“That sounds like an interesting way to grow up,” Serenity said, “were you traveling with your family then?”

“No,” Velyn shook their head and smiled, though to Serenity they still seemed sad, “There’s a cliff near Oaklore Keep that we would often camp on. I was taking my dad’s ashes there.”

“Oh,” Serenity said in a softer tone, “I’m sorry for your loss.”

“It’s alright,” Velyn smiled a big grin, “I know that I’m living in a way that would make my dad proud.”

“Did your mom come with you then?” Serenity asked, a bit hesitantly.

“Nah,” Velyn said, still smiling, “she settled down in Swordhaven. She runs a little repair shop there, doing odd jobs for whoever comes in. She seems happy as she can be, y’know? She pushed me to come on this journey in the first place.”

Serenity moved her left hand on the table and let it rest just on Velyn’s right hand. 

“You’re always welcome here Velyn,” Serenity said with a smile, “I’m happy we had this chance to sit down and talk. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll clean up here before I have to head up to the Guardian tower.”

“Oh, I don’t mind helping you clean up,” Velyn said a touch quickly, oddly very aware of Serenity’s hand on theirs.

“No, it’s okay,” Serenity replied, “I’m particular about how I like to clean the dishes.”

“Alright,” Velyn said, “In that case, what do you need to go to the tower for? Maybe I can help with that.”

“Oh!” Serenity said, standing up and beginning to grab the dishes off the table, “the inn has a bit of a ghost problem that I haven’t been able to deal with since I purchased it from the previous owners. I was just hoping that the Guardian’s would be able to help out.”

“I can help out,” Velyn said quickly, then mentally kicked themself for responding so fast.

“You can?” Serenity asked, almost dropping the plates she had picked up in her excitement, “oh that would be wonderful!”

Velyn found themselves heading upstairs a few moments later after they had gone and retrieved their sword. 

Oh I can deal with your ghosts! Velyn muttered under their breath, As if I’ve ever dealt with ghosts before. Why did I do that? Then they gave a little sigh. The first door on the right led into a broom closet, with nothing out of the ordinary inside. When Velyn entered the second door they found themself in a small room. A woman with long blue hair and an ornate blue dress stood inside. She turned to Velyn as they entered and spoke.

“Greetings traveler, have you come to rest at the inn?” She asked.

Velyn blinked for a moment before responding, “Uh, I’m sorry but, who are you?”

“My name is Mary Grey,” she said, “and I own this tavern. Or at least, I did? Things have become very confusing as of late.”

“You might be more confused than you think,” Velyn said cautiously, “The owner of this inn is Serenity and you look.. well, I can kind of see through you.”

“Ah yes, I often forget” Mary said before looking down at herself. There was a silent moment before she spoke again. “I died, didn’t I?”

“Looks that way,” Velyn said, shifting their weight uncomfortable, “I’m sorry.”

“Oh, it’s alright,” Mary responded, “At least I get to stay in the inn that my family built…and I have plenty of company.”

“Do you mean the guests?” Velyn asked, “or are their other ghosts?”

“Oh yes,” Mary said with a smile, “I feel more cognizant now that we’ve been speaking. There are other ghosts here.”

Suddenly her face fell as though she remembered something terribly sad. 

“What’s wrong?” Velyn asked.

“The sprints here are normally like me,” she began, “peaceful and happy to remain where they can roam in peace. But something has been calling them here.”

“Calling?” Velyn asked again, “What do you mean calling?”

“I’m not certain,” she spoke slowly, “all I know for sure is…Doom. Just the word DOOM.”

The two of them stood in silence for a moment, Velyn trying to understand what that could even mean. 

“I can remember who I am,” she continued, “most of the time, because I am still here in my home. But the others, the ones who have been called here, displaced, they grow angry. They lash out at the living as their minds fade.” 

Mary turned to Velyn, pleading with them, “Please help take care of them, I miss the peace of my inn before.”

“I will try my best to take care of them for you,” Velyn said, “though I’m not sure where to even start.”

“Thank you, traveler,” Mary said with a smile, “I would start in the attic. That’s where the soulkeeper resides. He is a powerful spirit that won’t go quietly, but when he arrived the rest of the spirits became agitated more frequently.”

Velyn nodded and turned to leave the room, but paused to ask, “Which direction is the attic?”

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1 year ago

Saving the Priestess

The sun had just begun to bathe the land with its light when Velyn Alfyr stabbed an ornate gold and silver blade into the ground at the edge of a cliff overlooking Greenguard Forest. They pulled a jar full of ashes from their pack and smiled sadly down at it.

“See, dad? You knew we’d make it back to this spot.” They said quietly to themself as they pulled the lid off before dumping the ashes off the cliff. Almost as if on cue a heavy gust of wind came from behind Velyn, catching the ashes and taking them swiftly over the trees. As Velyn pulled the sword from the ground a shadow fell over them. Before they had a chance to look up, something large seemingly crashed into the ground at bottom of the cliff. Velyn held the sword toward the foe, hand held steady only thanks to years of training. A full grown red dragon slowly leveled its gaze on the human before lowering its head and revealing the two riding on its back. A small red Moglin, an almost catlike creature that stood like a person, and a woman wearing an ornate white and gold robe with a hood that obscured her features kneeling next to it. The moglin leapt from the dragon to the cliff with little effort, offering Velyn a nod.

“Hiyas,” he spoke before turning back to the woman, “The path is clear, Priestess!”

The woman stood, carrying an odd black box with her that Velyn hadn’t noticed before. 

“Pardon us, we’re just passing through.” She said as she walked after the Moglin, whom had begun to walk further into the trees, away from the cliff. 

Velyn stood blinking for a moment as they processed everything that had happened over the last twenty seconds. The dragon lifted its head slowly and stared at the human once more before it spread its wings and launched itself into the sky once more. 

After another minute of stunned silence, Velyn turned and began to lightly jog after the priestess. They had only gone thirty feet or so when the moglin came flying through the air back at Velyn, as if it had been thrown or kicked. Velyn threw the sword aside so they could catch the creature, almost being knocked off their feet for the effort.

“You okay?” They asked as they set the moglin down.

He seemed to gather himself before responding in a shaky voice, “No but I thank you for catching me. We were attacked by a gorillaphant, the priestess needs help!” He then began to sprint in the direction that he had just come flying from. Velyn scrambled to grab their sword before sprinting after the creature. Without thinking they ran at the large gray creature, barely registering the priestess standing off to the left. With a yell they swung the sword wildly around in an odd display that made them look larger to the gorillaphant but to any passerby would make Velyn look a little unhinged. The beast snorted then charged at the would-be hero, forcing Velyn to leap to the right. The beast crashed through the trees behind Velyn and continued onward, likely in search of easier prey. 

The Priestess turned to Velyn and spoke, “Thank you for saving us. May I know your name?”

Before Velyn could respond however, the moglin spoke up, “But Priestess, I thought you said their name was Velyn and that they’re the one destine-”

The Priestess cut the moglin off with a loud sigh, “Twilly..” She gave him an irritated look before turning back to Velyn, “Alas, we’re out of time. I must ask an important favor of thee. Would you please let Captain Rolith know that we're taking the shortcut? He's just ahead in Oaklore Keep,” she gestured in the direction she spoke of, “and worry not hero, I am certain we shall cross paths again.” 

“Especially since they’re is going to take that Black Dragon Box and-” Twilly began.

But with another heavy sigh and a much snappier tone, the Priestess cut him off again. “Twilly! We must be going now.”

With that, the two began heading deeper into the woods once more. Velyn stood a moment blinking and wondering what they were supposedly destined to do. With a shake of their head, they began to head in the direction the priestess had pointed out.

The first thing Velyn saw as they finally broke through the trees was the large brown dragon standing next to the main entry gate of the keep. Down by the dragons feet stood a man with a long black beard wearing some dark gray armor that gave him the odd appearance of being partially dragon himself. The keep itself was surrounded by a large stone wall, but the center of it looked as if the original builders used a very large tree as the foundation. As Velyn approached, a knight in silver armor waved them over.

“Hold, friend,” the knight said, “state your business in Oaklore Keep.”

“Oh, uh, sure, this lady in a white robe said to find Captain…Rith?” Velyn said, keeping an eye on the dragon.

“You must be talking about the Priestess. You’ll find Rolith just inside.” The knight said, a smile in his voice. “Open the gate!”

The large wooden gate began to rise, lifting just high enough for Velyn to enter before it began to lower once more. Just inside the gate was a courtyard with a large set of double doors leading into the base of the tree that the fort was built in and around, while to the left and right there were additional knights and doors. Standing just off to the right of the large doors was a man in shining grey plate armor, a large ornate silver and gold hammer sat head down by his feet. He looked over at Velyn with an heir of authority that led Velyn to believe he was the captain they were searching for. 

“Excuse me, sir,” Velyn began, but the other man cut them off.

“Captain Rolith at your service citizen, what do you need?” He gave a friendly smile as he spoke, though Velyn noted that he did shift his grip on the handle of his weapon in case he needed to swing it from its position on the ground.

“Ah, perfect, this Priestess in a white robe said-” But Velyn was once more cut off mid sentence.

“What!? You saw the Priestess?! Where is she?!” Captain Rolith was shouting so loudly that a couple of the other knights around drew their weapons and began to look for whatever the threat may be.

“I, uh, yeah, she said she was cutting through the shortcut to get to Falcronreach,” Velyn said.

“She’s in grave danger, we need to go after her,” Rolith said in a panic, “the forest is crawling with bandits that are looking for her!” 

Velyn nodded and turned around to leave through the gate as Rolith shouted for it to once more be raised. Captain Rolith charged forward into the trees, Velyn scrambling to keep up with him in his mad dash to reach the Priestess.

After a few minutes Rolith slowed, talking to Velyn quietly as he did so. 

“You go left, I’ll go right. Our mission is to protect the Priestess no matter what.”

And with that Rolith began to rush in his chosen direction, leaving Velyn to run the opposite way. After what felt like years but could have been only a few minutes, Velyn came across the Priestess standing with her back against a tree in a small clearing. The moglin Twilly stood between her and a group of bandits, his small staff raised defensively. Velyn hid quickly before peeking their head around the tree to get a more accurate read on the enemy. Three bandits stood across from the Priestess, two of them were in leather armor with hoods obscuring their features while the third wore a purple cape and an iron helmet that resembled a crown sat atop his dark hair. After a second Velyn realized the man was in the middle of speaking.

“Give us the box, Priestess,” he said with a sneer, “and we’ll kill you quickly.”

Without a second thought Velyn launched forward with a shout, drawing their blade as they moved.

“Velyn!” The Priestess shouted, “we must protect the black dragon box at all costs!”

“Leave them to me!” Velyn shouted back, “I don't know who you are or why you want that box, but you’d better-”

The bandit leader blocks Velyn’s blade, shouting, “My name is Drakath! I am the leader of the Darkwolf Bandits and the rightful ruler of this land! That box is the key to my throne, and there's no way that I'm letting a peasant like you keep it from me.”

Before anybody else could react, Rolith came crashing through the trees like an enraged gorillaphant while screaming “Priestess!”

He charged at the two remaining bandits, swinging his hammer with the same precision you’d expect of a sword user. The distraction of his arrival gives Velyn a chance to push their own attack against Drakath, slamming him with blow after blow of their blade.  Velyn’s blade slice at Drakath’s cheek, causing the man to leap back and snarl, “You got lucky this time, soldier!”

Velyn smirked, “Luck had nothing to do with it, and the name is Velyn. Remember it!”

Drakath glared as he continued to back into the trees while saying, “Oh, I will. You can count on that.” 

The two remaining bandits fled from Rolith, one dropping his dagger as he ran through the trees to escape. Velyn moved over to Twilly and the Priestess, keeping their head on a swivel as in case the enemies running away had been some sort of trap. 

“Are you two okay?” Velyn asked as they looked the others over.

“You arrived just in time, thank you,” the Priestess spoke, “However I must ask, would you accompany us to Falconreach Velyn? I would feel better knowing we had an escort what just happened.”

“Of course Priestess, I’d be happy to help.”

The Priestess seems to pause a second before smiling, “Ah my apologies, it seems I’ve neglected to introduce myself. I am Lady Celestia, of Sunbreeze Grove and this is my traveling companion, Twilly the Moglin.”

Velyn gives a smile and a nod of their head, “I’m Velyn Alfyr, though I believe you already knew that based on what Twilly said when we first met.”

Celestia nodded but didn’t respond as Rolith returned from his chase for the bandits.

“I couldn’t catch them Priestess,” he said, breathing heavily, “apologies.”

“It is okay Rolith,” She smiled at the captain, “you’ve brought me an escort to town. You’ve done more than enough to help.”

“Oh!” Rolith said, looking between her and Velyn, “well in that case, I’ll be returning to my post in Oaklore. Please send me a letter once you’ve reached town.” 

“Of course, captain,” Celestia said with another smile before turning to pick up the box, then to begin walking in the direction of the town. Velyn and Twilly followed behind her, the former holding their blade ready for anything.

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11 months ago

Break time

reblog to give the person you reblogged this from a fucking break

8 months ago

Prompt - "I never planned to stop making memories with you."

The sun had just begun to set over Falconreach and a dark mass of storm clouds loomed on the horizon. The usually cheery town was quiet this evening as the folk mourned the loss of one of their own. Behind the inn a remembrance ceremony had just begun to wrap up and people began to disperse, leaving Velyn alone with the newly carved statue of Serenity; The once owner of the inn, and Velyn’s wife of one year, three weeks and two days. 

“I,” Velyn began, but their voice broke and they had to swallow hard before making another attempt.

“Excuse me,” came a voice from behind Velyn, “I’m so sorry to bother you now, but..”

With a shaky inhale Velyn stood, then turned toward the speaker and smiled. 

“What’s going on, Spruce?”

“Oh!” Spruce gasped as the weight of the door shifted and almost closed on the green moglin.

Velyn quickly walked over and opened the door.

“Thanks Velyn,” Spruce said, looking up at the other, then into the Inn at the crowded common room. 

“It’s just, most of the peoples here, they lost their homes and, the inn’s one of the last buildings standing, but..” The moglin let out a sigh. “I’m struggling with keeping up with all the commotion and there’s another haunting upstairs.”

“Oh,” Velyn said, “I can help out with the haunting at least.”

“Would you please, Velyn?” Spruce asked, “I would be so grateful.”

Forty minutes later, Velyn stood scratching their head and looking around the attic. They had been searching everywhere but had yet to find any evidence of a haunting. 

“Am I just not looking hard enough for you?” Velyn asked, exasperated.

A small orb of bright white light began to swirl around Velyn, causing them to jump back and shout in alarm. They had drawn their sword but the orb practically exploded, blinding white light clouding Velyn’s vision. As the light slowly dimmed Velyn prepared to launch at their enemy but once they could clearly see the foe, the sword dropped from their hand.

“S…Se…,” they whispered, “Serenity..?”

There in front of Velyn stood the spectral from of Serenity, a small hopeful smile on her lips. She looked how she did the last time they had seen each other, before she had been turned into Caitiff. 

“I knew you could do it..” She spoke softly, smiling wider. “Now listen to me Velyn, before I go.”

Velyn dropped to their knees, right hand clasped tight over their mouth to deafen the sound of their sobs as they nodded.

“No matter how difficult things may seem, no matter the hardships life will put you through,” She began, “No matter how many people will depend on you, you will come through. Failing is a part of life, my love. Your mistakes shape you, but they don’t define who you will become. Because you, Velyn… are you. You are the hero. So don’t mourn the mistakes. Move on. Learn from them. And… Thank you so much for our time together… No matter how brief it was, it was the best time of my life…”

“I-” Velyn choked back a sob, “I love you so much… As a hero I’m supposed to try to always have a plan but… I never planned to stop making memories with you…”

“I know my little raven… I love you too,” Serenity said, her smile growing sad, “Don’t try to bring me back. Goodbye.” 

With that she faded once more into the small orb of light before vanishing from the room. 

Viern asleep and safe in Sunbreeze Grove recovering after having been changed into a monster against his will, suddenly cried out in anguish. Though Lady Elysia examined him as best as she could in his current state, she couldn’t find anything physically that could’ve caused the small dragon such pain.

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8 months ago

Velyn and Tomix

I feel like Hero and Tomix meeting and becoming friends is a fated thing. I've got them in the little corner of my head where soulmates are while being completely platonic with each other. I dunno, I'm just thinking about them rn so I thought I'd share.

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