baastetscribbles - A place for my random scribbling
A place for my random scribbling

Baastet | He/They | 25 | Minors DNI

48 posts

Work In Progress; Velyn Alfyr

Work In Progress; Velyn Alfyr

Hey guys, I'm keeping my previous posts up because I still like 'em but I'm currently rebuilding Velyn from the ground up so y'all will be seeing some changes here soon as I start posting info about them.

  • solanacae-0918
    solanacae-0918 liked this · 7 months ago
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    7yd1a liked this · 8 months ago

More Posts from Baastetscribbles

7 months ago

Throwing myself into dragonfable lore? More likely than you think.

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7 months ago

Redgate Harbor

Redgate Harbor is an interesting place. On the surface, it's a small town sitting at the base of the Stairway to Cinder. But the Forgeborn Coalition has spent a considerable amount of time and resources to turn the location into a sort of warehouse district for storing objects of indeterminate interest and value found further up the stairs. Redgate Harbor sits in a bay protected by mountains on all sides, save for one sliver in the wall large enough for a single sailing ship to pass through. Everybody refers to this as the "Red Gate" which the town takes its name after. While you can reach the stairs from other locations, Redgate Harbor happens to be the easiest way to begin the ascent if you can afford the entry fee charge by the coalition. If you simply try to barge through, the armed forces of the coalition will come down hard to destroy you and salvage whatever valuables may be left. This doesn't mean there's never anybody to slip through though. As the saying goes, "where there's a will, there's a way" and smugglers from all across the isles want the riches that could exist up the steps as much as the next person.

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7 months ago

So I’m writing the rewrite of the fic for Velyn in first person and I’m not really sure how that’ll turn out?

So I apologize in advance if it absolutely blows

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7 months ago

Sorry guys work came at me outta nowhere, but I’ll be out of town for a couple days so during my free time I’ll be writing stuff. 💜

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8 months ago

Velyn Alfyr The Destined Hero

Born in Falconreach to Jareth and Elaine Alfyr. Around the age of two, their parents decided to set out with a merchant caravan as hired guards. Jareth was a guardian before Elaine had Velyn. Elaine is a skilled mage in her own right, able to perform a variety of offensive and defensive spells. As soon as Velyn was old enough to hold a practice sword Jareth began training them. Soon after, Velyn showed an aptitude for magic and Elaine began to tutor them in the arcane. By the time Velyn was sixteen, they were working jobs with their parents. Around the age of twenty they began to go out on their own jobs, wanting to better help their parents save up for the piece of land they had been wanting to build a cottage on. The cottage was finished jsut before Velyn's twenty second birthday but tragedy would strike nearly a year later, when Jareth would pass away due to an unchecked infecction. The family would hold a small celebration of life, before cremation. Then Velyn would take the ashes and set off to toss them off a cliff near Falconreach where Jareth would always take the family to picnic anytime they were in the area.

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