baby-tini - Slut 💜
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7 months ago

I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOUR OPEN REQUESTS FOR SO, here's mine: How would you view parenting Mikey in each timeline? I don't know, how many children he would like, how he would behave in certain situations... I DON'T KNOW IF YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I MEAN... in doubt remember to rest, drink and eat💗

Don't worry, I understand what you mean and thank you so much, I'll take my breaks, drink water and eat, promise~

Toman\OG Timeline- He'd want 3 kids, two girls and a boy. The first being his daughter, then his son and lastly, another daughter, 8, 5 and 2. He'd be a very good father, he'd be very attentive towards them, while he would be pretty busy with... work, but he'd still help his children with whatever they need. Because of his job, he would move you and the kids around a lot, too keep you all safe. His kids wouldn't- more like can't go to normal school, so he hires the best teachers money can buy, after, ya know, threatening them into silence. He has a beautiful house on the hills, private, secluded and very, very guarded. He has a whole playground built in the backyard and an in-ground pool, you and his kids are always being watched over and his guards\henchman are told too protect you and his kids with their lives. He decides too marry you after your son is born and he's a really amazing father and husband.

Manila- 2 kids, both girls. The first daughter being 4 and the second being 8 months. The first daughter, in all honestly, was an accidental pregnancy, he didn't have any intention of getting you pregnant, but... it happened. He wasn't upset, quite happy actually, but he was a little distant for a while. He is such a girl dad, he takes amazing care of his two girls and of course, you. Now, I do picture you all living in the Philippines, in a comfy apartment, both of the girls sharing a room. As he sleep in a separate room with you, he does get a bit paranoid and will frequently check in on his kids, sometimes spending the whole night in there until you urge him too come to bed, with the promise that they're gonna be okay. He always keeps his gun on him, because not only does he have you, he also has two small children that he has too protect, you are all his lifeline. The most important people to him now.

Kanto- 1 kid, a 2 year old boy. He loves his son to death, while he is quite a strict father, he's also quite the softie, in private, of course. His kid is spoiled rotten, anything he wants, he gets. I picture his son too be a little explorer and it always worries Mikey, because he's afraid he'll get hurt or lost, so now, there are eyes on his son 24/7, with constant reports back to him. Mikey, when his son gets older, will teach him martial arts and teach him everything he, Mikey, knows. He got his son a little motorbike, made for small children, so that he could ride alongside his son, teaching him how too do tricks on the bike. He'll let his son sit on his lap as he carries on his gang meetings, not even batting an eye as his son starts too climb on things- or sometimes even people. He always- or atleast most of the time, has his son with him, he's either got him on his lap, holding his hand or his son is somewhere very close by.

Bonten- 2 kids, a boy and a girl. They're twins, both 5 years old. He's more of a... unbothered father, his kids could be running rampant and he could not careless, who's gonna check his kids? That's right, no one. Out of all the Mikeys, Bonten!Mikeys kids are the safest, Bonten basically runs the country. Even if they didn't, Mikeys executives guard and escort his children everywhere they go. Mikey isn't too keen on Sanzu being around them, but he's aware of Sanzus un-dying loyalty to not only Mikey himself, but to you as well. So, that also extends to your kids as well. These kids the richest kids in the world, Mikey has them dressed in all sorts of designer with expensive shoes, Mikey doesn't really care if his kids mess up the clothes, he'll just buy them new ones. Bonten!Mikeys kids also can't go to normal school so they're also given a private education.

Street Racer- 4 kids, three boys and a girl, just like him and his siblings. The boys being the oldest, 10, 8 and 7 with his daughter being 5. He wanted too have a lot of kids, Racer!Mikey wants a big family and he thinks it's so sweet that the boys are older so that they can protect their sister. All of them have a regular education, and they can be in any sport or extra-curiculars that they want. He has a big house, his kids all having their own rooms and things. This version of Mikey is the best father out of all his counterparts. He's a passive father, letting his kids do as they please, not too extreames, but he uses the excuses that kids will be kids. So you'll have too be the "bad guy" in most situations. He also teaches all of his kids martial arts and how too ride motorcycles if they're interested, teaching them everything they want too know, even letting them chill out at Draken and Inuis bike shop, learning how too fix bikes and changer tires. I'm letting you know that you now have too make 5x the dorayaki you originally would, so, good luck with that.

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7 months ago

I have written so much for Manjiro Sano that I can't even save the masterlist anymore😭😭😭 so i'm making a seperate one...

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7 months ago

How many requests do you have rn and are you still accepting?

I have 25 right now and yes I'm still accepting. My inbox will be closed August 1st at 12am EST (Eastern Standard Time) time. Like I said, I don't mind spam requests.

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7 months ago

Hello Beautiful. Finally your requests are open, God I've been waiting for this!!

all versions of Mikey, how would they react if their girlfriend was a very gentle and sweet girl who loves him like crazy and is literally addicted to him. She will always take care of him and spread her legs for him, allowing him to fuck her the way he wants. And yes, she wants children from him. Her dream is to have children with him and build a family with him. The idea of ​​having 5 children with Mikey is so good for her. she would be a loving kind mother!

This request is so soft and cute!!! Also, thank you so much for the compliment love~

Toman\OG Timeline- He thinks it's cute that you're so sweet and loving with him, willing too have a family with him. He also heavily appreciates that you take care of him, because we all know this man, does not look after himself correctly. He likes the idea of having a big family with you, he's always wanted a family of his own, growing up with siblings and having Shinichiro take care of him. He's always admired Shinichiro so he'd want too do for his kids, what his oldest brother did for him. He appreciates that you're always willing too have sex with him, whenever, however, because of his job being so high-maintenance, he gets stressed a lot. He loves his sweet girl, that's willing too do anything for him.

Manila- You guys have sex constantly, like all the time. Like I've said many, many times before, Manila!Mikey doesn't have much too do, he doesn't run a gang, or have a job. While he still makes money, you don't know where he gets it, but he always has it. So, sex is something he uses a lot, too release his boredom and pent up energy. He likes too watch you do all the domestic things for him. Like cooking, cleaning, he just likes too have you in his arms while he watches you be all cute and domestic. He doesn't mind you wanting a big family, especially when you want it with him. But, he is a criminal on the run, so you would all have too keep a low profile.

Kanto- He's always busy, so, sex isn't the most common thing in your guys relationship, but he'll still fuck you if you want it, you'll just.. be the one doing most of the work. Especially if he comes home and he's tired, you'll have too ride him, he'll help slightly if you're struggling too take him or if you are lacking in stamina, but you're the one doing most of it. He likes that you're so sweet and docile, it makes everything easier for the both of you. He doesn't really care about the children aspect, but if you want one, he'll give it to you.. after a lot of pleading from you of course. He likes too watch you do things around the base, and he really appreciates that you take care of him with all the meetings he has and all the idiots that he has too deal with you on a daily basis.

Bonten- Sex with Bonten!Mikey is even more rare then with Kanto!Mikey. This man needs too be the most taken care of because he doesn't eat, or even take care of himself. So with you constantly cooking for him and taking care of him, he won't tell you, but he genuinely appreciates it. He does get annoyed if you nag at him for it, but he understands that it comes from a place a care. He'd also want kids, he doesn't really have anyone close too him, none of his friends from childhood so he'd be pretty happy if you got pregnant and gave him a family. Like I stated, he doesn't eat, so you'll have too bring him food, in his office. It would just be so cute, if he had his kid on his lap as he fills out paperwork in his office. Or taking his children for rides in his expensive ass cars.

Street Racer- It was his idea too have a huge family, he's always wanted children and he wants a lot of them. He bought them little helmets so he could take on rides, on his motorcycle. He doesn't work as often as his counterparts but it's quite often nonetheless. So he appreciates the domesticity of the whole thing. He always has this huge grin when he comes home, his kids jumping in his arms as he walks into the kitchen and sees you making dinner for the family and he's so in awe when he sees your kids help you make dinner. He buys them all little motorcycles with matching helmets, obviously safe for the mids, little mini bikes so he can ride around with them. He is definitely a family man and would love a partner like this.

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7 months ago


holy mother of everything dirty sweet fucking Christ on a stick THAT WAS SSSOOOO HOTTTTTTT

….tini no joke I love you and your writing sm I know I’m just a stranger on the internet who isn’t even ballsy enough to say this without anons…..but genuinely. I love you and I wish so much good for you. Please never ever ever get hit by a hippopotamus and die.

Thank you so much baby, I'm not around any hippos, so I should be fine. Also, don't worry about being on anon, it's truly not a problem, that's why I keep it on, so people can request without judgement. I'm also glad you like it so much, feel free too request again because the pussyjob was so fucking hot and I thank you for bringing it too my attention and letting me do it for you.

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