babyfaesims - Audrey

She/her formally ohaudreysims: WCIF friendly.•° ✿ °• cc maker .•° ✿ °•.Post LP on Youtube

645 posts

Doing The 28 Days Of Men Challenge By @/mogsimmer On Twitter I Wanted To Do This As I Am Horrible With

Doing The 28 Days Of Men Challenge By @/mogsimmer On Twitter I Wanted To Do This As I Am Horrible With

Doing the 28 days of men challenge by @/mogsimmer on twitter I wanted to do this as I am horrible with male sims and new practice with them lol

Day 1 is Casanova

Meet Leo- the romantic bookworm

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More Posts from Babyfaesims

2 years ago
Meet Riley- A Fae
Meet Riley- A Fae

Meet Riley- a fae

Meet Riley- A Fae

Hair @daylifesims

Brows and lipstick @thepeachyfaerie

wings @pyxiidis

gauges @simomo-cc

Dress @moonrisesims

choker: Salem2432

tattoos: @herbalia

Lips and eye preset @magic-bot

Getting better with tagging creators..yayy me lol

2 years ago
I Managed To Make An Attractive Male Sim!

I managed to make an attractive male sim!


I Managed To Make An Attractive Male Sim!
I Managed To Make An Attractive Male Sim!
I Managed To Make An Attractive Male Sim!


Socially awkward / loves the outdoors / clumsy

Hair @johnnysimmer

antenna and ears @simbience

top Not sure

eye preset @obscurus-sims

Lip slider used @magic-bot

rat gauges @yooniesim

2 years ago

‘.✧Fantastical Whims Legacy Challenge✧.’

Have you been struggling with new ideas for your sims? Are you tired of making sims just to not play with them? Or maybe you just want something new?

Either way this challenge is for you!

Rules: Money Cheats ARE ALLOWED! (but not excessively) You may get a “loan from the bank” here and there but never motherlode. You may also use free real estate but only for generation one.

PS: Feel free to add any storyline you feel fits. This challenge is meant to expand the way you play, and open you up to new gameplay ideas. This challenge is not to restrict you. Overall this is YOUR GAME!

You may play on any lifespan you choose.


The Most Beautiful Thing we Can Experience.. is The Mysterious.

Ever since you we’re a little kid, you’ve always been the competitive type.. Nobody ever wanted to play with you because you’d always make it a big deal if you lost. Let’s be honest, you were a little bit of a sore loser, but after all that you’ve learned to lay back and relax for once..

You’re now a writer with a dream to have a big family.

You never had luck with relationships…

So you often try to avoid them.

You move to a new town. You were ready to give up your dream and live a single life alone in a quiet town, with normal friends and a normal job… Until..

You stumble across someone who catches your eye. They’re perfect. You two end up falling in love. This changed your whole outlook on life. You no longer wanted to spend your life alone, you now wanted this person to live it with you. There’s only one thing..


After finding out your lover’s secret. It only brought you closer to them. You knew there was something special about them. Even with their secret you find them just as perfect as before. The two of you are unstoppable.

You later find yourself with a large alien-hybrid family. The perfect family. Everything is looking up for you now.


- Have Unflirty, Family Oriented, and Ambitious Traits.

- Master the Writing, Parenting, and Wellness Skills.

- Complete Big Happy Family Aspiration.

- Complete the Writer Career. (Either Branch)

- Have a Failed Relationship that Results in a Baby. (before meeting alien lover)

- Meet Alien Lover, Start a relationship, and then Get Married.

- Have 4-5 Children.

- Have a Hobby of Your Choice.

- Name a Book After Every Child. (ex. if you have a child named Juniper their book may be called “Juniper on Jupiter”.)

Suggested Town: Any.


Fashion and Style.. Makes my Clients Shout and Smile..

Your household as a child was always packed with loud kids, your parent’s conspiracy theories, and your own thoughts.. All at once!

You’d always try and escape to your room right after school to do your homework, play dress up, and decorate houses in ‘simsforever’.

Even though your childhood home was full of chaos, you loved every moment. Out of everyone in your household, you were the one with the best style! You always knew how to match different patterns, fabrics, and colors together..

It felt like it came naturally to you.

When you reached young adulthood you took style to a whole new level!


There’s always new ideas clicking in your head, so you decided that THIS WAS YOUR PASSION! Not some boring school work, where the professors force assignments and tests on you! This way you didn’t need school to make money, you didn’t have to worry about your parents having to pay for your college because you found your calling!

Design and Fashion.

Whether it’s promoting custom clothing on Simstagram or sewing butterflies into your own jeans! This is what you love to do.


- Have Self-Assured, Clumsy, and Creative Traits.

- Master the Gourmet Cooking and Logic Skills.

- Complete Friend of The World Aspiration.

- Complete Style Influencer Career or Leave at Level 4 to Open a Retail Shop.

- Marry a Co-Worker, Client or Employee.

- Have 2-3 Children.

- Have 2 Friends from Childhood to Elder-hood.

-  Master an Instrument of Your Choice.

- Throw 5 House Parties.

- Be an A Student in Grade School and High School.

Suggested Town: San Myshuno.


In Nature.. Nothing is Perfect, but Everything is Perfect

Ever since you can remember, you’ve always been the black sheep of your family.. You were always alone. After school was the only time you socialized.. This was because you were in scouts and loved talking to the other kids about plants, hiking, and running away to live in the forest..

They never believed you’d actually do it..

But you did.

After one big argument with your sibling, you run away! Into the forest, there’s nothing but fresh air and trees surrounding you. You finally had peace and quiet, well… besides those darn crickets! It’s official..

YOU’RE A RUNAWAY TEEN, but this doesn’t scare you..

Being one with nature is your dream so being stranded in the middle of the woods doesn’t seem that bad. You come across a shop down in the little town buy yourself a little tent, and a cooler! You are set for survival.


- Have Loner, Loves the Outdoors, and Good Traits.

- Master Fitness and Gardening Skills.

- Complete Curator Aspiration.

- Complete Civil Designer Career. (Green Technician Branch)


- Run Away from Home as a Teen

- Live Off The Grid Until Aging into a YA

- Maintain a Beautiful Garden - Including a Cowplant!

- Restore Your Friendship with Sibling in Full Adulthood.

- Eventually Move Back to Home Town in a Large Family Home.

- Get Married.

Suggested Town: Windenburg.


True Love.. Isn’t Always in the Form of Romance..

Growing up you admired your parents. They had something that you longed for, they had true love. Something that you thought you couldn’t find.

It’s not because you’re so boring no one wants to date you.. It’s the exact opposite, you’re a charismatic, video game loving, hopeless romantic.

You could never find someone to make you smile as big as your parents made one another. Maybe you’re being too harsh on them..

Or maybe romance just isn’t in the cards for you. You often spend your time on dating apps looking for the right one to settle down with..

One day while scrolling on Simder, you find someone that strikes your attention. You end up going on a date with them to a bar.. One thing leads to another and you two are now back at your place..

The next morning you wake up and something’s not feeling right.. You feel lightheaded.. You take a few tests…


What’re you going to do? Are you going to form a deeper connection with the parent of your child? Become a single parent? Co-Parent?

Will you even tell them that you’re pregnant!? The choice is yours.

Remember, true love isn’t in the form of romance. It can be the love a parent feels for their bundles of joy.


- Have Romantic, Geek and Family Oriented Traits.

- Master the Video Gaming, Painting, and Charisma Skills.

- Complete Serial Romantic Aspiration.

- Complete Tech Guru Career.

- Meet Someone at a Bar, Later Try For Baby.. (Until Pregnant)

- Choose to Marry Parent of Your Child, Raise Child Alone, or Co-Parent.

- Adopt 2 Children After Having First Child.

- Attend Geek-Con.

- Have One Pet

- Woohoo in 5 Different Locations.

- Name All Children After Video Game Characters. (ex. Ryu, Lara, Clementine)

Suggested Town: Any.


If it’s Not Perfect it is Imperfect.. But Imperfect is Good Enough.

From the outside looking in, everyone thought your family was picture perfect. You and your siblings were popular at school and your parents were well known.

Yeah yeah everything looked perfect.. but it wasn’t.

Your house was always messy; with your parent’s tracking  paint through the house, your siblings throwing footballs, plus your pets leaving footprints all over your carpet! It was all so hectic..

Especially since you were the one that cleaned it all up. You didn’t mind though, you enjoy cleaning. You also enjoy cooking and baking.

It makes you the happiest.

Dating hasn’t been the easiest for you. Let’s be honest it hasn’t been the easiest for your whole family. Most of the people you dated in the past hate how neat you are, they loved calling you a neat-freak.

This was until you came across a sim who is your exact opposite.

You Marry a Slob Sim.

They balance you out and bring smiles to your face.. You grow old together and raise your children in a comfortably nice suburban style home in your corner of Brindleton Bay.


- Have Perfectionist, Neat, and Snob Traits.

- Master the Cooking, Baking, and Guitar Skills.

- Complete Master Chef Aspiration.

- Complete Culinary Career.

- Have 2 Failed Relationships Before Meeting Soulmate.

- Leave a Sim at The Altar. Before Meeting Soulmate.

- Live In Needs TLC Apartment as YA. You May Move Afterwards.

- Have 2-3 Close Friends.

- Marry a Slob Sim and Live the Rest of Your Days with Them.

- Have At Least One Child.

Suggested Town: San Myshuno - Young Adulthood. Afterwards Brindleton Bay.


One Thing I’ll Say About Stardom.. It Gave Me Everything I Wanted.

You’ve always been inside. You rarely ever leave the house because of your parents! They don’t want you to get hurt or “fall into the wrong crowd”

They think that you’re still a baby. You’re not a kid anymore. You get to make your own decisions and nobody gets to tell you anything!

Little did your parents know you’ve been saving money from your secret babysitting job. One day, you just up and left, you ran away to a beautiful city by the name of Del Sol Valley!

Where all dreams come true!

You were finally free! You love your parents, but being inside that home at all times was torture. You felt so angry looking outside your bedroom window seeing other kids play, other parties go on down the street, and just overall fun!

Even though you couldn’t touch it..

You wanted it! You wanted to be out there, you wanted to be seen!

So now’s your chance! You started out with a few commercials, and singing at karaoke bars for fame. You later started getting gigs from actual performing arts corporations! Later down the line you climbed up to the top.

Now you’re living the dream!


- Have Materialistic, Self-Assured, and Ambitious.

- Master Acting, Singing, Photography Skills.

- Complete Master Actor/Actress Aspiration.

- Reach Level 10 of the Acting Career.

- Move to Del Sol Valley the Day After You Age Up into a YA.

- Fall in love with Cast Member.

- Join Drama Club as a Child.

- Get married to your Cast Member, Divorce, Then Marry Them Again.

- post to social media once a day to gain fame.

- Visit Sulani with Your Family for a Vacation.

Suggested Town: Del Sol Valley.


Love is So Hard.. That’s What Makes it Interesting..

Being the child of a A-lister celebrity is fun yes.. but it’s hard being in your parents shadow. Sometimes your parent would take you out on meet and greets with them and all the kids would hang out with you and tell you how much they loved you and your parents. You loved the attention, but the attention wasn’t for you and it wasn’t love..

It was just greedy fan-girls obsessing over your family but not for the right reasons. You just wanted love.. which is weird because you are the worst at flirting.. sometimes it even makes you frustrated.

When you were a child your parents took you to Sulani, a beautiful place with lots and lots of water. You loved swimming! When your parents use to take you, all you remember is looking out of your window and seeing these beautiful tails pop out of the water..

You believe they were mermaids but everyone else tells you that your delusional. So..

When you hit young adulthood you take a plane with a little bit of your parents fortune and head to Sulani, you want to prove to your family and everyone else who doubted you that these majestic creatures exist!

Even though your main goal is to find love.. Maybe these two can merge together?


- Have Vegetarian, Creative, and Jealous Traits.

- Master Writing and 2 Other Skills of Your Choice.

- Complete Soulmate Aspiration.

- Be Employed with the Freelance Writers Career.

- Move to Sulani as Young Adult.

- Befriend a MERMAID.

- Make Books About Your Mermaid Friend to Prove That They’re Real.

- Marry Mermaid Friend.

- Have 4-6 Children.

- Have a Good Bond with All Your Children.

Suggested Town: Sulani.


I Guess.. Happily Ever Afters.. Do Exist.

Your siblings always mock you, they love to call you Ariel… you get it? Because you’re a mermaid hybrid..

Anyways, they make fun of you because you believe in happy endings and a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

They don’t think it’s realistic, but you know it can happen for you. You spend most of your time in the lab, running tests, and hypothesizing.

You’ve always been the odd one out in your family, you’re parents say your gifted but your siblings just say your lame. Who cares what they say anyway.. Your family has a history of getting caught up in their job, that’s sometimes a good thing..

but most times it’s a bad thing!

That’s not you though, you know how to handle both family and work. You’re actually really good at it! Scientist during the day, surrounded by family during the night! Until…

You suddenly realize that your spouse has been a little distant for the last few months… but why?

Well, you found out why.. Are you happy you found out? Yes and no..

You’re happy you found out that your spouse was cheating on you because, you’re still surrounded by family and you have let go of that dead weight!

Will you ever get married again? Probably not.. But you will always be with your beautiful family..

In the original version of The Little Mermaid, Ariel needed a Prince Eric.. but you don’t.. You have your family. At least some of your family..


- Have Family Oriented, Ambitious, and Music Lover Traits.

- Master Rocket Science, Robotics, and Fabrication Skills.

- Complete Nerd Brain Aspirations.

- Complete Science Career.

- Find Out Spouse is Cheating, Divorce, Never Remarry.

- Make Robot Friend to Comfort You.

- Have 2-4 Children.

- Build a Rocket and Take it To Space.

- Lose a Child to Death

Suggested Town: Any.


You Only Live Once..

After your siblings death, you felt lost.

What were you supposed to do without them? They were your bestfriend.

Your teen years were nothing but parties, failing grades and multiple relationships. Ever since your sibling died it motivated you to do more with your time that you have.

You prove everyone wrong my maintaining the party life and your career.

You eventually find love, settle down and raise a family….. That was until..

Your spouse died too.

You were left taking care of your children on your own and making it work. Your children could tell you were struggling, but you still put on your best face.

I mean, you are a comedian after all. You started telling jokes once your sibling passed away. It helped you cope with the pain. Now that your spouse is dead.

Raising your children, trying to get to the top of your career and completing all your dreams in life has just become even more difficult.


- Have Dance Machine, Gloomy, and Goofball Traits.

- Master the Comedy, Dancing and Mixology Skills.

- Complete Joke Star Aspiration.

- Complete Entertainer Career. (Comedian Branch)

- Lose Spouse to Death.

- Have 2-3 Children Before Spouse Passes Away.

- Host 10 Parties Throughout Lifetime.

- Visit Spouse’s Grave Once a Week.

- Have Friend Group of Five Friends.

- Always Have a Pet in the Household.

Suggested Town: Any.


Life is Like a Puzzle… and I’m Still Putting Mines Together.

Ever since you can remember you’ve always been able to do anything you put your mind to. You are extremely intelligent.

Even though you’re very smart.. You have no idea what to do in life..

What career path do you want to be on? How many kids do you want? Will you get married. You don’t even know what you enjoy doing most.

You like pretty much everything and it’s hard to make a decision.

So why not do it all?

You develop skills and knowledge for pretty much everything. You love all sorts of activities. One thing you’re still trying to navigate is your love life.

You have a soft spot for children and want to have some of your own someday. You just cannot find someone to give you your dream.

So you take matters into your own hands.

You look into an adoption agency. You end up adopting three children.

Not all at once of course..

You stumble across someone while you’re at one of your toddlers daycare.

This person already has a child, but that doesn’t bother you. You two end up blending your families and even another little addition.

Your dream has finally come true..


- Have Noncommittal, Erratic, and Genius Traits.

- Achieve Level 8 in 6 Different Skills.

- Master One Skill of Your Choice.

- Complete Renaissance Sim Aspiration.

- Reach Level 3 in 3 Careers.

- Have a Random Hobby.

- Live in a 64 Tile Tiny Home for entire Young Adulthood.

- Adopt Three Children.

- Order Take Out Every Friday.

- Find Love With a High Maintenance Sim Who Already Has a Child.

- Have a Child with Your New Found Lover.

Suggested Town: Any.


Thank You All So Much!

You Have Made It! To The End Of The Fantastical Whims Legacy Challenge!

It Means So Much To Me That You Actually Played All 10 Generations.

Base Game Version Coming Soon :) Much Love, Kennedy <3.

2 years ago

My refresh of Ash is now live check it out!!

2 years ago
Guess Who Learned How To Render Her Sims!!! This Girl!! I Am Unstoppable Lol

Guess who learned how to render her sims!!! This girl!! I am unstoppable lol

Model sim: Jeannie Kim (made by me)

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