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31 posts
Bangtandreamland8 - Bangtan_8 - Tumblr Blog
I am gonna live by this for now on
"This is all we've got"

I am infinite. I exist throughout space and time, in realities far beyond this one, in every conceivable way. My existence has always been and will never cease to be. If you choose to believe that everything ultimately ends in nothingness, that's your choice. I am my own infinite being; I am not defined by my body or physical form. This is merely a shell. My true self exists everywhere and anywhere simultaneously, and if I choose to manifest in different places, I will. I do.

Things I am looking forward to In My BTS Dr

In my BTS dr, I am the 8th member and only female in the group i went on two survival shows before I debuted with them in 2013 also, I have only mini shifingr there once a long time ago atleast i think it was mini shifing mainly bc i wasnt there for that long and i was kinda dizzy when i woke up back here.
~playing Video games with Jungkook and messing with the other members. ~Eating Jin Delicious Cooking. ~Rewatching the time i was on two diffent survival shows to see my growth before I joined bts. ~watching my fan cams/edits that can make for me. ~Me and Jimin looking at old photos from our childhood. I scripted that he and I were like childhood friends and that his dad was best friends with my dad.
~the day I actually gain the courage to tell Jimin how I really feel about him.
~yoongi being unbothered by Me and Jungkook's shenanigans. ~rap lesson with Yoongi. ~me, Jimin And Jhope random late night dance sesion at the studio. ~me and jin treating jungkook as if he is our baby. ~Jungkook acting older then me when in reality im older then him. ~ buying presents for the members on there birthdays or taking them out for a meal. ~walking around Seoul at night. becaus picture i saw seoul looks really pretty at night.
~testing my spice limits. mainly because here i can't eat spicy food nor do i like anything spicy beside takis its kinda weird.
~Getting to cover Lee Hyori 10 minutes and U-go Girl also getting to actual meet her.My two persnal favorit song including bad girls. ~Watching Jungkook Getting His Chance To sing a Duet With IU.This is something that i scripted in.
that is, it for now, I wanted to make this because I have been feeling More and more motivated to shift to this reality mainly because I miss seeing the member all together and its 2014 the year, I discovered BTS in this reality

Shifting (a term most used by THIS branch of the community, other communities use different terms but essentially have the same idea) should have NEVER gone mainstream. I don't care what anyone says, most spiritual practices should've never gone mainstream in general. This rant has discussions of racism, ableism, and other issues with Anti-Shifters.
This shit has gotten so ridiculous to the point I and others can't even use our culture's definition/version of shifting without being accused of this bullshit. (My culture, family, and people do not call it shifting, we have a different term for it that stays inside our community's branch.)
Some shifters are not going to agree with this, but the truth is that before shifting went viral on TikTok, it was introduced as a Spiritual Practice.
No, shifting didn't just magically appear as an inside joke on TikTok in 2020. People have been doing this shit far longer than that. Some shifters have been in this community's branch since 2018. I've been doing my culture's version of shifting far longer than 2018.
You are allowed to not believe in different spiritual practices but to go around saying shit like this is harmful. Including the ableist and racist shit a lot of Anti-Shifters have been saying.
Saying a shifter has psychosis or calling them a "schizo" (which is a fucking slur, quick reminder) is straight-up ableist. We can't dance around this much longer.
The fact so many Anti-Shifters claim to simply "care about our mental health" while saying demeaning shit like that says enough about their views on spirituality and disabled people (both of which I AM).
"What about the disabled people with psychosis/schizophrenia who say shifting are those things?"
Once again, shifting isn't some trend that magically appeared in 2020. The mainstreaming of Shifting has done a LOT of irreparable damage. It was used by a bunch of dumbass influencers to grab quick five seconds of fame, which in return led to rampant misinformation on that shithole of an app.
Many were misinformed by what shifting actually was, including many disabled people who were misinformed that Shifting came from mentally ill teenagers who were trying to harm others. Most of them had the right heart, but they still fucked us over nonetheless.
I know what schizophrenia looks like. I've seen that shit up close and personal via my mom's brother. My uncle. Spoiler alert: It has nothing to do with Shifting, Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection, etc.
The fact some even considered it to be Psychosis tells me enough that Abled-Neurotypicals don't give much of a shit to do proper research on these topics and will happily mock disabled people any chance they get.
There's a long history of POC being accused of being mentally insane or delusional just because they have different spiritual beliefs and cultures other than white people.
This has been brought up by multiple POC in this branch of "shifting" and other branches of "shifting" (Once again, not every community uses the term "Shifting.") when talking about Anti-Shifters.
When talking about shifting and how it has been seen throughout the world, a LOT of non-POC will be quick to dismiss it all, saying that it's just "Myths from their cultures," "Old practices that are no longer in practice," or even "Made-up lies."
I'm afro-indigenous (With some Welsh, but not the point). We're still here. We still practice our culture's spiritual beliefs. Other people of color on here will tell you the same.
I'm not going to stop doing what many of my ancestors had been doing for centuries because it can't be proved by a white person's science. I'm not going to stop because a bunch of racist ableist assholes (who can't even tell the difference between schizophrenia and psychosis) decided one day that I and many others are schizophrenic or have psychosis. I'm not going to stop because people that aren't from my culture can't accept the fact that there are other beliefs other than Christianity.
If you aren't going to be respectful when talking about another's culture and spiritual beliefs that don't even bring harm to others, then I think staying out of POC business is the best (only) option for you.
Shifttok is the reason why shifting went mainstream. While this did help some shifters and those currently interested discover it, it has simply done too much irreparable damage to the shifting community in general and to smaller communities that are similar to shifting.
ShiftTok made Shifting mainstream. I and many others who've known about shifting before 2020 have discussed many times why this was mostly a bad thing.
1: The influencers who lied about shifting had/have caused so much distrust in and outside the community it's not even funny anymore, not to mention influencers capitalizing on Shifting and other spiritual beliefs. 2: The rampant misinformation that was spread around during 2020-2022 still affects shifters who had just gotten into shifting during that time. Scroll on here and see how many shifters have said how badly it messed with them or how badly it still messes with them. 3: The rampant misinformation had managed to circle outside of Shifttok via Commentary YouTubers who didn't bother to do some actual research instead of getting all of their information from Shifttok 4: The mainstreaming of Shifting has caused many shifters, whether they were in this part of the community or not, to be endlessly harassed by Anti-Shifters and Non-Shifters. There's a lot more, but this is already long as fuck. TikTok in general has caused many spiritual beliefs to go mainstream, something that understandably made many frustrated and annoyed as depending on what culture or spiritual belief you come from, know that certain things are supposed to be kept inside the community, which is why I never gave the name of my culture's definition/version of shifting.
There's so much more I had planned to cover in this, but this is already long as fuck. Fuck influencers capitalization on spirituality, fuck racists who try to erase POC cultures and spiritual beliefs, and FUCK SHIFTTOK. Y'all could NEVER make me like ShiftTok.

If you’re interested in learning more about me and my personal interests you can follow my second blog I took inspiration from @teyvatrose
Thank you for inspiring me to make this blog
I don’t know if I should take this as a sign because in my dream last night I had this weird dream that I was attempting to shift
also kinda wish I realized I was dreaming bc I always wanted to shift through lucid dreaming
But anyways I had only one fail attempt and then tried again and actually did shift but i only saw my s/o from my Bts dream reality and then I woke up
Soo tonight I’m shifting bc I have already shifted When I was dreaming so I’m taken this as my sign that am close to being aware of my dr
Edit: I would like to mention that i wasn’t really thinking about attempting to shift I literally took sleep gummy because I tent to have trouble sleeping at night since I was 15
shifters who script slow burns are God’s strongest soldiers
Reminder that the amount of years of you trying to shift does not matter! There is only now. So as soon as you decide NOW is when you’re in your DR, nothing can change that.
I literally just manifested something in 5 minutes 😭👌🏿.
so basically i was affirming my femininity, i affirmed that i make people feel comfortable and understood. I basically affirmed a bunch of shit about a comforting,feminine, and irresistible aura, rightttt. All of the sudden my guy bsf who i havent spoken to in MONTHS texts me!! we catch up a little and he wanted to calll. While we were on the phone he was begging to see my eyes and talking about how he missed seeing my smile and shitt!! He begged me to show my eyes and he was being so soft idk how to describe itt 😭 he eventually opened up to me about something hes been dealing with and he told me that he hasnt told that many people before and that he felt safe telling me!! basically everything i affirmed dude 😭😭 ts was so crazyy yallll . be reading your affirmations and BELIEVE them bro. your literally just affirming your life, its your reality!! The 3-D is literally a cooy of your imagination/ mindset dude. wow guys i love when i manifest something super fast. YOUR TURNNN GO MANIFEST THAT THING BEST FRIENDD. (im so fucking powerful dude wow)
BYE GUYS I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!! Stay safe and Stay soft!! 🧘🏿♀️

This was literally me on my way to work
Literally driving through my town being like
"these people don't even know that I can shift to different realities"


it’s really simple like
give it to yourself in the 4d
disregard the 3d
congrats it’s instantly yours
don’t see it? says who? the 3d?
girl please
Experience an event before it happens.

The habit of seeing only what our senses allow makes us completely blind to what we could otherwise perceive. To develop the ability to see the invisible, we should deliberately detach our minds from sensory evidence and focus on an invisible state, mentally feeling and perceiving it until it acquires the same clarity as tangible reality.
Serious and focused thought in a particular direction excludes other sensations, making them disappear. We only need to concentrate on the desired state to see it.
The habit of shifting attention from sensory experiences to the invisible develops our spiritual perspective and allows us to go beyond the sensory world and perceive what is unseen. As it is written, “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen” (Rom. 1:20). This vision is entirely independent of our natural faculties. Open it and enhance its power!
With a little practice, we will realize that by controlling our imagination, we can reconfigure our future in alignment with our desires. Desire is the engine of action. We couldn’t move a single finger without the desire to do so. Whatever we do, we follow the desire that dominates our mind at that moment. When we break a habit, our desire to change is stronger than our desire to continue the habit.
Desires that drive us to act are those that capture our attention. A desire is merely the awareness of something we lack and need to make our lives more pleasant. Desires always aim at some personal gain; the greater the expected benefit, the stronger the desire. No desire is completely selfless. Where there is nothing to gain, there is no desire, and therefore, no action.
By assuming the feeling of our desire fulfilled and then living and acting according to this conviction, we alter the future to align with our assumption. Assumptions awaken what they affirm. As soon as a person assumes the feeling of their desire fulfilled, their four-dimensional self finds ways to achieve it and discovers methods for its realization.
There is no clearer definition of how we achieve our desires than LIVING IN THE IMAGINATION WHAT WE WOULD EXPERIENCE IN THE FLESH IF WE ACHIEVED OUR GOAL. This imaginative experience of the end with acceptance determines the means. The four-dimensional self then constructs the necessary means to achieve the accepted end.
once you find about loa and shifting there’s no running…

There’s no giving up on the law of assumption. There is no giving up on the void or shifting , no matter how much you wanna believe it. Why? Because the law of assumption is law, not some belief that can be speculated against, a superstition that can be proved wrong or a hypothesis that can be debunked.
It’s law, it cannot fail, it will never fail, it’s you who fails to see your potential.
You can’t just quit because you failed to stand firm, we are never not manifesting, we are never not shifting. Even when it comes to those who say that loa and shifting are fake, because those are their dominant thoughts, that’s what will be reflected. Those who are “always failing” have that story as their mindset, the fact that “nothing is working for them” is something they choose to dominantly believe so that’s what manifests.
What ever you believe will become true, it was true before you found out about the law and will be true forever. Even the “ex-shifters” and “ex-manifestors” who preach that it’s all fake because they are bitter about not having their manifestations don’t even believe themselves. They are mad that they haven’t mastered something that doesn’t require you to move a muscle and are bitter about seeing others do it so flawlessly. So don’t believe those fools, because even they don’t believe the things they type or the words that come out of their mouths.
You can’t put this shit in a box and forget about it, you have found the secret to life, you’ve struck gold with this discovery, so don’t sit there idly and watch everything pass you by! Do you want to make it to 2026, 2027 even 2028 without your dream life? and become one of those salty, jealous hags working overtime to try and debunk loa and the void?? Do you want to give up when you could be living your dream? Because let me tell you now, this isn’t something that you forget or shut out, once you know, you know.
remember this is law, something that is etched into life itself, it cannot be undone it cannot be untrue. There’s no point of procrastination or fear because the law and shifting will continue to be true and real while you sit there with nothing, use and abuse it while you know. STOP WASTING TIME.
The law won’t stop for you, it stops for no one because for the millionth time, it’s fucking LAW!!
you can’t quit the facts, babe, so you might as well use them to your advantage 🎆💋

remove the 3d from the equation.
imagination dictates all.
can you imagine having it?
then what’s convincing you you don’t?
I’m so proud of myself as a shifter,
I went from being s*icidal and letting my 3d lead me to being a full blown shifter who knows my worth as the god of my own reality.
this is your green light to do the same and choose your reality wisely

made two of my drselves in inZoi

˜”°•.˜”°• A Random Thought That I Just Thought Of While I Was Doing Laurdy And Cleaning My Room •°”˜.•°”˜

So Basically I had just put all my clothes in the washing machine and I decided that to waste some time I would watch some TY videos that reminded me of my DR
By the way, if anyone wants to know I'm shifting to My BTS DR Where I'm The 8th Member
I was Watching Bts Old Videos Because In My DR It 2014 I started Missing Seeing The Members Together As I was Watching Then I looked over at the pile of clothes that I still had to wash. It was a lot left
and out of nowhere I sighed and said in my head "Why don't I just shift so I'm not aware of me washing my clothes And I'll just be aware of What I'm Doing In My Dr" Then I laughed at myself Idk well I do I thought I sounded ridiculous because I just didn't want to wash any more Clothes
Anyway that was it I just thought it was something I wanted to share I kinda don't think I should have laughed after I said that but I did and thought about it which led to this post also, Thoughts about this are welcome i do kinda want to hear what people have to say about what for next time I have a thought like this
🐭 🎀 𝐵𝒶𝓃𝑔𝓉𝒶𝓃𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂𝐿𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒮𝒾𝑔𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔 🌸𝒻𝒻 🎀 🐭
slit ur fucking wrists
This is really unnecessary have you considered getting a life
Just a suggestion btw

(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Thanks To Shiftblr I Notice a Big Change in Mind Set ♥

Just a little head up so u don't get confused instead of () to express my thoughts, feelings or opinions they will be colored in pink like this also purple is for information that was important to me and had some sort of effect on me in someway Hopefully that makes sense bc I'm bad at explaining things
when I first Stumbled Across Shiftblr I wanted To Get Away from all the toxic people on shifttok + I was also losing some interest in shifting witch caused a very long shifting break. That was UNTIL I Decided that one day to not go on shifttok again and look for information about shifting Somewhere Else and in my search, I came across Shiftblr and I was hit with a lot of Yelling the yelling was well deserved mainly about Not Caring about the 3D The only important 4D is our real reality because we are imagination and Also How we are always shifting also persisting. Sorry if it doesn't make sense, I was trying to summaries what I have been learning on here One Major change I noticed was 4 days ago I did my first Shifting attempt after a very long break because I just randomly started thinking about My BTS Reality It was A random Scenario That I had Scripted So I thought I was do a sleep method, But I ended Up Falling asleep, But I noticed feeling a little happy when I woke up even though I fell asleep during my method I remember saying to myself "Its Okey That I fell asleep Bc I still shifted" after I told myself that there was a part of me that Did Believed that I Shifted But a small part of me that Didn't But I decided not to focus too much on that side of me this was a big difference bc I would normally just throw a fit about me falling asleep while I was trying to shift Or Would look at the steps to the method I did to see if I did anything wrong. but instead, I just said I still shifted and went on with the rest of my day Evan Tho there was still that small part of me that didn't believe what I had said was true I just thought that I had Shifted But because there was that other part of me that believed that I had shifted, and I was in my Dr so I just decided to Listen To that part Of Me Instead of thinking I Didn't shift and whining and complain about it so, I just got out of bed and went on with my day and that was it. Another thing I learned from being on tumbler is loa And Manifestations in general one thing I learn is that the 4D is our real reality So why should we care about what we see in the 3D and as long as we accept the fact that we have everything we want in the 4D then we don't have to worry about the 3D bc the 3D Is not Our Ture reality this how my brain took that information from different post on here also, something else that I kept in mind was that we are Imagination we are nothing but Imagination. I'm goanna admit that this was hard for me to grasp at first bc I now realize I might have been overthinking it a little. but when I first started reading those post I was always saying to myself "how am imagination when people would say how bad it was for me to have a big imagination when I was younger" I was one of those kids who had an overactive imagination, and I also had family member who though that it was weird But besides I later thought that well if this person is telling me that I am Imagination then why would they lie. so, for a couple of days I would randomly say to myself " I'm Imagination" and to be honest I don't know why I just for some reason felt that I needed to remind myself that I am imagination and I think it worked in some way bc I was trying to manifest some money, and I went to the job my mom helps me get cleaning the doctor office that she worked at before I started, I closed my eyes and told myself I would do a really good job and make a good imprecation and the day that I actually started the lady who haired me for the job kept giving me complement's and I was supposed to get paid by the end of the week but she paid me on the spot also on Friday she gave me extra cash my mom said it was because she like me and she was goanna have me come back every day when she on vacation since she also helps cleans the office
So, with that being said I was and will forever be Grateful for shiftblr and that one post with the person who yelled at me in a post also shook me I think I reblog that post not sure I'll probably go looking for it and ill added to this post or my introduction post but i strongly believe that if i didn't decide to leave shifttok then i would probably have woken up in this reality complaining about how i didn't shift or thinking i was doing a method wrong But now Im more focused on what i do/have in the 4D thank you for coming to my Journal entry
Also, from now on I'll be treated this blog as a journal because it kind of felt like that while I was writing this
oh, and thank you for being here on my journey
the universe is your playground.
have fun with it.
there are no limits.

How To Shift Realities
An in-depth guide by Vanessa Faron

Introduction & Disclaimer
By the time you are finished reading this, you will know how to shift. You will have all the information you need in order to shift to your desired realities. Whether you actually apply this information is your call. If you apply, you will shift.
If you come from a shifttok background like me, the chances are you’ve been exposed to an insane amount of misinformation and limiting beliefs. I managed to escape this through my own research but I’m aware not everyone has managed to do this. This is why I’m here. Shifttok is unfortunately still full of misinformation. I am not saying this with any malice or ill intention. I made this account to try and help.
Before I go any further I want to clarify a few things:
I do not think I’m a shifting God. I don’t have the ability to make you shift, you do. I’m merely here to provide all the information that I think is helpful in regards to the Law of Assumption, which is in my opinion, the key to shifting. I truly believe that we need to look at shifting through the manifestation lens in order to understand it.
If this rubs you the wrong way or doesn’t resonate, you don’t have to take my advice. Please be aware I will not be arguing about it anywhere.
Law of Assumption
Now, let's get into it. What is the Law of Assumption?
I don’t find it easy to summarise, but in the simplest of ideas it is that whatever you believe to be true, is true for you. It is not “just another shifting method” it is the reason for everything. This will make more sense later on.
Let me go over a few things you need to know about the Law.
Your imagination is reality. This is the most important bit of information I can give you. We’ve been taught to see the physical world as reality and that our imagination is just imagination. However, everything in our physical world comes from imagination. Our physical world is a direct reflection of us. Our assumptions, beliefs and our state/identity. The physical world is not a separate from us, we are in power over it.
I mentioned that the physical world is a reflection, so to make a simple analogy, think of it as a mirror. Now think of a real mirror. You look in the mirror and you don’t like your reflection. What do you do? Try and change the mirror? No, you don’t change the mirror. You change yourself. You fix your makeup, change your outfit, do your hair, whatever. You change yourself. The mirror now reflects your new look. Your new state. Your new story. This is how you should see reality. The physical world is reflecting your inner world. Therefore, how do you change the physical world? You change the inner world.
I will be using some shorter terms, so just to clarify:
Physical/outer world = 3D
Imagination/inner world = 4D
How to Apply
So how do you change the inner world?
It’s actually very simple. You just have to be the person who has what you want. I know that sounds vague so I will go into a bit more detail.
It all comes down to using your imagination.
Think about what you want. Since we are using the context of shifting, imagine your DR.
You can use various methods to imagine. Whether that’s visualisation, affirmations, scripting, whatever works for you. Use your imagination to see your DR. Use your imagination to be in your DR. Stay in imagination for a time and allow yourself to feel fulfilled. By fulfilled, I don’t mean that you have to feel strong emotions, you just need to feel fulfilled in the fact that you are already there. How do you know you are already there? You saw it in imagination. Imagination is reality.
When you accept that you are in your DR through imagination, your state naturally changes. What is your state? Your I AM. Your I AM/state is who you are. The reason some of you are not shifting is because your I AM is “I am someone who hasn’t shifted. I am someone who hasn’t shifted in the 4 years I’ve been trying.” The second you identify as a master shifter, you are a master shifter. Start saying “I am a master shifter.” Start saying “I am someone who has already shifted. I am someone who is currently in my DR.”
So then what? Simple. You continue with your day knowing that you have already shifted. Remember, you saw your DR in imagination, your reality. You have accepted that it’s true for you because it is. You are already there. You have already shifted. All you need to do is persist in the knowledge that you have already shifted. There is literally nothing else you need to do.
What? That’s it? Yep, that’s it.
What about attempting to shift? Why would you attempt to shift when you’ve already shifted?
What about methods? You. Do. Not. Need. Methods.
Thoughts on Methods
Unfortunately a lot of shifters are very heavily focused on methods. The general assumption of that community is that you just need to find the right method for you. This is false. The shift comes from you accepting your new reality and letting go of the old one. Methods can help you get there but they are NOT what makes you shift. You are what makes you shift. I need everyone to understand this.
I am not saying methods are useless. They’re not. They really do help some people. I never liked them or found them useful but I understand why some people do. If they work for you, wonderful. Use them. However, I stand by the fact you don’t need them. This is a controversial take but you also don’t need to meditate to shift. Again, I’m not saying meditation is useless because it’s definitely not. It is a great tool for regulating your nervous system when unwanted thoughts pop up and for observing your thoughts coming in. You do not need it to shift.
Another limiting belief that some shifters still have is that you need to “detach from your CR” in order to shift. That you have to be in an altered state of consciousness. You don’t. Shifting is instantaneous and it can happen at any time in any state. Wide awake, while asleep, it can happen ANY TIME. You are not travelling to another reality. You are changing the reality around you using the power of your consciousness. We shift awake literally all the time. It is no different when shifting to your DR.
How to Shift
To summarise it down to a step-by-step “method”, here is how to shift realities:
1. Identify where you want to be.
2. Be there in imagination.
3. Accept your imagination as reality. You have already shifted. You are already there.
4. Persist in the knowing that you have shifted and there’s nothing else to do.
That’s it. It is that easy.
There are a few more things I want to talk about to really make sure you are getting the most out of this information.
A lot of us feel 3D oriented, which I totally understand. We got into shifting with the intention of physically being in our DRs. Don’t worry, you will be. However, in order to physically shift you need to internally shift. By doing this, you need to take power away from the 3D. If you see your DR in imagination, then return to the physical world and start thinking “well where is it” or “why am I not there yet” you are not really understanding this.
The second you start looking at the 3D for confirmation that you’ve shifted is when you give power back to the 3D and you start thinking from a place of lack. You have to look within for your validation. The validation will always come from YOU. As I said before, your 4D is where “creation” begins. So when you are feeling doubts, return to imagination to feel fulfilled and then carry on with your day, keeping the feeling of knowing that you’ve already shifted because you HAVE.
That is literally all you need to do. Your 3D will naturally conform.
Don’t worry about the how and the when in regards to the physical shift. The how will happen however it happens, and the when doesn’t matter because time isn’t real anyway. You just have to know that it is done the second you see it in your imagination. It is done. The how and the when is none of your concern, you are already there. You’ve shifted! Congratulations!
Another thing I feel the need to address:
I’m aware some of you guys are shifting to escape from your current realities. I was like you and I completely understand and sympathise. I will give you the advice that helped me but if it doesn’t resonate, I apologise and understand.
Circumstances only have an affect on us because we give them meaning. Nothing has meaning until we give it meaning. There’s a phrase that helped me deal with unfavourable 3D circumstances: Observe, don’t absorb. Observe the unwanted things but don’t let it shake your knowing that you have already shifted. None of it matters because you are not here anymore. This did take me a while to come to grips with, so give it time. But keep on applying this and things will seem much easier. I applied this and after a while my anxiety levels were at an all time low and nothing was able to shake the knowing that I was already in my DR. Nothing here mattered. I already shifted.
Summary and Final Thoughts
Finally, to summarise again, here’s how to shift using the Law:
Change your state by changing your I am, using your imagination and accepting that you have already shifted. Persist in that knowledge. That is all.
As I mentioned before, a lot of you guys enjoy methods, which is totally cool, so if you would like to continue with methods, just identify as someone who shifts every time they do their method. If you still wake up in your CR when you do your method, no you didn’t. You successfully shift every time, remember? Just persist in that knowing and it will reflect in your reality.
This is all the information you need. However, if you would like to do your own research like I did, I recommend EdwardArt on YouTube and the Neville Goddard subreddit. They made it click for me.
Now go shift.
The Art Of Persistence


Hey Upper East Siders.
I know that some of manhattans finest elite have had their tough times. But now they’re at the top. Because all tough times come to an end. And with a happy ending comes persistence.
That key to your happy ending. And it becomes almost too easy to persist once you realise that you actually do have what you want. What you see in imagination truly IS the real fact. And when you persist in your desired assumptions, you are too fulfilled to focus on lack.
Persisting is meant to be fun or even nonchalant sometimes. It is not meant to feel like a chore.
You should erase all desire from your imagination by constantly FULFILLING yourself. This is why people who truly succeed enjoyed persisting because they were too focused on their 4D to even care that the 3D still didn’t show what they wanted.
And you can do the same. Every time you feel lack or desire, replace that with fulfillment (you already know how). Be so in love and consumed by your 4D that the 3D doesn’t faze you anymore. Dwell in the feeing of having your desires. It won’t matter what the 3D shows you when you let the outer world disappear and leave yourself with imagination and fulfillment.

Because how could persisting possibly be difficult if all it requires is you to fulfill yourself and embody the state of having your desires.
It is impossible for persisting to be difficult because if you aren’t fulfilling then you aren’t persisting.
All those times you’ve “persisted” weren’t truly persistence. Because if you were truly persisting then the 3D would not affect your view of imagination and having what you want.
Yes you can be fazed by the 3D, as long as you aren’t accepting it as real. Because it’s not your true reality. Imagination is the true reality. Seek proof in imagination and nowhere else. Your 3D face may be drenched in tears but your 4D one isn’t.

Go back to fulfilment every time the 3D fazes you. Go back to fullfillment every time you feel like you want to react to the 3D. There you go. Now you have persisted.
You know you love me. But you love persisting even more. XOXO
- gossip girl
Quick PSA:
This ain't CR. Your DR is actually also your CR, so don't refer to this reality as CR anymore. Break free from being a sheep and see what's truly supposed to be your ACTUAL reality!!!
Thank you.

Welcome To My Blog
Basic Info
~My Name Is Faith. ~ I Am 21 Years Old ~My Birthday Is June 18 ~ I learned about Shifting In 2019 But In 2020 I joined an Anmino Shifting community and learned much more about shifting which also led me to Shifttok ~ But Most Of My Information about Shifting comes from Anmino, and Reddit, And As much as I hate to admit it, Shifttok Until I went On Tumbler one day and it gave me a totally different view of shifting I also learned a lot about the law of attraction on here to Tumblr help me mini shift I at least I think I did and also had me really change my mind set about life and shifting in general ~ So Don't Be Afraid to correct me on anything that seems wrong to you or if I Do/say something that You would find On shittok
Extra Facts
~I Have never actually shifted least not That I know of at least I Think I mini But I also think I SHifted Without realizing it bc I woke up in my Cr Feeling really dizzy for some reason also My vision was kinda blurry (but I'll make another post On this Later) ~ I don't And Never Believed In The Whole Clone Thing mainly Bc I remember thinking when someone told me that I needed to script what my clone would do while I was gone so other people in my CR wouldn't worry or something like that I thought that person was crazy bc I never actually thought my physical body would leave or do anything for that fact also bc I was shifting while I saw going to sleeping so I actually did think one time that my body would still be asleep or something like that while I was In My DR.
What Are You Posting About
I was Planning on Using This Blog as A shifting journal
Share My Shifting Story (every time I Plan on shifting and actually shift
reposting some Shifing-related post
Again This Blog Is Probably gonna be like a shifting journal but I can get positive feedback that will help me
Hope You Stay Awhile & Follow Me On My Journey
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THE END~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~