JAKETamed-Dashed (Japanese Ver.) Official MV

JAKE ✦ Tamed-Dashed (Japanese Ver.) Official MV
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More Posts from Bangtanjake
I love that sooonnnggggggggg😭😭😭😭 no cause who gave her the right. Now we're just here fangirling like there's no tomorrow 🤣
and is🤭😭😭. got me over here bout to listen to it
Hey!! I Think the scoups fic u were talking about could be this one: link
that’s not it but thanks for helping ♡︎
i’m sorry. i don’t know.

after receiving a call from your boyfriend jake, everything starts to crumble. jay and sunghoon are dead in a bathtub and jake is the only one who can help.
mentions of murder, blood, weapons, and death. (sad ending based off the ryan waller case)
your phone was ringing in the middle of the night. as much as you wanted to ignore it and continue sleeping. the contact name wouldn’t let you do so.
“baby. y/n, i need you help. i did something…i’m so sorry…i swear it was an accident.” jaeyun was crying on the other side of the line. you could hear his panting. he was freaking out.
“jake, calm down. tell me what happened.” your voice was calm unlike your head. you were wide awake now. confused as to why jaeyun was apologizing at three a.m.
“no no no. i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to. i didn’t mean to!” jaeyun could only shake his head at the sight. he wanted to tell you but he was in shock.
“jaeyun…” you let out a shaky breath. okay. okay. you needed him to calm down. “baby, i need you to calm down for me. i can’t help you if you don’t tell me what happened.” you couldn’t even make guesses as to what had jake like this.
hearing you call him by his name brought him back from his thoughts. “y/n, i’m gonna go to jail. but please. you know i would never do this. i don’t think it was me.” he said, sobbing into the phone.
you didn’t know what to do. “jaeyun…where are you, honey? i’m going to go help you. i know you didn’t do it.” although you had no clue what he was talking about. comforting him was all that mattered right now.
“okay…okay.” you could hear him breathing in and out. “i am…at jay’s house. top floor.” he muttered. “don’t hang up on me…please.”
“i won’t. keep breathing in and out. you’re going to be okay. i’ll make sure of it.” you comforted as you put on some shoes and made way to your car.
the whole time you drove jake had been apologizing. but he never gave you a straight answer. he wouldn’t tell you what was happening.
“can you open the door for me? come down, jaeyun.” you couldn’t help but talk to him as if he was a child. he sounded so terrified.
“mhm…i can do that.” you could hear shuffling in the background. jaeyun was grunting and hissing in pain.
he opened the door, letting his phone fall to the floor. he instantly threw himself in your arms.
not before you could catch a glimpse at his clothes. he had red splatters all over his white collared shirt. you hoped it wasn’t what you were thinking. gulping loudly as you caressed his hair. “what’s going on, baby? speak to me.”
he felt himself breakdown once again at your whispers. shaking his head, “i…don’t know what happened. i don’t remember…” his eyes were bloodshot red. pulling away so you could look at his clothes.
he was covered in scratches and bruises even though he couldn’t feel most of them. it was the shock, you figured.
you pretended like you weren’t taken back. nodding as you touched his red stained collared shirt. “who’s inside?” you asked, holding back tears at the sight of your usually smiling boyfriend in tears.
“jay…and sunghoon. they’re like…not moving. i tried to wake them up y/n!” he was freaking out again. calming down when you motioned him to be quiet. “my friends are dead…i didn’t kill them. i would never…you have to believe me.”
“i believe you. i believe you, baby. why don’t we call the co-“
“no! please don’t call them…they’ll think i did it.” he had gone on his knees. begging you to not notify the cops.
“i…okay.” you could only send him a soft smile. you were losing it internally. what did he mean they weren’t moving? “take me so i can see em’. i’ll help them, jaeyun.” you whispered, feeling him grab your hand and drag you to the master bedroom.
it was a mess. bottles of liquor and confetti all over the place. there was glass and blood all over the white marble floors. “where are they?” you asked, watching as he pointed towards a door.
“bathtub…i found them there.” he slid down on the wall, holding his head in his hands. “i didnt do it. i didn’t do it. i didn-“ he could only chant the same words. he was convinced he didn’t do it.
your blood piercing scream made his head snap up. watching as you stumbled back into the bedroom. falling back on the floor as you covered your mouth.
the sight was horrible. jay and sunghoon were covered in blood. long slits across their necks that caused blood to spew all over them. “jae…jaeyun.”
“i didn’t do it, y/n! you said you believed me!” he could feel his world crumbling down again.
“no no. baby… look at me. i know you didn’t do it. okay? but i need you to tell me what you remember. anything.” you didn’t want to lose jaeyun. he was losing his mind and you could see it. crawling up to him and taking him in your arms.
it didn’t make sense. there was blood everywhere but not enough on jake. the way sunghoon and jay were sitting. it didn’t make sense…you didn’t want to believe jake had possibly done it. you knew him. he would never….right?
“we were celebrating. celebrating sunghoon’s award that he got at the tournament. and we danced…we talked…i can’t remember anything else.” he was shaking in your arms. he was having trouble remembering anything else.
“did you drink?” you felt him nod. “okay…you didn’t do any…drugs right?” you asked, he shook his head. you were getting more answers this way. you sighed, trying to forget the two dead bodies in the bathroom. “was there someone else?…” you felt him go tense.
“yeah…two or three. i can’t remember.”
“i need you to tell me-“
“alice? who’s alice, jake?” you tilted your head the unfamiliar name.
“i don’t know…”
“yang jungwon…and heeseung hyung.”
“heeseung? as in lee heeseung?” the name was familiar. you were trying to think of where you had heard it. oh…business management.
the other name was unfamiliar. “who’s jungwon, baby? hmm?” you wanted answers. you wanted jaeyun’s name to be cleared. you wanted to forget this had ever happened. you didn’t want jake to be affected by this.
“jay’s…boyfriend. secret. and heeseung hyung’s brother…younger brother.” he mumbled; shaking his head. “my head hurts…i need to nap.” he was trying to lay down. holding his head.
“no no. you can’t sleep, honey. i need you to try and remember more. we’ll explain to the…” you didn’t want to bring up the police. shaking him to keep him awake.
“did anything happen? was there an argument?” you asked, tilting your head. wiping the tears that were leaving his eyes.
“i don’t know…i’m sorry. i don’t know…” jaeyun’s words were growing more and more slurred.
you were aware that it could be symptoms of the shock but you were scared. “are you okay? look at me, jake. keep your eyes here, babe.” you wanted him to try and remember. but he had trouble focusing.
“i…heeseung hyung was upset. that’s all i can remember…jungwonnie was crying.” he mumbled, feeling himself grow dizzy.
you nodded, trying to figure out the situation. “did heeseung hit jay? or sunghoon?” you asked, trying to talk as softly as possible. taking a glance at the bathroom door. the cops and paramedics had to get here now.
“i don’t know…i don’t know.” he fell unconscious.
you tried to best not to breakdown at your boyfriend’s limp body that was on you. pulling out your phone, dialing 119.
“i uh…my…my boyfriend’s friends are dead.” you sniffled. trying to find the words to explain the suituation. “my boyfriend isn’t responding. i think he’s passed out.” you broke out into sobs. trying your best to respond to all the questions that operator was asking.
“the police are around the corner. come out so you can lead them.” you nodded as if they could see you. breathing heavily as you laid jake on the floor. “i’ll be back, baby…”
the beeps from machines in the small hospital room were the only thing keeping you awake. looking down at jake, who laid on the white hospital bed.
you didn’t know if he would be okay. the doctors never gave you a direct answer. until now.
“he has a dent in the back of his head. it was hard to see but you could certainly feel it.” he started.
“but is he…okay?” you asked, tightening the grip you had on jaeyun’s hands.
“the test indicated that he received severe brain damage, which explains why he couldn’t remember. and kept rambling about other things.” the doctor spoke, watching as you struggled to keeping yourself together.
“his family has been notified.” that was all he said before he left you to alone. one look at him was all it took for you to breakdown into heartbreaking sobs.
“jaeyun…i’m so sorry. i’m so sorry.” you felt guilty. if only you had brought him to the hospital instead of trying to make sense of what had happened. he could have been helped…
“i’m so sorry…”
you sat in the court room. your face was straight as you watched heeseung enter and sit down with a smug look on his face. he didn’t regret anything he’d done.
he admitted to everything. killing both jay and sunghoon for hitting on his younger brother. he made jungwon watch as he killed them. wanting to teach the younger boy a lesson. he shouldn’t be dating older boys.
but jake? why jake?
well jake was a witness. that was his reasoning.
your boyfriend was dead because he witnessed a murder.
jaeyun couldn’t even remember what had happened. yet lee heeseung couldn’t risk it. so he admitted to hitting jake with a bat on the head. thinking that the younger had died…he left. taking a sobbing jungwon with him.
jake had survived the blow. walking around without understanding what had happened to his best friends. begging you to help him. apologizing for something he hadn’t done.
he deserved so much better.
death penalty. that was what heeseung had received. you wanted to die a slow painful death like jaeyun had after two months after being hospitalized.
this wouldn’t bring jaeyun back.
it wouldn’t bring jay or sunghoon back.
jungwon would never forget it.
“i’m sorry, baby…i took so long today. i had a court hearing.” you whispered, setting down a bouquet on his grave. wiping on the small particles of dirt that had flown onto the beautiful gravestone.
“i miss you…” you voice broke. you missed him so bad. he didn’t deserve this…
“i love you, jaeyun.”
Right? She's literally so amazing.. she gives me chills with the way she tells stories in her lyrics. 😵💫
no fr!! Maybe it’s me but like she gives like a soft tone sound and I love it. Grateful is my fav song btw