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430 posts
Interns: So It Is Reported That Hyuna Needs A New Company Now
interns: so it is reported that hyuna needs a new company now…
littally every single company:

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More Posts from Basicgukk

How to Deal with Study Burnout

As students in this day and age, it’s quite common for us to juggle rigorous academic responsibilities and overwhelming extracurricular activities. As a result, we might feel burnt out. But what exactly is burnout?
Burnout is when you feel physically and mentally exhausted as a result of constantly lacking the energy required to fulfill the demands of your studying.
Burnout can be broken down into three parts:
Exhaustion is what causes you to feel tired all the time and unable to concentrate. You could also get sick or have trouble sleeping.
Cynicism or depersonalization is when you feel disconnected from those around you, e.g. your friends and family.
Inefficacy is a decrease in productivity, efficiency, or quality of your work.
How do you know if you have burnout?
Symptoms may vary, but they include:
Being unable to absorb new information
Intellectual exhaustion
Decreasing academic performance and productivity
Feeling like you need to prove yourself
Making yourself work even more, even though you’re exhausted or being unwilling to study further
Neglecting your needs
Long term fatigue
Showing disinterest in things you normally enjoy, e.g. hobbies or friends
Denying that something’s wrong with you (may manifest in the form of aggression)
Avoiding social interaction
Feeling empty and depressed
What can I do to fix it?
Here are some short term solutions for dealing with burnout.

1. Take a power nap Power naps are life changing. They help you recharge your energy and get you ready to start working again. They also improve learning, memory, creativity, alertness, and mood. I would recommend napping for 30 minutes at most, because anything more will lead to a longer sleep session.
Optional: drink coffee before your nap - something that takes a short while to consume like a shot of espresso - so that you’ll feel alert and revitalized afterwards!
2. Take a shower A cold one will wake you up, but a warm one will calm you down. I suggest starting with warm water, then ending with cold water.
3. Exercise Whether it’s playing soccer or doing yoga, the important thing is to get moving! Exercise releases endorphins or happy hormones that help you combat stress.
4. Run a quick errand This will help take your mind off things while also getting something done! You’ll also end up walking, which is technically a form of exercise.
5. Call or visit a friend Sometimes what we’re lacking is social interaction, and hanging out with a friend definitely helps. Whether it’s providing you with a distraction or giving emotional support, your friends are always there to help you. Plus, science has shown that being with friends reduces your cortisol (stress hormone) levels.
6. Eat a snack Preferably a healthy one. Eat something with proteins, vitamins, and fibers to boost your mood. Here’s a list of mood boosting foods.
7. Surf the web This requires A TON of discipline, but it’s definitely a game changer. Surfing the web is one of the most relaxing things you could do. I personally look for a good laugh during my study breaks, so I’d watch a comedy or scroll through memes to get those happy hormones up and running.
8. Do an activity you find interesting, e.g. a hobby We all need happiness in our lives, and our hobbies are perhaps the best way to find that joy. You could sit down with a page turning adventure, or go outside and shoot hoops, or listen to a podcast, or even bullet journal, as long as you’re having a good time.
9. Listen to music Music is one of the ways we gain energy, so I always make time for it during the day. However, you should choose the right music, because not all the music you love is going to make you feel energized. For me, it’s pop punk with hard hitting beats, thundering guitars, and really upbeat, enthusiastic vocals. Some of you might be energized by mellow music with dreamy vocals that make you feel like you’re floating in the clouds. If you choose the wrong music, you might just end up feeling sluggish and drained.
10. Get some fresh air Your brain needs 20% of the oxygen in your body. Fresh air brings more oxygen to your brain so that you can think more clearly, feel less tired, and concentrate more easily.
How do I make sure I don’t get it in the future?
Avoiding study burnout in the long term has a lot to do with our study habits - as well as our daily habits. We need to make sure that our bodies and minds receive the things they need, and that we aren’t overworking them.

1. Study a little at a time Break up your notes into smaller, more easily digestible pieces and learn a little at a time. This way, you’re not overwhelming your brain, and you have time to let that new knowledge settle in.
2. Time management Having a good study schedule is crucial in preventing burnout. You don’t want to force yourself to work at your slow hours. Aside from that, you definitely shouldn’t leave things until the last minute, and sticking to a schdule will help you pace yourself. Here’s a post I wrote on How to Make an Efficient Revision Schedule and How to Beat Procrastination.
3. Get enough rest I cannot stress enough that sleep is so important for you. It improves your cognitive functioning and also enhances your mood, making it less likely that you’ll get burnt out. Make sure to take power naps, too, if you feel like you need them.
You also really shouldn’t pull all-nighters. Sleep is also involved in cementing memories in your brain, so if you study a little before you sleep, you’re bound to remember more than if you studied a chapter during an all nighter.
Having trouble sleeping? Here’s a post I made about my night routine and how to get better sleep.
4. Cycle your study environments Your body and mind are bound to get tired from being in the same location for prolonged periods of time. The best way to fix that is to study in different places: at your desk, your backyard, the dining table, a cafe, a friend’s house, the library, etc.You should find a frequency that works for you. I like to switch it up every 2-3 days; some people change locations every week.
5. Eat well As I’ve mentioned before, healthy foods with protein, vitamins, and fiber greatly improve your mood and your physical health. Proper nutrition will give your brain the power it needs to push through. Also make sure not to skip meals; honestly you’ll just end up feeling terrible afterwards.
6. Take frequent breaks Let’s face it, we’re human, we’re bound to get tired from studying for a long time. Taking breaks enables our brains to digest the information we just learned in a pace that works for it. Breaks also help us focus on something other than studying, so that when we do get back to it, we’ll be ready to digest even more information.
7. Set realistic study goals You’re gonna memorize all 500 pages of your biology textbook in one day? Good luck with that. Some of you might be compulsive studiers, but this kind of habit isn’t very good for your brain or your physical health. Studies have shown that excess studying can lead to lower productivity, fatigue, and - you guessed it - burnout. In the end, this will result in lower academic performance, perhaps even in the long run. So instead of trying to study so much in one sitting or one day, break up your material into chunks.
8. Maintain your social life Wherever you lie on the introvert-extrovert spectrum, everyone needs social interaction once in a while. It keeps you sane and healthy. Go out with your friends, have a sleepover, or maybe even a study date.
9. Start the day right What we do in the morning can significantly affect our mood for the rest of the day. Sometimes we don’t even feel like getting up in the morning, or doing anything that day. One thing you should do is create a morning routine you enjoy to jumpstart your day. Here are 8 Morning Habits for Productivity.
10. Think positive When we’re feeling burnt out, it’s hard to not think negatively about everything. In reality, that just makes our condition worse. So think positively! Start small, like congratulating yourself for getting out of bed today, and then work your way up to bigger accomplishments, like finishing 2 chapters of your textbook.
11. Keep a stress diary This is kind of a new concept for me, but it’s really great. How it works is that each day, you would write down all the things that made you stressed and how they made you stressed. This will help you identify the things you’re doing that’s causing your burnout, e.g.
Too long study hours? take regular breaks
Too much time in the same place? cycle your study environment
Not eating properly? set aside time to eat healthy meals at least 2 times a day
Not doing the things you love? schedule in time for that, e.g. during your long breaks
Not getting enough human interaction? make a study group
Too much negative thinking? adopt a positive mindset (you can always start small)
Not getting enough sleep? fix your sleep schedule
And that’s all I have for you guys this time. Hope these tips will help you manage your stress and study burnout whenever you have them. And if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to drop an ask!
P.S. if any of you want to see the images in this post in better quality, click here (link to google drive)
Midnight Circus

☾pairing: Jungkook ♡→ reader ☾genre: Angst. Fluff. Mature content. badboy summer fling au ☾summary: “You’re ten times hotter this summer, you know that?”
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | coming soon
There was always that rush of excitement when summer came—that feeling of freedom and the urge to run wild bursting at the seems. That’s how it was for most people, not you. When the sun shines with no end was something entirely different for you. Summer meant no school, known of those fellow classmates or teachers on your back. Your lively classmates bubbled in anticipation of the bell, the one thing that would free them from this white tiled prison for months. Just one last ring and I’m outta here, you thought. When it finally came you giggled at the students who jumped out of their seats, mostly guys, they huddled together as if they’d just won the state championship. The teacher attempted to calm them but eventually gave up, who could blame them?
“Come on, Y/N!”
Your friends beckoned you to hurry up and follow them out the door, that was currently being bombarded with the whole class. There was no point in rushing, so you told them to go ahead with you. They only shook their heads. You were the resident ‘good girl’ of your group of friends—as good as a high school senior could get at least. As quickly as you could look up you were left in the empty classroom, you looked at the reminder the suddenly came up on your phone. You hadn’t received your grade for a year yet so you waited around at the main office for them. Sitting on the bench outside, you waited patiently, looking through your phone until your teacher came out.
“Ms. Y/L/N, here you go.” You stood up and grabbed the thin folder from her, flipping through it really quick to make sure it was yours. “Enjoy your summer- Oh and congratulations on your graduation.”
“Thank you.” You two exchanged smiles before she scurried back to her office, anxious to leave this place. She was probably happier to be on summer break than the students in this school. If you had to deal with these terrors in a few months you would too, you had to sit in a classroom with them but she has to teach them.
Striding down the hall, you looked over the paper, looking over your grades for the past year. One C out of a list of A’s. You glared down at the letter, one project with that delinquent nearly depleted your grade point average—you never forgave him for that and you weren’t planning on it. A few steps and you were at your car, fumbling with your keys to open the car door. You dropped them on the pavement. Just as quickly as they fell you bent down to get it but you were stopped as an all too familiar black boot kicked it away.
Jeon Jungkook. He quickly had your keys in his hands. You tried to snatch them back but he only gave you a smug grin as your cheeks were already reddening in frustration.
“What do you want.” You spat crossing your arms, eliciting a snort from him.
Jungkook was what some would call a fuck-boy, a bad boy, a hearthrob; just to name a few. But you had other names for him, a waste of a good looking human being; in short. He did what he wanted and could care less if his stupid decisions affected you or anyone else—he loves himself with no shame whatsoever. His charming glances and charismatic ways of talking may have had everyone at his mercy but he wasn’t fooling you—not for a second.
“Chill, I just wanted to wish you a good summer, what’s the harm in that?” He said
Oh please, you wanted to wipe that grin right off of his face.
“Anytime you try to talk to me, you mean harm. Jungkook, I don’t have time for this.” You attempted to snatch the keys once again but he blocked your attempts by putting his hands far from your reach. “Give me my keys back!” You crossed your arms, waiting for him to stop being childish and hand them over.
“Come on, are you serious?” He laughed. “Your panties are still in a bunch about that-…what was it again?” He tilted his head in thought, “'Collaborative project.” He signed quotation marks with his fingers.
“Since you obviously don’t have the best of memory, I’ll remind you of what you did to me. While we were supposed to be finishing the project the night before. I had to finish it by myself. While you decided you’d go roof topping with your friends, on the school, during an open house—which, by the way, has to be one of the stupidest ideas you’ve ever had. You could’ve been arrested, not that I would care.” You huffed, already feeling yourself getting heated by the combination of the pounding sun and your rising anger. He was sporadic and impulsive, he said what he was thinking and went with the moment—all the time, and it was annoying.
“But did I get caught? No, I didn’t- And you were a doll for keeping your lips shut about it, baby girl.” He tapped the bottom of your chin and you jerked back, smacking his hand away. You hated when he’d call you that, it was a nickname he came to like because of one incident. There was a tornado warning in the area, when it touched down you sat in the corner of the room, you closed your ears he could’ve sworn he saw tears.
The day before the due date you got hit with a bad virus and couldn’t take in the project so you gave the responsibility to him—bad idea, a horrifyingly bad idea. He never came to your house to pick it up—he didn’t even go to school that day, your teacher was convinced that Jungkook got you to skip school until you explained to her that you were bedridden. To this day, you still don’t know where he went, and you really don’t care anymore.
“I kept my lips shut because I wasn’t going through that for you. When I texted you to tell you I was sick, and politely asked you to pick up the project and turn it in you left me on read! And never freaking showed up. Honestly, how rude can someone be…”
“Ok, and? You stress over every fucking little thing, it was one project.” He retorted, those distinct eyebrows taunting you with every little facial quirk. You snatched the keys from his hand, getting into your car and slamming the door.
He knocked on the window—your stupid self actually lets it down.
“What.” Your hands firmly on the wheel as you were getting ready to pull out.
“You never gave me back my headphones, the ones I left at your place. I need them back.” You had to laugh, you know he doesn’t think your just gonna hand over his stuff after all the things he’s put you through. He’s not entitled to anything that has to do with you.
You had something he wanted. You smirked, the tables have finally turned.
“Ah, you mean the black ones with the blue on the sides?” He nodded, “Yeah, no, I don’t know what you’re talking about, you must be thinking about another girls house, I know you probably lose count.” You cooed, close-lipped grinning like the petty person you were.
“I know you have them, quit being petty and hand them over.” His attempt to push you into a corner was working to him but in reality, it was failing miserably.
“Now I’m definitely not giving them to you, even if I did have them, which I don’t, you won’t be seeing them anytime soon.” You could tell by the way his tongue protruded against his cheek, he wasn’t happy with you. You assumed he would escalate the argument but he only laughed, you frowned. “Why are you laughing?”
“None of your damn business.” With that, he walked back to where he left from and you willed yourself not to pay him any mind. You get a whole three months free of him, annoying classmates and the school in general.
Life was looking pretty good right about now.
Keep reading
Happy birthday baby boy 💖

d-4 to jungkook’s birthday: videography
Blond Yoongi with backwards cap still remains superior in my opinion