batliz - The Chronicles of BatLiz
The Chronicles of BatLiz

144 posts

Domo Batman Enjoyed The View From The Train Heading To Glasgow.

Domo Batman Enjoyed The View From The Train Heading To Glasgow.

Domo Batman enjoyed the view from the train heading to Glasgow.

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6 years ago

I was helping out our marketing/PR teams by escorting guests to their seats at the Star Trek reboot premiere. This amazingly tall, attractive man comes down the aisle all smiles and giddy af. I don't recognize him from our talent sheet we had to memorize. He's not that Pine fellow. I just smile and go with the vague greeting we'd been told to give. I ask if he needs help finding his seat (big theater), he nods, I ask to see his ticket and he holds it out for me to read. I nod and start to explain where he should go, but he stops me halfway with, "I'm so sorry. I'm not listening. I'm just so excited. I'm in this movie. Can you just show me?" He holds out his arm, which I pause before taking, and walk him down the aisle to where his row is. He thanks me and promptly takes his seat looking like an excited little kid as he takes in his surroundings. I head back to my post thinking about how amazingly perfect that man was and continue with my night. I eventually see the film and wait to look at the end credits to figure out his name, making a mental note and personal vow to always support this Chris Hemsworth guy in anything he does because of how humble and adorable he was. Next thing I know he's the freaking God of Thunder and a huntsman being ripped af, shirtless, and somehow finds a source of water in every movie to glisten with at least once...

No one talks about how seeing celebrities in real life breaks your brain.

For example, a few days ago, at a nice little bakery near Byron Bay, I ordered an iced latte and stepped to the side to wait, I was one of only a two or three people in line. A few moments later everyone else has their drinks, and a gentleman walks up to the counter with his wife and his dog.

It’s a cute dog, it’s a beautiful lady, it’s a handsome man.

Wait, that’s not a handsome man.

That’s a handsome Chris Hemsworth.

It occurs to me that this man is, in fact, the god of thunder, the cute dumb possessed one from ghostbusters, the huntsman from that one Snow White remake with Bella from twilight. Yes, that is Chris Hemsworth.

Now, I’m torn because while the counter staff are (understandably) fawning over the celebrity who they seem to have encountered a few times before, my iced latte has been forgotten. I’m standing to the side, two feet from Chris Hemsworth trying to decide wether to focus on him, or his dog.

His back is to me, he has a very cute dog.

I focus on the dog.

A while passes and Chris and his dog and his wife start to leave, and then they’re walking away which is fine. A lady behind the counter looks at me.

“You had the latte?” She says, grabbing the milk jug from under the steamer.

“Iced latte.” Her coworker corrects her, pouring my drink, “I’ve got it.”

He looks to me, “sorry for the wait, we were a bit disracted.”

“Yeah, I get it,” I say, “that was a really cute dog.”

They stare at me.

They think I’m serious.

I look like a fool.

“I’m kidding.” I say finally and they both laugh as he hands me my beverage, after fifteen minutes of waiting.

I wasn’t mad that I had to wait.

I get it.

But now, a few days later, a gif crosses my dash, one of Chris Hemsworth; a blooper from Thor: Ragnarok.

Before now I’d think “wow what an attractive man. Beautiful. Stunning.”

Now all I can think is “that man made me wait fifteen minutes for a latte.”

It’s fine.

I got my drink.

However, Thor in my mind is no longer Thor…. he is latte man.

6 years ago
#chris Evans #in Where He Is Actually Steve Rogers
#chris Evans #in Where He Is Actually Steve Rogers
#chris Evans #in Where He Is Actually Steve Rogers
#chris Evans #in Where He Is Actually Steve Rogers
#chris Evans #in Where He Is Actually Steve Rogers
#chris Evans #in Where He Is Actually Steve Rogers

#chris evans #in where he is actually steve rogers

6 years ago
batliz - The Chronicles of BatLiz

who else is taking a big sip of

My Significant Other Is Amazing And Im So Lucky to Have Them In My Life juice on this fine tuesday

6 years ago

I love this collaboration...

odin is like “when thor was born the sun shone bright upon his beautiful face. i found loki on the sidewalk outside a taco bell”