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A Game For Two Pt.1 (M) - Jjk

a game for two pt.1 (M) - jjk

Summary: Seven days on a school trip to the seaside. Seven days with your best friends, alcohol, freedom and a mischevious Jeon Jungkook who just wouldn’t leave you alone. Sounds fun, right?

Genre: schooltrip!au, classmate!au, smut, fluff, drama, tba

Words: 7,5k (a long boye)

Warnings: grinding, thigh riding, attractive consent female orgasm, dirty talk (like a tiny bit), language

Early A/N: the summary… flopped… the work didn’t though so don’t worry!


There he was once again, looking at you with the hottest smirk you’ve ever seen on a person.

“Jungkook! Come over here man, we’re going to make room arrangements!”

And just like that, with a quick and distinctive wink, he turned around and walked away.

Jeon Jungkook, the hottest motherfucker, but also one of the smartest students in your class, has been playing this game of eye fucking for the past seven hours of travelling. The said man would also intentionally brush shoulders with you whenever in close proximity, whispering a barely audible “excuse me” as he walked by.

Currently, the whole school year (divided into 10 classes) was on a weeklong trip to the seaside. On your way to the hotel, you’ve visited two museums and three churches that you supposed were somewhat important to the history. Truthfully, as much as you liked history and appreciated fine art (also) in form of religious buildings, right now, you just couldn’t care less. It was constant waiting for the drive to finally come to an end for the day so the class could hang out in one room, eat snacks and have fun together.

Jungkook on the other hand, found the visits extremely interesting and paid attention to everything the tour guide had to say. His eyes were always on the short woman and it looked like he sucked her every word in like a sponge. It was the first time you’ve seen someone be so bothered about a passing lecture. Therefore, when one of your best friends abruptly told you to look to your left and you witnessed Jeon Jungkook staring right at you, with the cheekiest smirk on his face, you felt rather privileged.

But then she began to point it out more and more and just then did you realize how much less does the man pay attention, since his eyes were constantly on you. That knowledge was both flattering and slightly disturbing, because his intentions weren’t clear; what was he trying to get from it? The smirk would never leave his lips, occasional lip bites thrown here and there and the sight was more than pleasing to look at. Especially knowing that his actions were directed at you only.

“Sister, go suck him off behind the museum or something, don’t you see how he looks at you?” Marie said, pushing you slightly towards Jungkook. You turned to look at her, disbelief in your eyes at the crude words.

“You’re crazy, Jungkook’s probably playing pretend. The fuck would he want to do with me?” You replied, hands trying to pry hers off from your hips.

When you turned around, Jungkook’s eyes were locked on to his iPhone. Yet, as if sensing your eyes on him, Jungkook looked up. Instead of a smirk, his pink lips lifted upwards in a tiny smile as he seemed to tap hard on the screen of his phone – your own phone immediately buzzing in your hands. You flinched hard, the device falling out of your hands, straight on to the back. Thanking Gods from above for it had not fell on the screen, you picked it up, inspecting with shaky hands the notification of a new message.

“Oh my god he texted you” Marie said, shaking you back and forth, smile reaching the top of her cheeks.

“I don’t know” You replied, fingers working quick to press the password into the keyboard. Truthfully, you felt a bit giddy, thinking that it might be Jungkook who sent the text. Well, when the phone was finally unlocked, it appeared to have been your mom, as she asked where you are now and have you been eating well.

“Ah bummer, imagine if it actually were him?”

“Please, don’t give me any ideas”

“Why don’t you fuck with him too? Two can play the staring game, intimidate, tempt him” She suggested, mouth still relatively close to your ear, her voice sending shivers down your spine. “I’d honestly give all of my money to see Jungkook hooked on and chasing after someone, y’know?”.

Marie was right, Jungkook wasn’t the type to chase after females, mostly because he didn’t even have to. They always fell right into his arms, the man had much charisma and great flirting skill. Despite all of that, Jungkook wasn’t the type to offer himself to just anyone. He was rather picky, but his gorgeous face and perfect body allowed him such attitude. That would probably be the biggest power of his, everyone was ripe fruit in his garden, yet he chose the ones he liked the best. And that motherfucker for sure knew it.

Something you’ve never seen Jungkook do, was date for longer than a week. This guy seemed to do everything else so well that his dating abilities had to suffer. It was possible to frequently hear stories about how good Jungkook was in bed, but also how bad the dates went. It was common sense that most females that went out with Jungkook only did it to get into his pants, and you somewhat pitied the man. Then again, Jungkook never looked that interested into doing anything else other than fucking with any of them. He accepted their flaunts, only to never speak to them again once he’s done.

Exactly because of that, Jungkook never slept or showed interest in anyone from your class. The one-night stand wasn’t worth not talking to someone he sees every day for the rest of his life.

Therefore, his sudden actions were slightly confusing, and you had to agree with your best friend. Oh, what you’d give to see the game this man would play upon seeing defiance and not immediate compliance.

“You know what, you’re right, let’s play Jeon Jungkook”


The buses parked at a nearby McDonalds right by the freeway, therefore offering a quick break before continuing the journey to the hotel. The line in McDonalds was horrendously long, but thanks to the determination of your friend, you managed to break to the front and order relatively quick. Upon noticing the ice cream machine working, you’ve taken the one in a lifetime choice and ordered a chocolate ice cream.

Situating yourself outside on one of the (miraculously) free tables and waiting for the rest, you enjoyed your sweet in peace, for a whole of ten seconds.

“Hello!” Everything happened so suddenly. Both the voice and body appeared surprisingly quick, and it took you a long moment to process that Jungkook launched himself from somewhere in the line to the seat across of you. He was smiling and his hair was covering his forehead, fringe coming to cover his eyebrows, giving him a childish look. Jungkook looked like a lost boy and the duality of this man was impossible.

“Uh, hi?” You replied, eyes giving him a once over, before looking down and on the ice cream. Scooping a big amount of it and bringing it towards your mouth, you enjoyed how nice it tasted. For a fast food restaurant with a broken ice cream machine, this proved to be rather good.

Jungkook was giving you a certain type of look, but it wasn’t the one from before. This one was something between expectant and excited. Catching you off guard, the two of you began a staring contest, unsure of what to say or do. The silence became uncomfortable quick and you quietly begged him to start talking.

“The machine’s working yeah?” Jungkook asked, pointing at the cup you were holding. He was still smiling and there was something different in seeing his lips form a smile and not a smirk.

“Yeah, but it won’t be working for much longer” You pointed back with your thumb to the line of students that were filling the small place up. Jungkook laughed at that, head falling back and eyes squinting into thin lines. His nose was scrunched and there was suddenly an undying urge to pinch it.

“Well, that’s too bad isn’t it? I should go ord- oh wait, you have something here” He stood up, leaning over the table fast. His thumb came up to the corner of your mouth and wiped off the slight smear of chocolate. Then probably rather predictably, he moved it to his lips and licked it off, humming to the taste.

“Ah man I wish I could get one, I better hurry!” And just like that, Jungkook was gone, probably faster than he appeared in the first place. There was a dumbstruck look on your face, and other students were either tracking their eyes after Jungkook, or looking at you. There will most definitely be gossip about this for the next two years.

“What was that about?” Your best friend Marie approached you from behind. She was carrying a cup of her own, a colorful drink inside as she sipped from the plastic straw. You ogled the straw and frowned, ready to once again scold her for not thinking about the environment. But before you managed to say anything, she beat you to it.

“They didn’t have any other straw, now answer my question” Her smile widened, shoulders shrugging as she watched you with anticipation in her eyes.

“I wished that I had an answer to that question too, but unfortunately I don’t”.


"Well class, here we are, The Great Dragon” Mrs. Montero noted, walking a few steps ahead of everybody. She let go of her obnoxiously pink suitcase and walked up the short set of stairs with open arms. “Let our vacation begin!”

Mrs. Montero was a middle aged, forty-something old woman that had a spirit of a young child. She was a daredevil, and often seemed to forget that her teenage years are long over, therefore frequently accompanying and planning fun activities that maybe wouldn’t suit her age. Mrs. Montero was also the form teacher of the most chaotic class in school, which so happened to be the one you were in.

Upon witnessing the rather childish and expectant grin on the elder’s face, your classmates looked between each other. Suppressed laughs were evident as cheeks puffed and heads turned to avoid smiling straight at the other’s face. You too looked around, trying to find your best friends (Marie, April and Jackie) that somehow managed escape to the other side of the group. Once your eyes met, you frowned and scrunched up your eyebrows at them, hand moving quick as to call them over. The three of them laughed and shook their heads no, whispering something between each other. You wanted to ask why, but in a matter of a few seconds, when your eyes accidentally averted their gaze just a bit to the left, the answer struck you like a lightning.

Of course, Jungkook’s eyes were once again on you. What else could’ve it been?

You tried playing along with a cool posture, and clear mind, but it proved to be rather difficult. Really, would anyone be able remain indifferent upon getting eye fucked by Jeon Jungkook? His eyes were now seemingly always on you, the feeling strange, causing you to shy away and immediately drop down to tighten your already tightened enough shoelaces. Jungkook’s gaze was burning your skin, every inch his eyes moved over left as an ignited patch that itched, begged to be covered.

The thing was, the two of you never spoke much. Not a single word was exchanged today, syllables traded for shy looks and sneaky smirks. The whole atmosphere was weird, but alas, you had no courage to go and directly ask what he was trying to do.

“The dinner is going to be ready soon, so head down to the diner once unpacked. The disco starts at 11pm, so dress well!” Mrs. Montero said, her pitched voice now a background noise in your head as you focused on Jungkook’s lips that ever so lightly, lifted up in one last smirk.

Just like that, he was off, disappearing into the crowd, like always.


“He’s literally undressing you with his eyes, look” Jackie pointed out, head nudging in Jungkook’s direction. She spoke so close to your ear, soothing voice sending shivers down your spine. Her soft palms were soon placed on to your temples, carefully but quickly turning your head in his direction. Truly, there Jungkook stood, bottom lip in a strong hold of his teeth, as he observed the hilarious sight.

You managed to catch his gaze even in the dark and dimmed purple light. The reflectors that were every now and then passing over your heads uncovered the mysterious glint of Jungkook’s eyes. The kind that only ever indicated trouble.

Slapping Jackie’s hands off your face and fixing your hair in a swift motion, you chugged the rest of the drink in your cup. The liquid burned your throat, immediately taking effect, as you suddenly felt much lighter and careless. You weren’t a drinker, but after the class managed to smuggle in a bottle of whiskey, jack daniels and whichever cheap vodka, the temptation to take a few sips was too strong.

Not long after, Señorita was played and every student that was previously sitting, was now up and approaching their significant other/group of friends. Apparently, this song was loved and enjoyed by many. One could ask why, but upon taking a few glances left and right, they’d be able to conclude why. The track had awoken serious sexual tension, tens of students now grinding on to each other, teasing their way up to what would later be continued in the safety of their hotel rooms.

Looking around, your friends were nowhere to be found. Even Jackie, who was mere centimeters away from you just few moments ago. Although your companions weren’t there, Jungkook somehow managed to break his way through huge masses of people and thought that he just might be the perfect replacement.

Oh I should be running, oh you keep me coming for you.

You felt a pair of strong hands on your waist and as if it were some kind of sixth sense, you whispered Jungkook’s name. His face appeared next to yours just a few moments later, his chin pressing into the crook of your neck, waiting to see if you’d show any sign of discomfort before proceeding further. Luckily, Jungkook only felt you relax in his arms, your form leaning backwards into his. The beat of the song paired up with the slight buzz of alcohol made you feel so careless and free.

I wish I could pretend I didn’t need ya

Jungkook gripped your waist tighter, putting more pressure down onto your hips and trying to guide your movements right before his crotch. Accepting his sly teasing play, you arched your back slightly, beginning to grind down on him.

A quiet sigh of content and satisfaction left Jungkook’s lips and he soon eased his grip, letting you have complete control over your movements. You pondered over the thought of him giving control up so easily; finding it incredibly amusing. The knowledge will come in handy in the future, you thought.

Unexpectedly, you turned around and put your hands around Jungkook’s neck, immediately locking with his. You suddenly craved closer contact and the man was more than willing to give so. His eyes were hooded and breath labored, but his trademark smirk was still plastered on those beautiful features.

Jungkook was about to say something, mouth opening to create words, but no sound came out. Not when you unlatched your hands and began slowly lowering yourself, fingers tenderly caressing the expanse of his chest and thighs. You finished the move in a crouching position, hands on the man’s strong calves and face just a few centimeters away from his now obvious hard-on. Raising upwards just as painfully slow, you listened to the beautiful whimpers that kept leaving Jungkook’s parted lips – the special kind of sound reserved for your ears only.

A hand lifted your shirt and crept up your back, feeling the smooth skin underneath. Waves of pleasure spread throughout your body at each and every touch – his cold fingers a perfect contrast to your burning skin. A moan surprised Jungkook and he made it his goal to make you create as much of those beautiful noises as possible.

The man looked like he was about to kiss you, his soft palm leaving the expanse of your back and finding purchase at the back of your neck. Jungkook’s lips were that close to yours, that it was possible to feel his breath fan over your face. You inhaled the strong smell of jack daniels that he was evidently drinking before approaching you – oh how tempting it was to taste it too.

When the last chorus hit the speakers, you lifted a hand up to Jungkook’s chin, dragging a point finger over the prominent cut of his jawline. At that, his breath hitched and he visibly reacted to the contact through a quick cringe. Goosebumps formed on his skin, sigh filling the small place around him. You smiled, continuing the trail from his jaw down his adam’s apple, collarbones and the exposed part of his chest. It was so tempting to begin unbuttoning the rest of his shirt, but you decided not to do so this time. Pushing your hips towards his, you continued previous actions. His hands came downwards, not quite resting on your ass, guiding and feeling you for the last few seconds of the song.

It seemed to end way too quick, and so did the intimate moment between the two of you. As if a switch was flipped, Jungkook disconnected himself and disappeared into the crowd. On the other hand, your best friends appeared from the same direction, screaming and squealing because they’ve been monitoring on the situation from far away. Sigh, the whole class was probably watching you two from the corner of their eyes.

Maybe it was for the better, or not, but there was no sight of Jungkook for the whole night. You tried disregarding it as him finding someone to take care of his little friend, but that only made you think about him more. It awoke some kind of feelings, something unexplainable that made your heart spasm but stomach ache at the same time – it made you feel sick and you didn’t like it.


The next day left everyone exhausted. It’s as if the tour guides intentionally wanted every single student to pass out when back at the hotel. You’ve been walking for five hours and really, they could be considered an eternity at this point. The temperature was at the highest of highs; you’ve never been to hell, but this is exactly what you imagined it felt. Neither the hand fan or bottle filled with cold water helped and instead of listening to music, you listened to students constantly complaining.

One boy had to be excused from the tour because of what seemed to be a heat stroke, and only then did the guides and professors realize that they’ve maybe been pushing it too hard.

Although daytime was barely bearable, nighttime proved to be everyone’s favorite part of the day.

The class agreed to meet on the beach, right beside the barbeque spot, around 10pm, a little bit after the sunset. The plan was to eat, drink, listen to music and relax after such a tiring day. Many carried their Bluetooth speakers, yet no one used them. Not when three talented guys brought guitars and a Cajon to complete the whole idyll with beautiful, live music.

Although invited, Mrs. Montero decided to stay in and “let the teenagers be” for tonight. Truthfully, the whole group was thankful, since no one quite wanted the woman around. It meant that the alcohol could be carried freely and occasional swearing wouldn’t be scolded and judged. There was no questionable behavior tonight.

When the clock hit 10pm, a small flame began to rise from a certain spot on the beach. Your male classmates have already started preparing, and you watched the whole scene from the safety of your hotel room. The fire was still weak, and guarded very well by a tight circle of rocks. It called, lured you in, the bright orange in the dark, and you turned around, heading to leave.

Your best friend Marie waited for you, checking herself out one last time in the mirror. She was wearing a floral, light cardigan, and a bikini underneath. You expected Marie to jump into the water straight away. After you complimented her look, she noticed your presence and turned around fast. Her eyes scanned your own outfit. Simple bikini top with light beach pants, nothing too revealing for your liking. Offering a quick nod, Marie opened the door and headed out.

Once outside, you were quick to spot Jungkook, the man made himself visible straight away. His muscled back and tiny waist as he crouched down were an immediate attention grabber, ripping out a loud sigh from you. He was helping the fire grow, adding what seemed to be a shot of vodka straight into the flames.

The sand underneath your feet made quiet but noticeable sounds as you walked towards the rest of the group. Jungkook immediately turned around, eyes widening at the sight of you dressed so effortlessly beautiful. At that moment, Jungkook could’ve sworn on anything that he has never seen a person so breathtaking as you.

Upon noticing his dumbfounded gaze, Marie stabbed your ribs with her elbow, making you yelp in pain and hop to the side, hand covering the hurting spot.

“What the fuck was that for?” You breathed out; breath labored after receiving such a hard hit. You were now crouching, trying to soothe out the pain that gradually became worse with each passing second.

“He looked at you with those eyes again! Please tell me you saw!” Marie whisper-yelled at you, her hands frantically flailing all around. She looked to the side, trying to steal one more look at Jungkook and what he was doing; gosh was that the most important right now?

“He’s still looking!”

Jungkook for sure was still having his eyes locked on to you, although not out of adoration anymore. The man was unsure of what to do, he was torn between immediately running over to help and watching from a distance. If he offered help, would it be too suspicious? Would he be too transparent? There was still a certain image Jungkook had to keep, the unbothered, playing hard to get type of guy. Yet, seeing you in pain made his heart break and he swore he was just about to help when-

When you gathered your pride, decided that your mother didn’t raise no bitch and stood up. The injury hurt like hell and you inspected it one last time. That’s going to leave a bruise.

Marie followed you to the rest of the class, explaining to your other two best friends what had just happened. Jungkook wasn’t looking at you anymore, well, not as much as before. You still caught him glancing over every now and then and he seemed somewhat shy – how cute.

Soon, everyone was gathered around the small campfire, passing bottles of unknown drinks and delicious pieces of meat between each other. The instruments that were played created soothing melodies that served as a boost to an already beautiful night. Some were already in the water, splashing around and tempting the rest to join.

It was perfect. The change between black silhouettes who ran through shallow water and the kids that sang their hearts out while leaning on to each other. The students evidently forgot all of their worries for a little while, finally finding some solace. The water perfectly reflected the full moon and all of those endless constellations. You sighed in content.

Everything was alright. You were happy.

Just as you were about to let a tear fall, out of nowhere, someone wrapped their arms around your waist and pulled you up. The first person that came to your mind was Jungkook. To your surprise, you managed to catch a glimpse of said man sitting on the other side of the fire, watching the scene intently.

Upon turning around, you saw your best friend April grinning with the cheekiest look on her face.

April was drunk, and oh god she was a hardcore lightweight.

“Wanna skip stones?” She slurred, holding out a hand for you to hold. April was a big child, hence being very easy to entertain. The reason why she proposed stone skipping was simple. She was pretty good at it and you weren’t, therefore just like a kid, April liked showing off.

Accepting the offer because you weren’t willing to deal with the emotional drunk behind the happy façade, you took a few steps into the water. The cold liquid splashed your calves in low waves. April was already searching for her rocks, iPhone battery lit up and pointed downwards. She was losing balance quick whenever she crouched, yet somehow managed not to fall. Until-

“April!” There she went. All of the rocks fell out of her small hands and scattered around. The female tried to fall on to her hands, to prevent getting hurt as much as possible. The face of discomfort and hurt as she held her hand right after the fall had fueled your concern.

“April oh my god, are you okay?” You asked, crouching right beside her, trying to inspect her body for any sign of bruises or cuts. Fortunately, there were none. You hoped that she hadn’t broken her finger, but because of her strong grip, you just couldn’t be sure about it. “Let me see, shh it’s going to be okay”.

“I broke my nail!” She sobbed.

Oh my god.

Oh dear god.

It was a great effort to mentally force yourself to carry as much empathy as before. Nails were a pretty big deal to April and you too understood the bother of having a nail that’s shorter than others. Just so aesthetically unpleasant. Yet, the amount of grey hairs you grew because you were genuinely concerned it was a serious injury weren’t worth it.

“It’s okay, I’ll get you a nail clipper and a file and we’ll get it done again, okay?” You asked with a hopeful tone, patting the other on the shoulder. She continued sobbing but made an effort to stand up before speaking up again.

“I’ll get it myself, I don’t want to bother you” She slurred, almost losing balance for the hundredth time.

“No, no, it’s not a bother, I’ll be right back. You stay here, I can’t risk you falling down the stairs or something” That seemed like enough reassurance as April only nodded and wobbled back to the rest of the class, searching for comfort.

While walking the path that led straight to the hotel, you swore you heard someone trail behind, sand and dried grass crunching under their feet. You quickly dismissed it a classmate that’s heading back because of their own reasons and resumed the journey without any bothers.


April’s file was hard to find, for it took five minutes of rummaging through her bag only to find it next to the bed. Taking a deep breath and sighing to let your frustration out, you grabbed the nail clipper that was in the bathroom and began heading out. Although you turned the lights off completely, the fire from outside was enough to create a rather dimmed light. The sight of flames was pretty enticing, and you found yourself staring at it for a few moments before snapping out of the daze and opening the door.

The person standing right outside only caught your attention once the door was safely locked. The intrusion was surprising, but definitely not unexpected.

“Well hello, what’s the reason behind such a blessing of meeting you?” The corner of your lips curved upwards in a rather playful and teasing manner. The sight before you truly was a blessing. Jungkook was leaning onto the wall, strong arms crossed over his bare chest, flexing just enough to showcase the prominent lines of muscle. His black shorts were positioned lower than before, tiny waist shaping a strong v line you suddenly wished you could see the end of.

Yet, Jungkook’s face displayed a completely different emotion. There was a small smile playing on his lips, his hair curled and messily thrown all over the place. His eyes shone with a special kind of glint and for a quick moment you thought he looked angelic. Then, the next second, when Jungkook’s famous smirk made a comeback, you realized he were more of a devil.

“Oh, I’m just passing by, enjoying the view” Jungkook replied, eyes following an invisible path from the bottom of your toes to the top of your head, trying to emphasize his point. The obvious check-out would usually make you feel uncomfortable, but this was Jungkook. Because of him, you were feeling flustered and even more cocky, absorbing the attention from this breathtaking human like a sponge.

“Then I hope it’s worth your money” You replied, blowing a kiss. Just as you were about to turn around and head back, the nail clipper accidentally fell out of your hands. Upon folding yourself to pick it up, a rather silent whine left Jungkook’s lips. It sounded like the most beautiful sound your ears have ever heard. There was an unexpected urge to hear more of it, to be the sole cause of it once again.

“It’s more than worth” The man mumbled, eyes falling down to see the object currently being picked up. “Really? She sent you out to grab a nail clipper?” Jungkook let out a laugh, in disbelief that a broken nail had you walking all the way back to the hotel and up on the 4th floor. It was a tad bit comical to you too now that he had mentioned it, hence a light laugh escaped your lips as well.

“Is it that important? Can’t it wait?” Jungkook asked, tone indifferent.

You quickly caught on to the game the man was trying to play and guessed that there could be some time to spare, join in and play too.

“I suppose it could, but what could I do while I’m waiting?” Making sure to pout while finishing the sentence, you looked at the other with curious eyes, his reply already quite obvious.

“Me?” Although sounding like a question, Jungkook’s answer was a statement. He seemed to close the gap between you in a matter of moments, his face now way too close to yours. It was possible to feel Jungkook’s breath on your lips again, slight aroma of cheap whiskey tickling your nose. Yet, the man wasn’t drunk, for his eyes were way too alert and clear.

“I’m not sure if that’s worth my time…” You teased, biting your lip and raising your eyebrow at Jungkook. The cockiness Jungkook had woke up inside of you still sometimes managed to surprise you.

“I guarantee you that it is, beautiful” At that, Jungkook’s hands were on your hips, pulling you closer to him where you could feel the prominent bulge of his growing hard-on. The position was awfully similar to the one in the club last night and you wondered how will the man move tonight. Another sigh came out of his mouth the moment you grinded back on him, drawing a small and tight circle with your hips.

“Well then, prove it to me” Locking hands behind his neck, you guided Jungkook’s lips straight to yours. His were soft, but the moves were even softer. The kiss was slow, sensible and full of emotion which made you confused for a moment. Jungkook was the one in lead and it looked like he was kissing the love of his life and not just a girl he’s trying to shuffle with for the night.

“Fuck no I’m sorry I can’t do it like this” You heard him speak when you parted, his mouth lingering a few millimeters away. Then, they were once again on yours and the pace of the kiss changed. There was more of teeth, tongue and bites, it became messier as Jungkook seemingly tried to push you through the wall you were now leaning on. His hands were all over you and the high temperature your bodies exchanged was becoming way too much.

Jungkook was squeezing, groping, every single inch of your behind, hungry for even the smallest piece of it. His hot pants as he tried to gasp for air in between quick kisses only turned you on more; this man truly was a gem. You were trying to figure out the nature of his, if the constant pants and whines were labeling him as a submissive type, or were the aggressive moves an indication of a dominant man.

A certain strong push to the wall had you wincing, but unfortunately not out of pleasure. The injury that was cooling down had reminded you that this maybe wouldn’t be a nice idea. Alas, you were ready to dismiss the thought, only if it wasn’t for Jungkook who was now looking with an extremely concerned expression. Weird.

“It hurts a lot, doesn’t it?” He asked, lips turning down into a frown. Jungkook was beginning to pull away, scared that he’d hurt you more. His change of demeanor was once again confusing, concern a rare emotion for the other.

With a smile and a light nod, you reassured Jungkook that it’s all fine. After pulling his hands back to their previous position, you tried to bring back the heated atmosphere from before. Jungkook gave you one last skeptical look, but you had none of it and crashed your lips back on to his. Bearing the pain will be worth it in the end.

“As much as I’d like for you to choke on my dick right here, I’m afraid we’ll have to move somewhere more private” Jungkook whispered, the flirty persona appearing again. He finally stepped away from you, letting you catch a proper breath. He took a moment to inspect how you looked, bikini top barely holding on, pants loose around the hips. Your lips were glistening and puffy, hair somewhat disheveled but nothing that a quick hand through couldn’t fix. Yet.

Jungkook was quick to pull out a plastic black card, pressing it to the door right next to yours and unlocking it in a matter of moments. You followed in suit, looking left and right one last time to check for any unwanted spectators. Deeming the hallway free of any potential intruders, you jumped right inside of the room, shutting the door behind with a loud thud.

Although the lights were off, the flames from outside allowed you to notice how different Jungkook’s room was. It was much bigger and you remembered that they had five, where as you had four in one room. You were about to curiously inspect the different furniture if it wasn’t for Jungkook pulling you into his strong figure and pushing you backwards towards a big double bed.

When the back of your knees hit the bed, both of you collapsed back, lips still moving together and refusing to break contact. Sometime in between then and now, Jungkook took your pants off, unsure if you’d be okay with getting rid of the bikini right now. The man was kneeling in between your open legs, kissing a path down from your neck, over the valley of your breasts and down a ticklish area of your stomach. He paid extra attention to land a feather-like, healing kiss to your side. Your hands were running all over Jungkook’s toned abdomen, often tightening their softer grip on his small waist. The tiny waist has always been one of Jungkook’s biggest representations.

“Fuck baby, your body is beautiful” The man whined, slowly rising up towards your neck and once again focusing on kissing the sweet spot on the bottom of it. You were pulling on his hair softly, seeking solid support but also wanting to show just how much his actions affected you.

“You’re not so bad yourself” You replied, voice breathy and shaky. You tried rising your chin even higher, granting the other even more access - more space to leave marks on.

“Oh you like that? Should I mark you so the whole class knows what you’ve been up to, dirty girl?” Jungkook smirked on your skin. At the mention of ‘dirty girl’, you whined, back aching and head moving in a circle. Gosh, you’d do everything to have this man’s hickeys all over your body.

Jungkook looked like an angel carved by the most talented gods. On the dimmed light, the shadows created by his prominent arm and torso muscles made them just that much more noticeable. Laying under such a sex symbol, seeing the want in his eyes, you felt empowered and confident. It was you who caused this man’s dick to jump and you’ve never felt prouder.

“Would it be okay to take this off?” Jungkook asked, head tilting up to look at you. His fingers were holding on the thin piece of fabric that is your bikini, waiting for an answer.

“Please do” Was all that left your lips. It was quiet and broken, but that’s all the confirmation the other needed. All while sucking purple bruises on your neck, Jungkook’s fingers untied the knots behind your neck and back in record speed. Once the garment was off, he lightly pinched and pulled on the sensitive buds, testing out what your body enjoyed the most. When it came to you, Jungkook was extremely eager to learn - and he learned fast.

“Jungkook” You whined, hips rising from the surface of the bed, seeking friction.

“Fuck baby, moan for me” Jungkook smirked, eyes moving to witness your poor attempts of dry humping his strong thighs. Granting you more access, Jungkook picked you up and flipped the both of you over so you were now on top of him, straddling his thigh. His hands found your hips pretty quick, introducing and setting a slow pace in which you grinded on top of his clothed thigh.

“Grind on me, fuck, yeah, just like that sweetheart” He cooed, peppering quick kisses over the tender and fresh bruises on your neck. The contact felt so good, and you knew that the wetness will soon soak through your cotton underwear.

“You’re going to ruin my shorts darling, what will we do with them later, huh? Should I make you lick all of that up?” Jungkook whispered, voice right next to your ear, making you squirm. His grip tightened and he flexed his thigh - now that’s when you felt the coil in your stomach begin to build. The filth the man was telling you only fueled your arousal. Sweet pet names paired up with what could only be described as a verbal sin created such an addicting contrast.

Your hand wandered lower, towards Jungkook’s abdomen. His rough breathing was evident, abs tensing with every intake of air, the space between two halves of muscle enough for your finger to pass through. It seemed to tickle him as Jungkook shied away from your touch for a quick moment, first laugh of the night making its way to your ears. As much as his moans turned you on, his breathy laugh made your heart beam with satisfaction. In spite of the short pause in your actions, you were quick to get back to work, hand trailing even lower this time.

Jungkook’s hard on was trying to break free from the tight restraint of his shorts. You wanted the other to get some relief too, your hand making its way down to the fly. Yet, Jungkook dedicated this moment to you and your high only, his own hand coming up to yours to stop it from proceeding.

That moment of bliss was so close. Jungkook’s thigh was touching every single spot perfectly. Despite the current euphoric feelings, there was still that little something missing that would push you over the edge. Jungkook managed to catch on to the needy look you offered, so he slowly moved one of his hands from your hip to your center. The middle finger of his right hand was soon positioned just above your clothed clit, teasing for a quick moment before starting to rub slow eights on it.

With sharp bucks of your hips and whines of Jungkook’s name, you reached one of the best orgasms in your life. Jungkook’s smirk was an indicator of his cockiness, the fucker knew just how good he is and what he did to you. Still, his eyes showed adoration as he held your exhausted body carefully. His pride was over the roof right now, but he was also extremely happy. He did that to you. Unreal.

Your phone suddenly began vibrating from somewhere on the floor and you stood up from the bed (with Jungkook’s help) and walked towards it. Jungkook looked at you with eyebrows raised, expectant expression on his face. When you bent down to pick up the small device, making sure not to bend your knees, Jungkook’s hand was quick to grab a handful of ass. In spite of it being inappropriate, his eyes were still locked down on to your center. He made sure to thumb over that area as he listened to you answer the phone.

“I-I’m sorry, the d-door were acting up and I had to wa-wait for someone to come and help me” Your breath was still shaky and voice somewhat strained, and if the person on the other side wasn’t completely deaf, they’d be able to hear the truth behind your obvious lies.

“Yeah ok-okay” You replied after what seemed like an eternity of silence, before ending the call. Maybe it was for the better, because Jungkook was touching you oh so beautifully again. Nothing else other than whimpers would be able to leave your mouth if the conversation went on.

Once you were sure that the line was indeed cut short, you picked up your stuff that was thrown all over the place before heading back to the bed. Jungkook wore a fucked-out expression, even though it were you who experienced an orgasm. Settling down right on his clothed cock, you grinded once again, earning a beautiful moan in return. Your right hand made its way to his jaw, holding it tight. His eyes were hooded and looking straight into yours, hands coming down to your ass and squeezing hard.

“I’m sorry baby but I’ve got to go” You pouted, head dipping down to kiss him once again. The kiss was slow and passionate, trying to make up for the time of the night that will be lost. Moans and whimpers were shared between the two as arousal kept charging the actions of both. Jungkook was quick to move south, retouching the bruises he made and pressing you closer to himself. Apparently, the man didn’t want to let go, and neither did you, but your drunken best friend was getting impatient and whiny, and oh how painful she could be when she’s drunk.

Somehow managing to break free, you stood up and tried to dress yourself to look as presentable as you were before you left. You’ll have to go grab a jacket to cover the bruises on your neck. Yet, the action of dressing was deemed hard as Jungkook’s hands just couldn’t leave your body. You were sorry for the guy, but somewhat thankful for the whole situation too. It only added up to the tense game the two of you were playing and it gave you a mischievous idea of teasing the other until he couldn’t take it anymore. You hoped it would lead to the best dicking of your entire lifetime. And Jeon Jungkook was never the one to fail any expectations.

Once everything was on, you walked up to the man for the final time, hips swaying to the sides lightly as you crouched down in front of his open thighs. Jungkook’s eyes grew expectant, maybe you’ve changed your mind, maybe you’ll stay a little bit more. His heart skipped a beat. When you lowered your head towards his crotch and unzipped the zip of his jeans, you landed an open-mouthed kiss to the clothed head of his cock, driving the other insane. Smiling at him, you zipped up the fly and patted on to the area softly.

“We’ll see each other around, okay?” With that, you turned around and walked through the now unlocked entrance. Jungkook was left with a disbelieving and dumbstruck expression, accompanied by a horrible case of blue balls.

Oh you still had five days of this school trip.

And he planned on seeing you around much more now.


A/N: Well hello! School’s over, I managed to keep my grades how i wanted and so now I have more time! I was scared it won’t be that good after my hiatus from writing but it turned out well! I like it and I hope you will too. See you soon hopefully!

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More Posts from Bbymingyv

5 years ago

— death wish


➯ A reaper was never meant to fall in love with a marked soul; so why did it feel so right saving yours?

pairing: yoongi x reader; ft. park jinyoung of got7 genre: reaper au, smut, fluff, some angst, oneshot word count: 12.1k masterlist

part of “the heatwave project” with @btssmutclub‘s summer project; special thank you for the amazing header goes to the moon of my life @junqkook

warnings: semi-dark themes (death is discussed obviously), wet dreams/masturbation, public blowjob, oral sex (f), shower sex, unprotected sex, light dirty talk, dick riding, creampie


“You’re up,” Jinyoung’s words vibrated in Yoongi’s head. He grimaced, turning on his side and pulling his pillow over his head. Jinyoung sighed exaggeratedly. “Yoongi, you can’t get out of it. None of us feel well and we’re still working.”

“Fuck whatever magical being did this shit,” Yoongi grumbled, voice muffled from the pillow. “It’s not fucking fair.”

Jinyoung yanked the pillow from Yoongi’s face. “It might not be fair but that doesn’t mean you get to slack. You can fuck whatever creature did it after you bring your soul back.”

Yoongi rolled his eyes. “You know I’m not into that shit. I don’t fuck with other beings.”

Jinyoung slid off Yoongi’s bed. “You don’t fuck anyone,” he said. “Let alone other supernaturals. Get going before someone notices. Everyone’s on edge with the heat wave and you don’t need another ding on your record.”

Yoongi whined but he finally managed to sit up. His roommate was right. He already was well on his way to an actual reprimand for the year. They’d be even more citation happy with the mood that had settled over the commune from the weather. He shucked off his sleep shirt, reaching for a crumpled, discarded one from a pile on the floor.

Jinyoung sighed. “Classy, Yoongi. Real classy,” he remarked.

“I’m going to reap a soul not to a grand ball,” Yoongi snapped back, head pounding even worse now that he was standing.

“Whatever,” Jinyoung tossed out, throwing himself on his bed across the room. “If you want to go out looking like that, be my guest.”

“Fuck you,” Yoongi mumbled half-heartedly.

“Love you too!” Jinyoung called out as Yoongi slammed the door.

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5 years ago

Play Pretend | jjk (m)


➳ PAIRING: jungkook x y/n

➳ GENRE: smut, angst, soccer player!jk, fake dating!au, f2l

➳ WORD COUNT: 8.6k

➳ WARNINGS: mentions of cheating, minor violence, not rlly fingering but fingering ig, unprotected sex, dirty talk, creampie

➳ SUMMARY: walking under ladders, splitting the pole, breaking mirrors, going near black cats—just to name a few things Jeon Jungkook doesn’t do before his soccer games.

And after Jungkook catches his girlfriend cheating on him, he’s going to need a little more than luck to get her back. He needs you.

➳ A/N: it’s been a long time coming but she’s finally done!! Everyone say thank you to Jane (@perfectlylmperfekt) for kicking my ass every day and making sure I was writing

As rain batters against the windows, your cat saunters up to your lounging figure. He rubs against your blanket-covered legs, begging for attention and belly rubs. You set aside the tub of mint chocolate chip ice cream to run your cold hands across his back, enjoying his satisfied purrs as you coo, “are you bored too, Pitch?”

The cat you brought home from the shelter has become your best friend. He’s always there for you whenever Jungkook isn’t around and you’re grateful for his companionship. No matter how many times Jungkook begs you to get rid of him because of his superstitions, you refuse. Pitch is family now and there’s no way you’re giving him away because Jungkook thinks he’s bad luck.

The reruns of your favorite television show have been on since you got back from class and all you’ve done is lay around eating junk food. You’d be hanging out with your roommate, Jungkook if he weren’t already at his girlfriend’s house for the night. For now, it’s just you, Pitch, and one too many Oreos.

You hear the sound of your front door unlocking and a disgruntled sigh. The door slams shut and Pitch jumps off your lap, bolting across the floor and slinking back into your bedroom.

“Back already?” You call out to your roommate, who made an unexpected return. Jungkook told you he’d be back tomorrow, you were expecting the apartment all to yourself.

He doesn’t respond, the sound of his squelching footsteps across the wooden floor make your head turn. You’re surprised to be greeted with his shaggy, dripping hair and soaked clothes, grey sweater clinging to his skin as he stares dejectedly off into space.

“What happened to you?”

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5 years ago



pairing; jungkook/reader genre; faerie au, royal au, smut words; 13,563 rating; explicit

— synopsis; a look was as hazardous as chemicals, a kiss as perilous as poison; his eyes and lips felt akin to a cure, but he was purely venom.

contents; faerie jungkook, prince jungkook, human reader, fantasy, manipulation, minor character death, vague depiction of violence, pool sex, rough sex, unprotected sex (stay safe), creampie, multiple smut scenes, multiple orgasms, oral sex, overstimulation, orgasm denial, dirty talk, degradation, teasing, biting/marking, spanking, lazy sex, exhibitionism, riding, threesome (m/f/f), dom jungkook.

— notes; this is part of the heatwave project with the @btssmutclub summer project. listen to the rottenfolk playlist. some aspects in the fic are based off of the cruel prince by holly black!

beta readers— @personawife, @jamaiskook, @srwbrycke, and @kimseokmomjins.


It had to have been at least a minute or two since you’d moved. Your hand was pressed against the cool rock of the cave you’d stumbled into, greenery growing all up the walls and through the cracks. There was a faint glow, coming right from the pond-like pool of water at the edge of the cave. You’d never seen anything like it before.

Along with the most handsome man you’d ever seen.

He was almost fully submerged in the pool’s water, only his shoulders peeking out, and his hair was dark and damp, falling across his forehead into his equally as dark eyes. His ears pointed into tips and he was staring right back at you with a similar look of confusion.

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5 years ago

MAKE IT RIGHT. jjk (m)


PAIRING. jungkook x reader

GENRE. college au. fake relationship. smut. fluff. angst. ex yoongi.

WARNINGS. oral (fem receiving). unprotected sex. clit play. dirty talk. tent sex lol. mentions of mental abuse. light violence.


SUMMARY. after your horrible relationship with yoongi, you never thought you could fall in love again. enter jungkook, who pretends to be your boyfriend at a weekend stay with your best friend, her boyfriend taehyung and their friends. oh, and yoongi too.

“A pool party, Mina?” You stared at your friend. “Seriously? I haven’t been in a pool party since… my 12th birthday.”

Mina rolled her eyes while putting some clothes on her bag. “C’mon, the guys have a great pool and I know how much you love to put on your bathing suit.” You crossed your arms, still not sold on the idea. “It’s important to me that you come.”

You two were invited by Mina’s boyfriend, Kim Taehyung, to spend the weekend in his fraternity house. The main goal of the invite was for Mina to finally meet Taehyung’s friends and roommates and the party was a good event for that to happen.

You thought that sentiment was very endearing of him, but there was no need for you to go. The only person you’d know besides Mina was Taehyung. Soon enough, you’d be alone in the middle of a party you weren’t even invited to and that wasn’t something you were feeling up to. According to Mina, his friends would welcome you as well and make sure you wouldn’t be all by yourself, but she knew how it was hard for you to make new friends. You preferred to spend your weekend doing something else, like solving chemical equations or checking out that new bookstore in town.

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5 years ago

Euphoria | jjk

❥ Summary; There was always a sign on Jungkooks’ door that said something along the lines of, ‘Warning; I am naked in here. Do not enter unless you’re ready to see a whole lot of dick.’   

or, that one roommate au where Jungkook is a cocky bastard.

❥ Roommate!AU | word count; 7.6k

❥ Jeon Jungkook x Reader; angst, douche Jungkook, enemies to lovers, fluff, mutual pining, slow burn, smut, he’s actually a softie, 


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