bearbran - -ya

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3 years ago
Bonus: (the Next Morning After Nurse Han Spilled The Tea)
Bonus: (the Next Morning After Nurse Han Spilled The Tea)
Bonus: (the Next Morning After Nurse Han Spilled The Tea)
Bonus: (the Next Morning After Nurse Han Spilled The Tea)
Bonus: (the Next Morning After Nurse Han Spilled The Tea)
Bonus: (the Next Morning After Nurse Han Spilled The Tea)
Bonus: (the Next Morning After Nurse Han Spilled The Tea)
Bonus: (the Next Morning After Nurse Han Spilled The Tea)
Bonus: (the Next Morning After Nurse Han Spilled The Tea)
Bonus: (the Next Morning After Nurse Han Spilled The Tea)

Bonus: (the next morning after Nurse Han spilled the tea)


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3 years ago
Just Tell Us. Tell Us Already, You Silly Bear!
Just Tell Us. Tell Us Already, You Silly Bear!

Just tell us. Tell us already, you silly bear!

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3 years ago
This Kind Of Friendship, Please.
This Kind Of Friendship, Please.
This Kind Of Friendship, Please.

This kind of friendship, please.

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3 years ago
Hospital Playlist, Episode 12
Hospital Playlist, Episode 12
Hospital Playlist, Episode 12
Hospital Playlist, Episode 12
Hospital Playlist, Episode 12
Hospital Playlist, Episode 12
Hospital Playlist, Episode 12

Hospital Playlist, Episode 12

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3 years ago
SH Reaction Close Up:
SH Reaction Close Up:
SH Reaction Close Up:

SH reaction close up:


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3 years ago

A lot to unpack:

Jun-wan realizing Ik-jun is waving at his CS resident. Plus, they didn’t leave any ice cream for him.

Ik-jun is besties with Min-ha and Seok-Hyung sulking about it.

Also, Ik-jun glancing at Jung-won when he says Gyeowool is joining him and Min-ha in a dinner outside the hospital.

And Jung-won telling his own bestie that Gyeowool is busy. EXCUSE ME, SIR! Why do you care what she does with her free time?

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3 years ago
3 years ago
Suk Hyung Calling Min Ha By Her First Name In Hospital Playlist, Episode 8
Suk Hyung Calling Min Ha By Her First Name In Hospital Playlist, Episode 8
Suk Hyung Calling Min Ha By Her First Name In Hospital Playlist, Episode 8
Suk Hyung Calling Min Ha By Her First Name In Hospital Playlist, Episode 8

Suk Hyung calling Min Ha by her first name in Hospital Playlist, Episode 8

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3 years ago
3 years ago
I Dont Want To Waste Time.
I Dont Want To Waste Time.
I Dont Want To Waste Time.
I Dont Want To Waste Time.
I Dont Want To Waste Time.
I Dont Want To Waste Time.
I Dont Want To Waste Time.

I don’t want to waste time.

4 years ago

seung ho ! eun woo ! jin goo ! do hwan !

4 years ago
I Dont Mind What We Do. The Fact That Youre My Girlfriend Will Always Stay The Same. TRUE BEAUTY | 1.09
I Dont Mind What We Do. The Fact That Youre My Girlfriend Will Always Stay The Same. TRUE BEAUTY | 1.09
I Dont Mind What We Do. The Fact That Youre My Girlfriend Will Always Stay The Same. TRUE BEAUTY | 1.09
I Dont Mind What We Do. The Fact That Youre My Girlfriend Will Always Stay The Same. TRUE BEAUTY | 1.09
I Dont Mind What We Do. The Fact That Youre My Girlfriend Will Always Stay The Same. TRUE BEAUTY | 1.09

I don’t mind what we do. The fact that you’re my girlfriend will always stay the same. ↳ TRUE BEAUTY | 1.09

4 years ago
Favourite Smiles Kim Min Kyu (Im Not A Robot)
Favourite Smiles Kim Min Kyu (Im Not A Robot)
Favourite Smiles Kim Min Kyu (Im Not A Robot)
Favourite Smiles Kim Min Kyu (Im Not A Robot)
Favourite Smiles Kim Min Kyu (Im Not A Robot)
Favourite Smiles Kim Min Kyu (Im Not A Robot)
Favourite Smiles Kim Min Kyu (Im Not A Robot)
Favourite Smiles Kim Min Kyu (Im Not A Robot)
Favourite Smiles Kim Min Kyu (Im Not A Robot)

Favourite Smiles ➳ Kim Min Kyu (I’m Not A Robot)

4 years ago
Youve Never Told Me About Your Feelings Before.
Youve Never Told Me About Your Feelings Before.
Youve Never Told Me About Your Feelings Before.
Youve Never Told Me About Your Feelings Before.
Youve Never Told Me About Your Feelings Before.
Youve Never Told Me About Your Feelings Before.
Youve Never Told Me About Your Feelings Before.
Youve Never Told Me About Your Feelings Before.
Youve Never Told Me About Your Feelings Before.
Youve Never Told Me About Your Feelings Before.

You’ve never told me about your feelings before.

4 years ago
Its A Long, Difficult Journey To Your Uncles House. If She Takes That Journey, Theres A 70-percent Chance.
Its A Long, Difficult Journey To Your Uncles House. If She Takes That Journey, Theres A 70-percent Chance.
Its A Long, Difficult Journey To Your Uncles House. If She Takes That Journey, Theres A 70-percent Chance.
Its A Long, Difficult Journey To Your Uncles House. If She Takes That Journey, Theres A 70-percent Chance.
Its A Long, Difficult Journey To Your Uncles House. If She Takes That Journey, Theres A 70-percent Chance.
Its A Long, Difficult Journey To Your Uncles House. If She Takes That Journey, Theres A 70-percent Chance.
Its A Long, Difficult Journey To Your Uncles House. If She Takes That Journey, Theres A 70-percent Chance.
Its A Long, Difficult Journey To Your Uncles House. If She Takes That Journey, Theres A 70-percent Chance.
Its A Long, Difficult Journey To Your Uncles House. If She Takes That Journey, Theres A 70-percent Chance.
Its A Long, Difficult Journey To Your Uncles House. If She Takes That Journey, Theres A 70-percent Chance.

It’s a long, difficult journey to your uncle’s house. If she takes that journey, there’s a 70-percent chance. What about the remaining 30 percent? That’s up to Do-san. If she goes all the way to him and he comes back alone, everything’s over. If they come back together, it’s 100 percent certain.

4 years ago
If She Goes All The Way To Him And He Comes Back Alone, Everythings Over. If They Come Back Together,
If She Goes All The Way To Him And He Comes Back Alone, Everythings Over. If They Come Back Together,
If She Goes All The Way To Him And He Comes Back Alone, Everythings Over. If They Come Back Together,
If She Goes All The Way To Him And He Comes Back Alone, Everythings Over. If They Come Back Together,

If she goes all the way to him and he comes back alone, everything’s over. If they come back together, it’s one hundred percent certain.

4 years ago
But I Know I Was Happier With You
But I Know I Was Happier With You
But I Know I Was Happier With You
But I Know I Was Happier With You
But I Know I Was Happier With You
But I Know I Was Happier With You

But I know I was happier with you

4 years ago

“It’s not like you know all about today just because you lived yesterday.“

4 years ago

Love Triangles Suck

I really, really like the character of Ji Pyeong in Start-Up, but I never really saw him romantically with Dal Mi? I really want him to be happy but the way it is set up at the beginning made me believe he really wasn’t interested in her romantically (did not even remember her name). But I still respected those who have second lead syndrome, I mean Seon Ho is just so charming. All was good until maybe Episode 10 when some JP stans started attacking Do San? (And some attacked Nam Joo Hyuk himself, saying he’s a terrible actor). I know that Do San is a very flawed, immature character and he needs some growing up to do. His anger management issues has to be addressed. But *some* JP stans act as if JP himself is perfect. Ji Pyeong has to learn how to control his mouth --- yes, I know that’s how it normally is in business. But isn’t tolerating that kind of harsh behavior enabling the toxicity of the business world? Anyway, it doesn’t change the fact that the two of them don’t deserve Dal Mi at this point.

Ending Note: I don’t even think Ji Pyeong would be the interesting character that he is if Seon Ho wasn’t playing him. Damn, Seon Ho is so adorable.

Edit: Partly the reason why I am rooting for Do San is the fact that I see myself so much in him. The passion for coding, the overbearing parents, the pressure, the feeling of not being good enough, the fact that I don’t have any dreams for myself. Whenever he succeeds, I remember the times when I overcome challenges. Whenever he cries, I remember the pain I feel whenever I sink. Maybe I’m hoping that he’ll succeed, both career and life-wise, in hopes that one day I’ll make it, too.

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4 years ago



It’s starting to get exhausting dealing with the discourse in Start-up, especially when revolving around the love triangle that refused to be ceased. Heads up, whilst I’m on here analysing mostly about the relationship with Dosan and Dalmi.  I didn’t have a side for a long time, I also liked Jipyeong because he was based on Cyrano, he was the guy who wrote to her soul or whatever, but the thing is, as much as I’ve tried to follow where the show leads me, what clues the show leaves, which Fate is supporting (Fate represents the writer’s opinion as well) and why a couple deserves to be together, whilst I’ve tried to be unbiased, I can’t help but now shift the other way to Dosan 100%. I will be infuriated and disappointed if Dalmi ends up Han Ji Pyeong, there I said it, irrationally, possessively, and harshly. And I know this won’t get a lot of notes and support but who cares. This is my voice and my opinion. I have come to dislike Jipyeong a lot, fear not this is not a Jipyeong hate post, I don’t have it in me to make lists of reasons for why I dislike him, but this is about episode 11-12,  our characters breakdowns from their dreams and destiny.

 All of our main characters in start-up have a dream that yes again, Fate is trying to lead them to, but sometimes their goals don’t align with what Fate has for them. The characters experiences; have shaped them to see the future in one way, to want things in another, and to also feel stopped cruelly by Fate and Luck each time it’s near them, however, like with Destiny and Purpose, these characters are guided by Fate with good intentions, all the plans for Fate for them are to get to them to their most significant potential and success, even if it seems like it’s not for them. Everyone is guided and pushed by Fate, almost forced even, if you try to do something that isn’t for you Fate harshly stops you, if you try to run away from something that is for your benefit Fate forces you to go there. 

So our 4 main characters have a destined path for them designed by Fate, its to ensure their skills, growth and talents are utilised in every way possible. This episode it seemed like everything was crashing down for our babies but really, although everyone feels defeated this storm was a push in the right direction. Here’s why;



Dosan, my Dosan, no words to explain the hurt he went through this episode. The way his dreams came crashing right in front of him, the way that the only way for him to move forward was to be on pause for a while and fulfil what the world wanted for him, to be a genius. I’ve written so many posts about Dosan being the person who’s the most needed, used and wanted in the world of Start-Up. He’s the key man remember, he’s the person who everyone falls apart without him there. This episode Dosan was forced to go to the next part of his destiny, somewhere where he’d be utilised more and needed. Dosan was born to code, he was born to be a genius, not even metaphorically, or jokingly, the boy was given coding as his strength, it’s automatic to him, authentic to him and is the thing that he’s the most accurate at. 

Except for so long because of this Dosan resented himself, he found it useless when he couldn’t make friendships or connect with people correctly, he found it useless when it came to being loved for who he was, he found it useless when it came to him trying to find meaning for why he was such a loser. For him, coding was his comfort, his tool to help wherever he can (because that’s just him helpful) and the only thing he could rely on. But because of this Dosan never saw how vital his coding was, he’s humble, modest and just using it to help wherever he can, he didn’t notice all that coding has done for other people. 

First, it provided his friends job they were happy in; Their potential was seen (CODA and 2STO. 

It led to an accurate handwriting forgery test to detect forgery other businesses. 

It led to success with Noongil for both Dalmi’s grandma and so many other people,

 It led to him also accurately helping Dalmi code for her drug recognition app, which is also crucial for everyone to use. 

Dosan is incredible, and the fact that he didn’t understand why Alex would spend billions and billions to just get him is so sad, but it’s good because it means he’s not going to go bad. I just love him (that’s me being biased). Everyone can see (apart from Jipyeong who I’ll explain later), how great he is, how important he is but Dosan only wants his dreams, to be loved. 

It’s like he views his coding/geniusness like a curse? It makes him awkward and struggles with everything else, and it makes him feel worthless. All he’s ever wanted was to be loved for who he really is (even though being a genius is also who he is);

He wanted his dad to love him without the idea of being a genius, 

He wanted his friends to be by his side just for him, 

He wanted Dalmi to love him only as his awkward, weird and stupid Dosan self. 

His dreams from the start felt blocked because everyone tried to push him to see being a genius as his dream. His father interrupted his speech to Park Changho about what he wanted to say the obvious; winning awards etc. Dosan saw it as a  burden, guilt, and just a barrier to actually loving himself for who he is. 



Thing is yes I get it, I get why he just thinks being loved and being happy is enough for him. But I agree with Fate as we’ve seen Dosan is so needed by the world for all that he can do, he’s automatically the most selfless and inventive person around him, he takes dreams, ideas, and illusions and makes them real. Heck, he’s a real-life manifestation of dreams (Dalmi’s own dream guy). He’s so incredible the way he just is, the symbol for everyone’s hopes and dreams to come through; this isn’t me being biased! 

 In episode 12 alone we see it; 

He brings hope as a symbol for  Youngsan’s dreams; to not be seen as a failure. 

He brings the solution for Dalmi’s ideas to come through because he fixes and solves the coding issue for her on the plane.

 He brings proof for Chulsan who always wanted to be seen and noticed for his skills and be recognised by going to 2STO.

He also brought ease for Dalmi’s grandmum to still live comfortable although she may not be able to see. Still, he also made her dreams for granddaughter come through because he is a real-life manifestation of the guy she wanted for her. 

 He also made wishes come through for Jipyeong despite him not seeing it: he’s the real-life representation which helps repay Jipyeong’s debt to the grandma.  

Dosan is so needed by everyone and also the world, so he couldn’t stay stuck in the sandbox with Dalmi, he had to be forced to move on for now. So his dreams (to be loved) and her dreams (her dream guy) can come true. 



Fate forces Dosan to become great and self-confident and see he’s worthy.

That’s where Alex comes through because Alex for everyone is actually the representation of Fate/Purpose, he’s here to be the storm that forces them to grow. Like Dalmi said it’s Fall; she’s falling before she blossoms. Alex is the falling step, he’s the hurt, the betrayals, the challenges before the beauty/truth is seen and appreciated. He’s the fire/heat used to make the diamonds. And he did it, he pushed everyone by force to their next destinations. And he chose Dosan because he saw what we’ve seen, he knows how desperately the world needed Dosan’s skills, how much his headquarters needed Dosan. He saw it all, and harshly had to cause reality to come so everyone grows up and pushes forward to where they need to go. 

Symbols for Dosan’s conflict with his dreams, vs destiny

Follow your dreams baseball: Dosan says he doesn’t want the results and the awards Fate intends to bestow on him its led him to feel lonely with no one by his side. Fate doesn’t stop his dreams as he thinks but also makes him viable for them without him knowing. Yes Dalmi broke his heart, but actually, it confirmed to us pretty much he’s the one she wants, she selflessly chose to let him go because of how much she loves him, and he’ll keep being in her heart until he returns. It also made her realise he is the guy of her dreams (despite the fact she said he wasn’t) she was lying; everything she said was the opposite, he was the guy from her dreams, but at that moment life was making her think it was an illusion. 

But in a show that is so supportive of dreams it literally is named after a place to prevent dreams from being ruined, Dalmi and Dosan will get back their dreams; its already in motion. 



 Dalmi is someone who I absolutely love, she’s determined, resilient and she’s actually so bright. The thing with her so far is that we see her potential, her ideas are genius, and she also represents dreams becoming a reality that is useful and helpful for people; 

She’s the one who poked Dosan in the right direction for the handwriting forgery test,

 she’s the one who brought up the idea of the self relying car

 The person who brought up the idea for the drug recognition device. 

She’s great. But also she has her own dreams, Dalmi’s dream whilst Dosan’s is to be loved, is to be chosen/wanted. From a young age, she felt slighted that her sister and her mother did not pick her and her dad, and the fact the world seemed to make fun of her choices made by her heart. She had dreams to prove to everyone that she made the right choice, that she was on the right path, but also she wanted to continue her father’s legacy and dreams. She wanted to be successful with her choices. 

Her choices so far are: Her father, Dosan and being CEO of samsan tech. Each time she’s been mocked, rejected by the world and hurt for her choices; 

She’s mocked by her sister for staying with her dad when he was going to die, and leave her alone, and force her to be behind.

 She was rejected by the world as CEO of Samsan Tech when Alex didn’t view her as useful or important, 

and she was hurt because she chose Dosan as her love interest, she was hurt because she had to let him go cruelly to be who he was supposed to be, she was meant to be left alone by him if he was to grow and become prosperous. 

In each of these, something great came out of it; her father inspired sandbox to be created, Samsan Tech was chosen by 2STO and won demo day, and Dosan was her dream guy manifested. 

 But she was the leftover, the discarded and the failure in each one. It’s sad to see how much her dreams felt like disillusions, she was not the person winning from those dreams but the person those dreams did not belong to. Dalmi struggled this episode to see her self as worthy or needed. And that hurt. 



Thing is Dalmi is needed. Her destiny is to be the very face of the Sandbox company. She’s the original source of the inspiration of this company used to make sure everyone’s dream doesn’t get hurt or ruined. She’s meant to represent, innovation, comfort and success. She’s meant to be great, and Fate wants her to be great. She’s a leader, a spark of ideas, and a catalyst to winning. She is important. And she’s destined to become a great source of help to people. 

Notice the things she thinks of; its all to do with ease and helping people (like Dosan), whilst Dosan is application and manifestation, she’s the innovation and inspiration to everything; 

She is the person who makes him find a way to sort out the handwriting test, 

She’s the person who makes him realise how to sort out Noongil with VR and the voice activation,

 She’s the person who comes up with the self relying car, 

She’s the person who comes up with the drug recognition system. 

See she’s already the source of creation for helping the world and making life easier for people and companies. We see what she’s good at in episode 1 with her father (she comes up with ideas for him, and she stays by his side as a helping hand). In episode 2 before she quits, she was able to get her company the money needed for buying the products she knew what fangirls wanted, and she catalysed sales. She’s a catalyst. So why is she being deserted by Fate?



Fate forces Dalmi to become self-reliant and determined, she’s been given the tools, experience, the location, dream, and the people by her side she just needs to see it.

 Also, she was forced to reset, she was forced to go back and learn from her scars, remember she felt discarded by so many people, it wounded her pride and slowed her down, she was petty to her sister, and that always stopped her growth, Fate came in to force her to heal from that, to grow from that and work with her sister. Because they’re both meant to fulfil her father’s dream. Fate gave her the right people to use, and learn from (Dosan, Injae, Jipyeong, Sandbox owner, her father) to become who she’s also meant to be. So it felt like Fall, but actually, it was for her to bloom into who she was meant to be.

If you noticed in episode 13 trailer: she has her own start up named after her father (fulfilling his legacy) she has the prototype for the car named after Dosan’s teachings (Tarzan) and she also works with Injae as well. She’s on her way to fulfilling her destiny, and Dosan needed to go for her to do so.


Self relying car: Because those dreams aren’t hers, see she’s the catalyst in all of I’ve mentioned before, those scenarios where she’s left, she’s always helping others, but like her self reliant car, she needs to become self-reliant. Dosan is excellent to her he’s her help, her inspiration, her guide, but she needs to grow and rely on her self, she needs to find out what her strengths are and not just rely on fantasies. Instead of dreaming it up, she needs to manifest it her self. She’s now been given an opportunity without Dosan and JP input to find her own voice, where she’s actually in charge and confident of what she knows.

Dosan’s baseball: it was telling her to follow her dreams, not his, not JP, but hers. To do so, she needed to reset, return back to deal with her feelings, and pride and reunite with her scars and learn about her self. Dosan being there wouldn’t help her at that moment. But also she returned the ball back to him: because he also needs to follow his path although he doesn’t see it as his dreams; in doing what he was forced to, he’d return back to her and actually keep his promise/dream for her in episode 7 (to be wealthy and successful). 

In a way, disappearing is fulfilling both their dreams/ideas Dalmis dream guy comes back to her the way she asked him to in episode 10 (the suit), and He becomes a dream version of himself for her. She still is his dream, and he still is hers. 

It’s funny how life works, it makes you face reality, but love brings fulfilment of dreams in a way you never expected it to, it’s still going to get there, but you just have to climb up the mountain first before you see the view, a few obstacles to help you get to the top. 



Jipyeong is an interesting case, he starts off alone, all he dreams of when he’s young is to be successful and wealthy. But I also think his dreams are similar to Dalmi’s; to be chosen/wanted. He’s been without anyone for so long, deserted by Fate to be alone; he’s an orphan. He doesn’t trust anyone because he’s never known how to, everything felt difficult, and he had to fight his way out on his own. For him, clinging to logic and controlling the real world is how he survives and is successful. In fact, controlling/investing in numbers is how he got his first success, that brought him here. He’s always wanted to be wanted and chosen. But he also sees success as being above others as well, because he’s been looked down on so long when he was younger, he wanted a chance to be seen as important. 

In this episode everything comes crashing down for him 

He realises he’s not essential; He didn’t even know details about someone he claimed he cared about the grandmum and her blindness. He noticed Dosan already helped her with that not him.

He realises he’s not wanted; Dalmi already wanted and was in a relationship with Dosan who he looked down on; who just proved to everyone he’s wanted and actually destined for greatness and success. 

He realises he’s not chosen; he stopped being seen as Samsan’s Techs mentor by Yong San and everyone due to how much he belittles them and put them down. Because of this, they refused to listen to him when he tried to warn them and then he didn’t try to help. He wasn’t chosen by Dalmi although she thanked him for his words of advice. He wasn’t chosen either by grandma because she already rejected him as Dalmi’s love interest in episode 9. 

So basically everything was falling apart for him, and he also realised he wasn’t a good person. Although fangirls will keep on saying the opposite, he’s not a good person, he’s selfish and always so focused on the surface that he doesn’t look deeper or take a chance on things. It makes him an awful mentor; all he does is break people down instead of offering advice on how to move forward—a pessimistic presence. 



But the thing is like Jipyeong’s strength has always been to do with Dalmi’s grandmum. In fact, I wanted to say with Dalmi as well but not really cause he keeps crossing that line. His destiny has led him to finding someone who will choose and want him. Fate led him to Dalmi’s grandmum in episode 1, it’s why he was first shown, he also is being pushed by destiny to find the family he never had. It’s about found family. Dalmi isn’t meant to be his soulmate, she’s meant to be family, just like the grandmum is like a mother figure to him. Jipyeong is meant to be loved, chosen and wanted as an older brother figure. I keep saying this, but you’ll notice that’s what the show has been showing, his advice only works when he’s a mentor/ guidance to the group, it’s like an older brother, he’s meant to show them reality and berate them, but he’s not meant to be the hero or the prince charming to Dalmi’s rescue. 

His advice works especially for Dalmi, who needs guidance on reality. But it’s for a family relationship; he’s been like an older brother to Dalmi for a long time, despite the fact that he was her fantasy Dosan on paper (Dosan is the manifestation of that), but as an older brother, he’s protective, caring and looks out for her in the right way, he guides her and becomes another male figure in her life that is comfort and advice after her father died. 

Jipyeong is meant to be a family member, that’s why in the promo you see him finally getting his found family dream come true. He also said this was his dream/wish for his birthday he wanted a family to play go stop with; with Dalmi in his life, he’s gotten a grandma, a mother figure (probably Dalmi’s mum) and a sister (Dalmi). The fact that people don’t see why this is what he was meant to be aiming for is funny to me. 

It’s not just to Dalmi he’s meant to be destined for. Its Dosan, Dosan and him are destined to form a brother bond its why Fate pushed him to Dosan from the beginning, he was meant to guide and teach Dosan how to fulfil his destiny, but he let jealousy and pettiness prevent him from being a good mentor to Dosan, he looked down on him and refused Fates call to invest and trust in Dosan. It was a mistake, and he knew it this episode. Also, he had a found family with Samsan tech, he had three people who would have been friends to him if he didn’t berate them and put them down in a disrespectful manner, even Yong San is there to teach Jipyeong to humble himself. But also its Dosan and his crew who help him achieve what he wanted the most to repay his debt to grandma; they make noongil, they use his AI to make noongil, for grandma. He was just too prideful to see it. 

So Jipyeong is destined to become a good boy just like Grandma says he is like he’s meant to grow to trust, and love and be chosen as a family member/ mentor. Its what he’s been starved of for so long and where he’s the most useful and needed.



Hence why his storm was exactly showing him all the ways, he failed though people didn’t notice; it showed he was a horrible mentor because he didn’t gain the trust and respect from his group, it showed he was an awful love interest because he was too focused on money and success to realise the girl he loved’s grandma was going blind. He was against the source that was helping her, it showed he was always late, he was forced to be a second lead because Dosan has always been by her side helping and thinking of her first and foremost. Did he learn from his lesson? 

Fate forces Jipyeong to become humble, selfless, and reflective. He still isn’t even close to doing so, but also to understand the value of money and greed to not look on the surface

From the trailer it seems like he still doesn’t get it, he’s still trying to cross that line, maybe I’m a fool, but even after three years I’m sure Dalmi brother zoned him, we’ll see, but I think he’s still prideful and didn’t get what Fate was doing when it gave him three years to spend time with his found family. He still has a long way to go, but I’m sure he’ll grow, and I’m his final fulfilment for his destiny in being a good boy would be choosing selflessly to bring Dalmi to Dosan. Because I still think that’s how Fate has been using him this whole time. 

So these are the ways Fate pushed our characters to achieve their growth and become who they’re meant to be. In Jae also has her own story to tell but this was already too long and not connected to the love triangle. I’ll make her own post a review later on. But yeh I love this show, a lot of people like to call it useless, or failure to show its message, but this has always been an inpirational message about fulfilling your dreams and becoming the person you’re meant to be, how love helps that, but also how reality needs to happen for that as well. Life isn’t a bed of roses but we can always manifest and get our goals if we put enough effort and hard work into it. These characters all do that, and they all help each other grow. The love triangle may seem useless but it’s a learning point for all our character’s its a way for them to learn and change, and so I’m grateful for it. Just hopeful the writer doesn’t change her direction just because fangirls are threatning for her to make someone endgame who doesn’t deserve it. Okay that’s it. that’s the analysis for this week. Bye <3

4 years ago


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- moonlight drawn by clouds (2016). lee yeong & hong ra on. park bo gum & kim yoo jung. 9

- a love so beautiful (2017). jiang chen & chen xiaoxi. hu yitian & shen yue. 8

- start up (2020). nam do san & seo dal mi. nam joo hyuk & bae suzy. 10

- weightlifting fairy kim bok joo (2016). jung joon hyung & kim bok joo. nam joo hyuk & lee sung kyung. 9

- crash landing on you (2019). ri jeong hyeok & yoon se ri. hyun bin & son ye jin. 10

- w: two worlds apart (2016). kang chul & oh yeon joo. lee jong suk & han hyo joo. 8

- because this is my first life (2017). nam se hee & yoon ji ho. lee min ki & jung so min. 10

- goblin (2016). kim shin & ji eun tak. gong yoo & kim go eun. 10

- what’s wrong with secretary kim (2018). lee young joon & kim mi so. park seo jun & kim min young. 9

- descendants of the sun (2016). yoo si jin & kang mo yeon. song joong ki & song hye kyo. 8

- true beauty (2020).

Tags :
4 years ago

do you have a list of drama reccomendations? cdrama and/or kdramas :D

Do I! 

K-Drama Master List

Lists Most Recently Updated Lists:

Light & Fluffy K-Dramas with no Melodrama (Updated 10/2020)

K-Dramas with Soft Beta Males (Updated 9/1220)

Light & Fluffy K-Dramas & Web Dramas (Updated 10/2020)

Healing Comfort K-Dramas (Updated 10/2020)

K-Dramas with Great Kisses (Updated 8/2020)

K-Dramas with Soft Beta Males, (but without Horror or Action

Great 12 Episode K-Dramas (updated 10/2020)

Plots) (8/2020)

Tol & Smol: K-Drama with Height Differences (updated 9/2020)

K-Dramas That’ll Make You Cry(list 2) (updated 8/2020)

Slice-Of-Life K-Dramas (updated 8/2020)

Great K-Dramas on Netflix (updated 7/2020)

More K-Drama Recommendation Lists:

K-Drama Essentials

Lighthearted, Easy-viewing K-Dramas

Good Romance K-Dramas

K-Dramas that’ll make you cry (original post)

Historical/Modern Day Mixup Dramas

K-Dramas with strong female characters

Forbidden Love K-Dramas

High School K-Dramas (limited list)

K-Drama Noona Romance

K-Dramas with Enemies To Lovers

Workplace K-Dramas

Female Friendship K-Dramas

K-dramas where the Grumpy/Cold Lead falls for Light-hearted/Sunshine Lead

Fun and fast moving binge-worthy K-dramas

K-Dramas where the boy falls in love first

*Also, my favorite dramas last year (2019) were Extraordinary You and Be Melodramatic so if you want to skip the lists, try those :)

5 years ago

Edited out all the creepy af Norman. It makes normero soooooo much more enjoyable and SO CUTE🦄😭❤️

6 years ago
Andy Mientus + Theatre Credits
Andy Mientus + Theatre Credits
Andy Mientus + Theatre Credits
Andy Mientus + Theatre Credits
Andy Mientus + Theatre Credits
Andy Mientus + Theatre Credits
Andy Mientus + Theatre Credits
Andy Mientus + Theatre Credits
Andy Mientus + Theatre Credits
Andy Mientus + Theatre Credits

andy mientus + theatre credits


Andy Mientus + Theatre Credits