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Beargerais -
You can use Google Duo to make video calls to your family, friends, and anyone else. Your calls are encrypted, which means they're private t

More Posts from Beargerais

4 years ago

Barclay, meet Connor. Connor, meet Barclay.

5 years ago

Was talking about meggings with a friend and Dallas’ green compressions came up. I gew up in the 90′s so spandex and muscle a la Matarazzo and co was a huge thing for me. Because you know you have real tractor wheels when you can flaunt your giant ass, thighs and calves in these. No cop-outs with basketball shorts over them, losers; get that big chunky ass out on display. Lunge, lunge, lunge.

5 years ago

Vitaly Fateev

5 years ago

My boy Josh doing overhead presses. Fuck, check out the long-ass muscle bellies on his biceps; they intersect practically below his elbows, and the veins bulging in the sides of that Doric neck. I wish I had that caveman brow. He’s not dumb but he looks like a neanderthal and it’s fucking hot.

5 years ago

Peter Gill working his huge back and delts. His legs are playing catch up because he’s so tall but, once they do, he’ll be in Nasser territory.