Howdy! I'm Siobhan, or just Bear. This is my art blog that I might dump memes on. Please don't tag my art as kin.
749 posts
I Was Eating Pretzel M&ms, And When I Ate One Of Them There Was No Pretzel In It, It Was So Much Chocolate!
I was eating pretzel m&m’s, and when I ate one of them there was no pretzel in it, it was so much chocolate! I was dying, I was crying.. And the worst part- it was the last one, so I had nothing to cleanse my mouth of the wretchedness of a pretzel-less m&m…
It was truly a harrowing experience
More Posts from Bearmageddon
Too lazy to look up reference for clothes, and don’t want to half ass them? Just don’t draw any!
Iread a super fluffy Klance fic called Lungs, written by @dreamicide And I couldn’t help but draw something for it
Matt, my man, I need the deets, do you have ok eyesight.. bad eyesight? I need to know
Got me some angsty stuff
Can’t help but love the idea of Matt having robo legs…