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[18+]Voulez-Vous ; Monty

[18+] Voulez-Vous ; Monty
this is really bad but whatever merry toyotathon - your favorite whore
warnings: afab reader, oviposition, otome is literally from the midwest and can’t speak french

The stupidity - or rather, sheer audacity - of the parts and service team never ceased to amaze you. You couldn’t understand how the worst of the troublemakers still had a job after all the stunts they’ve pulled at the company’s expense. But this… No, this had to be too far.
“You fucking idiots,” You raised a threatening hand and gestured over the culprits. “Are gonna be lucky if you still get called into work tomorrow! Do you know how many complaints we’ve already gotten? God forbid someone got hurt!”
One of the group, a high schooler, had the decency to look ashamed while he apologized, “We’re sorry ma’am. We didn’t mean for Monty to get angry.”
You clicked your tongue, “Why wouldn’t he get angry? You lot treat them like science projects!”
“We wanted to make him a little more… gator-like. Even you can admit he looks a little silly as is.” A smirk spread across an older fella’s lips. A low chuckle came from all but the teen with the words, “Maybe the girls will finally start liking him.”
“Okay, you know what-” A loud crash echoed from your watch, and you hurriedly flipped through the cameras to find its source. You huffed, “All of you get the fuck out of here, and pray you’ve got a job tomorrow.”
The adults rolled their eyes, walking towards their breakroom. You grabbed the kid by the arm, “I better not catch you pulling stunts like this again.”
The kid jumped but ultimately looked relieved, “No ma’am. I promise I won’t mess around with the animatronics anymore.”
“Good,” You checked your cameras again, only to find that Monty’s had since disconnected. “Can you tell me what exactly you did to Monty?”
His face went red, eyes blown out as he avoided your gaze. He fidgeted for a moment before asking you to lean in.
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More Posts from Benevolent-nightowl
Cold as ice pt2

You looked through the trees to see the dark clouds rolling across the starry night sky. You don't know how far you'd gotten or where you were but you just kept going with no goal in mind until a sparkle caught your eye. You looked at the object submerged in the snow and pulled it out. It was the largest snowflake you'd ever seen. It was as your palm and it glistened in the moonlight like it was a star that fell out of the sky. Holding it made a chill consume you, even with such a warm coat it felt like you were almost nude. You didn't even realize the blizzard swirling around you until the specks of ice grazed your skin, however it felt like hands caressing you. Like a spirit of sorts.
"Thank you for finding that" the flurry whispered.
You shot the flurry a look.
"I must really be going crazy if I can hear nature itself speak" you said blatantly.
"No you are not going insane, do you not remember the eyes you saw through the frosted glass?" It asked.
"The snow king? Nothing but a folk tale my nana would tell, such things can't exist for the seasons are merely due to the earth's orbit" you explained, you didn't believe what was happening.
Suddenly you felt a sudden chill upon your forehead, your eyes shut in response to the coldness for a few seconds before you opened your eyes to see a pale man dressed in white. His skin was so pale it was like that of fresh snow and his hair was curled and coloured a pale blue like that of glacial ice.
"You sound so smart trying to disprove what is happening to yourself, but you are a mortal who has a lot to learn" he said in a cold tone as he took the snowflake from your hand and put it to his chest so that it'd rejoin his body.
"I don't usually interact with anyone but you were able to find a part of my body, so I must thank you" he said, still with little emotion to his words. He'd seen many humans through his many centuries but you were something different. He could see a lot of potential within you.
"Would you like to join me on my journey back to my castle? For I can teach you so much more than what humanity could fathom" he offered but you quickly declined.
"No, I need to find my home for all I see back in that town is decay" you explained. He'd caught on to what you'd said rather quickly, you were obviously fallen victim to the shards of the devil's mirror. Obviously you could only see the world through it's distorted lens.
"But I'm afraid you can not, for this world is not the same anymore, you are cursed to see this world as a horrible mess, as long as my magic surrounds you, you'll see what I create as what it truly is" he replied. You tried to leave but his icy hand clasped around your wrist. You yelped in pain as his grip burnt coldly.
"You refuse me, the snow king" he hissed before he grabbed the back of your head and forced you into his cold kiss. You passed out in his arms due to how low your body temperature dropped. He never liked people who objected to him but at least when you woke you'd be more than willing to comply with his orders as you would have very few memories of your life for every kiss he bestowed the closer one would be to death. He'd already kissed you twice so he vowed he'd refrain from kissing you again as that would most likely kill you.
"(Y/n)!" Bruno called out while he struggled in the deep snow and strengthening winds. He could feel the sting of small shards of ice hitting his cheeks.
"(Y/n) please come back!" He yelled at the top of his lungs as he began to cry. He didn't understand why you acted the way you did and ran away. He was hoping that you'd not passed out In the harsh snow, however he did not care about his own safety while he searched.
He'd gone on for hours in the icy winds. At this stage he was howling your name with a hoarse throat as he stumbled around with the last of his energy before passing out.
The morning came and he was woken by a group of men asking what the hell he'd been up to. He explained his dilemma and asked if they'd seen you but they replied that you'd either died in the snow or did not want to be found, which of course upset him. He kept searching in the snow during the winter but still to no avail. Locals kept telling him he should give up but he couldn't, he knew you were alive and possibly in danger.
You woke up on a fur pelt. You looked around to see that you were in a castle completely made of ice. The light from the setting sun reflected around the entire room, turning it an orange hue.
You groaned while running your head. Your mind tried to comprehend what had happened but you couldn't remember anything, not even your own name.
"You're finally awake" you heard a male say. You turned to where you heard the voice to see a pale man dressed in white.
"W… who are you?" You asked him.
"My name is Ghiaccio, most however know me as The Snow King" he introduced himself as he approached you.
"I found you in the forest nearly freezing to death so I decided I would bring you here" he explained as he patted your soft hair almost like you were a small dog.
"I can't seem to remember anything… Do you perhaps know anything about me?" You asked him.
"I can't say I know much, I can only really tell you two things. Your name is (Y/n) and that you can never return home" he replied. Before sitting on the icy throne beside him.
"And why would that be?" You asked.
"Because your eyes and heart have been tainted by the devil's mirror shards, as soon as you were to return all you would see is the hideous illusions it creates" he explained.
"Perhaps you've already ruined the relationships you had because of it" he continued.
"So I've decided to keep you here for soon your very heart will be frozen like mine"
Super Villain Boyfriend: Maestro Swan

A former hero must give up retirement to save their little sister who is being held by their former arch nemesis.
Nonbinary(AFAB) Reader x Male Monster
When you were a kid, you joined a group of others around your age. It was part of a hero program in the works, before Hepheastus founded the Academy, and it was a rough time to say the least. You all had special abilities that you used on missions, and yours passed down for generations, allowed you to create moveable channels with electric currents. You mastered a way of slipping into phone lines, television frequencies, and internet streams, but it took a lot of effort. You were known as Plug-In.
Now you’re known for your small cake-making business. Ages ago you wanted to be a superhero, but over time you grew resentful of your work. You went through so many dangerous experiences, and saw your friends get hurt. On top of that, you eventually discovered the program was essentially a cost-cutting measure for a now-defunct insurance business.
Recently, your little sister Tabitha has shown interest in the superhero business. She has the family power, and can use phone and internet channeling powers in a way you never could. She’s been attending Hephaestus Academy while working at your bakery over the weekends. She’s been on a supervised mission for the last couple of weeks, and while you’re worried, you know she’s in good hands - or so you believe, until you’re called to the school for an emergency meeting.
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🎆Slenderman🎆|| MORE
KinkTober Week 3. Day 11
NSFW||~ Drabble x afab gn!reader, includes maid reader, tentacle fucking, size kink, belly bulge, minors—dni.(1.5k)
Inspired by: K/DA

Living as a maid in the mansion was no easy feat, cleaning floors worth of blood and trash the residents didn’t pick up. A few dumb fucks wolf whistling at you when you bent over to examine a stain on the floor- it was a trap, obviously, you should have learned that by now. The only person that stuck up for you was Slenderman, or maybe it was just him reprimanding the residents. Beyond annoyed that they were so messy he had to kidnap hire a maid in the first place.
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So you looking for some requests! I am here to help provide some inspo hopefully! I would love to see you do a little diner date with one or both of our ghosty boys. Something a bit soft and fun! I think you could totally nail that. Love ya!
hi bex! thank u sm for the request, i love u. it's a lil short, but i think its cute, hope u like it xoxo kissy kissy
true love café
Poly!Ghostface x Reader
date night at the diner with your boys, nothing too crazy. you and stu are dumbasses together (bc i'm a stu level dumbass) and billy is the exhausted rational boyfriend.

It was your idea, date night with your boys at the local diner. You sat in the booth, sandwiched between Billy and Stu, despite there being a whole other side to sit on. Billy had his arm draped over your shoulder, Stu's hand resting on your thigh.
Billy hadn't wanted to join in when Stu suggested sharing a milkshake like you guys were in some cheesy romcom, but now he pouting over being left out. "Billy, you're the one who said it was a stupid idea."
He rolled his eyes, "yeah, and it still is. I just want a sip of the milkshake."
"Sorry man," Stu smiled at Billy over your head, "only way to get in on the milkshake is if all three of us are drinking it at the same time. I grabbed you a straw."
Billy rolled his eyes as he acquiesced. He could already tell that it wasn't going to go well, but he agreed because he knew that there was no other way he was getting anywhere near that milkshake.
He was right, of course, because as you all went in to take a sip of the milkshake your heads bumped into each other. As you and Stu leaned back to rub your heads dramatically, Billy grabbed the milkshake, taking a huge sip before placing it back down.
"Hey," you shouted in protest as he simply smiled at you in triumph. "No far, asshole. The rules are that we all drink it together or not at all!"
"Well we tried that and it clearly didn't work."
Stu chimed in, "it would've worked if you'd had a better attitude about it."
Billy rolled his eyes, "no, it wouldn't. Because it was a dumb idea, and you two are dumbasses."
You and Stu looked at each other, gasping dramatically. "Stu," you said, doing your best to sound like you were about to start sobbing dramatically, "did he just... Did he just call us... Stupid?"
Stu dramatically wrapped his arms around you, pulling you away from Billy, "Don't listen to him, he's just jealous that he isn't apart of our super cool milkshake club."
Billy looked on in amusement, "oh, so it's a club now."
"Yes, it is, and you are not invited," you stuck your tongue out at him before grabbing the milkshake, sharing a sip with Stu before setting it down and turning to face Billy again. "Say sorry for being mean and you can join the milkshake club."
"Really? This is so fucking dumb," Billy shook his head, a small smile on his face, despite how annoyed he tried to make himself sound.
You and Stu looked at each other before beginning a chant of 'milkshake club' that grew in volume until you'd begun gathering the attention of the other patrons. Billy rolled his eyes, "fine, fine, I apologize and would like to be apart of your st- of your milkshake club." You and Stu started cheering in victory as Billy looked around, shooting death glares at anyone who dared to look at you two funny.
Sure you and Stu were fucking stupid and a chaotic force of nature when put together; but he was the only one, as far as he was concerned, who had any right to comment on it.
He agreed to attempt to share the milkshake again, and this time it actually worked (because of Billy's suggestion that you don't all go in at once, so as to avoid ramming your skulls together). But he still chucked a fry at Stu and called him a "giant fucking moron" when he suggested matching milkshake club tattoos.
Stu's next suggestion was, "okay, what about shirts."
"Oooo yeah, I like that idea."
"Sometimes I wonder why I even bother with you two." But even as Billy said this, he was pulling you closer into him.

Cat maid Jhin