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10 years ago


10 years ago

SEXY VIDEOS: JESS 2014 CALENDAR - Behind the scenes photoshoot

10 years ago


Workout Description Very few things are more impressive than a powerful and thick set of trapezius muscles. They have always been one of my favorite muscle groups to work. Because I have developed a decent amount of traps size over the years, I am often asked what a trainee can do to improve this muscle group. The following 2 day per week traps building program can be inserted into nearly any existing split or upper/lower routine. The first traps workout should be placed on your deadlift day. The second workout should be performed exactly 3 days later, preferably after your shoulder training. Traps Workout #1 - Perform after deadlifts, on your deadlift training day. Traps Workout #2 - Perform exactly 3 days after your deadlift training day. Here is a sample 4 day bodybuilding-type training schedule you could use: Day 1 - Chest and Triceps Workout Day 2 - Deadlift/Back, and Traps Workout #1 Day 3 - Off Day 4 - Off Day 5 - Shoulders, Biceps and Traps Workout #2 Day 6 - Leg Workout Day 7 - Off 2 Day Trapezius Building Workout This is a specialization-style approach. It has a large number of weekly sets for traps because of this. You may have to reduce your back and shoulder volume just slightly while running this program. I recommend running it for about an 8-12 week period of time. After completing the program, transition back into a more conventional trap building style of program for 12-16 weeks. Make sure to focus on improving your trap strength during this time. High rack pull and power shrug combo - Set rack height to just above knee level. Deadlift the weight up and immediately power shrug the barbell as you approach lockout. Peak contraction dumbbell shrugs - As you shrug the weight up, hold each rep in the contracted position for a 3 to 5 second count. Overhead barbell shoulder shrug - This can be a tricky, but effective traps building exercise. Hold a weighted barbell overhead and "shrug" it in the same manner you would during a barbell or dumbbell shrug. It may be beneficial to place one foot forward to help with balance. Static barbell shrugs - Using straps, hold a heavily loaded barbell (near maximum weight you can possibly high rack pull) in front of you like you were about to perform power shrugs. Now's the easy part (just kidding, it's the hard part): hold the barbell for as long as possible, up to 60 seconds per set if you can. Don't forsake straps on this movement. The point is to overload your traps, not your grip. Workout #1 Traps - Deadlift Day Rack Pull & Power Shrug Combo 3 SETS - 6-10 REPS Power Cleans 5 SETS - 3 REPS Peak Contraction Dumbbell Shrugs 3 SETS - 15 REPS Overhead Barbell Shoulder Shrug 1 SET - 30-50 REPS Workout #2 Traps - Shoulder Day Upright Rows 3 SETS - 10-12 REPS Dumbbell Shrugs 4 SETS - REPS AMAP 60 secs Static Barbell Hold 3 SETS - REPS 60 secs Overhead Barbell Shoulder Shrug 1 SET - 30-50 REPS

10 years ago


10 years ago