18 | random literature stuff | dormant acc, mostly used for interactions only | more active on @sunbeamrocks
59 posts
3 Facts About My Bookblr
3 Facts About My Bookblr
1. What is addict with a book all about?
addict with a book covers most, if not all, book and reading content for bookaholics and avid readers. I create book reviews and recommendations, character and plot analyses, book-related articles, bookworm memes, and the likes. I focus more on fiction books when making reviews and analyses. It's basically a Bookblr created by a reader for readers.
2. Why blog about books and reading?
One of the toughest challenges I've faced so far as a beginner blogger was selecting a blog niche. It took me a lot of Googling and brainstorming to come up with addict with a book. I decided to blog about this topic because I'm a total bookworm and I'm extremely passionate about reading. I want to provide more content for readers on Tumblr. Books are an awesome part of our society and I want people to know that.
3. What's with the blog name?
My favorite songwriter Pete Wentz once said that everyone's an addict. We're all addicted to something, and in my blog's case, it's books. The difference between "book addict" and "addict with a book" implies that my fangirl addictions other than books, and I think it's pretty cool.
Additional info:
If you have any queries, feel free to message me or send in your questions!
I will normally post about two to three times a week. However, when my school year starts in late August, my posting time will decrease. I am active every day on Tumblr.
I hope to make you smile and enjoy my beginner blogging content. Whether you're an book fanatic like me or a non-reader, you're welcome! Feel free to dive in the wonderful world of reading.
danasdreams liked this · 3 years ago
pagesoflucy liked this · 4 years ago
More Posts from Bibliobuddy
This is helpful advice!

Read More, Read Better
Many of us are looking for more ways to enjoy our time at home in these stressful circumstances. Some of us have turned to books. But how can we make sure we get the most out of them?
Keep reading
Reading opens our minds to the world around us, taking us to places even though we're only within four walls.
One real benefit of reading I rarely hear anybody mention is how much more interesting life becomes when you read a lot. It depends what you’re reading, of course, but most (good) books will teach you something you didn’t already know, and even if you have to give the book back to the library, you get to take that much with you. A lot of people talk about things they wish they’d studied in school–I’ve done it, too–but it’s a nice consolation prize that you can always pick up a book and learn something new. And as that library in your brain collects more volumes, everything around you gains new resonances, new context, and new connections which make your lived experience richer. In quarantine alone I’ve read about religion and politics and history and evolution and computer science and astrophysics without even leaving my house and it’s already a more interesting world.
I definitely need an excuse to read one more chapter.

under the sun, under the moon, find me with a book 📖🕯🍁 { prints & more are on society6 and redbubble }
**please refrain from deleting caption. thank you!**
I've been seeing a lot of memes about readers hoarding books and buying some more even through they don't read them, while there are others complaining how they have a huge pile of books to be read. I'm just going to say:
Hoarding books isn't a bad thing – in fact, it could be a sign of intelligence.
A writer from Medium, Michael Simmons, wrote this golden post about the habit. This is for all of you readers out there: boy, you are some smarty-pants.
It happens way too often.