— “i don't know about love yet, but i like you.” ♡
36 posts
Binsvng - B^ - Tumblr Blog

jungkook layouts ★ like n reblog if you use them
header creds to their owners

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jungkook layouts ★ like n reblog if you use them
header creds to their owners
another lovely commission!!

AO3 Top Relationships Bracket- Round 2 Side 1

Adrien | Chat Noir/Marinette | Ladybug refers to all combinations of the "Love Square."
This poll is a celebration of fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement, and refrain from harassment.

guess who's back, back again
lol jk but seriously, guys, Hope Brooklyn and I decided that our challenge needed a little ✨spice✨ so we changed things up! Some generations are the same, some are completely different, and some just have a few small changes. The biggest one you'll notice is we changed Gen 3 from Lemon to Grapefruit and completely changed that entire generation and we're much more excited about this one than we were about the other lol. We FINALLY finished our occults portion of this challenge and wanted to release this beforehand for all of you! We are going to keep the other rules up (you can find them here) so if you like that version better you can play that one instead! Either way we hope you have fun playing our challenge and we can't wait to see your sims through #fruitylegacychallenge!
You can also tag us on instagram - Hope Hay Brooklyn
Hope is going to be doing a play through of the new rules over on her instagram, and I'll be posting updates here on tumblr. I'll also be posting updates on my second instagram account occasionally!
Fruity Legacy Challenge - Occults!!!!

9 Generation Occult Legacy Challenge by Asphodel Moon! Graphics by me. I tweaked a few of the rules' text to make it fit, so check out the link for the full rules/details.
Alrighty!!! It’s finally here . Completed and finished
I’m not my parent legacy challenge all 10 generations:

I really hope you enjoy this and I’ll be working on the base game and modded version of this as well ! I just want to see how you use my wonderful creation !! Use #INMPL if you decide to give this a try .
You can now find my mini explanation video here :
Harden Legacy Challenge| Ep 0
Here is a post to the finished house product and sim with my gallery ID which will have the download link shortly with my cc sim :

* You can still subscribe tho with the link below*:
I’ll be making households for each generations and lots as a series for my YouTube so if your not subscribed here’s the link:

Here the links for the optional mods :
Zerbu Any World is Residential
Base Mental Mods:
Love yall , xoxo.

New graphics set, this time for the Sims in Bloom Legacy by @a-sims-garden! I've been wanting to do this challenge for a long time. I hope I'm able to eventually.

If you like adding drama, creating stories with your sims and color coordinating them, then you’ve found the right legacy challenge for you! This is a ten generation legacy that revolves around berries and colors that you can base your sims on.
This legacy challenge, as of right now, uses multiple packs.
I don’t want any control over your gameplay and/or story. I want you to make this all your own, so if you want to use cheats or anything like that go right ahead. If you want to start with 0 simoleons to make it even more challenging, do what your heart desires. Any traits, aspirations, careers, etc you think could be something else, use that instead. I truly just want everyone to have fun with this! Make this challenge your own, that’s what it’s here for!
If you decide to do this challenge tag me on instagram @strawberrysimyt or use #sweetestberrylegacy
You'll be able to find my gameplay here.
I did a whole mbti-like analysis to find my claspect bro


reblog to have davepeta sit around on your blog
helloooo, i absolutely adored the fanfics you wrote about kazan and danny🥺 could i request one where pyramid head is just really whipped for and in love with the survivor! reader but he doesnt know how to announce it to them so he brings her random ,,gifts" in and outside the trials and protecting her bc well, im pretty sure he cant speak so he doesnt really have any other options on how to express his feelings??
I’m so happy that you liked those! I hope you’ll like this one as well! <3

As soon as Pyramid Head saw you for the first time, when you were sent in a trial with him, he stopped dead in his tracks and stared at you.
Your soul was so bright and beautiful that he couldn’t help but want to approach you and protect you for the rest of your life.
Of course, with his scary appearance and that big-ass sword of his, you got frightened out of your mind and ran the hell away out of there.
Since then, Pyramid Head started chasing you during every trial - But you soon realised that he never harmed you, even if he reached you.
He always let you go, if the gates were opened, or would guide you to the hatch and would watch you escape to safety.
This made you realise that he, for some reason, didn’t want to harm you, so out of the trial, you went to confront him.
So you went to the Killer Camp and as soon as he noticed you, he got up from the log and made his way towards you, very menacingly - But that was to intimidate the other killers and keep them away from you.
You wanted to talk to him, but when he wouldn’t answer, you realised there was no way he could communicate properly, so you were at a great loss.
That is, until he signed for you to stay there while he left for a short period of time - And once he returned, he unexpectedly... Put a small, white flower in your hair.
You were absolutely flabbergast and had no idea how to react, but once he turned around and walked towards the camp, you called out a loud ‘THANK YOU’ to him.
He stopped for a second, then he continued to walk.
Since then, you noticed massive differences during your trials.
None of the killers even dared approach you, let alone try to hook or mori you.
Hell, some of them were even afraid to look at you - You saw them run away as soon as they got in your proximity, even if you were working on a gen!
Mostly, the human Killers were affected by this, and they were terrified out of your mind of you, yet you had no idea why!
After a few trials where you were the only one that got out of there alive, thanks to the killer’s mercy of showing you the hatch, you decided to go see Pyramid Head at his Camp and see if he had anything to do with this.
When you got there and saw the big man get up, and some of the smaller killers started shuddering and inching away from him - It was definitely a sight to behold.
Seeing the Pyramid killer in front of you, towering over you, you realised that you had no idea how you were going to ask him about this issue, so you started chuckling nervously - Until the man put his hand on your shoulder and had you follow him deep into the forest.
You’ve never been deep into the forest, especially not alone, but for some reason, you felt rather... Safe with him by your side.
You reacher a clearing that had little fog around but was surrounded by a few wild flowers - It was a beautiful place to be at, all things considered.
It made you smile.
As you sat down on the grass, he signed for you to wait for him, and when he returned, he was holding something in his arms, and knelt in front of you.
He was holding a white bunny that he put in your lap for you to pet and take care of.
You were so speechless that you couldn’t help but look up at the Killer in awe - And you smiled sweetly, holding the bunny dearly in your embrace.
“Thank you”

Shit posting for filler
Fr this but with him and plague omg
I’d like to apologize for the person I am when pyramid head is the killer in dead by daylight.

Some graphics I made for the Not So Berry Challenge created by @lilsimsie and @alwaysimming! I love the challenge and wanted to pay tribute to it. I used icons created by TheSimKid on Mod The Sims. ~ Enjoy !

Here are some graphics I made for the Shadow Moon Legacy Challenge by @simbonez as requested by @mandabear128. I used graphics from @luniversims.
Such Colorful Lives Legacy Challenge

Here are graphics I made for the Such Colorful Lives Legacy Challenge created by @starry-sky-sims!

If you like adding drama, creating stories with your sims and delicious desserts, then you’ve found the right legacy challenge for you! This is a ten generation legacy that revolves around desserts and colors that you can base your sims on.
This legacy challenge, as of right now, uses multiple packs.
I don’t want any control over your gameplay and/or story. I want you to make this all your own, so if you want to use cheats or anything like that go right ahead. If you want to start with 0 simoleons to make it even more challenging, do what your heart desires. Any traits, aspirations, careers, etc you think could be something else, use that instead. I truly just want everyone to have fun with this! Make this challenge your own, that’s what it’s here for!
If you decide to do this challenge tag me on instagram @strawberrysimyt or use #justdessertslegacy

pretty gf x obsessed bf (based off this)
I want to hold Adiris' hand like the slut i am.

And…… I’m stink now (・_・ )

photography by valentin perrin