biomenthe - ☆ C u r e G e n e s i s. ☆
☆ C u r e G e n e s i s. ☆

☆ opal || she, her, hers || one confused bisexual || fanartist || proud owner of too many ocs || complete garbage || runs on mountain dew, magical girls, robots and outlast ☆

99 posts

Biomenthe - C U R E G E N E S I S. - Tumblr Blog

5 years ago

getting into a series because it looks interesting:

Getting Into A Series Because It Looks Interesting:

slowly growing attached to the characters:

Getting Into A Series Because It Looks Interesting:

drawing tons of fanart of the series:

Getting Into A Series Because It Looks Interesting:

creating a self insert and self shipping with the characters:

Getting Into A Series Because It Looks Interesting:

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5 years ago
Hxh Vs Reallyreallyreallytrying, Or As I Call It, Really X Trying (part 3/?)
Hxh Vs Reallyreallyreallytrying, Or As I Call It, Really X Trying (part 3/?)
Hxh Vs Reallyreallyreallytrying, Or As I Call It, Really X Trying (part 3/?)
Hxh Vs Reallyreallyreallytrying, Or As I Call It, Really X Trying (part 3/?)
Hxh Vs Reallyreallyreallytrying, Or As I Call It, Really X Trying (part 3/?)
Hxh Vs Reallyreallyreallytrying, Or As I Call It, Really X Trying (part 3/?)
Hxh Vs Reallyreallyreallytrying, Or As I Call It, Really X Trying (part 3/?)
Hxh Vs Reallyreallyreallytrying, Or As I Call It, Really X Trying (part 3/?)
Hxh Vs Reallyreallyreallytrying, Or As I Call It, Really X Trying (part 3/?)
Hxh Vs Reallyreallyreallytrying, Or As I Call It, Really X Trying (part 3/?)

hxh vs reallyreallyreallytrying, or as I call it, really x trying (part 3/?)

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5 years ago

I did the being edgy and self-deprecating thing, it gets old. I wanna be soft and lovely and easily impressed. I wanna appreciate all the little things that make me happy the same way I’ve dwelled on every single thing that upsets me.

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5 years ago

one thing i hate about media is how there’s no sort of representation for how badly friendship break ups fuck you up. like there are a million and one films about romantic break ups but i have yet to see a film or television show that accurately depicts how difficult friendships falling apart can be and how that stuff can really leave you with wounds and behaviors that take ages to heal

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6 years ago

Hot damn I should probably make some more shitty OC stuff-

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6 years ago
biomenthe - ☆ C u r e G e n e s i s. ☆
biomenthe - ☆ C u r e G e n e s i s. ☆

Reblog with a gif of your favorite pretty cure!

I’ll start!

Reblog With A Gif Of Your Favorite Pretty Cure!
6 years ago
The Values To Hide Body Parts (on K-ON! Kisekae 2)

The values to hide body parts (on “K-ON! Kisekae 2”) 体の各部位が見えなくなる数値と、それを利用した「生首」状態の作成手順。

サンプルデータ(「マネキン人形」の身長を50にしたもの) データは一部分のみ掲載(以下同様)。 28**ca50.

脚部の長さを-176に — caの4番め 28**ca50.0.40.-

腰の幅を-436に — caの6番め 28**ca50.0.40.-176.15.-436.34.0.10_cb0

腹部の長さを-283に — caの3番め 28**ca50.0.-283.-176.15.-436.34.0.10_cb0

肩幅を25600などにして両腕を画面外に — caの9番め(最後) 28**ca50.0.-283.-176.15.-436.34.0.25600_cb0 注意: 後述の「cb1」を利用する場合はもっと大きな数字が必要になる場合があります(たとえば100000ぐらい)。

胸囲を-345に — caの5番め 28**ca50.0.-283.-176.-345.-436.34.0.25600_cb0 トンボ状のものが残るので、生首状態を作る場合に関しては、胸部(や両腕)を数値書き換えで消すメリットはないと言ってよいかも。

上記4のデータを適用した状態から、胸の大きさを1に変更。腕を折りたたむ。 (データ省略)

こびと化(ちびサイズ化) — 「cb1」 28**ca50.0.-283.-176.15.-436.34.0.10_cb1

頭のサイズを1950に(2000以上でも可) — ddの5番め(最後) 28**ca50.0.-283.-176.15.-436.34.0.10_cb1_dd9.


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6 years ago


Do you design a lot of characters living in not-modern eras and you’re tired of combing through google for the perfect outfit references? Well I got good news for you kiddo, this website has you covered! Originally @modmad made a post about it, but her link stopped working and I managed to fix it, so here’s a new post. Basically, this is a costume rental website for plays and stage shows and what not, they have outfits for several different decades from medieval to the 1980s. LOOK AT THIS SELECTION:




There’s a lot of really specific stuff in here, I design a lot of 1930s characters for my ask blog and with more chapters on the way for the game it belongs to I’m gonna be designing more, and this website is going to be an invaluable reference. I hope this can be useful to my other fellow artists as well! :)

Did you find this helpful? If you’re able, maybe buy me a coffee please? :D

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6 years ago

as much as I love it i’m rewriting dbh

and markus no longer exists

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6 years ago

It’s here

reblog/like this post by november 30, and i’ll design a character based off you’re blog! the character will also have a little fantasy creature friend

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6 years ago

david cage: here’s 3 interesting, conventionally attractive, and dynamic main characters for you to fall in love with!

me, pointing at the depressed grumpy 53 year old alcoholic: i want that one.

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6 years ago

what’s killing tumblr and the activity on this site isn’t the website attacking us, it’s the fact no one uses the reblog button anymore, the ratios of likes to reblogs is staggering and liking shit is nice but if we’re not gonna reblog it then what’s the point of even making content? what’s the point of even coming on here? if i just wanted to like shit i’d use pinterest. no tumblr isn’t perfect, no they have done things that seem fucked up on the surface (but totally legal underneath if you read the rules) but the fact no one supports each other’s content anymore is the reason this website is dying. and i say, that’s all our fault collectively not tumblrs.

6 years ago

tips for writing bilingual characters

there are different types of bilinguals

the All Around: speaks, reads, and writes both languages pretty well

the Conversational: one language is stronger than the other; can speak the other language a lot better than they read/write it (a lot of kids of immigrants are this type)

the High Schooler: understands what’s being said to them in the other language, can’t really speak it

don’t have your characters randomly drop words from their other language mid-sentence around people who don’t speak it lol

languages are a mindset thing. like personally if i’m around english-speakers, i’m speaking english and i don’t really switch to my other language (which is portuguese)

so like if you’re writing a bilingual character who speaks spanish and have them say something like “hey chad let’s go to the biblioteca” to an english speaker i’ll probably spend 5 minutes laughing and then close your story lmao

exception: the character is speaking in their weaker language and forgot a word (”where are the…? uh… llaves…. keys! keys, where are they?”)

otherwise really the only time your character should be randomly switching languages mid-sentence is if they’re talking to another bilingual

like i don’t speak spanish but i’ve legit never heard a spanish speaker say “ay dios mio” to gringos lmao

conversations between two bilingual people can take a few different forms:

Pick One: they pick one language and kinda stick with it for the whole conversation (a conversation i might have with my portuguese-speaking mom: ”you okay?” “yeah, i’m good. how’re you?” “i’m fine, but your dad-”)

Back-and-Forth: someone says something in one language, the other person replies in the other (”tudo bem?” “yeah, i’m good. how’re you?” “tou bem, mas o seu pai-”)

Combo: they speak a combo of the two languages, a popular example being spanglish, though basically every bilingual has their own combo language (”tudo bem?” “sim, tou bem. how’re you?” “i’m fine, mas o seu pai-”)

when in doubt: just ask a bilingual to look at your stuff and tell you if anything sounds weird

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6 years ago

For everyone having a bad day

For Everyone Having A Bad Day

Have a sleepy Marshmellow as he refuses to let me even breath without kicking me in the bladder

6 years ago

Reblog or your mom will die in 928 seconds.

I love my mom.


I am risking nothing



Will not risk.


sorry followers :(

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6 years ago

Reblog if you have used dude as a non gender specific term.

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6 years ago
I Tried Drawing The Robo Cop? :)

i tried drawing the robo cop? :’)

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6 years ago
D:BH Week Day One: Favourite Protagonist;
D:BH Week Day One: Favourite Protagonist;
D:BH Week Day One: Favourite Protagonist;
D:BH Week Day One: Favourite Protagonist;
D:BH Week Day One: Favourite Protagonist;

D:BH Week Day One: Favourite Protagonist;

➪ Connor, Model RK800

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6 years ago
DBH Week // Day 3 // Favourite Ship: Hank Anderson/Connor
DBH Week // Day 3 // Favourite Ship: Hank Anderson/Connor
DBH Week // Day 3 // Favourite Ship: Hank Anderson/Connor
DBH Week // Day 3 // Favourite Ship: Hank Anderson/Connor
DBH Week // Day 3 // Favourite Ship: Hank Anderson/Connor
DBH Week // Day 3 // Favourite Ship: Hank Anderson/Connor
DBH Week // Day 3 // Favourite Ship: Hank Anderson/Connor
DBH Week // Day 3 // Favourite Ship: Hank Anderson/Connor

DBH Week // Day 3 // Favourite Ship: Hank Anderson/Connor

“I’ve learned a lot since I met you, Connor.”

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6 years ago
Im Really Enjoying Making These Crappy Gifs Quality Haha! This Scene Was The Sweetest !
Im Really Enjoying Making These Crappy Gifs Quality Haha! This Scene Was The Sweetest !

I’m really enjoying making these crappy gifs quality haha! This scene was the sweetest ! 

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6 years ago
DBH Week // Day 6 // Favourite Outfit: Hanks Questionable Collection Of Ugly Shirts
DBH Week // Day 6 // Favourite Outfit: Hanks Questionable Collection Of Ugly Shirts
DBH Week // Day 6 // Favourite Outfit: Hanks Questionable Collection Of Ugly Shirts
DBH Week // Day 6 // Favourite Outfit: Hanks Questionable Collection Of Ugly Shirts

DBH Week // Day 6 // Favourite Outfit: Hank’s Questionable Collection of Ugly Shirts

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