bizarreshiz - I'm literally Tokishige Usami
I'm literally Tokishige Usami

He/They- Obsessed with Edogai Requests open☆

461 posts



Slightly suggestive art of Joongi Han under cut

Based off the deco 27 "rabbit hole" song :3

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More Posts from Bizarreshiz

1 year ago

Lost Judgment | The Kaito Files

Lost Judgment | The Kaito Files
Lost Judgment | The Kaito Files
Lost Judgment | The Kaito Files
Lost Judgment | The Kaito Files
Lost Judgment | The Kaito Files
Lost Judgment | The Kaito Files

"Will you still join me?"

11 months ago

Thank you @sunlightfeeling for tagging meee☆!

Name: Vincent (or Vin as everyone calls me)

Pronouns: He/they

Star sign: Pisces 😈🐟

# of siblings/Fun facts about them: I have one older sister, and we have a 10 year age gap

# of pets & their names: I have one cat and she is called Sapphire >:3

I used to have another cat before my present one that was there before I was even born

Fandoms: God, this could be a longgggg list but I will only do MAIN main ones!

I'm mainly into Yakuza/Judgement right now as I'm replaying the judgement games, and my friend is currently playing through the yakuza series

I'm also heavily into One piece (fave character is Crocodile 🥰), but at the moment I have to wait to continue watching as I have no money for crunchyroll 😔 (just had Franky join the crew)

The Persona series has also been a fandom I've been in since about 12 years old (yes, all the games including 1 and 2), but Persona 4 is my favourite of all time

Ig you count Vocaloid as a fandom. I first listening to Rolling girl, by Wowaka when I was 10, due to all the animations people did on youtube with it, and then I kinda left after a bit because I was too young and didn't know anything about Miku or Vocaloid in general, but then (happily) found it again around 13/14, and have been in love ever since! I have m a n y Miku merch (and some Luka merch)

Fave colour: Red :3

Fave song: I've never been able to choose one song specifically, so when I say my fave song, it's usually what I'm listening to the most recently-

So mainly I'm listening to "Gommene, Gommene" (Im sorry, Im sorry) by Kikuo at the moment!

Kikuo is one of my fave artists/producers and a lot of his songs are ones I'm able to relate to which makes the listening experience greater soooo-

(Not a fave song, but goddamn this has been in my head ever since it came out 😭😭😭)

Fave author (including books, fanfics, webtoons etc.): I don't have a fave author TwT"

But I've always had a massive fixation on Russian history (specifically USSR Russia) since I was very young, and I've finally been able to buy a crap ton of books on people like Stalin, Lenin and Trotsky 🙏

Fave fic type: Who doesn't love enemies to lovers? I do, but it c a n get annoying in some, and I l o v e hurt with comfort. If a fic has no comfort with its angst, I'm crying rivers

Fave holiday: Halloween 😈

Do you have a partner: Yes! I have a gf of 3 years♡

Hobbies: Drawing and videogames ig 😭

Tagging (you don't have to, I just pick my mutuals) : @c-cw-f-saeko @theycouldbehere @sunlightfeeling (ik you tagged me, but u a r e a mutual) @spicyliumang

Tags :
1 year ago

POV: Majima shows new hostesses how it’s done

10 months ago

Causes of death in the Ace Attorney franchise

Because I'm bored, and what do we do when we get bored? We MAKE LISTS! I went through every character dead character in the canon game universe (so AA1-6, AAI1-2, and TGAA1-2, sorry PWvsPL) and jotted it all down below, so let's see what the most common (specified) cause of death in Ace Attorney is:

Stabbed (x15)

Shot (x15)

Hit by a blunt object (x14)

Impaled (x5)

Poisoned (x4)

Fell to their death (x3)

Hanged (x3)

Car crash (x2)

Strangled (x1)

Electrocuted (x1)

Crushed (x1)

Suffocated (x1)

Asphyxiated (x1)

Heart Failure (x1)

Burned (x1)

Full list with character names all color-coded by game and more specific data below! (Beware of SPOILERS for the whole series!)

COLOR CODE: OG Trilogy - AJ - DD & SOJ - AAI1 - AA12 - TGAA 1 & 2

(AAI gets two different colors since a lot of people probably haven't played AAI2 yet. Sorry, DD and SoJ, you have to share. 'Why don't you do one color for the whole Apollo Trilo-' No <3)


Stabbed (x15)

(Bruce Goodman, Misty Fey, Rex Kyubi, Constance Courte, Clay Terran, Metis Cykes, Inga Karkhuul Khura'in, Byrne Faraday, Manny Coachen, Horace Knightley, Di-Jun Huang, Mason Milverton, Jezaille Brettª, Odie Asman, Klint van Zieks)

Shot (x15)

(Gregory Edgeworth, Robert Hammond, Turner Grey, Pal Meraktis, Romein LeTouse, Magnifi Gramarye¨, Dhurke Sahdmadhi, Buddy Faith, Oliver Deacon, Deid Mann, Mack Rell, Ethan Rooke, Pop Windibank, Genshin Asogi, Tobias Gregson)

Hit by a blunt object (x14)

(Cindy Stone, Mia Fey, Russell Berry, Kane Bullard, Zak Gramarye, Candice Arme, Paht Rohl, Archie Buff, Jove Justice, Dumas Gloomsbury, Ka-Shi Nou, Isaac Dover, Jill Crane, Jack Cameron)

Impaled (x5)

(Jack Hammer, Neil Marshall, Manov Mistree, Puhray Zeh'lot, Tahrust Inmee¨)

Poisoned (x4)

(Glen Elg, Terry Fawles¨, Drew Misham, John H. Wilson)

Fell to their death (x3)

(Dustin Prince, Jack Shipley*, Akbey Hicks)

Hanged (x3)

(Joe Darke°, Celeste Inpax¨, Dahlia Hawthorne°)

Car crash (x2)

(Ini Miney*, Selena Sprocket*)

Strangled (x1)

(Juan Corrida)

Electrocuted (x1)

(Doug Swallow)

Crushed (x1)

('Di-Jun Huang')

Suffocated (x1)

(Taifu Toneido)

Asphyxiated (x1)

(Duncan Ross)

Heart Failure (x1)

(Azura Summers^)

Burned (x1)

(Magnus McGilded)


ª: She was stabbed, right? Like, she was poisoned first, but she died from the stab wound first, if I'm correct. Do tell if I'm wrong, lmao.

*: Accidental deaths

^: Natural death

¨: Deaths by suicide

°: Executed (Joe Darke's method of execution isn't mentioned, but if we assume Japanifornia goes by Japan laws, then hanging is the only method of execution used. Probably a higher number of deaths by hanging then, whether you believe some people got executed or not. Also, a lot of the killers in TGAA probably got executed, too? I just jotted down the confirmed cases, but yeah.)

(Also, von Karma died of 'Something'. Who knows. Of being too ashamed, maybe. Sucks to be him).

I probably missed some characters/omitted them, because who knows, it's my list I guess. If I forgot someone important do let me know!