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Where Do I Buy Ibo Merch
Where do I buy ibo merch
I recently went to an anime store and the woman there gave me grief about the " iron blooded orphans" merch saying that it wasn't " a real anime because she'd never heard of it"then she checked the computer and found three things and said that that was all funimation made and there were no other merchandise. When I tried to tell her yes she said that " I needed to tell her the company's name so she could report them" when I told her it was funimation she said it wasn't possible because she was friends with them and had never heard of it. So was this woman dumb or are there really merch, cause I want a mika and orga figure.
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Day 4 of the cuphead challenge: dealing with the devil! I’m actually happy with this one, might add more layers though.
Who wants Aurelio Voltaire to be the English voice actor to Black Hat?