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He's Cold Because He Knows He's About To Face The Wonderful Death That Is The Road To Nowhere
He's cold because he knows he's about to face the wonderful death that is the road to nowhere

How is he even cold, there is lava under him.
densunes liked this · 7 years ago
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Cuphead challenge day 8: the dice guy! Guys he evil, he scares me more than the devil.

She’s beauty, She’s grace, she’ll hit you with a fucking swordfish. I love her honestly, cuphead challenge day 5: favorite boss design!
The theory makes sense do to the fact that one of the heros actually says "don't trust metal knight, he is your enemy"

I kinda figured Metal Knight would be that guy, he sorta oozes maliciousness. I mean, everything he does is for totally selfish reasons and he doesn’t even bother to show up during a crisis if he doesn’t benefit from it. Since he seems to be a remote-controlled thing, I’m thinking that A Class Rank 1 jerk is his alter-ego. It just sorta makes sense, that dude also never shows up when he’s needed and he doesn’t take the promotion so he can shit on weaker heroes. Plus, he also threatened Genos, it seems pretty plausable to me.
Also what a relief that seaweed monster is alive, that makes me so happy! I hope its seaweed hair grows back.