I Would Actually Fight You But I Fear Ill Get Turned On
I would actually fight you but I fear I’ll get turned on
Who are you and how quickly can I kill you
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More Posts from Bleeding-letters
I was trying to decide which one of the emoji writing game I'd choose to ask you but I decided: all of them. I wanna know everything.
Wow, this one took a while. Thank you for asking!
🖋- pen or pencil
Depends on what I’m doing. But most of the time, pencil
📓- do you actually write in your notebooks
Often times no I don’t. Unless its schoolwork
📈📉- do you plot your stories
What’s a plot I have never heard of such a thing
⌨️- are you a good typer
I believe so. I try to type well
⌛️- what is the longest you've worked on a piece of writing
Three years, and I’m still currently working on it
📺- would you watch your wip on a movie
Yes 1000%. It’s the type of stuff I love to see when I watch tv shows and movies
💻- do you write online or by hand
Online. Google docs is open on my computer at all times
📖- favorite thing about your current wip
The characters. I won’t explain why
⚠️- what is your current wip
I have two major wips, actually. One is a collaborative spinoff/fanfiction, and the other is the one I plan to publish. Both have been alive and doing well for over two years.
🏚- what is an abandoned wip
One abandonde wip I have is something I called Seeing Red. My plan was to upload chapters to Wattpad, and well, the excitement faded before I could write what I wanted it to become. Link here, if you’re interested in a whole two chapters. (And if anyone reads the intro, know it wasn’t going to be the sparks)
🔮- What genre do you enjoy writing
Mystery, crime/action. Mostly fiction stuff. Fluff is always fun to write too
📚-would you write a series
Maybe! If I can finish my current wip, I’d try to make it a series
📕- would you consider publishing
Already considered! I plan to publish if I can ever finish my book. My goal when I started writing it three, almost four years ago, was to be finished writing and have it published by May of 2022. I can tell you that it would be near impossible to meet that goal now. But yes, I still plan to publish. One day.
Anon attack, go!
I attack you with glitter! ✨ MWAHAHAHA
You'll never be free of the sparkly sand now!
You win this time, anon

My brain be going:
“Not a sound they uttered as they fought against their captor, nor when they won. As their friends were released. That was it. They were free. All of them, free. All their life, they feared standing up against their tormentors, but now they have become an inspiration to others who have been oppressed, who fear-”
An elbow met their ribs sharply. They looked over in surprise, seeing {Name} using their hands to say, “I am mute you idiot! No sound!” It only took them five signs to say as much, but there was still a smile hinting at their lips as the other explained.
“I know that! Its supposed to add drama to the story. But you’re okay with me saying that though, right? I don’t want to-”
They halted their words as the other gestured for them to stop. They knocked their fist three times, then made the gesture for ‘good’ as well. They had said yes.
And the world would know their story soon enough.
{I don’t trust myself well enough to explain the signs without thoroughly messing them up in word form, so… }
Actually we need more nonverbal/mute characters in media
Thank you for the tag @stopstealingtomatoes!
Last song: Ready Set Go by Royal Tailor (ft. Capital Kings)
Last movie: Avengers Infinity War (Woe to the world, death is upon us)
Currently reading: Supernova (Book 3 of the Renegades series) by Marissa Meyer
Tagging: @valiantlytransparentwhispers, @laffy-taffy-creations, @achytrak, @meowsikbox, @imllar, @kitsunesakii, @uvanuva
Rules; Tag 9 people you would like to know/catch up with. Tagged by @purpledrain, the queen of swords
Last song: Sweetheart by Allan Rayman (on repeat for a week now)
Last movie: Tom at the Farm (I’m a sucker for psychosexual trauma studies and blood)
Currently reading: Rereading Cain by Jose Saramago
tagging @rosymirth @la-clementina @gul-jaan @thedearidiot @ectrica