bludotpng - blu period
blu period

Izzy | 21 | I'm literally stupid asf and I draw

651 posts

She Has A Thing About Strays And This One Needed Her

She Has A Thing About Strays And This One Needed Her

She has a thing about strays and this one needed her

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6 months ago

Dear, free world: Apathy No More!

When piles and piles of people are apathetic when it comes to the genocide unfolding in Gaza, be the source of relief, hope, and support for the stranded helpless besieged people there. Astonishingly, our life in Gaza turned upside down in an instant?! We woke up one day to realize that a massive-scale war was to be launched against more than 2 million people in Gaza. My Facebook timeline was filled with countless posts in which Gazans publicly asked for forgiveness before their expected imminent mass murder. Can you imagine what it feels like reading all these scary posts and wondering if you should say a final 'Goodbye'?!

Then, Gazans ventured on their own version of Via Dolorosa (Way of Suffering) which included multiple forced displacements, acute life-threatening shortages of water and food, lost jobs, humiliation, mass destruction, injuries, and murder.

Dear, Free World: Apathy No More!
Dear, Free World: Apathy No More!

It is beyond shocking and sickening how desensitized our world has become to see all the horrifying images of children's body parts scattered everywhere and not lift a finger to stop this ruthless and inhumane genocide. I can say with all certitude on behalf of my people in Gaza that we have lost hope in all the vile desensitized regimes and politicians of the world.

However, we still have strong faith in the lovers and supporters of our just cause who never cease to shower us with their heartwarming words of support and uplifting wishes. Our belief in your humanity and support for our just cause drives us to ask you for help in this worst crisis in our history since the Nakba.

[Vetted by el-shab-hussein. # 151 on the list of Vetted Gaza Fundraisers List] 🍉🍉🍉

@ibtisams @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @90-ghost @vakarians-babe

@fairuzfan @sayruq @sar-soor @fallahifag @el-shab-hussein @tamarrud @humanvoicebox @plomegranate @queerstudiesnatural @commission4aid @nabulsi @stil-lindigo

@soon-palestine @communistchilchuck @palestinegenocide @ghost-and-a-half @northgazaupdates @northgazaupdates2 @palestinegenocide @kyra45-helping-others @kyra45 @nabulsi @commissions4aid-international @queerstudiesnatural @feluka @northgazaupdates @northgazaupdates2

Donate to Death chases my family in Gaza; help me save them, organized by Mahmoud Khalaf
People say: "Family always comes First," and to that, I say: "Amen!".… Mahmoud Khalaf needs your support for Death chases my family in Gaza;

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5 months ago

they should invent a way to save your mother

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6 months ago

The way I sat there screaming with the crowd.

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6 months ago

Something we should all understand almost a year into a genocide is that what israel means by "peace" and "ceasefire" is for Palestinians to completely submit and be ethnically cleansed. Anything short of that is unacceptable to israel, evidenced by their consistent shooting down of actual peace talks and negotiations.

But israel's attitude and actions is a microcosm of its imperial overlord's attitudes and actions, and especially the united states. "We don't negotiate with terrorists" is precisely what encapsulates this idea. No negotiation, only capitulation. Who is a terrorist? Anyone we want. This idea steeps into the average usamerican, knowingly or not. That's why nominally progressive people attack Palestine protestors, abstainers, third party voters. "Peace" means "vote for my candidate because xyz and if you don't, you're [word you can sub in terrorist for]". An economic base of imperialism begets a superstructure of imperialism which reinforces that economic base.