blueisquitetired - I Have A Job Its Called Writing Fanfiction
I Have A Job Its Called Writing Fanfiction

The world will rue the day it struck me down. I will ram into the back of its legs with my wheelchair (She/her 23)

426 posts

Tags From @reblog-subway-station:

Tags from @reblog-subway-station:

#woah!! I assume the ship crash and Emmet falling in were the same event or at least connected

Yup yup! They’d run into some nasty pirates while traveling and quickly found themselves out gunned and outmatched. Both of their ships suffered massive damage during the fight, and if they didn’t find a way out of the situation quickly, there was a very real chance they were going to die. So they pulled a Hail Mary.

Tags From @reblog-subway-station:

They entered a black hole.

Now black holes are risky and dangerous- but they are a legitimate form of travel. They could send you to the other side of the galaxy in an instant… but you can't control where exactly and it would seriously damage your ship. Neither Emmet nor Ingo had ever wanted to take those risks, but they were out of options.

It didn’t go well.

(Also, I'm not sure why they're called black holes in game when their function is that of a wormhole???)

#I don't know if it's like that in the game but the glass dimension being purple reminds me of space time distortions #they also remind me of glass domes

You know, I’m not sure how I haven’t made the connection between the distortion world and the land of glass. But you’re totally right that they’re similar!

If I had to guess why, I'd wager it's because the Land of Glass isn't purple... even though the glass itself is.

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Tags From @reblog-subway-station:

(The forbidden screenshot)

That’s kinda counterintuitive, but the reasoning for the discrepancy lies behind a part of the AU I haven’t actually mentioned yet:

The Sentinels.

Aka, the antagonists of this AU.

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More Posts from Blueisquitetired

8 months ago

This is part two. Read part one here

The Sentinels (Emmet)

“Warning. Sentinel detected.”

“Liar” Emmet smacked the side of his radar, but the message didn’t disappear. “Warning. Sentinel detected.” “Lie-“ Smack “-er.” Smack “Warning. Sentinel detected.”

Groaning, Emmet admitted defeat, flopping back onto the stupid reflective ground he was sitting on. He’d heard that traveling through black holes damaged equipment, but he hadn’t realized just how much it damaged them. Although, maybe that was just a consequence of being literally ripped out of his ship. Honestly, Emmet was lucky to be alive.

Still, nearly ever single feature of his suit had been non-functional when he came to, and his first few hours awake had been spent frantically fixing all of it. Thankfully, his equipment was all designed to be easy to repair with any natural elements around, but it was still a tense few hours. Especially when his radar warned him of sentinels the moment he got it working.

“Warning. Sentinel detected.” “Yup yup. Sentinels detected. You said that already.”

Of course, there wasn’t any sentinels around, no matter where Emmet looked or what he did. Nothing was there to bully him for mining, nothing was there to shoot him for daring to exist. Yet. Still. His radar insisted.

“Warning. Sentinel detected.”

Emmet had uninstalled and reinstalled the stupid thing four times, had checked every single connection and part- and had even straight up built a new one, and still it insisted there was sentinels nearby. There wasn’t, and Emmet was sick of its whining.

“Warning. Sentinel detected.” “Shut up. Please.”

Was there a way to turn off the voice warnings? Or make it stop searching for sentinels all together? There was obviously something about this planet that made his radar glitch out, and he doubted it would stop detecting the dang things until he was off planet.

Which would be hard to do without a ship.

“Warning. Sentinel detected.”

Man, he wished Ingo was here. Sure, it would be nice to get a second opinion on whatever was going on- but mostly he just missed his brother. He hadn’t responded to any of Emmet’s messages, so he was probably out of range of his local communicator. Honestly, he could be on the other side of the galaxy at this point, flung somewhere else entirely by that stupid black hole.

But hey! That’s why they had an emergency plan for situations like this! Emmet just needed to get to this system’s space station and then everything would be fine.

Which. Also required a ship.

“Warning. Sentinel detected.”

And that brought him right back to his stupid radar. He needed the dang thing in order to locate any nearby settlements, and he needed a settlement of some kind in order to hitch a ride on someone’s ship. Heck, he’d settle even for a wandering pilot at this point- just any kind of sentient life form!

“Warning. Sentinel detected.”

Maybe even a sentinel.

One of them would be better then the endless stretches of glassy hills, pillars of fractured glass and floating shards. Better then these oil slick skies and their sixteen bright stars, blinking down at him judgmentally.

This Is Part Two. Read Part One Here

He hoped that wherever Ingo ended up, it was nicer then this.

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10 months ago

Silver Bloodstains FINAL CHAPTER: Sleeping Beauty
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Summary: Emmet fixes things

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8 months ago

In everyone goes feral in Hisui, I think Akari should be able to bite Arceus, as a treat.

She should. It’s her right.

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9 months ago

Hello, yes so! Irida and Adaman! I have, So many questions about them in your Astral Shards AU. do you have alien species in mind for them or isit just "not human" at this stage? how did they first meet when the iterations arent supposed to be able to interact? did they create the in-between space or did they just happen upon it and decide to build a station in there? considering they think the god equivalent, atlas, is a liar how does that change their personalities from what we see in PLA (especially irida whose reverence for almighty sinnoh and Vast Hisui seemed to be emphasized even more than with adaman). im curious to know what theyd be like in a world where they not only both know exactly who/what created the universe but also think its kinda a dick and want to avoid it instead of worship it.

Adaman and Irida aren't super duper important for this AU in general, so I probably won't ever draw them or anything- but species wise they are travelers!

Hello, Yes So! Irida And Adaman! I Have, So Many Questions About Them In Your Astral Shards AU. Do You

That is to say- whatever they frick they want to be. If anyone has any ideas for potential designs I'd love to see them, you can get really creative here lol.

"how did they first meet when the iterations arent supposed to be able to interact?"

We'll see, that's how it's supposed to be. One traveler per universe, and the universe's stay separate. Except they kinda... don't.

Hello, Yes So! Irida And Adaman! I Have, So Many Questions About Them In Your Astral Shards AU. Do You

On occasion, the walls between realities will grow thin, and travelers echoes will pass though dimensions. They aren't really there and you can't fully interact with them, but you can talk and that's all that Irida and Adaman really needed. The anomaly was created so they could truly interact, truly stand in the same room together, finally no longer be alone.

They did a lot of research to get to this point, to figure out how to open spaces between dimensions and how to gather other travelers together. In that research they learned more about the Atlas... and they didn't like what they found.

"considering they think the god equivalent, atlas, is a liar how does that change their personalities from what we see in PLA (especially irida whose reverence for almighty sinnoh and Vast Hisui seemed to be emphasized even more than with adaman)"

These are all interesting ideas- and actually ones they play around with in text!

Hello, Yes So! Irida And Adaman! I Have, So Many Questions About Them In Your Astral Shards AU. Do You

This is Nada and Polo, the characters I had Irida and Adaman replace. They serve the same role in the game as I've given Irida and Adaman... including their distrust of the Atlas.

Which is especially juicy when you notice that Nada is a Korvax... aka those guys that worship the Atlas.

(They are also the only people aboard the anomaly who aren't travelers! ...don't ask why I made Adaman and Irida travelers in spite of this, I don't have a good answer lol)

I think Irida probably worshiped that Atlas before, after she learned of her special role in the universe and how much the Atlas loved her personally. I think she started asking too many questions though, which lead to her learning more and inevitably growing bitter with it.

All that being said though, Irida and Adaman are just minor characters in this AU and don't have too much impact on the over arching plot. Knowing how much you like Irida though, I'm sure you would have much more thoughts on the matter than me.

Thank you for the ask!

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8 months ago

We’re back baby.

Everyone Goes Feral in Hisui Chapter 24: Travels and Separations
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Summary: Elesa quells Lord Avalugg. The gang splits up.

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