Aro/don’t talk to me about classes I’ll die/22/I write sometimes
63 posts
In The Free Guy Universe There Is Most Definitely Blue Shirt Guy Fanfiction
In the Free Guy universe there is most definitely Blue Shirt Guy fanfiction
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Do a part 2 of I’ve got a race to win! PLS it’s so good like give us the smut 😩😩
Ummmmmmmm so no smut(sorry to disappoint) but I don’t write that but heres a part two nonetheless
Also I honestly didn’t expect part one to get so much attention
This is about Xaiver and NOT Percy Hynes-White

Xavier Thorpe X Reader
Part One
Ummmmmm yeah. Typical relationship problems sequel. Slight angst(maybe, not really) ahead. Happy ending because I can’t write one that isn’t annnnnnd Xaiver’s a little bit of a whiney bitch in this (that boy has some abandonment issues and maybe some other things, depressed ass) This is also kinda shitty because i honestly didn’t know how to expand on part one
——— ———
Oh god you fucked up. How you fucked up, you aren’t quite sure.
After the Poe cup you tried to get back to Xavier, but you just got caught up in everyone. Your team decided to have a mini celebration in your dorm and whenever you tried to leave, someone pulled you back.
You didn’t think too much of it, Xavier was your best friend(? Boyfriend? You don't really know) you could talk to him tomorrow.
But, as it seems, he did not want to talk to you.
You tried, you tried a ton. Every class you had with him you made a point to sit next to him and try to get his attention. You passed notes, made quiet quips to him about the lessons, tried to follow him to classes you didn’t even have.
He was ignoring you. It was very plain to see. Maybe if you had found him immediately after the cup. Maybe if you talked to him more insistently. Maybe if you hadn’t kissed him at all. You could have been misreading the signals, there might not have been any to begin with. And now you have fucked up and you don’t even really know what your fuck up is.
“I don’t see why you can’t just speak with him.” Wednesday says, watching you pathetically lay face down on Enid’s bed. “He’s ignoring them though.” Enid replies, sitting down next to you.
“I don't see why you can’t use force. Or let me drain him of his blood, that would put an end to this exhausting situation and let me have quiet writing time.” She snips out, pushing the keys on her typewriter a bit too forcefully.
“I’m not as intimidating as you. He’d see through any intimidating facade I put on.” You put a mocking tone on intimidating, knowing Xaiver would probably laugh in your face if you tried to be forceful with him.
He didn’t laugh when you were nipping at his neck in the forest
You groan at your thoughts, who even knows if he actually enjoyed that. Could have been faking to stall you. Which, in hindsight, doesn’t really make sense considering all it did was stall him.
A knock on the door breaks you out of your thoughts.
“Why is our room the one everyone decides to congregate in?” Wednesday asks annoyed, getting up to angrily open the door.
You jolt upright at Xavier’s voice.
“Wednesday, I really need to talk to you.” He said, not yet noticing you. She groans in response before stalking over to you.
Xaiver looks… honestly as bad as you felt, despite that you can’t help find his undone look incredibly attractive. Even though he looks ready to bolt as soon as he sees you.
Wednesday grabs your hand, forcefully pulling you up and dragging you towards the door.
“I believe you need to speak with them.” She replies by pushing you out the door.
You both stand there silently for a very long time.
You don’t really know what he’s waiting for. You’ve tried talking to him and all he does is push you away. The sigh that comes out of you when you realize he’s waiting for you is quite pitiful if you’re being honest.
You start to walk away, not letting him have the satisfaction of you asking what’s wrong again.
“Wait! Please… we really should talk.” He says after grabbing your arm. He puts on a joking tone, as if you’d laugh after all your dropped jokes from today.
“I don’t see why you want to talk now. After I’ve been trying all day.” You quip back, thoroughly exhausted with him.
“I know… I shouldn't have ignored you. I just… can we not do this in front of Enid’s room where you know she’s listening? Please?” He trails off, placing a pointed stare at the door behind you.
“Fine.” You sigh out, removing your hand from his grip and walking swiftly down the hallway. He catches up with you easily. Damn those long legs.
The walk to your dorm is awkward. So very awkward. The both of you used to be able to fill any silence with banter, gossip, or nothing at all, not caring what filled the silence, just that you were spending time with one another.
Then you went and screwed it all up.
Or he did.
Or you both did.
You honestly don’t know.
When you open the door you both walk quickly in, letting him shut it before leaning back.
“Look, I… I’m sorry for ignoring you. It was uncalled for.” He gets out, he’s never really been good at apologies.
“I don’t care that you were ignoring me, okay I care but I just want to know the reason. What did I do that made you so pissed?” You ask, placing your hands on your hips.
He looks utterly astonished that you don’t know, not taking into consideration that he didn’t tell you.
“Excuse me? You used me! You kissed me when you knew I liked you to win the stupid trophy and didn’t even care enough to spare me a glance after you did.” He answers, which only makes you more confused.
“First of all you kissed me, not the other way around! And secondly, how could I have used your feelings if I didn’t even know you had them! And third of all! I tried to talk to you and you blew me off!” You reply, stalking closer to him.
“How could you not have! I made it so incredibly obvious! Everyone knew! They constantly joked about how whipped I am in front of you!” He says, exasperatedly, running his hands through his hair.
“Well I didn’t! And now you decide to ignore me because I couldn’t get back to you immediately after I won! I wanted to! If that makes you feel better. Except you’re so good at ignoring me and not just fucking communicating like a rational person, that that wouldn’t have mattered! Ya’ know sometimes I think- “ it doesn’t really matter what you think when Xavier pulls you head forward to meet your lips with his.
While this is most certainly not a solution to the problem at hand you can’t deny it’s a very good distraction. Xavier’s hands land on your cheeks, making sure you don’t stray too far from him in your attempts for breath, while yours are clutched at his shirt, just as desperate to keep him close to you.
God, it’s lovely, hot breaths mingled in between long drawn out kisses and Xaivers short groans whenever you decide to nip at his lips.
Reluctantly(very reluctantly) you pull away from him.
“This isn’t exactly communicating.” You whisper out, looking at Xaivers flushed face.
“You’re not getting the message?” He says, trailing one of his hands down to rest on your hip. “I love you, have for longer than I’d like to admit.”
“Thankfully, don’t know what I’d do if I had to go back to pretending that you don’t drive me crazy.” You confess, quivering as his thumb swipes over your lips.
“I might need to make it a little clearer though.” He suggests with a devious glint in his eyes.
“Maybe… “ you breathe out, your eyelids already sliding shut.
Once his lips are on yours for a third time in the past 24 hours, you don’t think you could ever remember when victory tasted as sweet.
something else i really vibe w about your MCs is how you write them… kinda dumb?? like she’s so relatable she can be a lil stupid too. as a treat <3
i love it it’s relatable to me someone who’s also a lil stupid ppl think “how do they not realize” but when i was in hs a guy showed me his promposal and i went “aw cute who’s it for” and he said “you” and i said “…. lol no fr who’s it for” my peak dumb fanfic girlie moment
Omg you literally are out there serving big Reader energy. Thank you for your service comrade lmfaooo
For real though how the hell are you supposed to know. I will never understand how flirting works and I always feel like it's the height of self-conceit to assume some guy is into me!! So I feel your pain 😭
It's like that meme!!

reblog to give the person you reblogged this from the motivation to finish a wip
hiii! i loved your distraction fic with xavier so i was just wondering if you could write a ajax x fem or gn reader fic please 🥲
ignore this is you don't want to lmao
-More Pressing Matters-

Ajax Petropolus X Reader
First I didn’t write distraction (wish I did) that was just a reblog. Ummmmmm I really didn’t know what to do for this one sooooooo yeah. It’s kinda bad becuase I really didn’t know what to write so this is just word vomit really
Make-out cause what would I wright without that and reader is Xaiver’s sibling. No gendered pronouns and reader isn’t referred to as anything other than ‘you’
“Um, phosphorus?” You answer, and it’s incredibly clear that you are not confident in what you’re saying.
“Nope.” Ajax says, flipping the note card in his hand for you to see. You’re both seated on your bed, facing each other while Ajax flips through note cards, quizzing you. “I’m never gonna get this.” You sigh, leaning your head back.
“Oh come on, you’ve got this. I’d expect you to be the one quizzing me.” He replies, flipping through the remaining note cards.
“There’s only a few left, we could watch a movie afterwards?” He questions, moving closer to you. “I’d love to.” You reply.
“Ok, what is the twenty-sixth element on the periodic table?” He asked, looking up at you through his eyelashes.
“Um, Boron?” You answer, tilting your head a bit.
He sighs, dropping the notecards. “Ok, what’s going on? I know you know this. You’re acing chemistry, I’ve seen your test scores.” He says, staring at you with a confused face.
“I- ” crap, how are you going to get out of this one? You’ll admit you might have been lying not truthing about how much you were struggling in chemistry but… ok you don’t really have a good excuse.
You sigh in defeat, you might as well confess.
“I was hoping you might take the hint and ask me out. I’ve been pretending to be awful at this so you’d offer a coffee date or something.” You pout, crossing your arms.
“Is that what it is? Wait, that came out wrong. I mean yes I like you but I never thought you would like me back. Especially because of Xaiver-“
“My brother doesn’t control me, he can worry about it all he wants but in the end the decision is mine.” You cut him off, a stern tone in your voice. You move yourself closer to him before resting a hand on his chest.
“So if you like me, and I like you, does that mean this is a date? You’re my boyfriend? And all that comes with?” You ask, leaning into him.
“Um” he mutters, staring at your lips, then you, then your lips, then you, this goes on for a minute. Finally he lets out a long sigh. “Xaiver’s gonna kill me.” He says before pushing forward.
His lips are soft. You don’t know why you expected anything else but it’s the first thing you notice. Honestly everything about this is soft. He holds your face like you’re some delicate piece of artwork, something that could shatter with the smallest touch.
And the shutter of his breath he lets out when the both of you pull away is deafening. You, personally, don’t really like the distance between the two of you so you start to lean back in before Ajax stops you.
“Don’t. You kiss me again I don’t think I’ll be able to stop.” He whispers, pupils dilated more than you've ever seen them.
“And if I don’t want you to stop?” You ask, making it so there was barely a centimeter of space between the two of you.
He answers by pressing his lips to yours again. He’s not holding back you realize, it's all very enticing. He’s pushing forward, faster than you can lean back. Leading to you underneath him while he has a hand by your head and one resting on your waist. He’s able to pull all these quiet moans from your mouth all while simultaneously keeping you breathless.
“What the fuck is going on?” A shout makes you jerk apart from one another. Ugh, you hadn’t even noticed the door opening.
Despite the fact you have very firmly told Xaiver to knock he still clearly believes that he may barge in without warning whenever he likes. And despite the fact you have your clear annoyance written in your face Xaiver still thinks it appropriate to glare at the both of you. If looks could kill you believe Ajax would be far further than six feet under.
“Well, while you were busy moaning over your terrible love life, I was busy getting some. So if you don’t mind, I would like to get back to it.” You respond, getting up to push him out.
“Now wait, I believe I told you both to stay away from each other. How could you? Behind my back!” He pointed an accusing finger at Ajax. Who, in truth, looked ready for the ground to swallow him whole.
“And I told you that you don’t control me. So go back to painting or whatever and let me have this.” You said, finally pushing him out the door with a final shove.
He shouts from beyond the door but the both of you ignore it.
“I really don’t think he’s just going to drop the subject.” Ajax says, biting his lip.
“I don’t think a relationship between us is the end of the world. So if that's what he wants to worry about I’m not going to care much.” You reply, walking over to him before straddling his lap.
“There are more pressing matters.” You whisper with lidded eyes, your hands roaming up his shoulders.
“Yep, definitely, I agree.” He says quickly before meeting your lips once again.

I colored this in for funnies. Let me know if you want me to take this down
The shading is shit so pls be nice cause I do t draw much
